CLASS40 en-EN <![CDATA[CIC Normandy Channel Race : 15 years and a trophy as coveted as ever]]> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 GMT Sunday 15 September will herald the start in Caen / Ouistreham of the 15th edition of the CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE. Though the past 3 years have seen entry numbers soar at around thirty or more, this year a hectic 2024 transatlantic circuit has resulted in a few of the Class40s suffering damage. Despite this, some 25 competitors will still be taking the start of the event in what is the biggest line-up of the season for Class40. Furthermore, to match up to the ever-increasing competitive appeal of the event, there will be a real breakthrough in terms of audience figures with LA CHAINE L’ÉQUIPE debuting live coverage of the start right across France. The most coveted Trophy of the Class40 season? Such is the opinion of Italian skipper Alberto Bona (IBSA), 2023 Class40 champion: “The Normandy is a very tough race with a format that is midway between a sprint and a marathon. With 2 Channel crossings, passages with some of the strongest currents in the world, legendary islets like Tuskar and Fastnet, plus September weather which may make things even more complicated, it has all the elements of a great classic, the reward for which is the most coveted trophy of the Class40 season.” Alberto Bona has generously invited aboard his compatriot Alberto Riva, skipper of ACROBATICA, who beat Class40’s 24-hour record this spring after covering a whopping 433.5 miles, before he sadly lost his boat in the last transatlantic race. Xavier Macaire (GROUPE SNEF), the recent winner on the Atlantic race is also well aware of the difficulties of this event: “The CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE boasts a very high standard of racing and it’s very interesting on a sporting level with some very tough competition.” Axel Trehin (PROJECT RESCUE OCEAN) meantime reminds us that “it’s always a massive pleasure to head over to Caen each year to compete in this unmissable Class40 meet.” He’d obviously like to round off his adventure with his current Class40 as he began it back in 2021, namely with a victory. Naming an event favourite is always a very risky exercise given the number of pretenders to victory and the many twists and turns that typically colour this race. Ian Lipinski (CREDIT MUTUEL), a former winner, will be trialling his brand-new Raison design with Antoine Carpentier, whilst Fabien Delahaye (LEGALLAIS), 3rd and 2nd in the last two transatlantic races, would clearly like to get his hands on the number 1 spot for the first time in this event. Vincent Riou, a past winner of the Vendée Globe (PIERREVAL FONDATION GOOD PLANET), will be keen to show his brand-new craft in a good light;  while Erwan le Draoulec (EVERIAL), former winner of the Mini Transat, will be focused on posting a dazzling performance in his first participation. Alongside these professionals, the majority of whom will be racing Scow bows, a number of amateurs will have free rein of the Sharp bows for this race. These include Alexandre Le Gallais (TRIM CONTROL), Louis Mayaud / Alexandre Bellanger (BELCO), as well as Thomas LURTON (OSE TA VICTOIRE) Finally, 3 crews signed up for the GLOBE40 will be joining the fray in a bid to hone their weapons before their epic adventure in 2025 (Richard Palmer with JANGADA RACING, Nicolas Guibal on esatco and Thibault Lefevere on FREEDOM). The presentation file for each crew can be viewed on the website HERE A breakthrough with a new France-wide media audience On Sunday 15 September, LA CHAINE L’EQUIPE will provide live hour-long coverage of the start from 13:00 to 14:00 hours local time. France’s leading free sports channel, LA CHAINE L’ÉQUIPE boasts some 6.6-million TV viewers each day. This will be a first for an exclusive Class40 event. Set up with the support of the CIC, this device will be accompanied by some new means mobilised within the context of the video production and piloted by IMAGES IN FRANCE, which will feature a helicopter, a production bus and a satellite bus in position in Ouistreham. The live coverage of the start will be accompanied by the usual daily reporting device, the CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE minute, featured on the channel from Saturday 14 to Sunday 22 September. The Minute report will also be broadcast on the L’ÉQUIPE.FR website, which boasted 442-million pages views back in July (source ACPM). This device will complement FRANCE 3 NORMANDIE’s usual commitment to the race with the FRANCE 3 CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE Minute over the course of the 12-day event from Wednesday 11 to Sunday 22 September. The start will also be broadcast live on FRANCE 3’s digital networks. source: Sirius Evenements[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[CIC Normandy Channel Race : 15 years and a trophy as coveted as ever]]> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 GMT Sunday 15 September will herald the start in Caen / Ouistreham of the 15th edition of the CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE. Though the past 3 years have seen entry numbers soar at around thirty or more, this year a hectic 2024 transatlantic circuit has resulted in a few of the Class40s suffering damage. Despite this, some 25 competitors will still be taking the start of the event in what is the biggest line-up of the season for Class40. Furthermore, to match up to the ever-increasing competitive appeal of the event, there will be a real breakthrough in terms of audience figures with LA CHAINE L’ÉQUIPE debuting live coverage of the start right across France. The most coveted Trophy of the Class40 season? Such is the opinion of Italian skipper Alberto Bona (IBSA), 2023 Class40 champion: “The Normandy is a very tough race with a format that is midway between a sprint and a marathon. With 2 Channel crossings, passages with some of the strongest currents in the world, legendary islets like Tuskar and Fastnet, plus September weather which may make things even more complicated, it has all the elements of a great classic, the reward for which is the most coveted trophy of the Class40 season.” Alberto Bona has generously invited aboard his compatriot Alberto Riva, skipper of ACROBATICA, who beat Class40’s 24-hour record this spring after covering a whopping 433.5 miles, before he sadly lost his boat in the last transatlantic race. Xavier Macaire (GROUPE SNEF), the recent winner on the Atlantic race is also well aware of the difficulties of this event: “The CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE boasts a very high standard of racing and it’s very interesting on a sporting level with some very tough competition.” Axel Trehin (PROJECT RESCUE OCEAN) meantime reminds us that “it’s always a massive pleasure to head over to Caen each year to compete in this unmissable Class40 meet.” He’d obviously like to round off his adventure with his current Class40 as he began it back in 2021, namely with a victory. Naming an event favourite is always a very risky exercise given the number of pretenders to victory and the many twists and turns that typically colour this race. Ian Lipinski (CREDIT MUTUEL), a former winner, will be trialling his brand-new Raison design with Antoine Carpentier, whilst Fabien Delahaye (LEGALLAIS), 3rd and 2nd in the last two transatlantic races, would clearly like to get his hands on the number 1 spot for the first time in this event. Vincent Riou, a past winner of the Vendée Globe (PIERREVAL FONDATION GOOD PLANET), will be keen to show his brand-new craft in a good light;  while Erwan le Draoulec (EVERIAL), former winner of the Mini Transat, will be focused on posting a dazzling performance in his first participation. Alongside these professionals, the majority of whom will be racing Scow bows, a number of amateurs will have free rein of the Sharp bows for this race. These include Alexandre Le Gallais (TRIM CONTROL), Louis Mayaud / Alexandre Bellanger (BELCO), as well as Thomas LURTON (OSE TA VICTOIRE) Finally, 3 crews signed up for the GLOBE40 will be joining the fray in a bid to hone their weapons before their epic adventure in 2025 (Richard Palmer with JANGADA RACING, Nicolas Guibal on esatco and Thibault Lefevere on FREEDOM). The presentation file for each crew can be viewed on the website HERE A breakthrough with a new France-wide media audience On Sunday 15 September, LA CHAINE L’EQUIPE will provide live hour-long coverage of the start from 13:00 to 14:00 hours local time. France’s leading free sports channel, LA CHAINE L’ÉQUIPE boasts some 6.6-million TV viewers each day. This will be a first for an exclusive Class40 event. Set up with the support of the CIC, this device will be accompanied by some new means mobilised within the context of the video production and piloted by IMAGES IN FRANCE, which will feature a helicopter, a production bus and a satellite bus in position in Ouistreham. The live coverage of the start will be accompanied by the usual daily reporting device, the CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE minute, featured on the channel from Saturday 14 to Sunday 22 September. The Minute report will also be broadcast on the L’ÉQUIPE.FR website, which boasted 442-million pages views back in July (source ACPM). This device will complement FRANCE 3 NORMANDIE’s usual commitment to the race with the FRANCE 3 CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE Minute over the course of the 12-day event from Wednesday 11 to Sunday 22 September. The start will also be broadcast live on FRANCE 3’s digital networks. source: Sirius Evenements[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Drheam Cup : SNEF Group in the spotlight]]> Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT Setting out from Cherbourg-en-Cotentin on Monday July 15 at 4:30 pm, the crew of Class40 Groupe Snef, led by Xavier Macaire, has just won the Dhream Cup in its category, crossing the finish line in La Trinité-sur-mer this Friday July 19 at 8:06 pm and 07 seconds, after 4 days 3 hours 36 minutes and 07 seconds of racing.  Before the start, the race management had announced a reduction in the course due to increasingly light weather conditions; thus, instead of the 1000 miles initially planned, the Class40s will have covered 630 miles, abandoning the Fastnet passage. However, the Dhream Cup 2024 lived up to its reputation as a technical and challenging race. After invigorating conditions in the Cherbourg harbor, offering a fine reaching crossing of the English Channel during which it was necessary to be concentrated and constantly at the helm, the fleet sailed upwind along the English coast. Constantly battling for first place with Swift, second when passing Wolf Rock and the Drheam Cup mark, Team Snef definitively took first place from July 18 onwards, thanks to an interesting strategic choice: to look for stronger, more stable wind at the coast, before rounding Rochebonne. This operation enabled them to pass the mark at the head of the fleet, which Xavier Macaire, Tanguy Bouroullec and Hugo Cardon would stay with until the finish in La Trinité-sur-mer. While the 3 scows battled hard, so did the 6 sharp boats. At the end of 4 days and 9 hours, it was the crew of TrimContrôl, Alexandre Le Gallais and Henry de Malet, who came out on top. Xavier Macaire: “It was a great race, we had a good rhythm. It wasn't a foregone conclusion from the start, but that spiced up the match. We passed Wolf Rock behind Swift, but we didn't want to let him gain ground. We battled hard and chose the right options. The three of us got on really well together, with Tanguy with whom I'd already sailed on Les Sables-Horta last year, and Hugo, who knows the boat from a delivery trip from Marseille to Les Sables d'Olonne. There was a great chemistry between us, and it was really great. After the Drheam Cup mark, the route was blocked by the anticyclone. We had two options: go around the anticyclone to the south, or go north of the bubble and head east towards Pointe Bretagne. If we went east, the routing had us far behind the others. So we started heading south, but when we analyzed the new files, we realized that the easterly option was now better. There was a choice to be made, we had to make a decision, we couldn't change our minds any more, we really had to choose. It seemed safer and less risky to go east, to Pointe Bretagne. Shortly afterwards, Swift broke away from this option and changed course to head south. We weren't far behind them, trying to overtake them before the finish. We continued with our option, which we had decided on on the basis of our convictions and our feeling. By deciding to change their route, they opened a door for us. On our side, we never doubted and it really worked. We took advantage of this opportunity to get ahead of them, and then we didn't let up. We just kept widening the gap with them, continuing to sail as if we were side by side with other boats. We're very happy that our option paid off.” Source : Service de presse X. Macaire. Classement général : Drheam Cup - Class40 Classement Trophée Europe : europeantrophy24postdrheamcup.pdf ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Amarris wins the 10th edition of Québec Saint-Malo]]> Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT The 10th edition of the Transat Québec Saint-Malo will undoubtedly be a milestone in the long and glorious history of this race, created in 1984 to mark the 450th anniversary of the founding of Quebec City by Jacques Cartier of Saint-Malo. There were 23 Class40s on the starting line, and no fewer than fifteen of them were in contention for victory, all driven by top-flight crews. And the race lived up to all its promises: performance, with the 24-hour record beaten by Guillaume Pirouelle and his boys from Sogestran-Seafrigo (440.2 miles! ), a close-quarters race from start to finish, with 12 boats finishing in just over 2 hours, and a majestic 15-day adventure over an average of more than 3,400 miles, with all the crews facing every conceivable sailing condition, river and coastal, low-pressure and high-cyclone, and a cut-throat battle at every turn. Achille Nebout, Gildas Mahé and Alan Roberts won out over Amarris, adding panache to their victory by finishing the last 850 miles of the course on a single rudder! A troubled Atlantic With the arrival this morning of Jean Yves Aglaé's Team Martinique Horizon, just 16 hours after the winner Achille Nebout, only the Femina Ocean Challenge girls Equinoxe and Julia Virat are still racing. The unexpected length of the race can be explained by a particularly unsettled Atlantic Ocean, on which none of the major weather systems usually in circulation in summer were present. The sailors had to constantly rewrite their race plans, at great intellectual cost, from the moment they left the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to find the best route to Brittany between ridges of wind and small active low-pressure and storm centers. While the direct route between Quebec City and Saint-Malo was theoretically 2,845 miles, all the protagonists ended up covering an average of more than 3,500 miles. Dramatic turn of events on the way out of the Gulf of St. Lawrence And this exercise proved fatal to a number of leaders and potential winners in the early hours of the Atlantic. Ambrogio Beccaria (AllaGrande Pirelli), Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel), Erwan Le Draoulec (Everial), and Alberto Bona (IBSA group), to name but a few of the top names, threw themselves wholeheartedly and with conviction onto a northerly course, which was quickly obliterated by the lack of wind, forcing them to make a painful and penalizing change of tactic. As a result, the race settled down in the first few days in the Atlantic, trapping the northerners and freeing those favouring a route south of the great circle. However, with vast zones of high pressure blocking the Atlantic, the leaders were soon forced to lengthen their course to the south, in the wake of a particularly inspired Fabien Delahaye (Legallais) and Pierre-Louis Attwell (Vogue avec un Crohn). By the 9th day of racing, they were only 300 miles north of the Azores. Yesterday's losers were able to start believing in their chances again, and the 240-mile gap between the southern protagonists and the unfortunate northerners began to melt away, and would continue to narrow until they landed on Ushant. Compression in Ushant Indeed, the race was coming back from behind, under the effect of a low-pressure system circulating to the east, which brought all the contenders for victory back to the leader, Legallais. Amarris, despite being deprived of one of her rudders, played the last big trick of this transatlantic race to perfection, slipping south of her adversary who had come up against the light airs of the Bay of Biscay. Playing for all he was worth, with his only appendage definitively on his port side, he managed to keep his direct rivals at a short distance, to win and sign a magnificent victory. Three crews from Normandy, Fabien Delahaye (Legallais), Pierre Louis Attwell (Vogue avec un Crohn) and Guillaume Pirouelle (Sogestran - Seafrigo), made up the top five, along with the 100% all-female crew of Amélie Grassi, who was always at the front of the pack and played a key role in the finale of this breathtaking transatlantic race. Achille Nebout - Amarris « I dedicate this great victory to my daughter, Galla, who was born before the race. It is indeed a great victory, and an immense satisfaction for the whole crew. We fought hard, in adversity, against fierce competition, often on sight, edge to edge. It's a bit of a miracle because we lost our starboard rudder 850 miles from the finish. For a moment, we thought about stopping and perhaps giving up. Before Ushant, we were able to take advantage of a long tack on the right side, and by staying to the south of the fleet, we benefited from an excellent wind angle which enabled us to come back on Legallais and pass him just as he hit the flats. But after Ushant, upwind, with the wind increasing, we sailed with the rudder on the wrong tack, and to our amazement, it worked. So that's how we ended up, without changing the rudder. It's a bit of a miracle. It's also down to the quality of my crew, Gildas (Mahé) and Alan (Roberts). We got on perfectly, and our cohesion and complementarity played to the full. It's the first time I've won a race as legendary as the Québec Saint Malo. It's a crazy, intense race, with constant twists and turns. It was a very long race, with lots of transitions and weather variations. The human experience is fantastic. » General ranking: Transat Québec Saint-Malo - Class40 2024 Championship ranking : championnat2024postqsm.pdf ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[9 Class40 on the Drheam Cup !]]> Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT Top start for the 9 Class40s taking part in the Drheam Cup!The 600nm program: after crossing the English Channel to the West Shambles mark, the fleet will head for Wolf Rock, then down to the virtual DRHEAM-CUP point off the tip of Brittany, then to the Rochebonne plateau before heading back up to La Trinité-sur-Mer. The second will be identical, except that once the DRHEAM-CUP point has been left to port, competitors will head directly for La Trinité-sur-Mer, leaving Houat and Hoëdic to port. Tracker : Entry List : Drheam Cup - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Sogestran - Seafrigo (#197) improves on 24-hour distance record !]]> Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT The trio of Class40 Sogestran - Seafrigo (#197), Guillaume Pirouelle, Alexis Loison and Jules Ducelier, then in 10th position in the Transat Québec Saint-Malo, have broken the record for distance covered in 24 hours on a Class40*. The Mach40.5 covered 440.2 nautical miles between Monday July 8 (16:30 UTC) and Tuesday July 9 (16:30 UTC) at an average speed of 18.34 knots. This record had previously been held by Alberto Riva and his crew on Acrobatica. They sailed 433.53 miles at an average speed of 18.06 knots during the Niji 40 transatlantic race, which they finished in second place. The Franco-Italian crew, also racing in the Transat Québec Saint-Malo, unfortunately triggered their distress beacon yesterday, Tuesday 9th, and had to be airlifted out. The Sogestran - Seafrigo team and the entire Class40 fleet are eagerly awaiting news of the three sailors. Guillaume Pirouelle: "It's a strange feeling, because first of all we're really pleased to have achieved this record. 440.2 MN in 24 hours is no mean feat, and Alexis and Jules and I really put our heart and soul into it! It's a huge satisfaction. But after that, the conditions are very, very tough and we're sorry to have heard about Acrobatica's misfortune. It reminds us that it's the ocean that decides who goes through. We're reassured that the 3 sailors are safe and sound. For our part, we're staying focused, as things are going to remain complicated for the whole fleet for a few days yet. Anything can still happen, and the match will end in the Bay of Saint Malo." *As a reminder, the definition of a 24h record is not the actual distance covered between 2 points in 24h, but the distance in a straight line between two GPS points in a maximum of 24.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Transat Québec Saint-Malo: The good will of the St. Lawrence]]> Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT The immense and majestic St. Lawrence River is undoubtedly the central character of these early hours of the 10th Transat Québec Saint-Malo. Right from the start at 14:15 on Sunday June 30, after a slight delay due to the unexpected arrival of a violent thunderstorm on the line, it dictated the mood of the 23 Class40s competing. Nothing excessive in this case, insofar as the north-westerly wind, albeit irregular in strength, favored rather unbridled speeds from the very first tacks, favorable to gliding and direct courses. On the other hand, it proved to be a devilishly tricky wind, with its strong currents, numerous sandbanks and other spiky effects. At the end of the first night's racing, it was no surprise that the big VOR 70 Atlas Ocean Racing, thanks to a clever passage to the north of Ile aux lièvres, led the way, ahead of a still compact group of around fifteen Class40s. Achille Nebout and his Amarris have held on to the leadership of the 12.18 m monohulls ever since his thundering start. Meticulous trajectories, hyper-responsiveness to the slightest oscillations in the westerly wind, vigilance to traffic and other vagaries of the river will have kept the crews on their toes during these crucial first hours of racing. What a start! Dreaded by all, the start phase under the Plains of Abraham and in front of Saint Romuald lived up to its promise of spectacle and emotion for the many spectators massed around the port of Quebec. Alternating between big Spinnaker and gennaker, the Class40s took to the skies behind the storm, sucked in by a north-westerly flow strong enough to help them manage the reversal of strong currents just before Île d'Orléans. The whole fleet took advantage of a brief buffet stop to wind down and throw back the weather canvas, and the leaders resumed their course, still on port tack and in contact with each other. Jules Bonnier and his "pointu" Nestenn - Entrepreneurs pour la planète competed with Achille Nebout and the top-of-the-range crew of Amarris, Gildas Mahé and Alan Roberts, very inspired to place their Lombard plan in the right current veins. While the rounding of Orleans Island saw only Vincent Riou (Pierreval - Fondation GoodPlanète) attempt the devil via the north of the island, for a very relative gain, in the middle of the night, the île aux coudres offered the whole fleet the opportunity to opt for the latter. And it was the Franco-Italians on Alla Grande-Pirelli who made the most of their southerly route to temporarily outmaneuver Amarris. Since then, Amarris has been fighting hard to take the Class40 lead from Ambrogio Beccaria, Julien Villon and Bastian Oger. Quebec ! As we approach Tadoussac, the majestic St. Lawrence stretches out over a width of almost 30 km, and begins to take on the allure of an arm of the sea, which would have inspired the 17th-century Norman sailors to utter the interjection "Qué bec!" - what a bay! Reversing currents continue to play on the nerves of the sailors, stretching and compressing the gaps as they make their way through the buffet stops, some of which, like Julia Virat (Femina Ocean Challenge), are set to last for long hours. "It was a very complicated first day, with a lot of small and very debilitating breakdowns," explained Julia in her overnight message.  "We almost ran aground. Lots of maneuvering and no rest. We dropped anchor to let the current through." Now back on course, this all-female crew closes the gap over 60 miles from the leader. tracker : SoluSport ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Centrakor wins the Massilia Offshore Cup and extends its lead at the Trophée Méditerranée 2024]]> Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT 2 stages, 2 wins! The Centrakor duo, Mikael Mergui and Richard Rombini, completed a flawless 2-stage race from Marseille to Barcelona! Matteo Sericano (Tyrolit), 2nd overall: "We're delighted with this result, which allowed us to put ourselves to the test and place ourselves ahead of many prestigious teams and boats. But the greatest satisfaction lies in our performance over the two legs of this regatta. On the second leg, we suffered from the decision to sail close to the coast in uncertain weather conditions, a choice which proved less than advantageous. However, we found the strength not to lose our determination until the end of the race, both during the night and the following day, keeping our Class40 among the best in the final rankings. This regatta had a special value for me, as I had the opportunity to forge closer ties with some of my childhood heroes. Their willingness to share their experiences, which I dreamed of as a child, inspired me and filled me with admiration. This spirit is a unique aspect of ocean sailing and one of the reasons I'm so passionate about what I do." Mathieu Claveau (Prendre la mer Agir pour la Forêt), 2nd sharp (pointu): "We took the lead on the 2nd leg on the evening of the first day after a good weather analysis and a few good strategic moves. Once we were ahead, the pressure was on and it was impossible to rest on our laurels, as every inch of mile gained or lost required new adjustments... every variation in wind strength and direction required an adjustment to the trajectory and weight distribution on the boat. We kept Centrakor and Phenix in check all night and part of the morning... Unfortunately, the wind picked up in the afternoon and the angle opened up.... And here.... The power of our opponents' more recent hulls spoke for itself. The knife fell, and 4 boats came back in front, including Crosscall like an airplane! All in all, it was a great satisfaction to have led the way, warmly congratulated and recognized by the organization and our competitors.... In short, we're a little disappointed, but we've still had a great race in 2024, and this motivates the team even more for future projects!" Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall), 3rd overall: "It was my very first regatta in the Mediterranean aboard the Crosscall Class40, and it was really great. It was a constant battle. We sailed on sight from start to finish, and it's fair to say that the Mediterranean lived up to its reputation for being unpredictable! There was never a good routing or weather file, even for ten minutes! It was all very interesting. We tried to keep up with the locals, but didn't always succeed. We made a few mistakes at times, notably when we stole the start in Barcelona, which forced us to make repairs (and cross the line again, editor's note), and above all we tested our patience, which isn't exactly one of my strong points to begin with! In addition to the conditions, which weren't what we're used to in the Atlantic, the race format was also different, as it was quite short. It was a lot of fun and taught me a lot of new things, as it's a whole new exercise to get the boat up and running in this type of situation. In particular, it's going to give me something to think about when it comes to the sails." Massilia general ranking : Massilia Cup Offshore - Trophée Barcelona - Class40 Mediteranéan trophy: mediterraneantrophy24postmassilia.pdf ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Massilia Offshore Cup, 9 Class40 from Marseille to Barcelone]]> Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT The Massilia Offshore Cup Trophée duo Max got underway on Sunday, June 23, 2024, in the harbor of Marseille, under sunny skies and a steady mistral tramontane wind. Mikael Mergui (Centrakor): "Conditions are shaping up to be really rough, especially over the first 12 hours. We'll be setting off under spinnaker towards the islands of Menorca, where we'll have to find the right tempo to sail fast, very fast, but also to avoid breaking everything! The first leg to Barcelona promises to be very fast and intense, with big waves due to the black Mistral wind which has been blowing for the past few days. The sea is very rough, which will add an extra challenge and put a strain on our bodies. We're going to have to be extremely vigilant and focused." The original plan was to reach Barcelona via the Balearic Islands, but in order to avoid a calm zone to the south of Mallorca, the Race Direction and the Race Committee have announced a change of course to the competitors. After passing through the Minorca gate, they will head straight for the finish line in Barcelona. Order of passage to Menorca gate : 24/06/2024 06:09:13 180 Tyrolit 24/06/2024 06:13:03 183 Centrakor 24/06/2024 06:36:05 166 Crosscall 24/06/2024 07:07:03 142 Phenix Ha Plus PMe 24/06/2024 07:17:10 157 Sotraplans TRS 24/06/2024 07:51:09 148 Team Cycl’au 24/06/2024 07:54:17 179 Glaces Romane 24/06/2024 09:46:10 89 Prendre la mer, Agir pour la forêt 24/06/2024                 149 Hydra Arrival in Barcelona is scheduled in a few hours. tracker: Cartographie Massilia Cup Offshore ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Acrobatica captures 2024 Atlantic Cup!]]> Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT The Italian team #204 Acrobatica sailed by Alberto Riva and Jean Marre completed their dominate two-week run, becoming the 2024 Atlantic Cup Champions. Their first place finish in the Coastal Series yesterday guaranteed them victory for the overall Atlantic Cup. However, the points standings for the rest of the podium was far from decided going into today. Unfortunately, the final course of coastal racing was abandoned due to low visibility from foggy conditions. Therefore, yesterday's cumulative standings remained, resulting in the French duo of Pierre-Louis Attwell and Maxime Bensa on #195 Vogue Avec Un Crohn narrowly securing second-place by a mere half a point. #177, Everial's Erwan Le Draoulec and Tanguy Leglatin rounded out the podium in third-place, overall.  After claiming first-place in the first leg (Charleston, S.C. to Newport R.I.) second leg (Newport to Portland, M.E.) and day one of the third leg (Coastal Series) – Acrobatica becomes just the second team (2016 Spanish team Tales II) in Atlantic Cup history to win each leg of competition raced ; a testament to the world-class skill and dominance of Riva and Marre.  Alberto Riva, Acrobatica First Place Overall: "This was a really great adventure. With the different conditions of each stage of the race we learned a lot about the boat and and ourselves. All of the competitors are really good and we are really happy with the result and to sail here and discover these amazing new places." Jean Marre, Acrobatica, First Place Overall: “We love to sail so it is a bit of pity not racing today, but we are still really happy that we won. It was a lot of fun it was a great, great race. We both hope to be back at the next edition. All of the parts of the race were very interesting, everything was different. The first leg was really impressive with the Gulf Stream and all the storms, the second leg was interesting in a sport-sense because we saw the fleet on the water with us the whole way, it was very competitive and intense. The inshore race you just couldn’t make any mistakes since it was so short, so it was a lot of pressure. It all-round was a very good race." Pierre-Louis Attwell, Vogue Avec Un Crohn Second Place Overall: "We didn’t sail today, but since we got a better place yesterday, we are second overall.  We are very happy, it is our best result in a Class40 race, It is interesting for us, because at the beginning of the season we were not doing so great, but now we are in a good place here at the Atlantic Cup. Coming into the Québec Saint-Malo, we hope to continue to learn a lot on this incredible boat and have a lot of emotion about this Atlantic Cup. Thank you very much.” Erwan Le Draoulec, Everial 3rd Place Overall: "We are really happy to be on the podium of this Class40. The Niji40 was not really good for us, so I am very happy for Everial. But at the same time, second-place was not very far for us and we really wanted to have it because this all is a fun game. It was very close, and we were hoping to sail today, but the conditions didn’t allow. The race was very fun, it was really cool to do a different kind of race for us. It is special to be here in the U.S. we take a lot of pleasure in it, and we hopefully will be back at the next Atlantic Cup.”Tanguy Leglatin, Everial 3rd Place Overall: “We didn’t sail yesterday like we know we can, the pressure from Pierre-Louis [Attwell] and Maxime [Bensa] was a lot. It would have been a lot of fun to sail again today, but with the fog we couldn’t. It’s a bit sad, but we have lost races before. We quite enjoyed this race, lots of pleasure and amazing to come to the United States. We saw some beautiful places, like Charleston and Newport. We are really happy and feel like we have really improved in our sailing on Everial." General ranking : The Atlantic Cup - Class40 Championship ranking: Class40 Source: The Atlantic Cup[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Acrobatica Triumphs in a Nail-Biting Finish in Portland]]> Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT After a 360-nautical mile race from Newport to Portland it was mere minutes separating first and second place. The Italian/French duo of Alberto Riva and Jean Marre on Acrobatica captured line honors when they crossed the finish line at 08:56:52 a.m. EST. The Italian duo also won the first leg from Charleston to Newport cementing their place atop the leaderboard. Just 7 minutes and 31 seconds after Acrobatica crossed the line, Pierre-Louis Attwell and Maxime Bensa on Vogue avec un Crohn took second place which puts them in a tie for second overall in the race.  The battle for third-place proved even tighter entering Portland Harbor, as Dékuple's William Mathelin-Moreaux and Pietro Luciani narrowly got past Everial's Erwan Le Draoulec and Tanguy Leglatin at 09:05:33 to round out the podium. Everial crossed the finish just 25 seconds later for fourth-place.  The nearly two-day race challenged the teams as they wind on multiple occasions would drop off creating a restart and nearly all the teams were within sight of each other throughout the race. Upon arrival to Portland, the teams reflected on the challenging, intense competition: First Place Finisher Acrobatica's Jean Marre said, “It was crazy intense because we were all together all the time. We could see each other the entire race. [With the weather] we had to restart multiple times and we had to fight a lot! It was really hard, but fun.”  Second Place Finisher Pierre-Louis Attwell on Vogue avec un Crohn  said, “It was a great leg two. We had lots of transitions and sometimes it was a bit hard for us because we have a small gennaker but we had a good last night, we were expecting to win until these guys [Acrobatica] decided to that they want to win, so next time." Dékulpe's Pietro Luciani on squeezing out a third place finish , “I think if there is a god of sailing boats, it gave us the third place because we had a very good race but we managed to lose all of our advantage mainly due to our weather forecast was less wind in front. Everybody came back on us and then we had a couple of little mistakes, but at the last minute as we came into Portland we were able to pull ahead."  Atlantic Cup Race Director, Hugh Piggin said, “It was a very challenging leg tactically for the teams with a weather system moving across the course. Today was one of the best legs in Atlantic Cup history. There were several lead changes throughout the race and even inside the harbor approaching the finish line where dékuple edged ahead of Everial for third place. With the system moving across the course, the teams dealt with breeze southwest to the northeast. They had periods where teams were flying their spinnakers doing 15-16 knots, and then they had a period sailing in very light breeze— fighting to keep moving. The lead pack of teams were within sight of each other the entire race, so there was not much rest for everyone. Portland has turned on a glorious spring day for us though, we really are happy to be here and put on some great coastal racing to come.” The remaining seven teams will be in Portland through Thursday, June 6th. The Atlantic Cup culminates with a two-day coastal series Wednesday and Thursday that will take them into Casco Bay and the surrounding waters. The boats are docked at Fore Points Marina and visible from the Eastern Promenade. The race starts and finishes for the coastal series on June 5th and 6th are just off Munjoy Hill. Tracking will be available on and the YB Races app.   Leg 2 results: 1. Acrobatica 2. Vogue avec un Crohn 3. Dékuple 4. Everial 5. La Manche Evidence Nautique 6. Sign for Com 7. Nestenn Entrepreneurs pour la planète DNS. Scowling Dragon   General ranking after leg 2: 1. Acrobatica - 2pts 2. Everial - 6pts 2. Vogue avec un crohn - 6pts 4. Dékuple - 8pts 5. Sign for Com - 9pts 6. La Manche Evidence Nautique - 11pts 7. Nestenn Entrepreneurs pour la planète - 14pts[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Italian team Acrobatica wins first leg of Atlantic Cup]]> Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT After a 704-nautical mile race from Charleston to Newport it was mere minutes separating first and second place. The Italian/French duo of Alberto Riva and Jean Marre on Acrobatica captured line honors when they crossed the finish line just off Fort Adams in the morning hours on Tuesday, May 28th at 07:46:16 a.m. EST in heavy fog. Their cumulative time of 67:46:16 (2 days, 19 hours, 46 minutes, 16 seconds) set a new Charleston-Newport course record, far surpassing the previous best time set in 2012 by Mare (78:55:13).  Just 10 minutes and 27 seconds after Acrobatica crossed the line, Everial finished in second place. The youngest duo in the fleet, Sign for Com rounded out the podium– reaching the Newport finish at 10:00:12 a.m. EST.   The remaining four teams all finished within an hour of each other making for a close fought intense battle throughout the 67+ hour race. After a slow start coming out of Charleston, S.C. thanks to extremely light winds, the sea breeze filled in to carry the fleet out and onto their journey towards Newport. However, flukey conditions with variations of wind and stormy conditions persisted throughout much of the subsequent 48-hours. Those who were able to catch the Gulf Stream's current and head furthest northwest had their positioning paid dividends– offering a quick and close dash to the finish line for the top competitors. After Everial seized Acrobatica's lead in the late morning hours on Monday, May 29th– the Italian duo of Alberto Riva and Jean Marre pulled back ahead to reclaim their position at the top later that same day. With both teams notching impressive speeds, it was ultimately Acrobatica who held onto first-place.Third-place finishers, Sign for Com ushered the second round of teams entering Newport. Upon what seemed to be a wide-open race to round out the podium, the young German pair of Melwin Fink and Lennart Burke played a straight, steady course– going the Western-most of the remaining fleet. The decision proved bountiful, securing the team a place on the podium just over two hours after the first two boats. The nearly three-day race provided all types of weather including a tumultuous 48-plus hours of thunderstorms and high winds, Gulf Stream conditions, Sargasso seaweed, and fast, downwind sailing.  Upon arrival to Newport, the teams reflected on the challenging, fast-paced competition of the two plus days: First Place Finisher Acrobatica's Alberto Riva said, “This race was the very first time I have seen these waters and it was an adventure. It was the very first time I had been so close to a competitor [Everial] for such a large part of the race. For me, discovering we were able to match them and those conditions– it was a great discovery. I learned lots of things about Acrobatica.”  Second Place Finisher Everial's Erwan Le Draoulec  said, “The leg was really good and complete with different conditions. The start had very light winds, but with the downwind we got some good speed and from there and had to get through the storms. The race was not perfect, but it was pretty close to perfect. This boat [Everial] is made for downwind sailing so it worked pretty perfect at the end there." Third Place Finisher Sign for Com's Melwin Fink said, “The race brought us so many conditions and experiences we haven’t faced on the Class40 yet, so that was great– especially against such great competition. “  Atlantic Cup Race Director, Hugh Piggin said, "It’s pretty impressive the speed that these teams have gone and how they have kept it so competitive. It has been neck in neck for nearly three days. The race featured two parts; the first 50 miles getting out of Charleston was light air and the tactical race of getting into the Gulf Stream. After Cape Hatteras it turned into a downwind drag race. The guys have had to keep the boats at 100% percent and they have been pushing them very hard.” Unfortunately, Scowling Dragon suffered damage in the early morning hours Tuesday, May 28th. The team is fine and they are making their way toward Newport with an expected arrival late Wednesday. The eight teams will stop in Newport through Saturday, June 1st– where their boats will be docked at Safe Harbor Newport Shipyard. The public is welcome to come visit the teams during this stretch. The second leg of competition departs on June 1st at 12 p.m. just off Fort Adams with a 249-nautical mile sprint to Portland. The race culminates in Portland, Maine, capping off with a two-day coastal racing series on June 5-6th.  Leg 1 results 1. Acrobatica (2d 19h 46m 16) 2. Everial (2d 19h 56m 43) 3. Sign for Com (2d 22h 00m 12) 4. Vogue avec un Crohn (2d 22h 26m 38) 5. Dékuple (2D ZZh 54m 10) 6. La Manche Evidence Nautique (2d 23h 17m 13) 7. Nestenn Entrepreneurs pour la planète (2d 23h 30m 53) 8. Scowling Dragon Source : Manukasem / The Atlantic Cup[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Centrakor (M. Mergui / R. Robini) wins Paprec 600 !]]> Fri, 24 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT After winning the Porquerolle's race in mid-May, another victory for Centrakor, this time in Saint-Tropez on the Paprec 600.There were 8 Class40s at the start of this double-handed race on a course designed between Corsica, the island of Giannutri and the island of Elba.On the night of May 24, 2024, at 2:08 am, the Class40 Centrakor crossed the finish line in first place after 3 days 14 hours and 8 minutes of racing.The duo on Sharp Ha Plus pme (F. verdier / PL Garnero) took second place, crossing the line just 13 minutes later. Glaces Romanes - Guérir en mer (K. de Pavant / Buissart) completed the podium, less than a minute behind. Mikael Mergui : "It was a magnificent race with an incredible course, but nervously exhausting. I really think it was a race of the mind, four days of emotional elevators with very surprising weather! I'm not going to lie to you, it's a superb victory. And you come out of this race: cooked and roasted to perfection..."The Hyèrois is now in the lead of the Mediterranean 2024 Trophy. See you at the end of June at the Massillia Cup Offshore - Barcelona Trophy for the rest of the competition. Paprec 600 results : Paprec 600 Saint Tropez - Class40 Med trophy ranking : mediterraneantrophy24postpaprec.pdf ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande - Pirelli) wins The Transat CIC]]> Fri, 10 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT What a win! A fine racer with exceptional composure and control, the Italian skipper held on right to the end after an incredible duel with Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel). He crossed the line this Friday at 05 h 47 55'' (French time) after 11 days 16 hours 17 minutes and 55'' of racing. Already winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre - Normandie Le Havre last autumn, he has scored another prestigious success. HIS RACE IN FIGURESFinish time: 05 h 47 55'' (French time)Race time: 11 days 16 hours 17 minutes and 55 secondsDistance covered: 3280.06 nautical milesAverage speed (on the great circle route): 10.52 knotsActual average speed: 11.70 knots THE STORY OF HIS VICTORY Before the start in Lorient on April 28, Ambrogio Beccaria was the only sailor to see The Transat CIC as little more than a race. The relentless racer and peerless competitor wasn't just thinking about sport when he set off for this major event in the Class40 season. The reason: the vertigo of history. "Going to New York by sea has a special resonance when you consider that generations of Italians left there in search of a better life. Ambrogio spoke of the many families "especially in the south of Italy", who "have forebears who left there". Mass immigration took place in the 19th century, fleeing misery for a bright future, and many of them helped shape America, its institutions, its economic fabric and its history too. A duel of exceptional intensity "Going to New York by sea will inevitably remind us of the very strong and moving cultural link that unites us," confided Ambrogio. The skipper of Alla Grande - Pirelli will be able to take advantage of this on his arrival in the Big Apple, when he passes under the Verrazzano Bridge - named after the Italian explorer who was the first to sail in New York Bay - close to the Statue of Liberty, before meeting up with his loved ones on a Brooklyn pontoon.Ambrogio will be able to savor, too, because he has just completed a transatlantic race in the form of a sprint, a fierce battle won on points against Ian Lipinksi (Crédit Mutuel), the two men having offered up a duel of exceptional intensity. Ambrogio got off to a very good start and climbed into the top 5 within the first few miles of reaching Brittany. On the climb back towards Ireland, he opted for a more southerly position than his rivals, before catching up with them just as the fleet was heading due west, close to the direct route. A mano-a-mano right to the end A war of positions began with Fabien Delahaye (LEGALLAIS), Nicolas d'Estais (Café Joyeux) and, above all, Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel). Ambrogio managed to regain control of the race in the early hours of Saturday morning. It doesn't change anything to be in the lead," he confides, "but it does encourage me, and shows that I've made the right choices. Ambrogio is one of those respectful sailors who talks faster about others than he does. A few minutes later, he continues: "I think Ian proves that he's a great champion. He didn't have the fastest boat for reaching, and in the end he did the whole reaching leg in the lead!"After that, the two men had quite a mano-a-mano, without counting their hours of sleep, as they knitted their way to the finish line. A duel between two pistoleros of the open sea, a duel between (very) great racers. Ambrogio Beccaria's progress is reminiscent of a giant's achievements: winner of the Mini-Transat (2019), 2nd in the Route du Rhum, winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre and The Transat CIC. Now it's up to him to enjoy as much as he can on the road to glory. How do you feel? What does this victory mean to you? It's not often that you win two transatlantic races in a row in six months. And this is the first solo race I've won with this boat. It's very, very important for me. And it's one of the best races I've ever done. Often, there's pain and suffering. This time, I was very conscious of what I was doing and everything went really well. There are some very hard moments, but in the end, I didn't find it that difficult overall. The conditions were pleasant in the sense that we had prepared for the worst. For me, the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe was harder, but The Transat CIC was intense. The periods without wind were very stressful, and at times it was very cold. How do you feel about your race? I'm very happy with it because I really wanted to know when I could push hard and I did, attacking. This time, I really understood and managed to do it. The first time was in the south of Ireland when I managed to catch up with the leading pack. That was a key moment. It was a gift from the boat because it was pure speed. Then there was the rounding of the ridge of high pressure, where I sailed very well. I was very happy. It took a lot of energy, but I knew it was a turning point in the race. And then it was important, when I lost my lead over the others, to manage to stay calm and concentrated without thinking about what I couldn't manage. The last move I made was very close to the center of the second ridge. I managed to get my spinnaker out in the front. Ian was still in it and I managed to get a little south, which gave me a better angle to go west. I crossed three miles ahead of him. You had a few problems during the race. Can you talk about them? I tore my code zero, a very important sail at the start of the race. It really affected me. It was a difficult moment. Then I had to make a small repair to the bulkhead. The most annoying thing was that the rudder lowering system broke twice in the last 200 miles. I don't know if I hit something. The first time I lost the gennaker, the second time was 20 miles from the finish. It was stressful. And last night, a bolt of lightning passed very close to the boat. It was frightening. You had a good fight with Ian... Ian had a wonderful race. I knew from the start that he was one of the best. He knows his boat so well. He also knows how to sail single-handed and has lots and lots of energy. He's very fast in strong downwind conditions. One of the turning points was when he tore one of his spinnakers. That really crippled him. I love sailing against him, he's always attacking. I'm looking for a port in New York, any port. I can't wait to see the people. I put a lot of energy and effort into my races and I want to share with others. I love solitaire, but I love people too. Source : The Transat CIC[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Transat CIC : vers une incroyable bataille]]> Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT On the Class40 side, there's one constant at every major race: there's suspense at every level. Even if there are fewer of them than usual, everyone's there apart from two or three of the big names,” points out the Race Director. The fact that we're arriving in New York and offering a transatlantic race that's different from the others (via the North Atlantic) has attracted the best in Class40 racing. “There are 13 boats at the start, including 11 latest-generation scows,” recalls Guillaume Pirouelle, skipper of Class40 Sogestran-Seafrigo, who had to withdraw from The Transat CIC, his boat having been struck by lightning in early March during a delivery trip back from the West Indies. For him, the race promises to be “very committed” with a “very close match”, where “technical glitches can quickly become problematic”. According to Guillaume, “eight or nine boats can claim victory”. The two Italians Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande - Pirelli), winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre, and Alberto Bona (IBSA), winner of last year's Class40 championship, are the favorites. But they're not the only ones. While his new Class40 (n°202) will be presented this Friday, Ian Lipinski will set sail with n°158. “He's one of the people who knows his boat best, because it's one of his first scows,” says Guillaume. Fabien Delahaye hopes to shine in his 2nd year with LEGALLAIS, as does Nicolas d'Estais, to celebrate the opening of a CAFÉ JOYEUX (his sponsor) in New York. Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean), a regular in the places of honor, Amélie Grassi (La Boulangère Bio), the only woman involved, and Quentin Le Nabour (Bleu Blanc Planète Location), who recently launched his Mach6, will also have something to say. Vincent Riou (Pierreval - Fondation GoodPlanet) will also have his say. At 52 years of age, he's taking on a new challenge and isn't exactly one to enter a race unambitiously. It's hard to pile on so much suspense for this race “which has left such a mark on history”. The two sharp Class40s led by Goulven Marie and Anatole Facon will also have their cards to play on this course... the answer in two weeks's time! Source : The Transat CIC[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Niji40 for Groupe SNEF!]]> Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT - The crew of skipper Xavier Macaire, winner of the Niji40, aboard Groupe SNEF.- Italian skipper Alberto Riva's Acrobatica trio takes second place, magnified by a speed record.- Pierre-Louis Attwell's mixed crew (Vogue avec un Crohn), on the third step of the podium. The crew of Class40 Groupe SNEF crossed the finish line of the Niji40 in first place at 9 hours 06 minutes 28 seconds Paris time on Monday April 22, 2024, in the dead of night in the tropics. Skipper Xavier Macaire and his two teammates, Pierre Leboucher and Carlos Manera Pascual, with solid consistency at the front, completed the 3,514.82-mile theoretical course (direct route) between Belle-Île-en-Mer and Marie-Galante in Guadeloupe, via Santa Maria in the Azores to starboard, in 14 days 20 hours 06 minutes 28 seconds at an average speed of 9.87 knots. The Franco-Spanish crew covered 4,066.40 nautical miles at 11.42 knots. A succession of systems and a duel for the lead The Franco-Spanish crew won the race with panache at the end of the course between Belle-Île-en-Mer and Marie-Galante, where they underlined the technical aspect of the succession of weather systems on a trajectory close to the direct route. Three lows, a major strategic decision, transition zones and, finally, a duel at the head of a rare intensity in the trade winds to contain the attacks of the crew of Acrobatica, offensive right to the end... The long litany of pitfalls overcome illustrates the quality of the race led by the trio of Groupe SNEF, whose victory bears the glow of a collective success at the highest level of performance. Satisfaction is there at the end of the effort for the three sailors, who also share the immense pleasure of signing together their very first victory in a transatlantic race. The mark of the Italian-French trio 57 minutes later, it was the turn of the Acrobatica trio, always present at the front of the pack, to cross the finish line that had been so long awaited in its final lengths. Alberto Riva, Jean Marre and Benjamin Schwartz finished second at the end of this transatlantic race, in which they were among the great leaders. It's hard to forget that the Italian-French crew left their mark on the race, when they made the counters go wild at the end of a low-pressure system, after passing the Azores. At the head of the pack, they took advantage of powerful downwind conditions on calmer seas to maintain staggering average speeds. The result: the Transalpine skipper and his two accomplices covered 433 miles in the space of 24 hours. Never before seen in Class40! Aboard their Italian-designed and built boat (Musa40), they achieved a performance worthy of entry in the World Sailing Speed Record Council's record books. Chasse-croisé: the hunter becomes the hunted However, Groupe SNEF's perseverance was not to be underestimated, as in the established downwind conditions, the full power of its Pogo S4, a formidable performer at this speed, was unleashed. After a tug-of-war at the front, Xavier Macaire and his team built up a lead that prevented their tough chasers from making a comeback as they approached the finish. If the value of a victory is measured by the race of the runner-up, this Niji40 is already living up to its promise. And that's without taking into account the imminent arrivals of the next trio expected this Monday in Saint-Louis Bay. With the trade winds back on the water, Marie-Galante is preparing to vibrate to the rhythm and tone of the stories of the other eight crews in this transatlantic race, which innovates in its three-up format, to give rise to competition at the highest level under the sign of sharing and transmission. Xavier Macaire: "It was a very technical transatlantic race, with a big low-pressure system right from the start in the Bay of Biscay, followed by the choice of a southerly or northerly route, which seems obvious today, but wasn't necessarily so at the time.  We then had a very strong low-pressure system as we passed the Azores, with a gust to 47 knots, and peak speeds of 29 knots (...) Then a small high-pressure system; then once again, a low-pressure system to pass as close as possible to its center, so that we could finally get back into the trade winds... And finally the arrival at Marie-Galante. So it was all very technical, and we had a lot of fun with it.  And with our rival, of course, who kept us on our toes and gave us a hard time. Acrobatica, they were really on top. We weren't sure we'd be able to overtake them and stay ahead of them. We gave it our all, and we succeeded. I think we can be very pleased with ourselves." Alberto Riva: "It was an incredible race. And above all, to start sailing again (Alberto was injured on the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre), that's a big thing for me. I'm very happy to have regained confidence in my boat alongside two super-strong guys, who accompanied me on this race. It was a race that didn't start very well for us, before we took the lead and then lost it. It was a very emotional race. I'm also very happy with the record. We had the right conditions and the boat behaved well on the reach. And I think we can do better. We didn't win, but we did beat the record, which is very satisfying." Pierre-Louis Attwell : "This podium is something we really wanted. It's true that there was a great sporting programme and some very competitive competitors. We had predicted top 5. We did top 3, so we're delighted. We've had this boat for a year. Maxime works almost full-time on the technical preparation. It's a boat we know really well and which, to be honest, has lived up to all its promises, particularly in the difficult moments, because in the dep, we had some pretty tough moments. With three people, it's a different format that's also a little original. We've talked about it, meaning that we've had moments when we didn't always agree on strategy. And then, when on top of that, we're in moments of transition that aren't going very well, it's true that it can be a bit complicated on board. But we managed. We didn't kill each other, it all turned out fine. But the fact that there are three of us means you get more opinions, and at the same time, it can sometimes make exchanges a little more complicated. But that was interesting. Source : Niji40 Classement : Niji 40 - transat Belle-Île Marie-Galante - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Acrobatica (A. Riva) sets a new record for distance covered in 24 hours!]]> Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT Alberto Riva, Jean Marre and Benjamin Schwartz are certainly impressive on this Niji 40! The trio on the Class40 Acrobatica (#201), leading the Belle-Île Marie-Galante transatlantic race since April 11, have broken the record for distance covered in 24 hours on a Class40. Acrobatica covered 433.53 nautical miles between Sunday April 14 (22:00 UT) and Monday April 15 (22:00 UT) at an average speed of 18.06 knots. This record had previously been held by Alberto Bona and Pablo Santurde del Arco on IBSA. They sailed 430.47 miles at an average speed of 17.93 knots during the Les Sables-Horta 2023 race, which they won. Before them, Ian Lipinski and Ambrogio Beccaria on Crédit Mutuel had already pushed it up to 428.82 miles. The Musa 40, designed by Gianluca Guelfi, proves, with this new record, that Class40s go fast! Alberto Riva: "What a race! Over the last few days, we've entered a low-pressure area with very difficult wind and waves. On the positive side, we literally flew, managing to continue south-west of the Azores, towards Marie Galante. We broke the Class40 speed record". video :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Spi Ouest France BPGO: Bleu Blanc Planète Location (Q. Le Nabour) wins]]> Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT 4 days, 4 races, one winner: Quentin Le Nabour and his crew (Sam Manuard, Pierre-Loic Berthet, Gérald Veniard, Hervé Thomas and Quentin Bouchancourt) on their new Mach40.6 launched only 15 days ago, Bleu Blanc Planète Location. Winner of Friday and Saturday's races, La Manche #EvidenceNautique, crewed by Nicolas Jossier from Normandy, finished second in Sunday's and Monday's races. Bleu Blanc finished second on Friday and Saturday. Yesterday's and today's victories ensured victory, since in the event of a tie on points, the best place in the last race of the event determines the winner. Third place overall went to Gustave Roussy's crew, who took advantage of Ibsa's absence on this Easter Monday to take the podium from him. Belco by Sail, a new Class40 crew on Drakkar40 #147, finished fifth in its first race.  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[RORC Caribbean 600 2024 : Sogestran Seafrigo (G. Pirouelle) winner]]> Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT What suspense! With the British crew Tquila, led by Alister Richardson, leading the fleet of 11 Class40s just a few miles from the finish, neck and neck with Guillaume Pirouelle's crew from Normandy, the final scenario was full of surprises! Indeed, as they approached the finish line, the wind became unstable for the two scows, leaving an opportunity for Nestenn - Entrepreneurs pour la planète, one nautical mile behind them, who seized it. A Sharp (Class40 pointed), first to cross the line in Antigua! Sogestran Seafrigo finally managed to extricate itself from the difficult zone and crossed the line in second place. The German crew of Sign For Com (Melvin Fink) also made it through, and TQuila finally crossed the line in fourth place. In a twist of fate, Jules Bonnier's Mach 3 received a penalty (for entering a forbidden zone), demoting it to fifth place. Guillaume Pirouelle and his crew of Alexis Loison, Pierrick Letouzé and Valentin Sipan were crowned winners. "Superb racing between the northern Caribbean islands, it was super interesting. We had a great battle all along the course, with a lot of twists and turns and quite complex weather at the end. We were always in contact with other Class40s, which made the race very interesting for making progress with our boats, with lots of maneuvering and speed comparisons. It was a hard-fought finish, and we didn't do too badly! A thought for the Tquila team who sailed very cleanly but didn't get rewarded. Still, it's not bad to be sailing in the sun at this time of year!"   Every year, the RORC Caribbean 600 offers its share of twists and turns and splendid images![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[RORC Carribean 600]]> Wed, 21 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Start of the 2024 season !]]> Mon, 19 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT At 11am GMT (4pm French time), this Monday February 19th, 11 Class40s will take the start of the RORC Carribean 600, the first race of the 2024 Championship and the American Trophy.On the program, a 600nm giant slalom between the Caribbean islands.Who will succeed Alberto Bona and his crew, winners in 2023?Entry list : RORC Caribbean 600 - Class40Live from the start: RORC (Fr) - YouTubeThe tracker : RORC Caribbean 600[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Alberto Bona crowned 2023 Class40 Champion !]]> Tue, 05 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT At the end of a sensational season, Italian sailor Alberto Bona (age 37) has been crowned 2023 Class40 Champion. Having only joined the Class40 circuit in September 2022, Alberto Bona propelled his Mach40.5 IBSA campaign straight in to the top 10, scoring two fine victories this year in the RORC Caribbean 600 and Les Sables-Horta, and finishing third in the season’s two transatlantic races, the Défi Atlantique and the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre. The worthy runner-up is Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande Pirelli) in second place ahead of Erwan Le Draoulec (Everial). A high-octane season Once again, the Class40s were out in force, with a number of potential winners for each race, making it very difficult to predict the top three ahead of time. “We are absolutely delighted to win the championship. It was our first full season in Class40, and we were seeing new boats out there… it’s a great reward. We managed to be on the starting line of all the races, and to sail consistently with good results. We are super proud!”  Champion ahead of other champions? “When we saw the sheer level of the skippers, not to mention the co-skippers, on each of the races this season, we knew that there would be serious competition! So yes, it makes us all the more proud to have won the championship up against such an incredible fleet.” An intense season This year’s championship included five events, of which two transatlantic races, and over 11,500 miles of racing. “I was happy that there were a lot of races. There are some well-timed races such as the Défi Atlantique which persuaded me to stay in the Caribbean, after having been seriously up against it timewise for the Route du Rhum. It gave me the chance to have a break once I had made it across the Atlantic, and to compete in the legendary Caribbean 600, which also provided the opportunity to take Luca, the team manager, racing. It was a really good race schedule, really intense. I was a little stressed at the beginning of the year, because there wasn’t that much time to prepare the boat, but all went well. Our boats are fairly simple, after all. 20 days in the yard between the end of the Défi and the CIC Normandy Channel Race… and we were ready to go!” Pablo strikes again Even though the rules of the championship dictate that the title goes to the skipper, Pablo Santurde del Arco deserves to be honoured yet again this year. As Alberto’s co-skipper, he amply deserves to share this victory, having competed in every championship race on IBSA. “I met Pablo at the start of the Route du Rhum. I was looking for someone to join the team and be involved for the season, not just on the water but on land too. He had a busy schedule with a lot of other races, but he was also very much an integral part of the team. This is a team victory, the result of a job well done together.” Best memory of the season “I have plenty of good memories from the season, but the one that stands out was the finish of the first leg of Les Sables-Horta. It was an emotional moment for me because we won, but it wasn’t so much for the victory, more the reward for the hard work. What’s more, it was a victory on an offshore race, an extraordinary race with incredible conditions, downwind all the way!” Italy takes the honours Alberto Bona won the RORC Caribbean 600, Les Sables-Horta and the 2023 Class40 Championship. Ambrogio Beccaria on Alla Grande Pirelli won the Transat Jacques Vabre, the 40 Malouine Lamotte and  CIC Normandy Channel Race. Italy has every reason to be proud of its offshore racers. “What counts is that we succeed in creating something for people back home in Italy who are fans of offshore racing, so that they too get the opportunity to take part in this awesome sport. It is not a question of France vs Italy, since everything I have learnt, I learnt it in France, with French coaches, on a French boat, etc. Now it is our turn to share the knowledge we have gained and perhaps build something in Italy. The aim is to pass on that knowledge.” A fine third place Erwan Le Draoulec (Everial) took third place thanks to a season during which he always managed to position himself well, with a few outstanding performances, such as his victory in the 2nd leg of the Défi Atlantique (as well as his win in the Rolex Fastnet Race, though the race does not count towards the Championship). Often making smart tactical moves, the skipper of Everial, who took over from Stan Thuret, has seen his consistent performance rewarded with a creditable third place result in the Championship in his very first season. 2024 The 2024 Class40 programme promises a packed season with a number of different options! Some boats have stayed in the Caribbean after the TJV to compete in the RORC Caribbean 600 and the Atlantic Cup. Others have headed back to Europe and have the choice between racing in the Niji40, a transatlantic race for crews of 3 people between Belle-Île and Marie-Galante, and The Transat CIC, which is raced solo. The fleet will then reconvene for the Québec Saint-Malo Race. In September, there will be a choice to be made between the extraordinary CIC Normandy Channel Race and a new offshore race in the Mediterranean, the Med-Max Occitanie – Saïdia resorts. “We are carrying on in Class40 with my sponsor IBSA. We will probably race in The Transat CIC and the Québec Saint-Malo. We will try to defend our title! It won’t be easy, the season will be different with some solo racing. It’s going to be very interesting.” The “Sharp” boats Of note is Jules Bonnier’s (Nestenn Entrepreneurs pour la planète) superb performance, with Robin Follin co-skippering this season, who finished in 12th place in the championship on his “pointy-bowed” Class40. He was first pointy-bowed boat home in every race in which he competed, leaving some scows in his wake, and he even pulled off the feat of finishing second into La Rochelle in April!   2023 Championship results 1. Alberto Bona (IBSA) – 1077pts 2. Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande Pirelli) – 896pts 3. Erwan Le Draoulec (Everial) – 807pts 4. Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean) – 720pts 5. Alister Richardson (Tquila) – 716pts 6. Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) – 668pts 7. Pierre-Louis Attwell (Vogue avec un Crohn) - 653pts 8. Achille Nebout (Amarris) – 633pts 9. Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF) – 589pts 10. Mikael Mergui (Centrakor) – 587pts ….. 12. Jules Bonnier (Nestenn Entrepreneurs pour la planète) - 575pts Ranking : championnat2023.pdf ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJV : Forza Alla Grande Pirelli !]]> Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT Italian skipper Ambrogio Beccaria and French co-skipper Nicolas Andrieu sailing the all Italian Musa 40 Alla Grande PIRELLI took first place in the highly competitive Class40 race on the 16th Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre two handed race when they crossed the finish line off Fort-de-France, Martinique in beautiful morning sunshine at 08:01:36 hrs local time (12:01:36 hrs UTC). The elapsed time for the 4045 mile course is 18 days 12 hours 21 minutes and 55 seconds. In a record sized fleet of 44 boats which started from Le Havre on 29 October but paused in Lorient for seven days to sit out a huge storm on the Bay of Biscay, Beccaria and Andrieu were also first to complete the stage to Lorient.  Beccaria, who is an Italian trained marine engineer and Andrieu, an aeronautical engineer who is director of R & D with Béyou Racing, have led for much of the race except for when a group broke to the north a week ago. But Italian-French duo stuck to their guns and have prevailed. The second placed Class 40 boat was around 50 miles behind as Alla Grande PIRELLI was crossing the Bay of Fort de France heading for victory.  Beccaria’s biggest success to date in Class 40 was finishing second behind Yoann Richomme on last year’s Route du Rhum, but this season he and Andrieu won the Normandy Channel Race, the Malouine Lamotte and he was second on the Défi Atlantique race from Guadeloupe to La Rochelle via the Azores, sailing with Alberto Riva and the co-designer of his boat Gianluca Guelfi.  He follows in the wake of legendary Italian ocean racer Giovanni Soldini who until now is the first and only Italian to win the 40 footer class on this race doing so on the 2007 edition with compatriot Pietro d’Ali into Salvador de Bahia Brazil.  From a non-sailing Milanese family, Beccaria really took to sailing on family holidays in Sardinia and really took to racing when he got a Laser 4000 for his 18th birthday, going on to become national champion. As a young trainee naval engineer he rescued and rebuilt a Pogo 2 which he raced the Mini Transat on before finishing third overall in the 2019 race in the whole fleet on a standard Pogo 3, winning both legs the production boat division.  When studying at La Spezia he met up with Guelfi and they became firm friends. When he decided to campaign in Class 40 he called on his friend and they built at Eduardo Bianchi’s new facility in Genoa.  Down to earth Beccaria, 32, is intent on demystifying and normalising solo and short hand ocean racing. He is renowned for a typical passion for risotto and carries a pressure cooker on Alla Grande Pirelli. When times get tough or an opportunity arises, he his well known for conjuring up his favourite dish. Their race time was 18 days 12 hours 21 minutes 55 seconds. The duo sailed the theoretical 4045 miles between Le Havre and Fort-de-France at an average speed of 9.1 knots. Out on the water, they actually sailed 5381.51 miles averaging 12.11 knots. FIRST REACTIONS FROM AMBROGIO BECCARIA AND NICOLAS ANDRIEU Nicolas Andrieu: “It feels great, but above all there is a feeling of relief, as the competition was so intense with the boats close to us and those far away. That was a lot of pressure to bear for 17 days. Beccaria: “Given the information we had about ten days ago, the southern option seemed the best bet, but we knew it wasn’t sewn up. There was some luck involved. Having chosen that option, the best thing for us was to aim to finish first in our group, and secondly do the best we could. Sometimes, it was hard to juggle with that. We felt like keeping our close rivals in check, but we told ourselves, there was a bigger pictur Beccaria: “Even if we knew a few hours ago, we were set to win the race, you don’t want to say that. So, crossing the line is a weight off our shoulders. The time passes by quickly, as there is always something to do. At the finish we have an excellent knowledge of the boat. She is a good all-rounder. She doesn’t have any weak points and performs well whatever the conditions. It’s nice to have two good skippers, but a good boat is essential.” “We got to know each other in this race. Nicolas is very sincere and remains relaxed even in the toughest moments. That gave me a lot of energy. It raised the standard and became a strength for us.” “We got to know each other in this race  Nicolas is very sincere and remains relaxed even in the toughest moments. That gave me a lot of energy. It raised the standard and became a strength for us.”  “It was difficult in Italy for ocean racers to find sponsors in Italy, but they supported us and that was very important. In Italy, we don’t have the ocean, so we work in France. As there is a winner from Italy, I hope there will be people discovering that and competing in the future. When I was young, I didn’t know about this possibility. Maybe in the future, other sponsors will join in.” THE RACE OF ALLA GRANDE PIRELLI  1st LegAlla Grande Pirelli sailed by Ambrogio Beccaria and Nicolas Andrieu in the lead from start to finish, across the Bay of Seine to the Courreaux de Groix, won, arriving on the stroke of midnight.« We didn’t have any problems aboard the boat apart from a little damage to the sails… and a knee and two legs that got a bit beaten up.”Nicolas Andrieu«  The lead we have is big, but not really important. It is better to be an hour ahead than an hour behind. It is amazing seeing Ambrogio handle his boat. He was involved in the design and knows her by heart.” 2nd leg « We’re pleased to be able to set sail, but it will be in strong winds and upwind for the first two and a half days. We’re going to have to remain alert, but we sailed well in the first leg. We’re going to try to keep up the pace. We are tackling this second leg, just as we did at the start of the race. »8th Novthe Class40 monohulls continue to fight it out as they round the NW tip of Spain. In front, the two Italian-French teams on Alla Grande Pirelli and IBSA are setting an incredible pace that only a small group of five chasing boats seems able to follow.9th NovAmbrogio Beccaria and Nico Andrieu on Alla Grande Pirelli lost some miles on their rivals last night and this morning after snaring a fishing net. « . We had fishing nets in the keel. Then I had a little injury, but nothing serious. It’s never easy sailing. There is no wind, but big waves. We’re trying to avoid the next no-wind zone. The strategy is to catch the wind. » 11th NovAmarris off to the North and West with the rivals in the South off to the East:  Alla Grande Pirelli, IBSA, Groupe SNEF… 12th NovAchille Nebout and Gildas Mahé stuck with their most westerly route, and are passing to the west of Tenerife on Amarris. Furthest to the south and east and going slightly quicker have been a posse of four boats led by Ambrogio Beccaria and Nico Andrieu on Alla Grande- PIRELLI 14th NovMacaire takes lead, It’s nice to be back in the leading group with Ambrogio (Alla Grande Pirelli) and Alberto (IBSA). We’re fighting it out with them. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. It’s a bit sad to see our routes diverge, but we’re sticking with our strategy. It may pay off or it may not. It offers a possibility of winning, so we grabbed that opportunity 15th NovLeaders yesterday Xavier Macaire and Pierre Leboucher (Groupe SNEF) are investing in a northwesterly course whilst the Italian Musa 40 Alla Grande PIRELLI sailed by Ambrogio Beccaria and Nico Andrieu leads again alongside Italian rivals IBSA, the Manuard designed Mach 40.5 sailed by Alberto Bona and Spanish ace Pablo Santurde del Arco. 17th NovAmbrogio Beccaria and Nico Andrieu still hold a slender lead on Alle Grande-PIRELLI over IBSA. Beccaria says they are not looking too closely at the progress of a pack some 500 miles in the north led by Groupe SNEF (Xavier Macaire and Pierre Leboucher). Beccaria, “Today it is too light for us, and too hot, especially for Nico (Andrieu, co-skipper). The battle is going on, it’s about every shift and every knot of wind more or less. Physically I had a bit of pain with my rib a few days ago but now it is better. Nico is suffering in the heat » 20th Novthe southernmost boats, like IBSA (Bona / Santurde del Arco), along with Alla Grande Pirelli (Beccaria / Andrieu) and Everial (le Draoulec / Leglatin), are progressing irregularly with a shifty wind 22nd NovIt is the Italian-French duo Ambrogio Beccaria and Nico Andrieu on Alla Grande Pirelli who continue to profit.  “It’s a bit like a Tarantino film, where everyone gets shot at the end,” joked Beccaria. “According to my routing, it may be Influence2 that wins or us or Groupe SNEF… In any case, none of us can control the situation.” Source : organization TJV [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJV : Flip a coin?]]> Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT "The choice of route is super complicated... yesterday, we said route north, let's go crazy, last night, we said it wasn't going to work and, this morning, we're going to flip a coin! It's not easy being tactical in this Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre! After last week's dilemma between a descent to the South via the East or the West, and a passage through Madeira that was restrictive for some, for the past few days we've had to decide which side of the anticyclone to take. Jules Bonnier and Robin Follin (Nestenn - Entrepreneurs pour la planète) "The weather is as uncertain as ever for the end of this race, with a northerly option, a southerly option and why not a 'middle' option, which looks complex. We're about halfway through the race, with between 9 and 11 days to go before we reach Martinique.The weather's fine, it's hot but not yet too hot, and the moon made its (brief) return early yesterday, which was really nice!" Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall) "We kept up some good speeds yesterday and tonight. It was great despite the darkness of the night because we still haven't seen the moon since the start. It's a strange thing. It's a bit like it's disappeared. As for the rest, the weather remains a real headache. Nothing is really settled or very clear. For the moment, we're favouring VMG (Velocity Made Good: the best compromise between heading and speed) on the road. We're giving ourselves until this evening to decide whether or not to head north. It's likely to end up like that, but we're waiting until the last moment - probably this evening - to make our decision so as to be sure that no more direct route opens up. And with good reason: yesterday, the routing predicted another ten days of racing. This morning it's down to eleven. If we lose 24 hours every day, that's going to be a long time!" Amélie Grassi (La Boulangère bio) "We chose the south like another small group. The weather isn't easy, the files don't match up with the forecasts in a week's time, the strategic choices over the long term are very difficult, the brains are smoking! And they're not going to stop thinking as they keep an eye on our colleagues' northerly route. If it were easy to interpret this situation, we'd all be going to the same place and it wouldn't be so much fun." Nicolas Andrieu (Alla Grande Pirelli) "We're fighting a double battle. First of all it's a close battle of rare intensity with IBSA, with whom we've been sailing within sight of each other since Cape Finisterre, and for over a week we've been going blow for blow. A little mile lost in speed, a little mile gained on a new trajectory, we live to the rhythm of the rankings to calibrate our speed with a competitor supposedly encountering the same wind conditions. This proximity is both exhausting and highly stimulating (...) And then there's the other battle, the distance battle with the northern group led by Xavier Macaire and his Groupe SNEF. The routing estimates that our trajectories will cross again one day before the finish, and only then will we know which option was the right one (...) The atmosphere is good, the battle is furious, and that's exactly what we came to find on this Route du café." Nicolas Jossier and Alexis Loison (La Manche #EvidenceNautique) "We're going flat out, it's complicated with the weather to catch up with the frontrunners, almost impossible as the weather systems are too split up, but we're doing the best we can, we're fighting, we're looking after the boat and we're going fast, we peaked at 20 knots again last night. So everything's going well. The transatlantic race is longer than expected, so we're going to have to start rationing all our food from now on. Today, it's inventory and DIY". Emmanuel Le Roch (Edenred) "We gybed south last night and our routing gives us an advantage to the south. It's going to be close, so we're keeping a close eye on what's happening to the north, but at the moment they're going a bit slower, which is normal. It's going to come down to the finish, so we won't know who's right or wrong until the last day of the race! In any case, we're backing the southern route because we think there are fewer risks. If the routing lags behind to the north, it will be complicated for them. So we're heading south and we'll be shifting west as soon as the weather permits. It was a starry night but it's cloudy this morning and the weather's fine. We're better off here than our friends to the north, who have had to put their fleeces back on. We've got all our sails and all our chances until the finish." When they're not thinking about the weather and strategic choices, everyone has their own thing to do: Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) is doing the maths: "A quick note for our mountain friends in the sea and mountain trophy (and the others too). Antoine and I left Lorient almost 10 days ago. We've had an average swell of 1.5 metres, based on a quick estimate. Given a 12-second period, that's a 'climb' of 7.5m per minute, or 450m per hour and 10,800m per day. So we've climbed more than 10 times the height of Mount Everest since we set off! And without oxygen!This dubious reflection is inspired by the contemplation of the boat gliding along on the swell (too gently) as we approach the axis of the ridge of high pressure that we're trying to cross tonight...". Erwan Le Draoulec (Everial) is enjoying his day: "The boat is gliding along gently, which is really nice! We're going to take advantage of this slightly calmer day to do some activities that we've been missing, like taking a shower, or cooking some monkfish pasta with kari-gosse - a dish from the restaurant Le Quai in La Trinité-sur-Mer, reworked version at sea - it's going to be really good!" Andrea Fornaro and Benoit Hantzperg (Influence 2) are testing new cooking methods: "It's not a relaxing pace, but we're adapting. Since we've run out of gas for the jetboil, we've learnt to cook with the engine by placing the food on the hot head and it works quite well (Benoit ate a packet of Thai pork and said it wasn't bad). The forecast gives us an arrival in about 7 days... Our beloved boat is flying which is a pleasure, even if she will need some care at the end of this trip.... This morning I changed my shirt, put on some deodorant and off I went... ready to go! ready to go out! Mikael Mergui (Centrakor) "It's been another day of hurtling down red slopes full of powder in bright sunshine: it's a total blast to be out on the water in these conditions. From time to time, a wave comes along to refresh us and add a little more salt to our skin, which is starting not to like it so much any more. Our hands start to swell with the moisture. Pulling on a rope becomes less and less pleasant. The first irritations are making themselves known (...) The wind eased a little in the second half of the night. We're going to take advantage of this 'calm spell', as they say in the children's nursery, to check Marcel over from every angle. On the map, behind our computer, we can also see our four friends who were ahead of us as we left the Canaries. The famous northern route... "[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJV : From storm to calm...]]> Fri, 10 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT They knew it from the start, they had to pass the latitude of Lisbon to hope that new horizons would open up. This has now been achieved for a large part of the fleet. Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel), Thursday 9th: "Lisbon at last! Like a relief! (...) It was brutal, violent and, above all, uncomfortable and stressful. And then the stars, the spinnaker, the glide...". But it's not over yet because, as Nicolas D'Estais (Café Joyeux) explained: "we're trying to get around an initial ridge of high pressure. We're then going to have to cross a zone of shifty winds to get to the real ridge of high pressure, which will take us into the trade winds". It's an exciting game to follow since, as the race organisers write, "the lateral dispersion is quite marked between the two groups at the front. More than 40 miles separate the leader Amarris from the Franco-Spanish-Italian crews, who have rounded the DST at Cape Saint Vincent and are making parallel headway to the east. The same goes for the 'Sharp' Class40s with their pointed noses. Jérôme Lesieur (Label Emmaüs) "is starting to dry out a bit! (...) The boat is heading in the right direction and we're trying to recover a bit. Yesterday was all about survival. "We love this sport because it's never easy, there are hard moments sometimes, but also lots of extraordinary moments like this sunrise this morning after a night of surfing under spinnaker" writes the Seafrigo-Sogestran duo. And yet last night looked like being a difficult one with no wind... The same sentiment was echoed on the networks: "After 3 days of crawling along in a tilted boat, surrounded by the constant crashing of the waves and the roar of the wind, gusting to a blistering 40 knots (...) we finally hoisted a spinnaker, the boat was flat, the foulies were starting to dry, we could see the light at the end of the tunnel and then... nothing. No wind, nothing, nada. (Axel Tréhin - Project Rescue Ocean). It's the same story on Vogue with a Crohn's: "After a stormy sea, a boat banging and banging and screaming, it's time to look for the slightest breath of air..."  The result, this Friday morning, of the game of placing towards the South, channelled by the compulsory rounding of Porto Santo: the advantage went to the boats furthest West, while crossing the first zone of light airs cost the East-leaners dearly. Achille Nebout (Amarris), leading the rankings this morning: "It was strange: yesterday evening, the wind came in from the east and then strengthened to 20 knots from the west. We sailed under gennaker all night. Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall) confirms: "We're dealing with a wind which is nowhere near what the weather forecasts are predicting (...) The situation remains complex. Emmanuel Le Roch (Edenred) added: "The contrast between the front and the calm was brutal! We had to get out of the light airs and we're doing pretty well (...) The wind came back at the end of the night and it's been nice and smooth this morning. It feels great to be gliding along." The good news this Friday is the return to racing of several boats which had to stop, such as Le Bleuet de France and Trimcontrol. Fabien Delahaye (Legallais), who set off again last night: "It's drying out and we're off again! We didn't stay long in Cascais and that's rather good news. And, given the solidarity of the seafarers, they're waiting for us in the calm!" Source: organisation TJV and teams[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJV : summary of the first two days of racing]]> Wed, 08 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT It's already been 48 hours since the fleet set sail from Lorient, and the least we can say is that the sailors have not been spared! On the programme: a strong wind, violent gusts and a boat-hugging sea. A look back at the start of this transatlantic race Monday 6th Start in unseasonable conditions, with 2.5 metre seas and a 20-knot W/SW'ly wind. Torrential rain and squalls at 35-40 knots. There are only 40 Class40s left in the race. IBSA (Bona/Santurde), Café Joyeux (D'Estais/Debiesse), Project rescue Ocean (Tréhin/Riou) and Edenred (Le Roch/Bourgnon) got off to a very good start, but it was Seafrigo Sogestran (Chateau/Pirouelle) who rounded the mark in front of Inter Invest (Perraut/Bloch) and Legallais (Delahaye/Douguet). The Engie DFDS duo Brittany Ferries (Lee/Ragueneau) had to return to port to repair a torn J1, but are off to a fast start. Crosscall (Durcoz/Riou) also had to turn back after breaking their T-Bone carabiner on the mast halyard. They set off again a few hours later. At 17:45, The Sea Cleaners - Univerre - ENSM (Courbon/Champion) announced that they had dismasted. Tuesday 7th Curium Life Forward (Lepesqueux/Dehareng) has also had to turn back due to electronics problems. Alternative Sailing - Constructions du Belon (Greck/Jones) writes that they had "a good pony leg at the reach with gusts in excess of 30 knots". Mikael Mergui, on Centrakor, says they're getting battered, in heavy seas and squalls at 35 knots. A few broken blocks and a pilot who doesn't like squalls. Today's challenge was to escape as quickly as possible to avoid the light winds of a high-pressure cell. Unfortunately, this was to trap the Sharp boats. The first of them, Nestenn-Entrepreneurs pour la planète (Bonnier/Follin) (which later announced that it would have to make a stopover to replace the J2 cake) was 70 miles behind the head of the fleet, led by Alla Grande Pirelli (Becarria/Andrieu). Les Bleuets de France (Cormouls/de Fleurian) had their main aerial ripped away. A masthead climb will be necessary... as soon as conditions allow. Words from the sea EMMANUEL LE ROCH (EDENRED) "It was very brisk from the start, with a lot of sea. It wasn't comfortable for us or for the boat. The boat was bouncing around a lot, but we're fine, there's nothing wrong with us. We were let go a bit by the car in front. We'd anticipated last night's wind shift and the small change of tack that took place last night. We haven't yet decided whether to stay inside or outside Cape Finisterre this evening. We haven't eaten much, we've rested a bit, but we're going to have to think about eating to keep our strength up." BAPTISTE HULIN (AMIPI - TOMBELAINE COQUILLAGES) "We're really happy to be out at sea together and I've just woken up from my nap so I'm in a great mood! It's complicated in terms of the sea but we haven't broken much at the moment. We're a newly-formed pair, so we're getting our bearings! After that, we're colleagues on a day-to-day basis and friends in life, so that helps. It's our first time racing, so we're discovering each other, but it's going well. We're going to keep learning and progressing. We had a good meal and we were able to rest, even though it was short as we had manoeuvres to do throughout the night. But it's important that we get a good night's rest, as a new front will be arriving during the night. " GUILLAUME PIROUELLE (SEAFRIGO - SOGESTRAN) "Under the low-pressure system, we had quite a lot of wind at the end of the night, and it was moving very, very fast, as you can see on the map. It was quite violent for the boats. We've had a few minor electronic glitches, but the boat as a whole is working well. We re-trimmed the boat on Sunday afternoon, the day before the start. We hadn't tried anything, so we were hoping we hadn't made any mistakes in reassembling all the systems, but on the face of it, everything's fine. For the moment there are no particular problems with the structure of the boat. Wednesday 8th Alexis Loison (La Manche #EvidenceNautique) has injured his hand after being thrown inside the boat in a wave. Mandatory stopover in La Coruña to undergo tests. The Class40s are continuing to make headway around Spain. Up front, the two tandems of Alla Grande Pirelli and IBSA are still setting a blistering pace that only a small group of five chasers is able to keep up with. Amarris is one of them and Achille Nebout made no secret of his weariness at hearing his boat banging away, relieved to have finally turned behind the front at the radio session: "It's starting to take its toll on our bodies. We're not managing to do much on board. Gildas (Mahé) has had two hot meals and the only position we can hold in the boat is lying in the bunk! While the leaders will gradually see the conditions improve as they make their way south, the second pack of Class40s continue their procession around the headlands of the Galician coast. Coastal sailing is partly protecting them from the heavy seas being encountered by Everial (Le Draoulec/Leglatin), which has passed to the north of the DST, a route which Envol-Kermarrec Promotion (Facon/Valiergue) looks set to follow... Les Bleuets de France announce a stopover in Carino following the loss of their J2 and a broken chainplate. Source : Organisation Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre et teams.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJV: off to Martinique]]> Mon, 06 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT 8 days after their first departure from Le Havre, which gave rise to some superb images in the Bay of Seine, the 40 crews took to the roads leading to Martinique in the crowded waters off Groix on Monday morning. The 80 sailors set off in unseasonable conditions, with 2.5 metre seas and a steady 20 knot westerly or south-westerly wind. But that's without taking into account the copious squalls which are adding to the challenge in the area, with torrential rain and slams at 35-40 knots. Off Lorient, the tradition of competitive starts which has made the reputation of the Route du café is being respected to the letter. For the fleet of monohulls setting sail at 10:45 today, the trade winds will have to be earned. You had to get up early and don't forget to put on your foulies to greet the crews as they set off on this Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre. In Lorient, the warm, intimate farewells before the great ocean ride ahead had a special family flavour and a friendly ring to it. Among those who answered the call from the pontoon were the co-skippers of Dékuple, William Mathelin-Moreaux and Pietro Luciani, who officially announced their withdrawal as they were unable to repair their damage on the first leg in time. But for their comrades, for whom the game is still on, it's time to go. At 8.40am, the 6 Ocean Fifty boats and the 40 Class40s finally left the pontoons of Lorient La Base, where they had been sheltered since Monday 30 October. On the water, conditions are steady, or rather "engaged", as the sailors call it, as they set off in a low-pressure weather system. At 10:30 am, the Ocean Fifty entered the dance. A quarter of an hour later, it was the turn of the Class40s to take the plunge once more into the deep end of the course that awaited them via Port Santo in Madeira. The wind has eased to 15 knots, but a big squall on the horizon means that this lull will be short-lived. At the top IBSA (Bona-Santurde Del Arco), Café Joyeux (D'Estais-Debiesse), Project Rescue Ocean (Trehin-Riou) and Edenred (Le Roch-Bourgnon), to the left of the line on the island of Groix, are in the mix. At the clearing buoy, Seafrigo Sogestran (Chateau-Pirouelle), back in the race after a commando mission to repair a badly damaged boat in the Bay of Seine, is showing her colours. He is definitely a force to be reckoned with. At the mark, he is leading the fleet ahead of Interinvest (Perraut-Bloch), Legallais (Delahaye-Douguet), and La Manche #Evidence Nautique (Jossier-Loison)... Ahead of the bows of this compact fleet: the promise of 48 hours as invigorating as they are strategic, during which it will be necessary both to preserve the boat and not to drag their feet in order to get out of the race and reach Cape Finisterre. All in all, it's quite an art, easier said than done when tacking, before beginning the long descent towards downwind conditions... It should be noted that the crew of Engie DFDS Britanny Ferries (Lee-Ragueneau) had to return to the port of Lorient La Base. More information to follow... Source : Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Alla Grande Pirelli, for the first coffee!]]> Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT The finishes of the first leg of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre took place in Lorient. First over the finish line were Ambrogio Beccaria and Nicolas Andrieu aboard their Musa 40 Alla Grande Pirelli. They were 1h15 ahead of the Pogo S4 Groupe SNEF, itself 5 minutes ahead of the Max 40 Inter Invest. In the Sharp class, Jules Bonnier and Robin Follin (Nestenn - Entrepreneurs for the Planet) came in first, followed by Matthieu Foulquier-Gazagnes and Michel Milanese (Sotraplant TRS) and Kieran Le Borgne and Basile Buisson (Google Chrome). The faces were tired and the eyes reddened on the pontoons in Lorient last night, for the arrival of this first and unexpected 'leg' of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre. As everyone said, the aim here was not so much to win this leg as not to lose the Transat. Ambrogio Beccaria: "We weren't ready. Fortunately, we'd done a very similar race not so long ago, in which we sailed very well. We said to ourselves that it wasn't the ideal race to prepare for the Transat Jacques Vabre, and in the end it wasn't so bad. We didn't have any problems aboard the boat, apart from a few tiny problems with the sails... and a knee and two legs that took a bit of a beating at one point. When you went to the front, it was a bit wild." Nicolas Andrieu: "The start was incredible in 35 knots on the reach, with all the boats in full ball, at 18 or 20 knots. It was quite moving to be on the line with everyone like that. The first night, the conditions were pretty rough and I had a hard time getting used to them. The boat gave us a bit of a rough time, but we're really pleased to have succeeded. This gap is all and nothing, but it's better to have 1 hour one way than the other. If this ever changes anything in Martinique, we'll be happy! It's amazing to see Ambrogio handle his boat. He helped design it and knows it like the back of his hand. Xavier Macaire: "It was a great race. It was tough, committed on all levels and physically hard after a strong start. A lot happened in just over 24 hours. We didn't get much sleep and we were pushed to the limit. There were squalls with changes in wind direction, squalls, gusts and so on. It all worked out well. We took a great option in Northern Brittany. We had some good phases, and others that weren't so good in terms of speed. In the end, we managed to smooth out the ups and downs with some good tacks and good manoeuvres, to finish in second place in this first leg of the transatlantic race." Pierre Leboucher: "It was a bumpy ride. After the Raz Blanchard, it was really tough, and unfortunately we learned that Ian (Lipinski on Crédit Mutuel) had dismasted. The whole set of sails went. We had to pick up 27 knots off Groix. But we finished well, and that's great because there were a lot of traps. We're ready for the real leg, but we don't know when. Matthieu Perraut: "The aim of the race was not to lose the race. Above all, we didn't want to break the boat and take a wagon from the others. The two of us had a great time again, and once again, when we crossed the line, we said to ourselves that it's so cool to be sailing together. We had a great time. The start is still a good memory. Kevin Bloch: "It was a great start. I think everyone was scared of it. There was a lot of wind and a complicated manoeuvre at the mark with a lot of boats. But it was great to do. We didn't really think of it as the Transat Jacques Vabre. We took it as a race like any other, and didn't spare ourselves too much. Jules Bonnier and Robin Follin: "The start of the race was sporty. We didn't get off to a very good start and didn't have the speed we needed on the first tack. On the first night, we made some good choices and sailed cleanly. This morning's option to go further offshore didn't pay off, but we were in the middle of the scows, where we belonged. We agreed straight away that not everything was going to be decided on this leg. We wanted to be as sure as we could and not make any crucial mistakes, so we fulfilled our contract and that's what counts. We didn't break anything, apart from a few tiny things, and we're ahead of the frontrunners! When you look at the number of incidents we've had on this leg, we're happy to be in the dock with a boat that's almost ready to go again.The objective is to get to Martinique, not Lorient. It was a training session, intense with all the possible conditions we encountered, but a training session nonetheless. We're happy to be here, but now we can't wait to find out when we'll be able to set sail again! Amélie Grassi: "We set out in a fairly conservative frame of mind, saying to ourselves that we had to do things right to be close to everyone else in time. Above all, we didn't want to get carried away so as not to damage the boat. So we took a fairly cautious start. Our start to the race was also mixed, but from the Raz Blanchard onwards we worked really well. The conditions were really unpleasant. The boats are very hard in those conditions, so there was a lot of banging. From the moment we left the Four, we did a lot of great things and came back well. Unfortunately our medium spinnaker blew on the last tack to Lorient and we lost quite a few places. We weren't really rewarded for our efforts and commitment, which is a shame. Now it's time to rest and get back on the attack for the next leg! Anne-Claire Le Berre: "We spent 36 hours soaking wet and doing a lot of upwind sailing. The conditions were particularly difficult. In fact, we caught quite a storm at the Raz Blanchard. We didn't sleep much, maybe 1h30 each, it never stopped in fact. We really had a blast. It was quite violent on board. We're going to make the most of the few days ashore to rest and take care of the boat. Aurélien Ducroz and Vincent Riou: "This first leg really took its toll on us. Violent, even. The reason? Extremely tough wind and sea conditions, particularly over the first third of the course. We set foot ashore in Lorient last night, at 2.07 am, after 36 hours of racing, in 15th position. At this stage of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie - Le Havre, it's the gap to the frontrunners that matters more than the position. In this case, for us, it's 2h21, which is little or nothing on the scale of the Atlantic. With Vincent, we're completely in the game. We made a strategic error which got us into trouble just before the Raz Blanchard, at the north-western tip of the Cotentin peninsula, where the most powerful tidal currents in Europe are rife. In spite of everything, we made it back quite well during the night and then again yesterday morning, just before rounding the tip of Brittany, where I had to rack my brains to try and find the best passage. To finish, we're really happy to have arrived. We're finishing quite tired and we're going to make sure we're well rested before the next stage. We still don't have all the details yet. This difficult weather has allowed the duos to test themselves once again and, good news, it looks like they'll be setting off together again! The aim now is to secure the boats to allow the storm Ciaran to pass and to repair any damage to the boats and their crew. They have at least until Sunday to do this, as the Race Direction announced this morning to the competitors that there would be no start before Saturday 4 November inclusive.   1- ALLA GRANDE PIRELLI Ambriogio BECCARIA / Nicolas ANDRIEU 2- GROUPE SNEF Xavier MACAIRE / Pierre LEBOUCHER 3- INTER INVEST Matthieu PERRAUT / Kevin BLOCH 4- LEGALLAIS Fabien DELAHAYE / Corentin DOUGUET 5- AMARRIS Achille NEBOUT / Gildas MAHE 6- PROJECT RESCUE OCEAN Axel TREHIN / Gwenael RIOU 7- EVERIAL Erwan LE DRAOULEC / Tanguy LEGLATIN 8- IBSA Alberto BONA / Pablo SANTURDE DEL ARCO 9- VOGUE AVEC UN CROHN Pierre-Louis ATTWELL / Maxime BENSA 10- LA BOULANGERE BIO Amelie GRASSI / Anne-Claire LE BERRE 11- INFLUENCE2 Andrea FORNARO / Benoit HANTZPERG 12- CENTRAKOR Mikael MERGUI / Ludovic MECHIN 13- CURIUM LIFE FORWARD Marc LEPESQUEUX / Renaud DEHARENG 14- EDENRED Emmanuel LE ROCH / Basile BOURGNON 15- CROSSCALL Aurelien DUCROZ / Vincent RIOU 16- WASABIII Stephane BODIN / Swann HAYEWSKI 17- TQUILA Alister RICHARDSON / Brian THOMPSON 18- CAFE JOYEUX Nicolas D'ESTAIS / Debiesse LEO 19- TEAM ZEISS-WEEECYCLING Thimote POLET / Pierrick LETOUZE 20- ACROBATICA Alberto RIVA / Jean MARRE 21- NESTENN - ENTREPRENEURS POUR LA PLANETE Jules BONNIER / Robin FOLLIN 22- ALTERNATIVE SAILING-CONSTRUCTIONS DU BELON Estelle GRECK / Mathieu JONES 23- SIGN FOR COM Lennart BURKE / Melwin FINK 24- LA MANCHE #EVIDENCE NAUTIQUE Nicolas JOSSIER / Alexis LOISON 25- THE SEA CLEANERS - UNIVERRE - ENSM Renaud COURBON / François CHAMPION 26- CAPTAIN ALTERNANCE Keni PIPEROL / Thomas JOURDREN 27- ENGIE - DFDS - BRITTANY FERRIES Pamela LEE / Tiphaine RAGUENEAU 28- P - SOTRAPLANT-TRS Matthieu FOULQUIER-GAZAGNES / Xavier BROERS 29- GOOGLE CHROME Kieran LE BORGNE / Basile BUISSON 30- P - LE BLEUET DE France Charlotte CORMOULS / Claire-Victoire DE FLEURIAN 31- P - EDEN PARK - LES PAPILLONS DU CIEL Nicolas BOMBRUN / Paul BRANDEL 32- AMIPI - TOMBELAINE COQUILLAGES Baptiste HULIN / Christophe BACHMANN 33- P - LABEL EMMAUS Jerome LESIEUR / Damien JENNER 34- VOGUE LE MONDE Benoit LEQUIN / Stephane HUNOT 35- P - MUSSULO 40 Jose Guilherme CALDAS / Gustavo PEIXOTO 36- L’ENVOL-KERMARREC PROMOTION Anatole FACON / Alice VALIERGUE 37- P - TRIMCONTROL Alexandre LE GALLAIS / Carlo VROON 38- QWANZA Goulven MARIE / Nicolas BATTESTI 39- P - MARTINIQUE TCHALIAN Hervé JEAN-MARIE / Jean-Yves AGLAE[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Transat Jacques Vabre, start of the first leg !]]> Sun, 29 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT The 44 Class40s took the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre this Sunday, October 29, 2023. At 1:41 pm, the fleet started in a wind ed 25 knots established. Direction, a buoy at Cap de la Hève, rolled up first by the duo A.Beccaria/ N.Andrieu (Alla Grande Pirelli). A magnificent show but a crossover that caused, unfortunately, the first clashes at the buoy and 3 returns to the port... Due to the bad weather of the week, the Class40s will not directly reach Fort de France but are heading to Lorient, which the first should join Monday evening, after about 36 hours of racing. to follow the race : Édition 2023 | Transat Jacques Vabre 2023[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A Transat Jacques Vabre in 2 legs!]]> Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT AT THIS MORNING'S BRIEFING, RACE DIRECTOR FRANCIS LE GOFF EXPLAINED ALL THE TECHNICAL DETAILS OF THE START, WHICH IS CONFIRMED FOR TOMORROW SUNDAY FOR THE 95 CREWS IN THE FOUR CLASSES OF THE TRANSATLANTIC RACE JACQUES VABRE NORMANDIE LE HAVRE. CHRISTIAN DUMARD, THE RACE METEOROLOGIST, OUTLINED THE MENU THAT AWAITS THE COMPETITORS OVER THE FIRST FEW DAYS OF THE RACE. GIVEN THE VIOLENCE OF THE LOW-PRESSURE SYSTEM EXPECTED TO HIT THE BAY OF GASCONY ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, IT HAS BEEN DECIDED THAT THE CLASS40S WILL RACE TO FORT-DE-FRANCE IN TWO LEGS, WITH A STOPOVER IN LORIENT. The large amphitheatre of the docks of Le Havre was bathed in light this morning, but the briefing had the solemnity of the full editions of the Route du café. The 2023 vintage will obviously have this content if we believe the detailed weather files by Christian Dumard. The models still differ a little on the strength of the gusts and the timing of the passage of the fronts, but the overall scenario is as follows:  The start on Sunday will be given in tonic but manageable conditions, with 20 to 25 knots of south-west, conditions that remain fairly stable for the night and the day of Monday on the start of this Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre The start on Sunday will be given in tonic but manageable conditions, with 20 to 25 knots of south-west, conditions that remain fairly stable for the night and the day of Monday on the start of this Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre Stopover in Lorient The Base for Class40 On the other hand, the Class40s find themselves in a situation of blocking without possible escape. And when the race director announced in the second part of the briefing to the 44 crews selected in the amphitheatre of the Docks that they would compete in the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre in two stages, the round of applause left no doubt that everyone had anticipated the phenomenon. “A finish line will be set up in Lorient and we will organize a second start when the weather conditions allow us to sail safely to Fort-de-France,” said the race director. The start of this second stage will be given in fleet and the ranking established the finish in Martinique at the sum of the times of the two stages.” Safety but sporting fairness, this wise decision nevertheless required to react very quickly for the organizer of the Coffee Route as explained in the briefing output Gildas Gautier, co-director general of the event: “When we discussed this hypothesis with SELLOR (ports of Lorient NDR) this morning, it immediately replied that it would make every effort to welcome all 44 Class40s safely. This agreement was a prerequisite to rethink the Class 40 course. All competitors will have a place reserved for Lorient La Base and we would like to warmly thank the ports of Lorient for their support.” The words of the sailors at the end of the briefing: Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande Pirelli) : “I feel neither relief nor frustration. We were ready to go, even if it is a very wise decision for the whole fleet, which avoids endangering the slowest boats of the Class40. It’s a pretty smart way to keep the race intact. So let’s start with a big warm-up, we’re hot!”Nicolas Andrieu (Alla Grande Pirelli) : «It changes a lot of things, starting with the course which will be much more coastal, as well as the intensity that we will put there. You’re going to have to give it all over 36 hours.” Vincent Riou (Crosscall) : «I competed in the Transat Jacques Vabre solo, in doubles and now it takes the form of a stage race, let’s be crazy! What is certain is that going live on the initial route did not pass. This original decision is very acceptable. The important thing is that we do a race, I hope with 44 boats at the start of the second stage, and that we take pleasure. Now, we are waiting for the rules. On our side, we had impasses on the sails because we were going on a typical course. Will we have the right to change, or to play with a handicap? We don’t know yet. We start for a first sprint in a strong wind, with different paces and many more maneuvers. Psychologically, we had prepared for a certain process, now we have to understand things differently, and go back behind the computer.” Source : Organisation Transat Jacques Vabre[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Class40 Trophies: Ivica Kostelic takes the title in the Mediterranean, Nicolas d’Estais triumphs in the English Channel -Atlantic area!]]> Tue, 17 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 Trophies are designed to reward performance and participation. Two winners of this year’s contest are Ivica Kostelic (ACI) in the Mediterranean and Nicolas d’Estais (Café Joyeux) in the English Channel – Atlantic area.   The Mediterranean Sea – a new playground The wealth of races in the Class40 calendar allows its members to build their own race programme. Having spent the 2022 season in the Atlantic in preparation for his first Route du Rhum, the Croatian sailor “decided to stay closer to home, in familiar waters” this year, in territory that is perhaps a little more favourable for making an impact at the front of the fleet on his Mach40.2. “I thoroughly enjoy sailing in the Mediterranean. The natural beauty, the highly varied conditions which are more advantageous for the older generation boats which make up the bulk of the fleet for this trophy, and the tight racing make this competition very interesting.” It’s true that the difference in performance between different generations of boats is less marked in the Mediterranean conditions. “In light airs, for example, first and second generation boats perform just as well, if not better, than newer boats! In an average offshore race in the Mediterranean, everyone will experience optimal conditions for their boat for at least a part of the race.” And while the number of participants and top-tier teams is lower than in the other race areas, the level of competition on the water really is very high: “In terms of ability, the level is up there. Competitors have to be good all-rounders to master the varied conditions. The local sailors generally know how to use the local effects to their advantage, and it is hard to beat old seadogs like Kito de Pavant, for example.” Our ski champion adds: “We are a close-knit group of Class40s in the Med; it’s nice to have this unity.” Class40 is proud to crown such a champion, a true idol in his home country, who has demonstrated what an outstanding athlete he is through his multiple Olympic skiing medals.   The English Channel – Atlantic area – a high-octane playground “We spend a lot of time preparing our boats, but being out on the water as much as possible is important for me. The race calendar is very well put together, and so it was obvious that we should be on the start line of as many races as possible when these are not far from home. I need to accrue as much experience as possible”, Nicolas d’Estais explains. “I was disappointed not to finish the CIC Normandy Channel Race, but we were lucky that it didn’t penalise us for this Trophy.  It was a real pleasure to race in the Atlantic, but also in the English Channel, which I don’t know as well. It is a varied and challenging playground, with its tidal currents and significant local effects. We learn a lot by sailing there.” Nicolas d’Estais is all the more delighted with this victory as the level of competition was high, fighting it out against “the Figaro sailors who have been racing there for the past 10 years, and know it off by heart.” He adds: “The level is just unbelievable. As a former Mini sailor, being up against Figaro sailors such as Xavier Macaire, Alexis Loison, Pierre Leboucher and Achille Nebout is simply an honour!” His boat, a Lift V2, is equally part of this victory: “My boat is very fast. Corentin Douguet, its former owner, handed it over to us in perfect condition, which meant that we were immediately able to get on with learning how to sail it rather than spending time working on it. We have posted consistent results. The boat is super, a good all-rounder, which means that despite the variety of conditions we encounter, the boat is always up to it.” And lastly, the fact that Nicolas d’Estais races in the colours of Café Joyeux adds a special flavour to this victory, given the values promoted by these establishments. Next up is the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre, in which Nicolas will race with Léo Debiesse, with whom he shares this Trophy. “We make a good team, it works well, we work well together.” While the 2023 Class40 Champion will not be revealed until the end of the upcoming Transat Jacques Vabre, Class40 is pleased to crown the winners of the Mediterranean and European Trophies as of now. The former goes to Ivica Kostelic on his Mach ACI, the latter to Nicolas d’Estais, and his co-skipper Léo Debiesse. These two champions will be honoured along with others at the 2023 Trophy prize-giving party, which will also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Class, on the 30th March at a secret location in Lorient. Details will be provided in due course…  Watch this space!   Mediterranean Trophy 1. Ivica Kostelic (ACI) 2. Kito de Pavant (Made in midi) 3. Marco Guerra (Imagin’act Socomec) Full results: mediterraneantrophy23.pdf ( European Trophy 1. Nicolas D’Estais (Café Joyeux) 2. Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall) 3. F. Delahaye (Legallais) Full results: europeantrophy23.pdf (    [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine LAMOTTE : DOUBLE COUP FOR THE ALLA GRANDE - PIRELLI CREW]]> Mon, 25 Sep 2023 00:00:00 GMT After two great races yesterday in medium winds, this Sunday the competitors in the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE sailed two 13- and 10-mile coastal races in around twenty knots of wind and sunshine. The conditions were ideal for a match-racing battle. As proof of this, the two frontrunners, Ian Lipinski's Crédit Mutuel and Ambrogio Beccaria's Alla Grande - Pirelli finished level on points, but it was the Franco-Italian crew who won the LODIGROUP Trophy, completing a clean sweep after their victory in the main race. "We really had a blast today! It's been an incredible day. The conditions were perfect, just the way we like them," summed up Ambrogio Beccaria on his return from sea on Sunday, after a very fine mano a mano with Ian Lipinski and his men. "Like yesterday, we won the first race of the day by a wide margin. The second race, on the other hand, was much more competitive. We knew that first place in the general ranking was going to come down to us and Crédit Mutuel. Whoever finished ahead of the other would win. He came after us, playing the marking game, but he came off badly. Downwind, on flat seas, we made the difference. It ended up being a real match race. We didn't give up and we crossed the line half a length ahead. A tiny lead, but enough to take first place", commented the Italian sailor and his sidekick Nicolas Andrieu, supported by Quentin Ponroy, Bastien Oger and Malo Bessec during this LODIGROUP Trophy. "We sailed really well and we're pleased because it wasn't easy, with some very short tacks," added Ambrogio, who scored a fine double in this fourth edition of the event after winning the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE double-handed race on Thursday and Friday. All that is taken will be taken no more "Clearly, that was the objective. We made some great trajectories and confirmed our ease of speed, particularly downwind, which bodes well for the transatlantic race," explained the skipper of Alla Grande - Pirelli, who has already won the CIC Normandy Channel Race this season after two second places in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe 2022 and the Défi Atlantique 2023. "We came here to perform. The contract has been fulfilled," added the sailor, who confirms that he will undoubtedly be one of the big favourites in the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie - Le Havre, along with a number of other sailors, starting with Matthieu Perraut and Kévin Bloch (Inter Invest), whose Max 40 was making her return to racing for the first time since the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. "We came here with no pressure, just to enjoy ourselves, and we really enjoyed ourselves. Yesterday and today, we sailed some very complete courses. We sailed around the rocks really well. We worked hard and made some great options. It was important for us to be in the game after a year without racing aboard the boat and we couldn't have hoped for a more comprehensive test against the competition", emphasised the former Ministe, who also showed great consistency by finishing 3rd in the main race and 3rd in the LODIGROUP Trophy. "We were very consistent. We made some good options and sailed well around the rocks. We didn't make any big mistakes and we're happy about that. It clearly gives us confidence for the rest of the race", concludes Matthieu, who, like most of the others, will be lining up at the start of the Route du Café on 29th October. Source : SNBSM Results : Voile habitable / Régates / 40 Malouine LAMOTTE 2021 ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine LAMOTTE : The Beccaria - Andrieu tandem wins!]]> Fri, 22 Sep 2023 00:00:00 GMT Strong winds, squalls, heavy seas and rain... the 24 duos competing in the 4th edition of the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE couldn't have hoped for a better scenario for the 187 mile race between Saint-Malo and the Sept Iles to practise their skills before the famous Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie - Le Havre. Indeed, the conditions were demanding and the big guns in the class naturally played up front. The trifecta? Ambrogio Beccaria - Nicolas Andrieu (Alla Grande - Pirelli), Nicolas d'Estais - Léo Debiesse (Café Joyeux) and Matthieu Perrault - Kévin Bloch (Inter Invest). Setting out yesterday at 12 noon for a 187-mile loop starting and finishing in Saint-Malo via Videcoq, off Granville, then a mark to the west of Les Sept Iles, off Lannion, the fleet in the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE completed the loop this Friday morning. At 8:18 am, after around twenty hours, the tandem of Ambrogio Beccaria and Nicolas Andrieu crossed the finish line, three minutes and 58 seconds ahead of the pairing of Nicolas d'Estais and Léo Debiesse. "We're very happy. The gaps were small at the finish and we even expected them to be even smaller because at the halfway point there was a good number of us within a five-mile radius, almost on top of each other. In the end, as far as we're concerned, we made the difference on the return leg, downwind, and we're all the more satisfied because up until now, we've been fast upwind but less so under spinnaker. With a view to the transatlantic race, that's obviously not a bad thing", commented the skipper of Alla Grande - Pirelli, who took control of the race at around 3h30 this morning, stealing the show from the pairing of Nicolas d'Estais and Léo Debiesse, who had been leading the troops for a long time after having done a perfect job upwind. An open game right to the end Setting out yesterday at 12 noon on a 187-mile loop starting and finishing in Saint-Malo via Videcoq, off Granville, then a mark to the west of Les Sept Iles, off Lannion, the fleet in the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE completed the loop this Friday morning. At 8:18 am, after around twenty hours, the tandem of Ambrogio Beccaria and Nicolas Andrieu crossed the finish line, three minutes and 58 seconds ahead of the pairing of Nicolas d'Estais and Léo Debiesse. "We're very happy. The gaps were small at the finish and we even expected them to be even smaller because at the halfway point there was a good number of us within a five-mile radius, almost on top of each other. In the end, as far as we're concerned, we made the difference on the return leg, downwind, and we're all the more satisfied because up until now, we've been fast upwind but less so under spinnaker. With a view to the transatlantic race, that's obviously not a bad thing", commented the skipper of Alla Grande - Pirelli, who took control of the race at around 3h30 this morning, stealing the show from the pairing of Nicolas d'Estais and Léo Debiesse, who had been leading the troops for a long time after having done a perfect job upwind. An open game right to the end "On the climb back up between Videcoq and Les Sept Iles, we were fast and put in some good tacks. Downwind sailing is not the boat's strong point and as the seas were a bit short and choppy, we had a bit of trouble maintaining our lead," explained the skipper of Café Joyeux, who tried to make the difference at the end of the course by passing to the north of the wind farm in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc, when his direct rival preferred to go around it to the south. "In the end, going ashore was the right strategic choice, especially as the seas were much calmer," commented the Italian sailor, who thus definitively took the lead. "We're delighted with this first place. It gives us even more confidence for what's to come. Nicolas and I were stuck with our OCS (early departure) during the Rolex Fastnet Race, which cost us dearly. This time, there was no question of us leaving in the third curtain just to make sure. On the contrary, it was important to get off to a good start and that's what we did", emphasised Ambrogio, who thus confirms his status as favourite for the Transat Jacques Vabre after his second place finishes in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe 2022 and the Défi Atlantique 2023, and his victory in the CIC Normandy Channel Race last May. "We had a great time! It was much the same for many of the other big guns on the circuit, who had also come to validate a certain number of technical points, but also to establish themselves as serious clients ahead of the Route du Café, starting with Matthieu Perrault and Kévin Bloch (Inter Invest) who completed the podium in this off-shore race of the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE. "It was really interesting. We saw a lot of things and that's what we were expecting as it was our first race on the boat this season," recounted the former Ministe, who benefited from conditions that were both invigorating and complex. "It was really intense. We weren't expecting so much wind or so many squalls. It was very unstable and we didn't sleep at all, neither of us. We're happy with the result. The others made no mistakes and everyone attacked. We all finished in 30 knots under full spinnaker and full mainsail. We had some great runs and it was even really hot in the channel at the finish, but we had a great time!" finished Matthieu, who, like the other 23 duos in the running, has a date with the LODIGROUP Trophy starting tomorrow at 10am. On the menu: in-shore crewed races with guests on board. Source : SNBSM Ranking : 40 Malouine LAMOTTE - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine LAMOTTE : The sprint is on!]]> Thu, 21 Sep 2023 00:00:00 GMT As planned, at 12:08 on Thursday, the start of the great race of the fourth edition of the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE was given off the town of Aleth. The 23 duos in the running set off for a 187-mile stretch between Saint-Malo and Les Sept Iles via Videcoq, Grand Lejon and Jument des Héaux, propelled by a SW'ly air flow of around ten knots. In these conditions, Ambrogio Beccaria and Nicolas Andrieu (Alla Grande - Pirelli) got off to the best start before setting course for the Pointe du Grouin with Cédric Château and Guillaume Pirouelle (Seafrigo - Sogestran), Matthieu Perrault and Kévin Bloch (Inter Invest), Andrea Fornaro and Igor Goikhberg (Influence 2), William Mathelin - Moreaux and Pietro Luciani (Dekuple) in their wake. The fact remains that the match, which is expected to last around twenty hours, has only just begun and promises to be a match of rare intensity. The highly unstable conditions promise to spice up the game! "When you look at the sky today, you think you're going to have a great day out on the water, but you also think it's going to be a lot more action than you'd imagine", summed up the local competitor, Jules Bonnier (Nestenn - Entrepreneurs pour la planète). In fact, what awaits him and his rivals in this great 40' Malouine LAMOTTE offshore race promises to be all-encompassing, complex and sporting. On the one hand, because the 187-mile course proposed for this 4th edition is made up of rather short sections, close to the shore in order to avoid too bad sea conditions offshore. Secondly, because the wind is set to strengthen and be unstable to say the least, with possible stormy spells. "Overall, it's going to be pretty rough and very irregular. So the key will be to be able to find the best possible sail combinations to get through the squalls," says the sailor from Saint Malo, who is expecting the SW'ly air flow to oscillate between 15 and 35 knots. "It's clearly not going to be easy to be fast all the time. It's all going to be a question of compromise, but we're also going to have to put in some good tacks, make the most of the site effects and then the currents, even in this period of low tidal coefficients", said the skipper, who believes that the first very different options will become apparent as soon as they enter the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel. "Active from start to finish" An opinion shared by Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel). "There's going to be a lot of action from start to finish, with a lot of manoeuvres. It promises to be very active, particularly during the cloudy patches. We're clearly going to have to be on our toes to make sure we don't get caught out, but also to make sure we don't bump into another boat in the reduced visibility phases, when we'll be tacking in fairly restricted areas", warned the sailor, who has already won the Défi Atlantique and finished second in the CIC Normandy Channel Race this season, and who is determined to go after the victory which eluded him by a hair's breadth last year. "While we're here to prepare as best we can for the Transat Jacques Vabre, we're also here to win," noted the co-skipper of Antoine Carpentier, winner of the 2021 edition alongside Spaniard Pablo Santurde del Arco. He knows, however, that there are plenty of people lining up, starting with the Legallais men, Fabien Delahaye and Corentin Douguet, who for their part are looking forward to the upcoming match with such stiff competition and on such a technical course to put their brand new boat through its paces. "The aim is first and foremost to discover and learn the machine, but it's obvious that if we get the chance to go for victory, we won't miss it! And with good reason, the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie - Le Havre is already on everyone's minds. In this context, as well as validating the latest technical choices, it's also a question of scoring points and gaining a psychological advantage over the competition before heading to Le Havre next month. The verdict? It's expected tomorrow between 8 and 9 a.m. according to the latest routing. Source : SNBSM Tracking : SoluSport ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine LAMOTTE : Ready to get down to business !]]> Wed, 20 Sep 2023 00:00:00 GMT This Thursday 21 September at 12 noon, the start of the great race of the 4th edition of the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE will be given off Saint-Malo. For the time being, two courses are likely to be launched: one of 82 miles, the other of 157 miles. Franck-Yves Escoffier is due to make his decision this evening and it will be both the latest weather data and the opinion of all the racers that will tip the balance one way or the other. In any case, the programme promises to be as complete as it is technical, with lots of short sections and, by extension, lots of manoeuvres. All of which should give the competitors plenty of time to practise their skills before the famous Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie - Le Havre. The last race and therefore the last major test before the Route du Café, the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE is obviously very popular with the Class40 racers and the organisation team is naturally keen to meet their expectations as closely as possible. It's for this reason that Franck-Yves Escoffier, the event's conductor, has decided to adjust the course for this 2023 edition. "The weather conditions, and in particular the sea conditions forecast offshore this mid-week, have prompted us to adapt the route of the major race in order to guarantee maximum safety for the sailors", explains the organiser, who has therefore chosen to replace the initial course built around the Channel Islands with two others located between Saint-Malo and the Sept Iles archipelago, near Perros-Guirec. One will be 82 miles long and the other 157 miles, guaranteeing around ten hours of racing for the first and around twenty hours at sea for the second. "The idea is not to send the boats too far offshore to avoid the worst of the bad weather. By staying within the defined zone, the wind should be blowing at between 15 and 25 knots," explains Le Malouin, who plans to make his decision this evening, after consultation with the sailors. "I'm here first and foremost to experience a race". Although they will have to wait a few more hours to find out the details of the menu, they are not complaining. "To be honest, the choice of course doesn't really matter to us. We're here to experience a race, the start of a regatta and to get into shape before the Transat Jacques Vabre. The result isn't really a priority, even though, of course, we're competitors and any event is an opportunity to finish ahead of the others", relates Nicolas D'Estais (Café Joyeux), for whom the most important thing is above all to take advantage of the opportunity to perfect his preparation, optimise his trimming, carry out a series of manoeuvres and compare himself in terms of speed. In short, it's a chance to practise your skills in a race situation. "It's a perfect opportunity to check that the boat is ready for the transatlantic race and to do so, as a bonus, in slightly stronger winds - which we've lacked a little since resuming at the end of August - but also in the English Channel, where the first few miles of the Jacques Vabre will be sailed" adds the navigator, Léo Debiesse's partner. Nicolas Jossier, skipper of La Manche Evidence Nautique, confirms: "The important thing is to be up against the others. As far as I'm concerned, I'm in the camp of those who think they're doing what's best for the fleet. Franck-Yves knows the level of the others. He's certainly going to produce the course that's best suited to everyone. We know he'll make the right decision and that what lies ahead of us will, whatever happens, be interesting to confirm as many things as possible". Source : SNBSM Entry List : 40 Malouine LAMOTTE - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Palermo - Montecarlo, victory for Made in Midi (K. de Pavant)]]> Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 GMT The start of the Palermo-Montecarlo was given on Tuesday 22 August in the Gulf of Mondello in Sicily, in a very light north-easterly wind. Off Palermo, 46 boats, including 4 Class40s, set off on a 450-mile course through the heart of the Mediterranean towards Monaco. Tactical battle announced in the light airs "I don't think it's any hotter than it is in France at the moment, but it's not cold," commented Kito before the start. But the water is 23 degrees when it's usually more like 30...". The strange weather conditions in the summer of 2023 may hold some surprises in store for the participants in the 18th Palermo-Montecarlo. But on the day of the start, "it doesn't look very windy," added the skipper of the Class40 Made in Midi. We were expecting a big gust of mistral, which will start a little later than expected. It'll be calm with a northerly wind as far as the Porto Cervo gate and then it'll be a little windier so we can accelerate towards the end of the course, which we hope to be able to complete in three and a half days. So it won't be a race of speed, but rather a tactical headache chasing the reefs for two and a half days on the way to the last course mark to the north-east of Sardinia. "After Porto Cervo, the course will be free as far as Monaco. We'll have to choose whether to pass to the right or to the left of Corsica," he adds, "We're going to have a good fight on our hands, and it's going to be a match, because we have boats that are more or less equivalent in terms of speed, with the possible exception of Vaquita," comments the sailor from the Occitan region, who is hoping to claim his fourth victory this year. Even so, I don't think he's doing too badly in the light airs. There's a good crew of ministers on board. It's going to be a good fight." Four Class40s have lined up for the start of the Mediterranean classic: the 130 ACI skippered by the Croatian Ivica Kostelic, the 49 Vaquita, an old Lombard design skippered by the Italian Alessio Bernabo, the 171 Imagin'Act Socomec skippered by the Italian Marco Guerra and Kito de Pavant's 142 Made in Midi. We've been getting used to battling with our Class40 friends for a few regattas now, especially the Croatian Ivica Kostelic, who's a tough nut to crack," explained Kito de Pavant on his arrival in Monaco. It was a great battle on a beautiful course, perfectly organised, both simple and friendly. A great battle between Class40s The Class40 Made in Midi and her crew, made up of Kito, Françoise Velland and Philippe Gros, arrived in Monaco on Friday night after three and a half days of racing, neck and neck with the Class40s and other categories of boat that are very well suited to the Mediterranean conditions. There's a lot of play between Sicily and Monaco," comments Kito. It's lacked a bit of air this year but it's still very interesting because there are a lot of moves to be made. We had a constant tug-of-war with our Croatian friends, but in the end it was us who won. It was a lot harder than it looks on paper. At every regatta this season, we end up ahead but it's always very close. It adds a bit of spice! "On the first day, we were all grouped together," Kito continues. 171, a recent, high-performance VPLP design, put in a bad tack which cost him dearly. Ivica, who obviously slaloms just as well at sea as on the snow, always puts in a good performance and he's a competitor so he doesn't give up. And a third tough competitor, Vaquita, the 49, with a crew of ministers who have worked very well. Their boat is efficient in light airs and they gave us a hard time because they were pretty fast. Every time we looked at the positions on the map, we wondered where Vaquita was, as she was never far away. This means that the old Class40s are still in the game in these conditions that we regularly see in the Mediterranean." The icing on the cake 46 boats lined up at the start of the Palermo-Montecarlo last Tuesday in Sicily. Kito and his team finished 6th in real time, undoubtedly one of the best performances of this 18th edition. "It seems incredible that our little Class40 is just behind the Maxis and Volvos, which are really big boats with crews of 10 to 18 people. And ahead of boats that are used to winning this type of regatta in real time and corrected time," Kito is delighted to say. When there are only 3 of us on board, the manoeuvres are longer and more complicated, and we don't get as much sleep. It's obviously more difficult with 3 than with 12! Maybe not for everything, though... Françoise and Philou and I are really proud to have given all those boats a hard time, as they should have been well ahead of us. We've got a Class40 which isn't really suited to the conditions we've encountered over the past 4 days: a lot of upwind sailing and light airs, which tends to give the advantage to boats with a narrow waterline. We got away with it because we sailed really well. In fact, everyone came to congratulate us at the finish because we sailed a great course." Source : Made in Midi - C. Gutierrez race ranking : Palermo - Montecarlo - Class40 Med. trophy ranking :mediterraneantrophy23postpalermo.pdf ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Everial (E. Le Draoulec) winner of the 50th Rolex Fastnet Race]]> Wed, 26 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT Everial beat its rivals to the finish line at 00:52 on Wednesday July 26, after 3 days 10 hours 22 minutes and 2 seconds of intense racing.The crew of the pogo S4, Erwan Le Draoulec, Pep Costa, Robin Follin and Julien Hereu, pulled out all the stops in this second part of the race, where the fleet had gathered. The battle was fierce and the suspense kept us on our toes right to the end. A few hours before the finish, less than ten miles separated the top ten. Words from Erwan Le Draoulec, skipper of Everial:"We're very happy to be here after this Rolex Fastnet Race, which lived up to its promise! It was the first time all four of us had taken part. We got off to a very sporting start, hung in there and the boat held up well. Doing this race with three good friends was a dream come true! We had a great time on the water. I'd like to say a big thank you to Pep, Robin and Julien, and I hope they'll come back and win more races with me." Alla Grande Pirelli crossed the line in second place, but had two hours added to her race time following her penalty for crossing the line too early. William Mathelin-Moreaux and Pietro Luciani, at the helm of Dékuple, took the second step of the podium, arriving 14 minutes and 15 seconds after the leader. The Italian crew of Influence 2, led by Andrea Fornaro, completed the podium. The Germans on 189 Sign For Com are in 4th place. As for Ibsa, at the head of the pack for much of the descent to Cherbourg, it finally finished in ninth place after reclassification. The women's crew of La Boulangère Bio, after having played at the front throughout the race, saw their ambitious option of passing to the south of Guernsey not pay off. Nevertheless, they finished in 5th place and secured their ticket for the Transat Jacques Vabre. The Americans from Kite, the first "sharp" to cross the line, take a top 10 finish.As the frontrunners crossed the line, the last of the fleet rounded the Fastnet overnight. 5 boats are still in the race. General ranking : Rolex Fastnet race - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[An eventful start to the Rolex Fastnet Race!]]> Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT Last Saturday off Cowes in England, 22 Class40s finally set off on their assault on the 50th Rolex Fastnet Race. The conditions were tough: strong south-westerly winds, heavy seas and reduced visibility put the competitors in the right frame of mind for what lay ahead. The crews therefore set off cautiously with reduced sail area. The 35 to 40 knots predicted as they left the Solent were well and truly present, causing misery for all competitors and leading to numerous retirements. Nicolas Jossier (La Manche Evidence Nautique) bore the brunt.the toll, as he decided to throw in the towel without a headsail after breaking his staysail hook, followed by The3bros, Tquila and Trimcontrol. Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande - Pirelli), the race favorite, was in too much of a hurry to get to the finish line, and was probably slightly pushed by the current. He was awarded a 120-minute penalty, which could well cost him victory despite his position as fleet leader. He was the first to pass the Fastnet lighthouse this morning at 9:35 am after just over 20 hours of racing. 18 minutes and 41 seconds later the women's crew of La Boulangère Bio, led by Amélie Grassi, rounded the mythical mark ahead of Everial, trying to outwit the wind. Influence2, Vogue avec un Crohn, IBSA and BT Blue Alternative Sailing followed close behind. As for the pointus boats, Kite is widening the gap with its pursuers Cantaloop and Yoda, who have yet to pass the famous pebble.The first part of the fleet is now racing downwind towards the finish line in Cherbourg, looking for the slightest opportunity to make their mark. The gaps are small, nothing is decided, and this second part of the race promises to be exhilarating.The frontrunners are expected tomorrow evening.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[23 Class40s at the start of the 50th Rolex Fastnet Race this Saturday!]]> Fri, 21 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT The start of the 50th edition of the Rolex Fastnet Race will be given this Saturday, July 22nd in Cowes (Isle of Wight, England). A record edition with over 500 boats at the start. Among them, the 23 Class40 crews will attempt to stand out on this mythical 695-mile course. Competitors will set off in the direction of the Fastnet lighthouse, before heading for the finish off Cherbourg-en-Cotentin. It promises to be a spectacular start, as the Class40s will set off at 13:40 (local time), after the multihulls and IMOCAs. The first Class40s are expected to cross the finish line on Wednesday, July 26. The contenders to succeed Antoine Magré, winner in 2021 after 3 days, 10 hours, 27 minutes and 25 seconds of racing. Coming from all over the world (Germany, Poland, England, Italy, France, United States), the Class40s promise to be a great match: the Italian delegation is the favorite with Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande - Pirelli, winner of the CIC Normandy Channel Race), Alberto Bona (IBSA, recent winner of Les Sables-Horta) and Andrea Fornaro (Influence 2, systership of Beccaria's Musa). But there are also many crews based in the English Channel who are perfectly aware of its pitfalls, such as the British crew of Brian Thompson and Alister Richardson (TQuila), or those of Normans Nicolas Jossier (La Manche Evidence nautique), Pierre-Louis Attwell (Vogue Avec un Crohn), Marc Lepesqueux (Curium Life Forward) or Thimoté Polet (Zeiss Weeecycling). But they're not the only ones hoping to add their names to the race's prestigious list of winners. Young Germans Lennart Burke and Melvin Fink from Sign for Call, talented Amélie Grassi (La Boulangère Bio)... The battle is also shaping up nicely between the 8 "sharp" entries. The American Kite crew now know their Mach3 inside out, and could well be the spoilsport among the scow. See you in the middle of the week to find out who the winners are!   In short, our 23 Class 40s are ready for battle! To follow the race, visit the the Rolex Fastnet Race website or directly on the YB Races app, which you can download your smartphone or tablet.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables - Horta: Bona-Santurde take the general ranking and Macaire-Lagravière the second leg!]]> Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT - Xavier Macaire and Morgan Lagravière won the second leg ahead of Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé then Alberto Bona and Pablo Santurde del Arco.- In the overall rankings, the IBSA duo won by 37 minutes and 20 seconds ahead of Groupe SNEF and 59 minutes and 45 seconds ahead of Amarris.- Alberto Bona has scored his first major victory on the Class40 circuit. Pablo Santurde del Arco has now won the event for the second time, after a first victory in the 2027 edition alongside his compatriot Gonzalo Botin. The final stretch of the second stage of the Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables was shaping up to be potentially tricky and likely to reshuffle the cards. It had the effect of significantly narrowing the gaps between the top nine, who all arrived in a flurry last night, but also of giving Alberto Bona and Pablo Santurde del Arco a few cold sweats. The IBSA duo, who enjoyed a lead of 1h37 over their closest pursuers at the end of the outward leg, experienced a few doubts in the final miles after seeing Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé reap the rewards of their northerly option and then Xavier Macaire and Morgan Lagravière demonstrate a great deal of daring between the tip of Brittany and the finish. The fact remains that although they completed the 1,280-mile course between Horta and Port Olona in third place behind the duos of Groupe SNEF and Amarris at the crack of dawn on Friday, the Italian-Spanish duo took a resounding victory in the overall rankings, taking over from Antoine Carpentier and Mikaël Mergui in the race's prize list. After a long port tack of nearly 1,000 miles, which began as soon as they left the islands of the Azores archipelago, followed by a major gybe off the Ushant Traffic Separation Scheme yesterday morning, the duos on Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables were expecting the last few miles to be relatively complicated on the way back down to the Vendée. In fact, it was on this section of the course that the match was decided. It was a tactical section, to say the least, during which the gaps between the first nine boats, and in particular between the three leaders, narrowed considerably. As proof of this, while they had managed to break away to a lead of up to 22 miles yesterday morning, shortly after triggering their big right-hand turn to the north-west of the DTS off Ushant, reaping the benefits of a perfectly controlled northerly option, Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé quickly saw their rivals close the gap off the tip of Brittany. "We arrived with complicated timings and found ourselves a little trapped. This type of scenario is part of our sport, but it's always a blow to morale when it happens," recounted the co-skipper of Amarris, who thought he'd done most of the work and was on course for a stage victory.  This was without taking into account the contrary current between Sein and the pointe de Penmarch, or the weakening wind. "We thought they'd gone far ahead and that we wouldn't see them again, but we crossed in front of them off Belle-Ile after having really played close to the coast, particularly around Groix," explained Xavier Macaire, who then took control of the fleet and never let go."The routing was really extreme ashore.We had to make choices, not without a certain amount of stress", added the sailor from Sablais, who won the race in Les Sables d'Olonne at exactly 2 hours on Friday, after 4 days and 11 hours of racing. Doubts and a good dose of stress"On the whole, it was a very demanding leg. In spite of everything, we managed to enjoy ourselves from start to finish, to make the boat work and to think strategically," summed up Morgan Lagravière, whose duo with the skipper of Groupe SNEF had already caused a stir in the Figaro Bénéteau Sardinha Cup two years ago, when they won the event in a clear round. Alberto Bona and Pablo Santurde del Arco had dreamed of a clear round in this 9th edition of the Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables, after a well-run first leg and a fast start to the return leg. "The guys from Amarris sailed really well on the return leg. They took a very clear option right from the start. As for us, we never envisaged the same trajectory as them. We didn't have the right sail for it. As a result, we unfolded our game by staying a little more on the inside and that worked very well for a long time. Until there was more wind to the north. From then on it became a bit complicated and we clearly went through all the possible emotions", admitted Alberto Bona, who finished the race with his eyes glued to his watch, doing the maths until he crossed the line, not sure that his 1h37 lead accumulated during the first round would be enough to win in the end. "We clearly had a few doubts", admitted Pablo Santurde del Arco, who, having completed the course 40 minutes behind the duo of Xavier Macaire and Morgan Lagravière and 21 minutes behind Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé, finally won the overall classification with a lead of 37 minutes and 20 seconds over his closest rivals. A relatively derisory lead at the end of nearly ten days of racing, which totally reflects the intensity of the debates on the water during this 9th edition, the final stage of which is expected to take place on Friday night with the finishes of the three point-to-point boats, before the prize-giving ceremony scheduled for Sunday at 11h30 in Port Olona.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables Horta, a complex return leg and a wide-open game]]> Mon, 10 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT As scheduled, at 15:02 (Paris time) on Saturday 8th July, the 15 duos still racing in the 9th edition of Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables set off on the second leg of the event. It's already shaping up to be a particularly complex leg, with a tricky first few miles to get away from the Azorean islands, as well as a number of transitions and uncertainties on the weather front, even though the general situation has brightened up a little since yesterday and should favour a very northerly route for all the competitors to reach Vendée. Against this backdrop, one thing is certain: the ability of each of the competitors to analyse the situation, as well as their ability to adapt to changes in the various systems, will undoubtedly be key assets in this return leg. This will not only be an opportunity for strategy, but will also have a major impact on the overall rankings, where the top eleven are currently just over three hours apart. "Until yesterday, the files weren't really settled. It's starting to become clearer but that doesn't really simplify things, even if the general situation is becoming clearer and clearer. There are going to be a lot of things. It's all going to come into play. We're going to have to keep going right to the end," says Achille Nebout (Amarris). In fact, this second leg of the 1,280 mile Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables promises to be a complex one, from start to finish. The first difficulty? How best to get out of the light airs of the Portuguese archipelago. "Between the islands, there are always plenty of surprises, with deviations, buffer zones... The way we get out of them will determine a lot of things and which train we'll manage to catch," explains Baptiste Hulin (Fondation AMIPI) who, during these first few hours of racing, will have to keep his eyes wide open, but also be able to show some opportunism to get back north as quickly as possible and start to hit more pressure. "On Monday, everyone will have a decision to make: either go around the system via the north, or steer towards the finish," explains Christian Dumard, the race's weather consultant. In fact, everything will depend on the timing of the passage of the front strolling around to the north of the Azores.  "At the moment, the tendency is to take the northerly trajectory," explains the specialist. If this scenario is confirmed, it won't be surprising to see the boats climb at least as far as the latitude of Ushant to avoid a zone of calm in the Bay of Biscay, before bending their course towards Les Sables d'Olonne."This leg will be downwind and a little tight.It should go fairly quickly.The fact remains that while it may seem fairly straightforward overall, in reality there are a lot of little subtleties in store," says Christian Dumard. "At the moment, the tendency is to take the northerly trajectory," explains the specialist. If this scenario is confirmed, it won't be surprising to see the boats climb at least as far as the latitude of Ushant to avoid a zone of calm in the Bay of Biscay, before bending their course towards Les Sables d'Olonne."This leg will be downwind and a little tight.It should go fairly quickly.The fact remains that while it may seem fairly straightforward overall, in reality there are a lot of little subtleties in store," says Christian Dumard. More to lose than to gain for some and the opposite for others In this contest, the most skilful sailors will certainly have their cards to play.  "We're clearly going to have to be sharp on weather analysis. The general weather situation is evolving slowly. We're going to have to keep an eye on it and regularly update our data at sea to take the right options," confirms Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF), who certainly doesn't mind this pattern, as he promises to open up the game wide. For him, the key is to make up the 1h37 deficit accumulated during the first leg on the tandem of Alberto Bona and Pablo Santurde del Arco, who also got off to the best start today off Horta. "I'm not focusing too much on IBSA's lead. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. I know that a lot can happen on this return leg. It's a long leg and the weather conditions are very changeable. Above all, you have to focus on the race and not on the gaps in the rankings", assures the man from Les Sables. The same goes for the two current leaders in the provisional rankings. "Our objective is to do the best trajectory possible, without really taking into account what the others are going to do. We're setting off with a total disregard for the first leg, as our lead isn't really that big given the complexity of what lies ahead", says the Italian sailor, who knows that it's only once we reach Les Sables d'Olonne that the points will really be counted, and that we'll know who will succeed Antoine Carpentier and Mikaël Mergui in the race's honours list. "The easiest thing is to finish ahead," sums up Alberto Bona, who recently came third in the Défi Atlantique but is still in search of his first victory in a major Class40 event. In fact, given the tiny gaps in the fleet at the end of the first act - particularly between the 2nd and 5th boats, who are within a minute of each other - this second act will be decisive for the final ranking. The epilogue? It's expected in four to six days' time in Port Olona. Tracker: Cartographie ( Source : LSOVCL[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables Horta, a leader and a fleet almost tied in the Azores]]> Mon, 03 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT The first leg of the 9th edition of Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables promised to be both rich and complex, with a wide variety of conditions and a tricky finish in the heart of the Azores archipelago. It lived up to all its promises, with a ridge of high pressure crossing the Bay of Biscay, a downwind slide at supersonic speeds and, at the end of it all, a new record for the greatest distance covered in 24 hours in a Class40, followed by some high-voltage final miles between the islands. The race was hotly contested from start to finish, with a number of changes in the leaders but also a tightening of the pack shortly before landing in Horta, and finally crowned Alberto Bona and Pablo Santurde del Arco. After a perfectly controlled trajectory, the IBSA co-skippers took victory on the evening of Sunday 2nd July, shortly before 21h30 (Paris time), with a lead of 1h37 over their closest pursuers when, behind them, the main pack arrived in a flurry! On paper, even before the start, this first leg of the Les Sables - Horta race promised to be broken down into three stages, with the crossing of a ridge of high pressure in the Bay of Biscay, an extremely fast downwind section off Cape Finisterre and then a final, possibly very uncertain section between the Azores islands. In reality, the race unfolded in much the same way and proved to be thrilling to follow and experience. "From the inside, it was fascinating. It was really interesting to think about what was going to happen. It took a lot of time and energy to find the best route. The choices weren't easy to make," summed up Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé (Amarris) on their arrival in Horta at the end of five days' racing. Five days during which different leaders took turns at the helm of the fleet, and the gaps were made and then broken. "Right up to the end, the situation was far from clear. It was very stressful", said Alberto Bona and Pablo Santurde del Arco (IBSA), who nevertheless managed to win with a lead of 1h37 over their runners-up. "We're happy because we sailed really well," explained the two sailors, whose trajectory was widely praised by the specialists, particularly when they had to make their way south of the high pressure and negotiate the landing on the Portuguese archipelago. Tiny differences "The further we got, the less wind we had. We opted to head back south in order to keep as much pressure as possible. It turned out to be a good option," explained the two acolytes, recent winners of the ROCR Caribbean 600 and third in the Défi Atlantique. "The forecast was for complete light airs at the finish. In the end, we had more air than forecast" These two crossed the line at 21h24, shortly before the wind collapsed between Pico and Faial. A weakening which, as you might expect, somewhat upset the hierarchy in the final lengths. "We knew things were going to happen when we landed in Horta. Two miles from the finish, we thought the wind was going to hold until the end, but it stopped dead in its tracks," explained Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF), who then saw the tension rise a notch before finally taking the lead, Mikaël Mergui and Antoine Carpentier (Centrakor), Aurélien Ducroz and Vincent Riou (Crosscall) and Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé (Amarris), all three of whom finished within a minute of each other. "It really came down to nothing. In the end, it's almost as if we'd done a leg for nothing, because apart from IBSA, who had a slight advantage, we're almost all level on points. It's crazy", commented the title holders. Judge for yourself: behind the winner, eight duos arrived in the space of an hour. All of which promises to be a great match during the return leg, which is scheduled to kick off on 8 July! Statements from all the skippers arriving in Horta : Actualités - Les Sables Horta ( Leg 1 ranking: Les Sables - Horta - leg 1 - Class40 Source : LSOVCL[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Massilia Cup Offshore Trophée Corsica Med : Victory for Kito de Pavant and Laurent Camprubi]]> Sat, 01 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT Kito de Pavant and Laurent Camprubi have been declared the winners of the Massilia Cup Offshore I Trophée Corsica Med 2023. Setting out from Marseilles at 13:00 on Monday 26 June, the duo won the first leg, arriving in Macinaggio to the north of Cape Corsica at 07:46 on Wednesday morning, after passing a virtual mark to the north-west of Sardinia. The fleet set sail again at 6am on Thursday towards Marseilles and it was the Class40 Made in Midi that came out on top, taking the lead at the very end of the course to arrive at 7:34pm yesterday, Friday. Throughout the two legs, totalling around 500 nautical miles, the sailors encountered conditions as varied as they were tricky, giving all the crews a tough time. We've won the 2nd and final leg of this Massilia Offshore, which we'd describe as selective!" enthused Kito de Pavant on arrival in Marseille's old port. "There were 47 boats at the start last Monday and only 3 at the finish! He explains: "However, yesterday morning, things didn't look too good for us. As we passed the gate to the south of Grand Ribaud, 40 miles from the finish, we were in 3rd place and the two boats ahead of us, the Italians and the Croatians, seemed to be faster than us upwind. But the Dantean conditions that awaited us at the end of the course enabled us to catch up and then pass Ivica Kostelic (ACI40).It was only 10 miles from Marseilles that we overtook Marco Guerra (Imagin Act), passing closer to the Calanques (magnificent at the end of the day).It was a tough day though, with an average of 35 knots and above all very heavy head seas, which were very difficult to negotiate. As for the other Class40 boats, a whole host of problems (mutiny, a Belgian struck by lightning or multiple breakdowns) forced them to retire.For the other boats, the organisers made the wise decision to shorten the race in Giens. In the Class40 Mediterranean Trophy, Ivica Kostelic (ACI #130) remains in first place. Source : Made in Midi Race General Ranking : Massilia Cup Offshore - Trophée CORSICA MED - Class40 Trophy Med. Ranking : 1mediterraneantrophy23postmassillia.pdf ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables Horta: it's game on!]]> Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT As scheduled, at 13h02 on Tuesday 27th June, the start of the Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables race was given off Port Olona. Propelled by a north-westerly flow blowing gently at between 5 and 6 knots, the sixteen duos set off towards the Azores with a total of 1,270 miles to cover. Alberto Bona and Pablo Santurde del Arco (IBSA) got off to a very good start and were the first to round the clearing mark, before handing over to Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé (Amarris) as they headed out to sea. Offshore where, very quickly, the first difficulties will begin to jostle each other, even if this first leg promises to be all about speed. As proof, from tomorrow morning, a ridge of high pressure is set to play spoilsport in the Bay of Biscay. This could well create the first significant gaps in the fleet! "The weather conditions are really favourable for this first leg, with a high-pressure situation and downwind sailing. We're happy, we like it. We know it's going to be a lot of fun and a great first leg," says Xavier Macaire, the skipper of Groupe SNEF, who is expecting a fast first leg, but certainly not as easy as it looks. "Good conditions don't mean simple. There are going to be a few pitfalls after all. In particular, we're going to have a zone of light air to get through tomorrow. We're going to have to deal with the vagaries of the wind, some unreliable data and certainly some surprises", announces the sailor from Sablais. A scenario confirmed by Christian Dumard, the race's weather consultant. "It's going to be very tricky, because while the racers will initially be sailing to the south of the ridge of high pressure, they'll then have no choice but to cross it. The result will be a tricky phase, likely to break up the fleet a little. "It's going to be important to negotiate this phase well before the passage of the front, because after that, things are clearly going to go fast up ahead," explains the former Figaro racer, well aware that this tongue of high pressure will be the first obstacle to overcome in this first round. A round which, although it promises to be straight or almost straight, will not be as elementary in reality as it is on paper. "When you get the impression that it's a straight trajectory with no change of tack, it's generally quite misleading. Managing to get out of the Bay of Biscay will be no mean feat and those who manage to catch the front before the others will undoubtedly take the lead", assures Corentin Douguet (Legallais) who, like the others, will have to be opportunistic, but not alone, between now and the time they round the north-west tip of the Iberian Peninsula. Demonstrating finesse "We're going to have to be subtle in our trajectories and find the best route compromises. Over the next few hours, the game isn't going to be very strategic, but it will be quite fine-tuned in terms of positioning. You're also going to have to be fully concentrated on driving and trimming," notes Mikaël Mergui, the skipper of Centrakor, the title holder with Antoine Carpentier, who is also well aware that the first 36 hours of racing are going to weigh heavily in the balance. "We're really going to have to be on top of things from the outset because once we're downwind in a strong wind, there will be far fewer opportunities to come back, even though the finish in the Azores is likely to be a key moment too," explains Pierre-Louis Attwell (Vogue avec un Crohn), who is hoping to shake up the big names in the circuit and make the most of the potential of his new boat, which he picked up just a few months ago. "The competition is fierce and the route to the Azores is full of small crossings and key points that we won't want to miss. In the end, the most important thing will be to manage to limit the time gaps," adds the sailor from Normandy, whose routing has changed somewhat since yesterday. Indeed, while they suggested that the frontrunners would arrive in Horta in less than four and a half days, they are now slightly less optimistic. Nonetheless, this first section could still be completed in just five days for the leading boats, which is still extremely fast and promises a great battle from start to finish! Baptiste Hulin (AMIPI Foundation): "This is the first race for the project and the boat. The date of 27 June has been in the back of our minds for some time now. We can't wait to get out there and stretch our rudders, especially as it promises to be a pretty intense race. At the start, there won't be too much wind and that's going to require concentration in the trimming. After that, a small front will come in with a fair amount of air. We're really going to be able to test the boat's full potential, so that's cool. I did the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe on a pointy end. This is my first race on a scow-type boat. I'm really looking forward to seeing what she's got up her sleeve. What's for sure is that we've got everything we need to have a great time. It's going to be really interesting to be up against the best in the fleet, who are almost all here. It's going to allow us to test a lot of things, but also to continue learning, because that's really what we're here for. I don't know Horta. It's an extra incentive to arrive as quickly as possible and spend as much time as possible on this island. Kéni Piperol (Captain Alternance): "It's going to be cool. The format is a perfect rehearsal for the Transat Jacques Vabre and the weather looks good. We're going to be able to learn a lot about the boat and get our bearings sailing double-handed with Thomas (Jourdren). It's going to be great. I think the start is going to be really important. The first few miles are going to be pretty complicated. We're going to have to be opportunistic. After that, it's going to be all downhill until we land in the Azores, where it's likely to be very slack. We're going to have to time our sleep so that we're fresh at the finish. We're going to try to gauge each other and see where we stand. Nothing will be decided until the finish. That's what's so cool about it. We're going to have to tacticalise to get the best out of the game. As far as I'm concerned, this will be my first time in the Azores. I'm looking forward to enjoying this beautiful course. Erwan Le Draoulec (Everial): "It's going to be a fun, fast race. A bit tactical at the start before a nice descent in powder afterwards. It's great. We're going to enjoy some really good conditions and we're going to have a great time. Our big goal this year is the Transat Jacques Vabre. Over the past few months, we've made a lot of modifications to the boat. She's just come out of the yard as we launched her a week ago. The idea is to validate what's been done and finish the race. If there's a way of doing well, we won't hesitate, obviously.Olivier Gamot (Yala): "For Jérôme (Ragimbeau) and I, this Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables is our first Class40 race. We're still getting to know the boat. So far, we've sailed 600 miles on board, no more. The idea is to get her going as best she can. In the fleet, there are four point-to-point boats, including us. It promises to be a match within a match. The weather looks great, but above all we're looking forward to the sailing. Neither of us has ever been to the Azores. It's going to be a real discovery. Not so long ago, we were still struggling to place the archipelago on a map. Now we're going. It's really exciting. It's going to be nothing but fun! The tracker: Cartographie ( Source : LSOVCL  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Niji, main sponsor of the 2024 transat Belle-Île Marie-Galante]]> Tue, 27 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT The result of collaborative work carried out between the Class40 and Ultim Sailing since 18 months, a new transatlantic is born.Dedicated to Class40 sailboats, it will connect Belle-Île-en-Mer (Morbihan) to Marie-Galante (Guadeloupe). The start will be given on April 7, 2024 in the bay of Le Palais. Officially presented at the last General Assembly of the class, on March 11, and integrated into its 2024 calendar, this race will be run with a crew of three and essentially in downwind conditions which are perfectly suited to these boats whose development isn’t denied. Beyond the local authorities concerned on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, a determined and enthusiastic title partner was missing. The Niji company, whose head office is based in Rennes, was quickly won over by the project for this new transatlantic. With more than 1,200 employees combining consulting, design and technological implementation, the company supports the digital transformation of companies in all economic sectors and of all sizes, from idea to reality. The Niji 40, official name of the race, begins its countdown today before the big start in just under 300 days. With a four-year rhythm, the Niji 40 aims to become a Class40 classic. For Hugues Meili, co-founder and CEO of Niji: « Niji has been regularly associated with offshore racing for many years ; participate in the creation of a new event, dedicated to a class of sailboats which is increasingly imposing itself on existing circuits, and does not yet have its own dedicated transatlantic, in an unprecedented crew format allowing mixing seasoned champions with promising young talents, as in our company, is a  motivating project. Personally very attached to the two islands that the race will connect and which have so many similarities, I am delighted to combine the best of what are already Niji's commitments ».   For Cédric de Kervenoael, President of the Class40: « For its 20th anniversary, the Class40 could not have hoped for a better gift than a crewed transatlantic race taking part of its fleet from Belle-Ile-en-Mer to Marie Galante before joining the Atlantic Cup and the mythical Québec Saint Malo. The Niji 40 makes it possible to offer runners an alternative to The Transat CIC, which it completes in terms of offer. By associating its name with this event, Niji offers to Ultim Sailing and the Class40 to make this Transatlantic a great success on the media and sporting level without forgetting the festive aspects in Belle-Ile and the discovery of Marie Galante that a minority knows. I wish the best for this new event and thank Hugues Meili, as well as all the stakeholders for their commitment alongside the Class in this wonderful adventure ». For Emmanuel Bachellerie and Mathieu Sarrot, associate directors of Ultim Sailing : « We were keen to imagine and produce one of the races that was missing from the four-year Class40 program. An oceanic format for these incredible machines with now unbridled legs, crew to extract the quintessence of their degree of performance, an exclusive format for these 40-foot monohulls whose growth curve is exponential. The reception from local authorities was enthusiastic. All that was missing was the title partner that Niji endorses wonderfully as his commitment to us has not been denied since we started designing this project ». About the NIJI 40 :• First crewed transatlantic race (x3) exclusively reserved for the Class40• Starting line in Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais) on Sunday, 7th April 2024• Distance 3430 nautical miles• Arrival Marie-Galante (Saint-Louis) from April, 21st• Amount of registrations : 4 320€ excluding tax• Prize for runners : 50 000 € minimum• Organizer : Ultim Sailing[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[7 Class40s at the start of the Massillia Cup Offshore - Trophée Corsica Med]]> Mon, 26 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT The 7 Class40s taking part in the Massillia Cup Offshore - Trophée Corsica Med set off on Monday 26 June 2023 at 13:00. The start of the first leg will be in the Bay of Marseille, heading for Corsica, at Macinaggio. To follow the duos over the 560 nm race: Entry list: Massilia Cup Offshore - Trophée CORSICA MED - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[ALLA GRANDE PIRELLI CROWNED WINNER]]> Fri, 09 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT After last night’s impassioned struggle around Le Raz Blanchard and a final sprint across the Baie de Seine, ultimately victory went to the Class40 Alla Grande Pirelli (181) in this 14th edition of the CIC Normandy Channel Race. Skippers Ambrogio Beccaria and Kevin Bloch crossed the finish at 04 hours 18 minutes and 01 UTC. They finished just 33 minutes and 50 seconds ahead of Crédit Mutuel. Ian Lipinski and Antoine Carpentier secure silver in this race of uncompromising intensity from beginning to end.  Despite the fleet remaining very compact as the skippers constantly jockeyed for position throughout the course from France’s north coast, across the English Channel and down the south coast of England and then Ireland, via Tuskar Rock and the Fastnet and back to north-east France, the Italo-French duo has constantly been at the front of the pack. Enjoying an intense start to the race, in breezy conditions, the fleet ticked off the first tricky sessions of the course at high speed, the leaders alternating according to the strategic choices at play. It was only during the slog up the Celtic Sea after managing to be first to extricate itself from a zone of calm conditions created by the wind shadow off Land’s End, that Alla Grande Pirelli really got a good grip on the top spot. Always demonstrating impeccable timing, linking together a series of wise tactical choices and extremely clean trajectories, the talented Italian skipper and his brilliant French co-skipper managed to control their direct rivals and keep on top of their game. It was only once the Scilly Isles was behind them on the sprint for home that the face of the race changed. Already shattered by a full-on descent of the Celtic Sea and an intense struggle, the sailors were scooped up by a sustained and vigorous NE’ly wind, which punched into them with all its force and tried to catch them out with up to 36-knot gusts, amidst a backdrop of hard to manage heavy seas. In a final affront, they had to contend with a strenuous climb up the English Channel to Ouistreham, which saw them having to snake around the Channel Islands and along Le Raz Blanchard. Today’s winner negotiated these two tricky sections with incredible finesse and courage right to the last. “We’re thrilled with this victory! We were the first to pass quite a few course marks, but we said to ourselves that what counted most was the passage across the line. It was vital to sail with our foot to the floor as they were pushing hard behind. It was a stellar line-up and it’s a very demanding course. It’s the most important of the season for us after the transatlantics as they were pushing hard behind and we were clearly in it to win it. It’s a major asset in our sailing career to take the win here,” enthused Ambrogio Beccaria and Kévin Bloch at the finish in Ouistreham. When you know how demanding and intense the CIC Normandy Channel Race is, this second consecutive victory on Norman soil demonstrates the level reached by Beccaria and Bloch and the finesse with which their Class40 Alla Grande Pirelli was handled. A much deserved second place went to Ian Lipinski and Corentin Douguet, who posted a splendid start and were also at the front of the pack throughout the race. “We’re proud of this second place. Our boat is beginning to get a bit dated now as the oldest of the scow bows, so we’re happy with our result, even though we’d obviously have preferred to do better. We’re very pleased for Ambrogio and Kévin. They sailed a better race than us, so it’s normal for them to win this CIC Normandy Channel Race,” said the magnificent runners up in this CIC Normandy Channel Race 2023. The Class40 Legallais (190) skippered by Fabien Delahaye and Corentin Douguet, completes the podium. The six champions have treated us to an eye-popping spectacle right to the final mile. Hot on their heels, Project Rescue Ocean (Axel Trehin / Nicolas Troussel – 162) finished 4th, La Manche Évidence Nautique (Nicolas Jossier / Alexis Loison – 185) 5th, IBSA (Alberto Bona / Pablo Santurde del Arco – 186) 6th, Vogue Avec Un Crohn (Pierre-Louis Attwell / Maxime Bensa – 195) 7th, Think Big – Think Social (Lennart Burke and Melwin Fink – 189), Crosscall (Aurelien Ducroz / Vincent Riou – 166) and Tquila (Alister Richardson and Brian Thompson – 159) complete the top ten. General ranking : CIC Normandy Channel Race - Class40 Source : Sirius Evenements[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A SPECTACULAR START FOR THE 14TH CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE]]> Mon, 05 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT After a little less than a week on show in the port of Caen in northern France, the crews were more than excited to put pedal to the metal! In teams of two, ultimately some 60 sailors set sail today on the 14th edition of the CIC Normandy Channel Race. It’s fair to say that the spectators were treated to a showstopping spectacle for the start with boisterous yet sunny conditions to kick off play. The Race Committee released the fleet of Class40s at 13:15 UTC with the initial course now taking them straight towards the first course mark of the Saint Marcouf Islands.   Breezy on the start line, the Class40s had to contend with a bracing 25 knots of established NNE’ly wind, gusting close to 30 knots. In these bouncy conditions, Race Management was forced to send the crews straight to the Marcouf Islands without the customary inshore coastal course. With daggers drawn from the off, the 30 duos making up this stellar fleet got off to a clean start in heavy seas. It was the Class40 Crédit Mutuel (158), which immediately set the pace. Nicely positioned on the race zone, Ian Lipinski and Antoine Carpentier were first across the line enjoying an excellent start. On a reach, the fleet quickly posted great speeds in excess of 20 knots, putting on quite the show for those guests who got the chance to be in the heat of the action out on the water. The two duos from the Figaro circuit, Groupe SNEF (178) and Amarris (182) in particular, quickly managed to show just what their latest generation steeds were capable of, making up ground on the reigning champion. The duo made up of Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé was the first to round the north cardinal mark of Essarts de Langrune, the intermediate course mark in the sprint for the Norman archipelago of Saint Marcouf.   Nocturnal passage through the Solent The Class40s soon devoured the 36 miles between the start line off Ouistreham and a compulsory mark to the west of Saint-Marcouf. As such, the fleet will now begin to set a course across the English Channel, with significant shipping and upwind conditions on the cards for this evening, prior to what will likely be a tricky nocturnal passage through the Solent.   Update Monday 5th After yesterday’s spectacular and magnificent start in the Baie de Seine on France’s north coast, the 30 crews quickly swallowed up the thirty miles or so of racetrack stretching out to the west of the Saint-Marcouf archipelago. Since then, the Class40s competing in this 14th edition of the CIC Normandy Channel Race have been continuing to post dazzling speeds, regularly exceeding 20 knots as predicted. The 72 miles between the rounding of the Norman archipelago and the Isle of Wight were also devoured in just a matter of hours. An express upwind sprint across the English Channel saw all the duos close on the English coast at sunset, with nearly all the fleet negotiating their way through the Solent under the cover of darkness. The passage of the sound between the north-western coast of the island and the English mainland with the help of June’s Strawberry moon and a favourable current for a large proportion of the fleet certainly helped the sailors to escape this notoriously hazardous zone without any hassle. In a refreshing turn of events for a Monday morning in the highly demanding and selective CIC Normandy Channel Race, the fleet has so far come off unscathed as they approach Start Point.   The first tactical choices After a stand-out performance that saw them rocket out of the starting blocks off Ouistreham, it was the new Class40 Crédit Mutuel which was first to take on the Solent last night. Leading the way across the 30-mile sound, ultimately it was the Italo-French duo aboard Alla Grande Pirelli who earned the right to be the first to catch sight of the Needles, a row of three stacks of chalk symbolising the end of this tricky section. Making headway in around fifteen knots of ENE’ly breeze, the compact fleet has already covered a good half of the south-west coast of England and are having to make some more tactical choices. Though some of the competitors put in a counter tack at around 04:00 UTC in the search for more pressure offshore away from the wind shadows in the bays, the rest of the fleet is still on a direct course towards Start Point, a zone which boasts strong current, so a passage with a favourable tide is sure to provide a welcome burst of speed. We’ll have to wait till Land’s End, which the leaders are set to reach at around 15:00 UTC today, to discover which of the crews has struck the right balance between the inshore and offshore options.   Source / Sirius Evenments[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[CIC Normandy Channel Race 2023]]> Sat, 03 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT The stage is set at Quai Vendeuvre in Caen for another edition of the CIC Normandy Channel Race. Once again, the event devised and created by Sirius Évènements continues to go from strength to strength. On a competitive front, no fewer than 34 Class40s are expected to take the race start this Sunday 4 June. A new record! The presence of the circuit’s key players, the participation of the very latest additions to the series and the renewal of part of the fleet means that the outcome of the quest for the Normandy throne is even more of a conundrum than ever. Fortunately, the fleshing out of the media device means that the local, national and international audience will be able to follow every gripping detail of what promises to be an historic edition. Year on year, the CIC Normandy Channel Race is becoming increasingly successful. Despite being in a post Route du Rhum season, which typically translates as a dip in competitors competing on the circuit due to project replenishment, the number of entries has peaked again. In fact, following a record edition last year, which saw the symbolic 30 entries reached for the first time, 34 Class40s are expected on the start line of this 2023 edition. Furthermore, quantity is matched by quality. Indeed, among the wealth of protagonists, it’s important to note the presence of 6 past winners of the event no less. We start with the victorious duo from the 2022 edition, who are each returning on their own steeds this time. Helming his Crédit Mutuel No.158 again, Ian Lipinski will be aiming for a repeat performance. To do so, he’s called upon the services of the triple winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre, Antoine Carpentier. For his part, the talented Italian skipper Ambrogio Beccaria is rejoining the fray aboard his modern Class40 Alla Grande Pirelli on which he really created a stir in the last Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe by securing second place. Axel Trehin and Nicolas Troussel, respectively 2021 and 2015 champions, have decided to join forces with their sights on the Norman throne. Spaniard Pablo Santurde Del Arco, double event winner (2016 and 2017), will be supporting Italian Alberto Bona (IBSA No.186), who will be making his event debut. Each as talented as the next, these sailors will also have to be wary of a slew of new models which have only just been launched. The local of the leg, Pierre-Louis Attwell, who knows the race zone like the back of his hand, will be lining up with Vogue avec un Crohn (195), a brand-new Manuard design and the most recent addition to the series. We can also count on the presence of the Lombard design 194, Groupe Berkem, which recently came out of the local V1D2 yard. The latter will be skippered by Edgard Vincens accompanied by the experienced former winner of the competition, Julien Pulvé (in 2018). To complete the battle of the naval architects responsible for the latest crop of boats, representing Guillaume Verdier will be the crew on Think Big – Think Social, Pogo S4 No.189, sailed by the young German sailors, Lennart Burke and Melwin Fink who commanded the Mini Transat spotlight. Among the skippers docking into Caen with a new boat, Fabien Delahaye, who recently took the helm of the Legallais Team Voile project and is chartering the Class40 No.190, will certainly be one to watch. The same can be said of his teammate Corentin Douguet, a real mover and shaker in the previous edition of the CIC Normandy Channel Race, who bagged second place after virtually leading the race from beginning to end. Among the crews likely to be pretenders to outright victory are two duos renowned for being Class Figaro Beneteau specialists: Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé aboard Amarris (182) as well as Xavier Macaire and Pierre Leboucher on Groupe SNEF (178). The two pairings are beginning to rack up a fair amount of experience and miles on the Class40 circuit. Another duo to watch, Aurélien Ducroz will be paired up with Vincent Riou, with the winner of the Vendée Globe 2004-2005 returning for his third participation in the great Norman classic. Other stars include world-renowned offshore sailor and coach on The Famous Project, Brian Thompson, who will be teaming up with fellow Briton and world champion multihull specialist, skipper Alister Richardson on Tquila (159). To further complicate forecasts in the race for the crown, the 14th CIC Normandy Channel Race has been substantially replenished with nearly 50% of the fleet fleshed out by newcomers to the Class40 who will certainly be worth keeping a close eye on. Equally, there will be a number of Globe40 round the world sailors among the event’s ranks too. Having just navigated the oceans of the globe, Mélodie Schaffer, Estelle Greck and Roger Junet are now going to be tackling the English Channel and the Celtic Sea, a shorter but just as intense sea passage. Media coverage on a par with the stellar line-up For the first time, a France-wide media device will report on the event with the L’ÉQUIPE TV channel and the LEQUIPE.FR website providing daily coverage with the support of the CIC. From Saturday 3 June to Sunday 11 June, a short one-minute-long programme, L’IMAGE DU JOUR, will present the latest sports news about the race, with repeat broadcasts 3 to 4 times a day, which equates to around thirty or so broadcasts over that period. This France-wide commitment will complete the historic partnership with France 3 Normandie, which will this year take the form of a special broadcast of the ‘Vous Êtes Formidables’ programme on Friday 2 June, live coverage of the start for 90 minutes and the CIC Normandy Channel Race Minute, which will be broadcast twice a day for 13 days (extended across France 3’s Haut de France’s region) after the day’s television news. Also partnering the event from day one, France Bleu Normandie will have a strong presence with several highlights on the programme:  columns in NORMANDIE SPORT and NOUVEL ECO, morning interviews, 3 periods of live coverage for the start day, coverage of the race during the week, plus a series of radio sessions as part of the partnership agreement. A buzzing race village The race village will be centred on the Quai Vendeuvre around the Bassin Saint-Pierre and is set to open its doors this Friday 2 June at 11:00 hours (from Thursday 1 June for schoolchildren) when it will welcome the general public for a wealth of fun-filled entertainment. In addition to the traditional trips out to sea on old sailing ships, boat model-making, a 3D immersive experience, a timed Karver winch ‘trial of strength’, beginners’ Optimist sailing sessions, Aqua Dog demonstrations and a marching band… the Base Paddle CIC will also be offering locals the chance to try paddleboarding. Fleshing out the entertainment will be the presentation of the skippers (16:00 hours – Saturday 3 June), the departure of the Class40s (10:00-10:30 hours – Sunday 4 June) and the prize-giving (12 noon – Sunday 11 June), which are the real high points for the locals in Caen, who always come out in force to cheer on the sailors. Source / Sirius Evenements[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Victory for Made in Midi (#142) in the Paprec 600 Saint Tropez]]> Mon, 29 May 2023 00:00:00 GMT Second race of the season, second victory for Kito de Pavant and his Class40 Made in Midi! Teaming up with Sandrine Revil, they crossed the Paprec 600 finish line in the early hours of the morning at 5h 08m and 10s, off Saint-Tropez. Neck and neck for more than three days with Ivica Kostelić's Croatian Class40, Kito and Sandrine managed to take the lead 40 miles from the finish, after a long Mediterranean triangle around Corsica. A great battle with the Croatians"We had little wind, little sleep and a lot of fighting," says Kito in the port of Saint-Tropez. It was a four-day yo-yo with the Croatians, who have a boat of the same generation as Made in Midi. We were on sight all the time. All along the course we'd come within a few lengths of them and then they'd go off again and so on. It was great to team up with Sandrine Revil, who did a lot of manoeuvring and put in a lot of energy. She was at 300%, you could see that she does a lot of sailing, she's passionate and she's just won her first Class40 race. It was a bit tiring though because light airs are tiring. But Corsica is so beautiful! It's always fantastic!""I'm really happy, it's great to have won this Paprec 600," adds Sandrine. It was difficult, because there wasn't much wind and these boats are more suited to breezy conditions. We had to play hide-and-seek with the easing and reefing, zigzagging to the minute. But as the days went by we started to get used to the way we were on the boat and on the last run up, which was just as complicated, we were really into it. It was just fantastic, Kito and I got on really well and I loved the boat, which is really well thought out." A growing international Class40 fleet in the Mediterranean"On the first day, on the crossing between Saint-Tropez and La Giraglia, virtually all the boats were within sight of each other. It was interesting to see that Blue Planet, a first generation Pogo - less powerful but narrower at the waterline - did really well in light airs and finished 3rd. These regattas allow some of the older boats to get into the game. The most recent boat was the Italians' 171 Imagin'Act Socomec. I think they were discovering the boat in this race. They were 30 metres behind us as we passed the Giraglia and finished 40 or 50 miles behind us. They found a sponsor in Strasbourg who invested in Class40 because there was this Mediterranean Trophy. And what's also really good and super rare is that there are 50% foreigners: 2 Italians, 2 Croatians, 1 Belgian, 1 German, 1 Portuguese and therefore 7 French including one woman, Sandrine". Victory in the Paprec 600 Saint-Tropez enabled Kito de Pavant to take first place in the Trophée Méditerranéen 2023. Next race, the Massilia Cup Offshore Trophée Corsica Med at the end of June. Ranking of the race : Paprec 600 saint Tropez - Class40 Ranking of the mediterranean trophy : 1mediterraneantrophy23postpaprec600.pdf ( Source : Made in Midi[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Paprec 600 Saint-Tropez is on !]]> Wed, 24 May 2023 00:00:00 GMT Intense calendar for the Mediterranean Class40s ! While 4 of them took part last week in the Porquerolle's race (victory for Made in Midi skippered by Kito de Pavant after four races), 7 of them took the start of the Paprec 600 this Wednesday lunchtime. A capricious weather forecast (little wind) forced the organisation to reduce the course to 400nm. After a start in the bay of Saint-Tropez, the boats will head for the Corsican Cape (they will have to pass between the island of Giraglia and Corsica). They will then sail down to the Bouches de Bonifacio before returning to Saint-Tropez. A tour of Corsica leaving her on starboard, in short. The first boats should cross the finish line this weekend. This race counts for the Class40 2023 Championship as well as the Mediterranean Trophy. Tracker : Entry list : Paprec 600 saint Tropez - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Amarris (A. Nebout / G. Mahé) wins Armen race USHIP]]> Tue, 23 May 2023 00:00:00 GMT First race in Class40, first with Gildas Mahé and... first victory! Achille Nebout and his co-skipper won the Armen Race this Friday evening, 310 miles covered in the space of 30 hours during a long loop starting and finishing in La Trinité-sur-Mer. The Armen Race is an ideal way to get your bearings at the start of the season, to learn new things and to gain confidence for the rest of the season. This year, the Armen Race brought together 17 Class 40s on the start line on Thursday 18th May 2023. Achille NeboutI'm very happy," he said at the finish. It's a perfect way to start the adventure and a nice way to acknowledge the great job done by the whole team. Long tacks throughout the race allowed for speed gains with peaks of 20 knots and breathtaking sensations. "At these speeds, the boat is incredible," smiles Achille. It was during the night of Thursday to Friday, after negotiating the approach to Ile d'Yeux, that the duo took the lead over their rivals. The "match within the match" between the 17 Class40s proved to be exciting alongside Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall), Nicolas d'Estais (Café Joyeux) and Jonas Gerkens (Volvo). Even if we tried a lot of adjustments on the long tacks, there is still room for improvement. And then we saw that the competition is very high. We're going to have to keep on working to be in front! Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall), 5th"We took advantage of the good conditions. We had some wind but not too much, with a hard reaching leg between the tip of Brittany and the island of Yeu in 20-25 knots. It was really perfect to get back into shape",Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF), 3rd"What a satisfaction! The winter refit and the work carried out are largely validated.I want to thank Morgan, Nicolas and Tanguy, we made a great team. We had to get our bearings because Class40 is not necessarily designed to accommodate such a large crew. But we got on very well, we steered a lot and tried to fine-tune every little thing. Everyone came from different backgrounds, with their own baggage and experience, so we complemented each other and everyone contributed to the team. This third place is the reward for a real team effort. Jonas Gerckens (Volvo), 8th"After a great start (1st in the first few hours of the race and on the way out of Quiberon Bay) the weather was not favourable to the Volvo164 compared to the boats that were more suited to reaching, which marked 3/4 of the race. The night was sporting and at high speed, with in particular a big departure from the course (the leeward rudder unexpectedly lifted, which gave a nice loose start with all the gear, sails and ballast upside down. The direct consequence was a drop to 10th place in the ranking. A good morning position to approach the island of Yeu allowed us to get back in contact with the top 5 but we didn't count on a locker that got lodged in the keel!" General ranking : Armen Race - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Crédit Mutuel wins the Défi Atlantique]]> Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle welcomed the competitors of the Atlantic Challenge on Saturday afternoon and into the evening, the second edition after the 2019 edition. The 13 Class40s arrived in close order at the end of their long journey from Pointe-à-Pitre, via Horta on the island of Faial in the Azores. The cumulative time victory over the two legs went to the Crédit Mutuel crew, Ian Lipinski, Antoine Carpentier and Rémi Fermin. The epic battle led by these three men against a formidable Italian duo, Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande Pirelli) and Alberto Bona (IBSA) opened the door to the legitimate ambitions of the French crews of Erwan Le Draoulec, winner of the second leg on Everial, well spurred on by the returning Jules Bonnier (Nestenn - Entrepreneurs for the Planet), and joined on the podium by the British duo of Alister Richardson - Brian Thompson (Tquila). A course rich in meteorological complexities, a mythical stage in Horta, an exacerbated competition between professional skippers and enlightened owners, an intergenerational battle between boats with designs representative of more than 15 years of architectural research specific to the Class40, a gender mix that is set to develop with three women finishing, and an atmosphere and conviviality so specific to this category of 12.18m boats, made this second edition of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe return transatlantic race, organised by Grand Pavois Organisation, a real sporting and human success. A Franco-Italian duel A resolutely "decarbonised" race, allowing the competitors of the last Route du Rhum to bring their boats back to the race and by sea from Pointe-à-Pitre, the Défi Atlantique, from its first thundering tacks under Basse Terre and Marie-Galante, set the tone for a lively battle between the favourites of the race, Crédit Mutuel, N°158, the 2019 Raison plan, and two Class40s of a brand new generation, the Mach 40. 5 IBSA, led by a dazzling Italian-Spanish trio, Alberto Bona, Pietro Luciani and Pablo Santurde del Arco, and the runner-up in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande Pirelli), supported by the architect of his Italian-built boat, Gianluca Guelfi, and Alberto Riva. From the outset, these three big names set the tone for the first piece of bravery of the event, an interminable tack to the north and starboard tack through the trade winds. To the point perhaps, that they were so rigorous in their marking that it overshadowed the rest of the fleet, where the other "round noses" of the race were happily struggling, the impressive scows now capable of lining up days of over 400 miles. Axel Tréhin and his Project Rescue Ocean, Marc Lepesqueux and his new Lift V2 Curium Life Forward, Erwan Le Draoulec on Everial, were making their voices heard and putting the Italians under pressure. A pressure, perhaps, partly responsible for the masterly move of the race attempted and perfectly succeeded by Crédit Mutuel, when Ian Lipinski and his men interrupted their progression due North, breaking the engagement with the Italian duo, and managed to cut the ridge of high pressure to find the Westerly flow of the depression before their competitors. In the space of one beat, Crédit Mutuel took the lead with a substantial gain of 37 miles, which they maintained until the finish in Horta Bay. The 1 hour and 56 minutes they gained at the expense of Ambrogio Beccaria, and the 5 hours and 36 minutes over Alberto Bona, really sealed the outcome of the race. The 1,300 miles of the second leg to La Rochelle saw the three leaders engage in a severe marking war, which once again opened the door to the stage victory for the other leaders in the class. It was Erwan Le Draoulec who made the most strategic move of the race, setting off far to the north in search of pressure and a favourable angle to the westerly wind. Erwan, the new skipper of Everial following the withdrawal of Stan Thuret, was the best way to get to grips with his Class40. Second in the leg, Jules Bonnier is the returnee and one of the great stories of the race. His Nestenn - Entrepreneurs for the Planet was forced to retire at the start in Pointe-à-Pitre. Jules and his team performed two miracles, that of transporting a spreader bar from Romania, before reaching the Azores in less than 8 days, to take the start of the second leg after only a few hours of rest. His second place in La Rochelle had a powerful flavour of victory. The valiant British duo of Tquila completed the podium of the leg. A tough and committed race Ian Lipinski thus succeeds Aymeric Chappellier in the prize list of an Atlantic Challenge destined to become a Class40 Classic. He will have completed the 3,513 mile course in 16 days and 49 minutes, at an average speed of 9.1 knots. He actually covered 4,174 miles on the ground at an average of 10.8 knots. His name appears at the top of all the statistics panels of the event, starting perhaps with that incredible day on 11th April when he covered 407.2 miles in 24 hours, at an average speed of 17 knots... A time that Ambrogio Beccaria was quick to beat, who swallowed 417.12 miles at an average speed of 17.4 knots in Class40! With 84 points in the lead in the various daily rankings, Crédit Mutuel's victory is clearly uncontested. However, it should be noted that IBSA, Alla Grande Pirelli, but also Curium Life Forward and Everial have also, and on numerous occasions, been at the top of the rankings, proof of the fierceness of the jousts. Ian Lipinski "We are very happy. We've been a bit scared for the last few hours. That spiced up the race. Our game was to mark Ambrogio Beccaria (Allagrande - Pirelli), as we only had an hour and 56 minutes lead. The Italian boats were very fast and it was a lot of concertina. We lost Ambrogio's marker the day before the finish and that put us under a bit of stress. Overall it was a great transatlantic race, with a lot of strategy and a lot of lessons learned. I'm delighted to be winning again on this boat, with this great crew." Denis Hugues, Race Director "This Atlantic Challenge is more than an adventure, it is a major race. It was a race from start to finish, with multiple options. On the water, the fight was fierce. It's a great journey, from the coconut trees of Guadeloupe to the two laps of La Rochelle. The level of the racers is impressive, Mini winners like Ian, the Italians who go fast... we were not disappointed! The race was decided by a coup de Trafalgar between Crédit Mutuel and the Italians. We then saw a marking race and Ian Lipinski did what he had to do to win. The second stage is shorter and less selective. So we saw a lot of grouped finishes. We can see that the crews have not given up, have taken risks and have sailed to the limit. It's a great race in Class40! Crews of 2, 3 or 4 men and women allow the boats to be used to the full. We have seen a very good race, with a very rich course from West to East. It's not just a trade wind race where options are rare. In this sense we have seen many options. Horta is a mythical stopover, with incredibly friendly people and an incredible landscape. Source / GPO[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Roma per Due, victory for Ivica Kostelic (ACI #130) ]]> Thu, 20 Apr 2023 00:00:00 GMT On 19 April 2023, after 3 days, 21 hours, 46 minutes and 47 seconds at sea and having sailed a total of 603 nautical miles, the Class40 ACI of Croatian and Olympic ski champion Ivica Kostelic, assisted by his co-skipper Darko Prižmić, crossed the finish line in Riva di Traiano, winning the Roma Line Honours per 2, as well as the Class40 victory. Ivica expressed great satisfaction at his arrival, motivated by the fact that he led the race from start to finish. He mentioned the "bad conditions at the start and the first night of the race" but also the difficulty of the climb back to Riva with light breezes that hampered the boat's progress, which was very successful in strong winds.Blue Planet (GER 46), sailed by Christian Kerl and Luis Brito, took second place ahead of Sotraplant/TRS (FRA 157) sailed by Matthieu Foulquier-Gazagnes and Xavier Broers.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique, start of the 2nd leg]]> Sun, 16 Apr 2023 00:00:00 GMT The entire fleet of this second edition of the Atlantic 2023 Challenge set off at precisely 3pm (French) from the jetty in the port of Horta, in the direction of La Rochelle in the Charente-Maritime. A particularly convoluted 1,300 mile course awaits the 13 crews competing. The stakes are clear for the three leaders of the current ranking, Crédit Mutuel (Ian Lipinski), Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande Pirelli) and Alberto Bona (IBSA), all of whom are in a position to win the overall ranking, which will be calculated by adding up the race times of the two legs. Those disappointed with the course between Pointe-à-Pitre and Horta will of course have something to say, and the complexity of the expected weather means that the British duo Richardson - Thompson (Tquila), Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean) and Erwan Le Draoulec (Everial) will all be hoping to make up for it. It is difficult this evening to envisage any kind of arrival time, as the weather models differ so much and offer a wide range of ETAs (Estimated Time of Arrival) between 4 and a half days and... 7 days. Mathieu Claveau's good start In accordance with the forecasts, the passage of a front at midday, accompanied by a little drizzle, saw the wind from the west settle on the starting zone anchored on the very edge of the port of Horta. At 13:00 local time, the Race Committee released the 13 Class40s and Mathieu Claveau (Prendre la Mer, Agir pour la forêt) started the race on starboard tack under full spinnaker towards the right side of the water and the island of Pico. Only the Italians of Alla Grande Pirelli (Ambrogio Beccaria, Alberto Riva and Gianluca Guelfi) tried their luck towards Faial, promptly returning on port tack under the cliffs of the island. Very quickly, all the Class40s headed north, this time on port tack, and as they fine-tuned, speeds reached 13 and 14 knots on the way. A road paved with uncertainties The 13 protagonists got off to the most peaceful start, on flat seas and with a nice light breaking through the clouds. The Class40s glided along at a comfortable 13 knots at portable speeds. A start that everyone will appreciate, as 1,300 miles of a complex route lie ahead. There is no doubt that from now on, each sailor will be avidly consulting the screens on board, in order to prepare the strategies to be put in place. Between the strengthening of a low to the North, the weakening of a high pressure system to the South, and numerous high pressure cells on the way, the trajectory to be drawn towards La Rochelle is proving to be one of the most nebulous as the Class40s leave the welcoming Horta. Christian Dumard, weather expert: "A very tactical race" The official meteorologist of the Atlantic Challenge gave his latest weather analysis to the racers this morning: "The race is shaping up to be very tactical, with many possible route options. There will be a lot of action and we risk seeing the fleet split up fairly quickly. The start will be very gentle, after the front passes through at the end of the morning. 8 to 12 knots of W'ly wind are expected in the area, accompanied by a little rain. The front is moving slowly eastwards and the Class40s will remain in its wake. To the north of the fleet, a low-pressure system will be building from Wednesday onwards, while the Azores High moves up towards the archipelago. It is in the vicinity of Cape Finisterre that the weather models are currently diverging, offering very different scenarios. Source / GPO[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique, a solid podium in Horta !]]> Wed, 12 Apr 2023 00:00:00 GMT Last night saw the podium of the first leg of the Atlantic Challenge arrive in Horta, 2,300 miles of racing between Pointe à Pitre and Horta, on the island of Faial in the Azores. In the space of just over 5 hours, Ian Lipinski's Crédit Mutuel, Ambrogio Beccaria's Alla Grande-Pirelli and Alberto Bona's IBSA have climbed to the top of the provisional general ranking. They leave the game still wide open for the final victory in La Rochelle. Behind them, alas, the wind has lowered the climatic barrier of the eponymous anticyclone in the Portuguese archipelago. Axel Tréhin and his Project Rescue Ocean had to pay the price for the wind disappearing 20 miles from the finish. Fatal Faial! After a superb race, he suffered a cruel fate which probably deprived him of any place in the final ranking. In the light airs that have taken up residence on the archipelago, three other Class40s, Curium Life forward by Marc Lepesqueux, Everial by Erwan Le Draoulec and Tquila by the Englishmen Brian Thomsson and Alister Richardson, should in turn come to the pontoons in Horta today. Three Class40s for the title Could the first leg of the Atlantic 2023 Challenge already be decisive? The 2,300 miles of racing since Guadeloupe have in any case seriously crushed the fleet of contenders for victory in La Rochelle. The high pressure system, by spreading out over the Portuguese archipelago last night, has annihilated all chances of final success for the immediate pursuers of the leading trio who arrived during the day. Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel), who has a lead of 1 hour and 56 minutes over his runner-up Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande - Pirelli) and 5 hours and 36 minutes over the third-placed Italian crew of Alberto Bona (IBSA), will set off on Sunday with two Azure boats in hot pursuit. There will also be a number of competitors with a vengeance, who may have been beaten for the final victory, but who, like Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean), will be doing everything in their power to take their revenge on a particularly ungrateful weather spell. Crédit Mutuel's jackpot, the big "coup" of this first leg. Ian Lipinski, Antoine Carpentier and Rémi Fermin have undoubtedly pulled off the big hold-up of the first leg, having made a cheeky decision at the edge of the front that was decisive last Saturday for the decisive gybe to the East and the Azores. They were able to hold off the attempts of the two ultra-fast Italian Class40s to the finish and win with a small lead in view of the second leg, which will start at 13:00 local time on Sunday. The story.Ian Lipinski: "We knew how to bide our time and pulled off a rather rare coup. We were about fifteen miles behind the Italian duo IBSA - Alla Grande - Pirelli, and had been for several days. The wind was strong and we were going fast. The weather became very uncertain, with divergent weather files. It seemed that we had to gain ground in the north, by crossing a front. That's what the routing indicated but behind the front the situation was not clear. We didn't like it because we were riding fast in front of the front. We thought about it for 24 hours. We wanted to attack and we decided to stay in front of the front while our opponents cut it off to the north. So we gained miles all night and when the front finally caught up with us, we were 37 miles ahead. Source / GPO[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Spi Ouest France, victory of Nicolas d'Estais]]> Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:00:00 GMT The bay of La Trinité sur Mer is definitely a success for Nicolas d'Estais... After a victory in the 2022 Armen Race, Nicolas D'Estais wins the Spi Ouest France Banque Populaire Grand Ouest 2023 ! First race of the season in mainland France, first race for Nicolas on his new Class40, Lift v2 #176 (formerly Corentin Douguet's Queguiner Innoveo), and first victory. He was accompanied by Léo Debiesse, Jean Marre, Victoire Martinet, Tanguy Leglatin and Christian Pensart for these 4 days of coastal sailing. In the overall ranking, the Mach 40.5 BT Blue (#190) skippered by Nicolas Groleau took second place. Emmanuel Le Roch's crew on Edenred (#165) completed the podium. Nicolas D'Estais:  "The main objective was to start getting to grips with the new boat, which was launched last week. The Spi Ouest France is a great regatta, in contact, on coastal courses very adapted to our boats. It was really nice to be part of the crew, whether it was for manoeuvres or to go into more detail about the settings and tactics. There was a lot of competition, especially with Edenred and BT Blue. We managed to pull out all the stops and finally beat the Trinitans at home, which was a pleasure! A big congratulations to the crew whose core was composed of Léo Debiesse and Jean Marre". General Ranking : Résultats - Spi Ouest-France Banque Populaire Grand Ouest 2023[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[défi Atlantique, Good start from Pointe-à-Pitre, on the way to Horta!]]> Sat, 01 Apr 2023 00:00:00 GMT Leave in summer, to arrive in winter. An axiom that summed up well this morning the feelings of the 13 crews of the second edition of the Atlantic Challenge, en route for this first unusual leg between Pointe-à-Pitre and Horta, on the island of Faial in the Azores (2,300 miles - 4,260 km). At 11am local time, or 5pm in mainland France, the 13 Class40s set off in the direction of Basse-Terre and the first obligatory passage mark. Faced with a twenty knot easterly trade wind, and a nice swell, the crews, each in their own way, applied themselves to entering their race perfectly, attentive to the variations in the wind, precise in their manoeuvres and vigilant to the traps of the water, traps, FADs, fishing reserves and the first shoals of sargassum. It was Erwan Le Draoulec on Everial who started the race with aplomb, following an excellent start on the port side of the line. Everial and the Italians set the tone They were expected and the two Italian crews of Alberto Bona (IBSA) and Ambrogio Beccaria (Allagrande- Pirelli) immediately showed themselves to be equal to their ambitions. At more than 17 knots, they took the lead with a dazzling Erwan Le Draoulec (Everial), perfectly launched on the line, under gennaker perfectly adjusted. There was no time for observation and the latest generation of Class 40s were having a field day, despite the choppy conditions.24 hours under high surveillanceThey are 39 sailors, 38 men and one woman, who have been sailing since this morning in Guadeloupe, at 11 am local time, towards Horta, the end of the first stage of the Atlantic Challenge, and whose ultimate destination will be La Rochelle. 39 sailors divided up at the whim of the skippers and double-handed owners for two of them (the Englishmen Brian Thompson and Allister Richardson on Tquila and Marc Lepesqueux and Renaud De Hareng on Curium Life forward), and up to four crew for Dopamine Sailing Team of Raphael Auffret and Everial, the new Verdier design now in the hands of Erwan Le Draoulec, who is taking on board the only woman in the race, Marie-Kell de Cannart. 39 sailors with well-developed race plans, between the necessary aggressiveness at the start to avoid any stalling, and wise caution on a stretch of water already agitated by nearly 1.5 metre waves, and strewn with traps prefigured by the innumerable fishing traps, the drifting buoys of the FCDs (Fish Concentration Devices), and the dreaded sargasso. The first 24 hours will be very closely watched, with the day's passages at the obligatory marks of Basse-Terre and Marie-Galante. The first night at sea will undoubtedly mobilise the attention of all the crews, who will be called upon to try to discern the obstacles on the water while anticipating the numerous squalls expected. Upwind sailing, and nothing but upwind sailingThe first three or four days of the race will be marked by sailing as close to the wind as possible, in a trade wind that is set to ease off progressively and at the rate of distance gains due North. For the sailors, it will be a race of placement, of searching for the best angles adapted to their hulls, which are now so different within a Class40, which supports many different architectural approaches. A first part of the race where we are not expecting any gaps in a fleet that will soon come up against the high pressure. This will be the start of other manoeuvres to place and choose a route while awaiting the arrival of violent westerly lows.What is a FAD?Used mainly for tuna fishing, a Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) is a raft made up of an assembly of floating objects extended underwater by nets or ropes. For thousands of years fishermen have known that any object floating in the oceans attracts fish. This is what happens with the artificial FADs deployed by the industry, which have the effect of concentrating schools of fish around these rafts.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique, D-1 : The Azores in 10 days?]]> Fri, 31 Mar 2023 00:00:00 GMT The second edition of the Défi Atlantique, the return race for the Class 40s in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, will start tomorrow at 5pm French time (11am local time). 13 yachts, manned by crews of two, three or four sailors, are waiting in the Pointe-à-Pitre dock, ready to go. 2,300 miles of the North Atlantic separate them from the finish of the first leg, Horta in the Azores archipelago, from where they will set off again on 17 April to reach La Rochelle, some 1,300 miles later. The winner will be determined by the cumulative time over the two legs. A West to East crossing that few sailors, including the most seasoned, are familiar with. All of them are looking forward to facing very varied conditions, which should, at one point or another of the course, allow each of them to do well, between reaching in the trade winds, the western edge of the Azores high, and the strong westerly winds expected far to the north to propel them towards the Portuguese archipelago. A race full of contrasts is in store, with a particularly uncertain outcome. A start with a coastal course to make the most of the richness of the islands of Guadeloupe!Denis Hugues and his race management team will be offering the 13 crews a course as close as possible to the enchanting shores of Guadeloupe from tomorrow, Saturday. A first course mark, after crossing the starting line anchored off Le Gosier, will be left to port off Grande-Pointe, some 17 nautical miles later under Basse-Terre. The competitors will then head for Marie-Galante for a final mark to be rounded before the big crossing to the Azores. In search of the lows. A classic route for returning cruisers to old Europe, the course to the Azores involves following a North - North East course from the start in Guadeloupe. During the first few days, the trade winds will still be brisk, 20 knots, before rapidly easing off as the degrees of North latitude become more and more pronounced, and a ridge of high pressure towards Florida will slow down the first competitors. Episodes of light airs, to be negotiated upwind, will be managed, moments of great tension on board the boats in search of the lows coming from the North American coast. The westerly winds will herald the start of a more muscular navigation, and will favour the first boats to benefit from them, on potentially heavy seas, to the point of inciting the Race Direction, assisted by the meteorologist Christian Dumard, to include in the race instructions a waypoint at 39° North latitude not to be crossed. The numerous lows that are stirring up the North Atlantic at the end of the winter are creating strong swells that everyone wants to avoid. The competitors will then have to dive due East towards the Azores and make do with the wind angle of the moment. The latest routings envisage an arrival in Horta in about ten days time. Source / GPO[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique, at D-4, a departure village and training sessions]]> Tue, 28 Mar 2023 00:00:00 GMT While a certain number of competitors of the Atlantic Challenge are making their final adjustments at sea, in view of the departure towards the Azores, scheduled for next Saturday at 11 am, the festivities and animations set up by the Guadeloupe Region are in full swing on land, in the race village established along the Darse. At 5pm, Mr Camille Pélage, Vice-President of the regional authority, inaugurated a race village resolutely placed under the sign of the ecological transition. Workshops, Master Class, but also exchanges between the public and the increasingly eco-responsible sailors, will punctuate the beautiful Guadeloupean week of the Class40. A transatlantic sailing race as a model for ecological transitionSince 2016, the Guadeloupe Region has been committed to implementing a new political model largely focused on the development of the blue economy. This integrated model is based on a number of themes, in particular the organisation of transatlantic sailing races for which the growing popularity is generating positive economic spin-offs. The project to organise the Atlantic Challenge Guadeloupe / Horta / La Rochelle 2023 is in line with this logic. A race to raise awareness In order to highlight the archipelago as a whole and thus enhance its cultural heritage and tourism potential, the boats will set off towards Basse-Terre to go around the Saintes Islands, then up towards Marie-Galante and Désirade and finally north towards the Atlantic.In a context of health crisis exacerbated by the pollution of the marine environment with chlordecone, by the regular degradation of bathing water due in particular to the dilapidated state of wastewater treatment plants, by the repeated strandings of sargassum algae, the bloom of which is attributed to the nitrate enrichment of the waters of the Amazon River, by the bleaching of corals and the depletion of coastal resources leading to fishing restrictions, Guadeloupeans are waiting for the implementation of sustainable development policies that respect resources and the marine environment.The Atlantic Challenge is part of this logic by avoiding a return trip by cargo ship for at least thirteen boats that participated in the Route de Rhum. This reduces their ecological footprint. Didier Le Vourch - VicitanMach 40 - N° 134 - 23rd in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe"It's a superb race. Leaving Guadeloupe towards Europe via a superb stopover in the Azores is a great opportunity to bring back the boats from the Route du Rhum, in this West-East direction which is the only transatlantic race in this direction with Quebec-St Malo. We'll have to sail upwind in the trade winds, to look for the lows towards the Azores. We like to do the east-west transatlantic races to get to the sun. This is where we come home and it's also a great pleasure for the sailors.The crew is above all friendly, that's even the watchword on board. We're looking to enjoy ourselves with Olivier Delrieu, the owner of the boat and François Guiffant, a very efficient guy.We've been well moored since the Caribean 600 where we finished 9th. We've fine-tuned our settings. As in the Rhum, we have the same proportions of recent boats, scows, and "sharp" ones like ours, from 2014 and before. There will be two races within the race.The upwind course could give us an advantage. There is less of a gap between our boats and the scows on these windward points of sail. We'll play on that.I'm in love with the Azores, islands where you can find the joy of living, a very diverse climate... I love to stop over there. There's a special flavour. You feel like you're in the middle of nowhere. The Azores have to be earned. Its very green volcanic peaks are a unique viewpoint for the sailor.The archipelago is in itself a real challenge for sailors. There are depressions and the famous anticyclone. Approaching it is technically difficult, with deviations and accelerations... It has to be earned.There may be opportunities for the older generation boats. If there is an opening, we will have to take it.We are starting with three. Four would be too many because our boats are cramped. Three is a good compromise. Two works too. The weather analysis will be collegial. Everyone will find what they need. Raphael Auffret - Dopamine Sailing Team Mach 40 N° 104 - 33rd in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe"I'm taking on the role of skipper on a boat I know well, having already sailed in the Transat Jacques Vabre. The wife of Florian Gueguen, the skipper, is expecting a baby. I will be accompanied by two people from La Rochelle that I know well. They are nautical professionals. Thomas Racoupeau is a sailmaker, Vianney Guilbaud sells masts. We come from the same milieu. We are competitors, Mini, 4.70, IRC... The boat is not the latest generation but we will do our best and fight like competitors.We're expecting a lot of upwind sailing. It will be a great experience. It will be my first time in the Azores. A discovery!I've been around Class 40 for almost five years now. The boats are great. The class is competitive and very friendly. I want to sail even more. The boat stayed in Pointe-à-Pitre after the Rhum. We are pampering her for the Challenge. We are almost ready to cross the Atlantic. Jean-Baptiste Daramy - Chocolat Pariès - Screb Plan Botin N° 123 - 22nd of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe"This challenge is a good idea. It's better than putting a boat on a cargo ship. We're delighted to continue sailing this lovely boat. The stopover in the Azores is nice. The race is complex meteorologically. Ideally, we would like to catch a low-pressure system coming from the United States to slip along downwind. Our boat is versatile enough to adapt to all points of sail. We're happy upwind, but we like to slide downwind. I'm leaving with Ludovic Méchin, my opponent in the 2015 Mini. He beat me. He has sailed a lot in Class40. He is a specialist in transatlantic races in this sense, unlike me.So there will be two of us on the first leg, and my wife will join us in Horta for the second leg, as she has worked a lot and helped me a lot during the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. If we go together, we are very complementary with Ludo. I'm coming to the end of my Class 40 career. I aspire to something else after this race even if I remain an enlightened amateur but with a real competitive spirit!" Source / GPO[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Cédric de Kervenoael succeeds Halvard Mabire as President of Class40]]> Wed, 15 Mar 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 AGM, held on the 11th of March, saw Matthieu Perraut, Quentin le Nabour and William Mathelin-Moreaux elected to the Class40 Board. They join Kito De Pavant, Pietro Luciano, Antoine Magré, Michael Hennessy and Halvard Mabire, who has stood down from the role of president after 8 years of service. The following day, the Board unanimously elected Cédric de Kervenoael as the class’s new president. A member of the class since 2014, and a board member since 2017, Cédric de Kervenoael is one of the Corinthian sailors who are an integral part of Class40.  He is well-versed in the particulars of offshore racing, having been involved in the sport for thirty years. A man of St Malo at heart and of La Rochelle by adoption, Cédric entered the Class40 circuit in 2015 and competed in the Route du Rhum in 2018 while continuing to practise as a lawyer in Paris. Working alongside Halvard Mabire, whose experience running the class he plans to draw on, Cédric and the new Board’s aim will be to continue developing the class and overseeing its growth while retaining the ingredients of its success, namely a class of affordable competitive boats which enable Corinthian and professional sailors alike to compete in the great offshore classics. On the new President’s agenda will be overseeing the Class40 race calendar along with the creation of new events, and maintaining good relations between the class and race organisers. He would also like to see greater scrutiny of rules compliance and contain the costs of Class40s without impacting their performance.   Cédric will be supported in these tasks by Vanessa Boulaire who has been appointed Managing Director, François Angoulvant, who takes on the role of Chief Measurer, and the whole of the new Board.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[IBSA, winner of the RORC Caribbean 600]]> Fri, 24 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT After 2 days 13 hours 7 minutes and 18 seconds of racing, the Mach 40.5 IBSA (Alberto Bona, Luke Berry, Pablo Santurde del Arco and Luca Bertacchi) won the RORC Caribbean 600 2023. Just under 15 minutes later, Ambrogio Beccaria's Musa 40, Alla Grande Pirelli, crossed the line in second place. Axel Trehin and his crew (Project Rescue Ocean) completed the podium. They said Alberto Bona: "We had a good start, although we had some problems with other boats as the fleet was still compact. The first few tacks were quite difficult as expected. Then, once we passed Green Island, we hoisted the gennaker, set off and the race really started. We immediately got into the rhythm of the race. On the first tack under gennaker we were already in the leading group. We were in the lead in Barbuda.  Overall, the whole course was difficult. We knew that the most critical point would be the passage under Guadeloupe.We arrived there after a long stretch between squalls and sail changes, the leading group was still compact. We lost a bit in this phase, as we arrived first in Guadeloupe, and came out third. It was a moment when we had to put the coal back in to catch up with the others.I really appreciated the reaction of the crew: we reacted well, we didn't lose heart, we gave it our all and we made up for our deficit before Désirade. That was the moment when we decided to go and win the race.It was a tiring regatta, with a lot of manoeuvres to do and in which we always stayed in contact with our direct opponents. We were able to try and check a lot of settings on the boat. I exchanged a lot of feelings with Luke who sailed the sistership. The whole team did a great job. Pablo is a war machine. He never stops, he really impressed me and I'm very happy to have to do more racing with him. Luca survived this adventure, he gave us a good hand on board." Ambrogio Beccaria: " What an incredible start to the season! The RORC600 has been an exciting and fast-paced race from start to finish. We gave it our all at the start and immediately found ourselves leading the Class40 fleet. Our boat held the lead until the island of Barbuda, but on the way back north we lost a few miles. From then on it was a neck and neck battle for first place. After passing Saint-Martin, we went down to the island of Saint-Barthélemy to reach Guadeloupe with average speeds still high, reaching peaks of twenty knots.In the end, a fine second place! We fought all the time and battled until the last mile. We made a lot of good choices, but also a few mistakes; it may have penalised us slightly for not making good use of the extra sail we had.Sailing with a crew you learn a lot and I already have a lot of ideas on how to optimise #AllaGrandePirelli which, although still very new, has proved to be very fast. I am very happy for my friend Alberto Bona and the IBSA team because they had a great race!" General ranking : RORC Caribbean 600 - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[RORC Caribbean 600, top start !]]> Tue, 21 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Organised by the Royal Ocean Racing Club and supported by Antigua Yacht Club, the 14th edition of the RORC Caribbean 600 started on time at 11:00 AST on Monday 20th February. The Class40s are expected to cross the finish line this Wednesday, after 600nm of racing, a giant slalom between the Caribbean islands.  With a record 13 Class40s on the water, a thrilling start was expected and no one was disappointed. Ambrogio Beccaria's Alla Grande - Pirelli and James McHugh's TQuila started straight for the pin. on the other side of the line, on the land side, the start was much more frenetic. Curium Life Forwad by Marc Lepesqueux and IBSA skippered bu Alberto Bona started just under the Pillars of Hercules. To follow the race: 2023 Fleet Tracking | Tracking - Players | Race Information (  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Opening of the 2023 season !]]> Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT It's back to work for a new season! This Monday, February 20th, 13 Class40 will take the start of the RORC Caribbean 600, first event of the 2023 championship. Entry list : RORC Caribbean 600 - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Death of Marc Chopin (LSVCAL)]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Class40 is sorry to learn of the death of Marc Chopin, member of the organising club of Les Sables-Horta and the 1000 milles des Sables. Our thoughts are with his family.   "Les Sables d'Olonne Vendée Course au Large club is extremely sad to announce the death of Marc Chopin on 5 December after a long illness.An active member of the Sables d'Olonne Vendée Course au Large (LSOVCL) club since its creation, Marc Chopin had an unquenchable passion for sailing. He worked hard and dynamically to participate in the development of ocean racing in Les Sables d'Olonne and throughout the Vendée region. In recent years, while he was fighting his illness with great courage and dignity, he contributed to the organisation of the 1000 Milles des Sables, the Solo Maître CoQ, the Les Sables - Les Açores - Les Sables, the Les Sables -Horta - Les Sables and the Transgascogne. Perpetually driven by the audacity to undertake and an inexhaustible desire to write beautiful stories of the sea and of men, he took up the challenge of organising the Mini Transat - Eurochef 2021, a race he particularly liked for its human dimension and its spirit of adventure. His enthusiasm and optimism were unparalleled and this is how he managed to transmit his passion to the greatest number of people. His joie de vivre, his empathy and his epicurean side will be missed by all. A final tribute may be paid to him at the Espace Funéraire Vendéen, 32 rue Le Corbusier, 85180 Les Sables d'Olonne. Interment will take place on Saturday 10 December at 2.30 pm in Carantec in Finistère. "[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Corentin Douguet, winner of the 2022 Class40 Championship]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT They sailed together, helped each other before the start, fought in the Atlantic before one took the advantage over the other. Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkea) and Corentin Douguet (Queguiner Innoveo), share a particular friendship and rivalry Yoann won the Route du Rhum, Corentin became the Class40 champion of the year. Their thoughts. A very high level fleet.  Corentin Douguet : « It's great, it had everything we love about ocean racing. It's a great mix between boats that are both incredibly efficient and very fast. The fight on the water is at great all the way through the fleet since there are people and boats at all levels. It's great to be involved in this period. »  Yoann Richomme : « The engagement was very high. It was like the Solitaire du Figaro in the first week. There were a dozen good skippers at a very good level. Some have impressed me, like Mathieu Claveau (Inter Invest), Ambrogio Beccaria (Allagrande Pirelli) and  Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF). There was a great fight until the Azores, very full on and intense. » Tough strong boats Yoann Richomme : « I had almost no damage to my boat. A cleat, a  block and beyond that next to nothing. I inspected the boat several times but nothing to report. It's solid! Admittedly, there were other breakages elsewhere but we faced really tough conditions against which we never normally sail in. To not break stuff you need a really very high level of preparation, especially for new boats coming out straight out of the boatyard. But overall it demonstrates the seriousness and the level of professionalism that top sailors put into their project. »  Corentin Douguet : « Apart from my engine issues, I haven't had any structural problems. The boat could  now sail back the other way! They are faster but quite uncomfortable violent boats. We see forces and loads we did not know about, impacts, areas to be reinforced. With the emergence of these scows, we realize that these are boats that demand a lot more than we first thought. » A grueling effort. Corentin Douguet : « These are very hard boats to race on, really violent. It is a constant level of hardship and suffering. Everything is difficult: there is mad loud noise, it goes fast but it slams hard. The fact that two boats dismasted in the 2nd front gives an idea of the impacts. It never stops, upwind and downwind. Everything slams and bangs all the time. But we live with it and I always hear when someone talks to me. Each great solo race involves drawing even deeper into one’s resources. It's an extreme sport: it hurt us little and it takes time to recover. »  Yoann Richomme : « It was really hard. I feel like I have tinnitus in my ears, I didn't take strong noise cancelling headphones. It was hard and honestly, I even had to slow the boat sometimes, especially when approaching the fronts. In terms of sleep management, I was really exhausted several times, especially in the first week. And we had not worked out much on the places to sleep in the boat. It was very nice to sleep in and it didn't help to limit yourself to a short nap! » The emergence of Ambrogio Beccaria. Corentin Douguet : « He's a very good sailor with a very good boat. We knew he had a lot of talent and every time he gets on a boat, he goes very well. We did not know much about his boat, we had no doubt that it would be potent. It's not a surprise to find him getting second. »  Yoann Richomme : « He put a lot of pressure on towards the end, he was coming back like a rocket. When you see his age, the project he has and the way he ran it we know he is going to be up here pushing to the top for a long time. » Technical perspectives. Yoann Richomme : « It's the details that matter. There has been a big progression in hull designs so that the boats are more powerful but they don’t go over the sea as well.  You have to succeed in combining power and design to make it work best in the sea state. For example, we took an awful lot of water over the deck. The challenge for designers now is to avoid this. For other things, bits and pieces,  it's difficult as everything is well refined and optimized. » Corentin Douguet : « I don't want to go into details, especially if I'm doing a Class40 again! (laughs) We reach a stage where we suffer in terms of comfort. It's up to everyone to see what they learn and where they go, but comfort can be a factor in performance. There are a lot of details and ideas to improve it. If I were to do an new boat tomorrow for a Class40 program, it would be significantly different. »  Further development of the class. Corentin Douguet : « Generally now there is a slow down time in terms of boat orders after each Route du Rhum. But it seems as if the order books are full and the yards continue to build boats. So there is no obvious slowdown and 2023 will be a busy year, the Transat Jacques Vabre line-up will be big and high level. In the medium term, the class will remain ultra dynamic! »  Yoann Richomme : « The formula is good: crossing the Atlantic in 12 days, only 2 more than the IMOCAs, it is a good rule.  This is the entry category for major offshore races. It has its place as a fleet, as a technical class that attracts top-level racers. I don't think it needs to evolve (especially on the issue of foils). It is a really positive aspect that the boats are easy to handle. And then there is a real race, a substantial fleet: these are real strengths for the future. » The Class40 ranking of 2022 1- Corentin Douguet (Queguiner-Innoveo) 2- Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF) 3- Antoine Carpentier (Redman) The complete ranking : 2championnat2022.pdf ( [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Corentin Douguet (Queguiner-Innoveo), third of the Route du Rhum]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This Wednesday, November 23, at 2339hrs UTC Corentin Douguet on Queguiner-Innoveo crossed the finish line in Pointe-à-Pitre in third position for the twelfth edition of La Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe. His race time is 14 days 9 hours 24 minutes 12 seconds. The skipper of Queguiner-Innoveo completed the 3,542 mile course between Saint-Malo and Pointe-à-Pitre at a speed of 10.25 knots on the great circle (direct route). He actually traveled 4,031.19 miles at an average speed of 11.67 knots. He arrived in Pointe-à-Pitre 6 hours 15 minutes 32 seconds after the Class40 winner, his training partner and fellow former Figaro ace Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkéa). Douguet’s race started so well. From the first night, less than five miles off the coast of Perros-Guirec, Corentin Douguet took control of the race. The skipper of Queguiner-Innoveo was among the very top seeds as winner of the 1000 miles of Sables in April, 2nd in the Normandy Channel Race (two up with Yoann Richomme) in May, and 2nd in the Dhream Cup in July. In the Bay of Biscay he is nicely locked in with the peloton alongside Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel), Luke Berry (Lamotte – Module Création) and Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF). But on Sunday November 13, it was Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkéa) who took over the lead The duo who trained so much together fight with each other until the Azores when Douguet’s engine starts to give him problems. "It is that energy problem that cost him so much energy" said Richomme today. Douguet even thought of stopping off in the Azores. "I had to dismantle the whole engine and transfer the diesel into a small container, placed right next to where I sleep" explains Corentin. And this morning before the finish, he revealed that he had been penalized 45 minutes for having unsealed his engine. “This engine story ruined my Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe. It tastes of diesel, not rum.” He speaks towards the end of his race as "a game against Italy". After fighting against his Lombardini engine, he is also trying to control the fiery Ambrogio Beccaria (Allagrande-Pirelli), Italy’s winner of the 2019 Mini-Transat. Never more than 10 miles separate them in the trade winds. The Tour of Guadeloupe brings the gap down to just 2 miles and the race for the podium is epic as ever in the lee of Basse Terre, Butterfly Island. A renowned Figaro racer and past French elite solo champion Corentin Douguet crossed the line in 3rd place and his ability to not let go despite the circumstances is a victory in itself, however frustrating it may be. Douguet on the dockThe feeling at the finish. “When I cut the line, I felt a little lonely… There was no crowd! I'm happy, it's still a podium on a Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe and a very good result. I was aiming a little higher than third but I knew it would be complicated and it got complicated a little quickly but it's great to be here. It's the 'Rhum', it's the legend... And I understand better why it's the legend! » Facing adversity. “Between my Lombardini engine and Ambrogio, we had to fight against Italians! It wasn't easy, but ocean racing never is. There, it was a bit frustrating not to be able to really play for the win. At one point, these technical issues took me out of the game a bit. I must have missed a few details in my preparation, which was not the case for Yoann (Richomme) and Ambrogio (Beccaria). That's an explanation but I'm not looking for an excuse. With or without this engine problem, there is nothing to say I could have beaten them. » 3rd place. “We hesitated for a long time about making a pitstop in the Azores. If that had been the case, 3rd place would have been difficult to acheive. To continue was the right decision even if there was a 45 minute penalty to be taken. And in the end ittook less time to make circles in the water at the tip of the Old Fort (at Guadeloupe) than to stop in the Azores. » Richomme's victory. “I am super happy for Yoann. It was a great year, we exchanged a lot, collaborated a lot. I didn't think it would come to such extremes. For me, Yoann is the Djokovic of ocean racing: he has no one to fear. But obviously, he was a little afraid of me. There are quite a few guys from his team who have been on my boat so I wonder if my engine problem is not related to it (laughs). He didn't need that! » [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Ambrogio Beccaria (Allagrande - Pirelli), second in the Route du Rhum]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This Wednesday 23rd November at 16 h 38 min 48 sec (local time) - 21 h 38 min 48 sec Paris time -, Ambrogio Beccaria crossed the finish line in Pointe-à-Pitre of the 12th edition of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe in second place. His race time is 14 days 7 hours 23 minutes 48 seconds. The skipper of Allagrande - Pirelli sailed the 3,542 miles of the course between Saint-Malo and Pointe-à-Pitre at a speed of 10.31 knots on the great circle route (the direct route). He actually sailed 4,041.06 miles at an average speed of 11.77 knots. He took a magnificent second place, after a hard-fought battle with Corentin Douguet, which intensified as the miles went by on the approach to Guadeloupe. In the end, the Italian climbed to second place on the podium and was 4 hours 15 minutes 8 seconds behind the winner in Class40, Yoann Richomme. Bravissimo Ambrogio ! What a race! At 31 years of age, the Italian Ambrogio Beccaria has left his mark on this Route du Rhum Destination Guadeloupe. And for good reason, the skipper of Allagrande-Pirelli, already known for his victory in the 2019 Mini-Transat, has quickly found in Class40 a circuit commensurate with his talent, where the art of racing at the highest level is mixed with that of taking charge of an innovative boat. After having had a taste of the Class40 on board the very first 40-foot scow, this type of revolutionary boat recognisable by its rounded bow, Ambrogio, a lover of strong sensations and speed, was won over. Alongside Ian Lipinski, he set the Class40 24-hour speed record in 2021 with a score of 421 miles covered at an average speed of 17.4 knots. The Milanese, who did not yet have a sponsor, then set about designing and building the first 100% Italian ocean racing boat! A major challenge that he took up through his participation in this Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. His Class40, born from the drawing boards of his naval architect friend Gianluca Guelfi, did not go unnoticed among the 30 new boats present on the starting line in Saint-Malo. Long rudders and a steerable bowsprit are some of the new features that distinguish Alllagrande-Pirelli from the thirty or so scows gathered this year. But the boat is brand new. Launched at the end of last August, it was only at the beginning of October that Ambrogio, who lives and trains in Lorient, qualified for the starting line. Minus one! And the few days of delay gained at the pontoon in Saint-Malo due to the postponed start were not too much to do to finish preparing and getting his brand new boat ready for this transatlantic race, which is renowned for its demanding level. On the water, the fiery Italian will impose himself from the start as one of the most faithful leaders of the race at the front. 15th as he rounded Cape Fréhel, he quickly made his way to the front of the rankings and never left them. After passing the Azores, while other solid solo sailors were experiencing serious problems, such as Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF), who was forced to retire to repair structural problems, the race took on all the trappings of an oceanic duel with Corentin Douguet (Queguiner-Innoveo). Only a handful of miles separate these two sailors, who are exchanging the position of runner-up in the wake of the leader as positions are taken. Ambrogio, who is experiencing air problems, is nevertheless getting the best out of his boat. "The sensations are magical. It's a plane. It's fast in all points of sail," he confided yesterday as the battle with his direct rival intensified in the final stretch towards the Tête-à-l'Anglais. Since then, Ambrogio hasn't given up anything. Better still, he has consolidated his lead over the third-placed boat and above all achieved the remarkable feat of drastically reducing the gap with Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkéa), the big winner in Class40, one of the fleets that has been hardest hit by the violence of the frontal passages. The skipper of Allagrande-Pirelli, with his brand new boat, managed the feat of getting through the drops of a serious damage to deserve this place of honour on the podium in Pointe-à-Pitre. Bravissimo Ambrogio! Source: OC Sport Pen Duick  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Dominant Richomme at the double. Route du Rhum Class40 winner Yoann Richomme (Paprec-Arkea) triumphs on second successive edition.]]> Wed, 23 Nov 2022 00:00:00 GMT French skipper Yoann Richomme joined the very elite group of solo ocean racers to have twice won their class on the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe when he brought the new build Lombard Lift 40 V2 Paprec-Arkea through the finish line of the 12th edition this Wednesday afternoon at 16:23:40hr to win Class40 from a record entry of 55 boats. French skipper Yoann Richomme joined the very elite group of solo ocean racers to have twice won their class on the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe today, when he brought the new build Lombard Lift 40 V2 Paprec-Arkea through the finish line of the 12th edition this Wednesday afternoon at 16:23:40 UTC to win in the Class40 from a record entry of 55 boats. Richomme repeats his 2018 Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe title success in the class with a facsimile programme, launching his latest new boat in the same summer as the race, optimising and making the boat reliable over a compressed period before going on to win comfortably. Key differences this year are that the 39-year-old Southampton (UK) trained naval architect was called over the start line early off Saint-Malo on Sunday November 9th and had to take a four-hour mandatory penalty. Although he cleverly took it while the fleet were negotiating a spell of light airs and strong tides at Cape Fréhel – he later estimates his net loss was more like two and a half hours – he immediately dropped to 50th with a deficit of 19 miles on the leaders. But with his characteristic drive and smart, immaculate strategies, he pulled through the fleet and took the lead just before the Azores. Richomme’s lead was up to 120 miles in the fast trade winds sailing which allowed him the luxury of a relatively serene passage around the west of the island of Basse Terre today. With an elapsed time of 14d 03hrs 08mins 40s, Richomme breaks his own course record for the class by two days. His winning time in 2018 was 16 days, 03 hours, 22 minutes and 44 seconds. He also becomes the first skipper to win Class40 in successive years. Richomme’s celebrations on the dock were also a repeat of last time, savouring the simultaneous moments of pleasure and relief with his arms aloft and his eyes lifted to the heavens. Among the 40 or so skippers to have finished so far he is unique in taking his time to enjoy every last drop of the p'tit punch, rum cocktail while the media waited. A true perfectionist in ever sense and a master meteo strategist, even his arrival at the dock was - by chance - perfectly timed for the media deadlines at home in France. “ I’m really proud.” Richomme enthused, “There are so many ingredients necessary to win this race. I spent my time analysing the weather and we had some violent systems. I was afraid all the time that I would suffer a breakage. Even rounding Guadeloupe, I was afraid of that. It was a real challenge.” “ Of course I could have stayed home preparing my Imoca, but this was a challenge for me and the team. So I’m really pleased. It was hard to manage the race. I had to slow down the boat for the first time. It’s really hard and you have to give it your all. Corentin with his electrical problems andAmbrogio at his age… Congratulations. I’m proud of this result.”His approach, as is usually the case, is self contained, “I did my thing and at each front, I gained. I never studied what was happening. I was in my race and didn’t study the rest. The start was fantastic under gennaker for two days like in the manuals. It was wild after that with huge waves. Baghdad! I was forced to slow the boat down when she reached 25 knots. For the last two days, I went into my world to do my race.” He recalls he was up close behind the IMOCAs at times , “The fourth front, I said I would change my strategy and head south, rather than go with the others. The others made mistakes. That’s when I was enjoying myself. I hadn’t raced like that for a while so I was pleased that it worked out. The IMOCAs? I followed Justine and Isabelle. It was fantastic to be able to follow them.” Richomme reflected, “I am nevertheless exhausted. I was at the end of my tether a few times but aboard all went well. I managed my sleep differently from in the past. It was hard to try to get any sleep. We have managed to deal with two projects at the same time. My sponsors followed me. Initially, it wasn’t planned like that, but now I’m ready to tackle the Imoca project. You can’t compare this with the Vendée Globe.” The Route du Rhum club of double winners includes Laurent Bourgnon (1994 and 1998 line honours Multi); Erwan Le Roux (winner in the Multi50/OCEAN 50 in 2014 and 2022); Roland Jourdain (IMOCA winner 2006 and 2010); Thomas Ruyant (Class40 2010 and IMOCA 2022) and the only three-times winner, Franck-Yves Escoffier (1998, 2002 and 2006 Muti 50). Backed by French recycling group Paprec and banking group Credit Mutuel Arkea -who have united to form a sustainable, top-level long-term project – the team management hand-picked the outstanding Richomme to skipper their new IMOCA which is in build for the 2024 Vendée Globe and which will be launched early next year. Richomme is one of the outstanding sailors and technicians of his generation and as such marks himself out as a podium favourite for the next Vendée Globe. He is a double winner of La Solitaire du Figaro, winning in 2016 and again in 2019, the first year the Beneteau Figaro 3 was introduced to the race - when he left all of the French legends – like Jérémie Beyou, Michel Desjoyeaux, Yann Eliès, Armel Le Cléach and Loick Peyron - in his wake. Source: OC Sport Pen Duick [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Route du Rhum: It's the final battle...]]> Wed, 23 Nov 2022 00:00:00 GMT He is heading for the finish, which he should reach in the next 24 hours. Barring any last minute changes, Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkéa) is expected to be the big winner tomorrow morning in Pointe-à-Pitre (from 3pm, mainland time). The leader, who is almost untouchable, is on course for a historic double in the Class40 category in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. To make matters worse, he is making progress with the promise of breaking his own reference time, set four years ago, by almost 48 hours. But in his wake, the battle is raging at all levels. From one side to the other, the race is redoubling in intensity. Each place in the ranking is being fought for dearly, very dearly. Starting with the podium, with two protagonists who have not finished chasing after the leader. The duel between the Italian Ambrogio Beccaria (Allagrande-Pirelli) and Corentin Douguet (Queguiner-Innoveo), neck and neck with 400 miles to go, is superb. With less than a mile to go to separate them, it is guaranteed to keep the suspense alive right to the end of the line, after a round Guadeloupe that has no equal in offering its share of inevitable twists and turns. "The match with Corentin is exciting. Yesterday, it was a bit of a toss-up, I was on the wrong side of the cloud and he put a lot of miles on me. Today it's my turn to make up some ground, even if I think he still has a bit of a lead. Ambrogio Beccaria's words are unmistakable as he enjoys the "magical feeling" his boat offers him. "Now I have the chance to exploit her potential. It's an aeroplane!" At an average speed of 15 knots over the last 24 hours, the Italian is giving his best against a direct opponent who is not giving up in the strong trade winds either. 90 miles from the leader, it is in oceanic match-race mode that these two are progressing towards the finish. Grouped solo sailors, committed conditions But they are not the only ones, as from one side to the other, the solo sailors, very grouped together, are reporting committed conditions that leave no respite. "Here, it's sailing in the trade winds like in the books, with strong winds, waves and sun. And to make it fun, we're mixing in a few squalls. In terms of competition, the gaps have widened a bit, but I'm still on the attack. You never know! The friends behind are not that far away," said Simon Koster (Banque du Leman). The Swiss, in 4th position, is well placed to know that his pursuers, in ambush, will not let the slightest opportunity slip through their fingers. The battle of the scows is getting tougher as the miles go by in the well established 17/18 knot trade winds. Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF) and Luke Berry (Lamotte-Module Création), 5th and 6th respectively, are also within a mile of each other. Watch out also for Antoine Carpentier (Redman), or Alberto Bona (IBSA) who are both very consistent at the front. A mess, and it's off again In the ranks of the fleet, many are racing on the ocean as if they were sailing in a bay, by position reports. But in this context of heightened competition, the slightest worry is paid for in cash. Everything is played out according to the squalls and the sudden and violent wind shifts that affect the solo sailors. Under spinnaker and clouds, there are many adventures. "The boat went into overdrive at 25 knots in a wave and landed nose down in the water. There was a huge overload on the spinnaker and the spinnaker, God rest her soul, gave us back her soul," said William Mathelin-Moreaux (Dékuple). In 17th place, the skipper who is about to repair this precious sail, is battling it out in a small, compact group including Baptiste Hulin (Rennes / Saint-Malo / Parenthèses de Vie), Jules Bonnier (Nestenn-Entrepreneurs pour la planète), and the American Alex Mehran (Polka Dot). And that's without counting on the southerners of yesterday who are back in the battle as the wakes converge in the direction of Guadeloupe. This is the case for Cédric Chateau (Sogestran Seafrigo), who after having seen his boat go down in an oversold condition is making a good 15 knots like the leaders. A loose wind and they're off again! Ambrogio Beccaria (Allagrande-Pirelli): "I'm managing to make good speeds, to get a bit of work done"Since the start, I've had my ups and downs, and today I'm at the top. I understand the clouds better and I can play with them. I feel more comfortable. This is my first solo race on this boat and it took me a little while to get the hang of it in the fast moments. Now, I'm able to make good speeds, to sail fast, and I'm very happy with that. The match with Corentin is exciting. Yesterday, it was a bit of a struggle. I was on the wrong side of the cloud and he put a lot of miles on me. Today, it's my turn to make up some miles, even if I think that in relation to the goal and if we gybe, he should still be 10 miles ahead. But we still have 24 hours to go and there is still the rounding of Guadeloupe to do, which leaves the game wide open. The feeling on board my boat is magical. I really appreciate how lucky I am to be able to exploit her potential. It's a plane! It's fast in all conditions, even if since the second front I've had no air and no information, which makes it difficult to make tactical choices, especially regarding the sails. And the pilot doesn't work in wind mode. When you have to go straight, it's fine, but when you have to go fast in relation to the goal, it's not great, even if I manage. The end of the race is going to be incredible in terms of intensity and that's why last night I tried to get as much sleep as possible. source: OC SPort pen Duick[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Route du Rhum: an update after 5 days of racing]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Faced with a particularly virulent front, the Class40 fleet has split over the last few hours. On one side, the leaders and the incredible 'mano-a-mano' between Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkéa) and Corentin Douguet (Queginer-Innoveo), separated by 0.1 mile at the beginning of the afternoon. On the other hand, the supporters of the South who are preparing to pass the Azores. For all of them, the observation is the same: the repetition of the efforts of the last few days is beginning to take its toll on the boats as well as on the bodies. What to remember about this Monday in Class40 Leader since Sunday evening, Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkea) continues to dominate the race with a tiny gap to Corentin Douguet (Queginer-Innoveo) The fleet is more than ever split between those who favour a WNW route and those who favour the South Jean-Pierre Balmes, victim of ballast and staysail hook problems, was forced to retire Keni Piperol (Capt'ain Alternance), who is repairing his Class40 in La Coruña, hopes to leave on Wednesday A new front, again, with its insane gusts and raging seas. "It was like déjà vu" wrote Nicolas d'Estais (HappyVore - Café Joyeux) who, like all the others, had to "deal with strong winds, cross seas and a lot of humidity", according to Kito de Pavant (HBF Reforest'Action). "It was a war, it was really hard, hellish," said Corentin Douguet (Queginer-Innoveo). Luke Berry (Lamotte-Module Creation) says it all: "The sea conditions are extreme and the living conditions are non-existent, even very basic. And the worst thing is that, despite the raging sky and sea, it can even be beautiful, like the sunrise captured by William Mathelin-Moreaux (Dékuple) in the midst of iodine chaos. "With Yoann, challenging and wearing" (Douguet) There are those who have decided to head west, even if it means facing particularly testing conditions, with an average of 30 knots. Among them, the leading trio,the inseparable Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkéa), Corentin Douguet (Queginer-Innoveo) and Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF). Corentin was the leader for a long time, but explained during the radio session on Monday morning that he had a problem with his engine. "There is a dead hose and air in the diesel circuit. If I don't manage to restart it today, I'll have no choice but to stop in the Azores. Nevertheless, like his two companions, Corentin managed to leave the strong winds early this afternoon. This gave him time to talk about the 'mano-a-mano' with Yoann Richomme: "Being shoulder to shoulder with him is both stimulating and tiring. We talk a bit on the VHF, even though I'm saving my batteries, but we don't sleep much. There is no respite. As soon as one goes faster than the other, the other has to get back on the thing! Trouble, abandonment and hope At the same time, part of the Class40 fleet has preferred to head due south. There are eleven skippers, often with their own reasons. Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) is dealing with a technical problem (a point of armour in a headsail), Stan Thuret (Everial) has preferred to play it safe by choosing "not to follow the others", as has Cédric Château. The skipper of Sogestran-Seafrigo even had fun making a "little speed comparison" with a strong competitor, the Maxi Banque Populaire XI. "She's clearly going faster! She was upwind of me and turned to head back towards the Azores... It was fun to pass her! This Monday has, like every day since the start unfortunately, had its share of bad news. At the end of the morning, Jean-Pierre Balmes (Fullsave) announced his intention to retire. The skipper from La Grande-Motte is having problems with his ballast and his hook. He decided to turn back and headed for Cascais. The day before, it was the Australian Rupert Henri (Eora) who did the same, due to the structural failure of a bulkhead. Thus, there are now 9 retirements among the Class40s. For his part, Jean Galfione (Serenis Consulting) had to stop once again. After suffering a head injury, he stopped in the port of Vigo where further medical examinations had to be carried out. At the same time, others continued the adventure despite the difficulties. Keni Piperol (Capt'ain Alternance) was the victim of a leak and arrived in A Coruña yesterday. After being pulled out of the water and inspected, the boat was immediately repaired by the Lalou Multi teams. But for the skipper, giving up was out of the question. "It never occurred to me that I wouldn't go back," he explained. His team is planning a return to the sea on Wednesday at midday.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Route du Rhum: here we go!]]> Tue, 15 Nov 2022 00:00:00 GMT The first few hours of this 12th Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe are true to their reputation, with an endless litany of inaugural misfortunes at sea, which are either damaging or compromising the smooth running of the great crossing that has been mobilising the sailors for many months. For others, the race has taken its toll from the outset. This Thursday, after 24 hours at sea, it is Keni Piperol (Cap'tain Alternance), who is enjoying the pleasure of leading the way to Guadeloupe on a trajectory close to the direct route. After the English Channel and the Iroise Sea, the doors to the ocean open, indicating to all the time of the great strategic choices... After 24 hours of racing, the fate of Antoine Magre (E.Leclerc Ville-La-Grand) who ran aground during the night off the island of Batz and who has just officially declared his retirement this afternoon is emblematic. Just like the collisions experienced by Martin Louchart (Randstad Ausy) who is heading towards Saint Malo, as well as Mickael Mergui (Centrakor). These are all hard knocks that force the sailors to make a stopover. On a stopover in Saint-Malo or Camaret "I was fine, I was supposed to be 30 minutes from the Brest Narrows this morning. There was a big wave, the boat went down and I hit a buoy on the port bow. I thought I was literally going to climb the buoy and put the mast in it, I was scared to death," confided the Mediterranean skipper Mickael Mergui, who returned to Camaret to examine the extent of the damage with his team. As for Pierre-Louis Attwell (Vogue with a Crohn's), the technical damage he encountered last night was sufficiently serious to make it to this port in Finistère. And that's without taking into account the problems that quickly accumulated (pilot failure, torn genoa) for the skipper from Saint Malo, Geoffrey Maczynski (Fortisssimo), aboard one of the oldest Class40 boats. He is currently on a stopover in Saint-Malo. Since the start of the race yesterday, six competitors have already experienced their share of major difficulties, which will inevitably leave a bitter taste in the wake of this early race. Facing the choices For most of the 54 other candidates still in the race, the scenario is taking a much better turn. If for the time being, it is more in the mode of a contact race that they have been sailing in wind and sea conditions that are gradually becoming stronger, the longer term strategy is now on the agenda. And for good reason, it is a question of making a crucial choice between divergent trajectories in the light of a weather forecast that promises to evolve in a very contrasting way. And for good reason, they will have to make a crucial choice between divergent trajectories in view of the weather, which promises to evolve in very contrasting ways: the route towards the west, which is very committed, and another more southerly route, where they will have to be careful to avoid being trapped by lighter winds in the Bay of Biscay. Faced with this dilemma, it is not surprising that a 13-mile gap now separates Kéni Piperol (Cap'tain Alternance), Marc Lepesqueux (CURIUM Life Forward), or Alex Mehran (Polka Dot), from a small group progressing a little lower down, where Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grane - Pirelli), Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) This means that the chessboard is still open, with the top 10 boats within 7 miles of each other. It 'fixes', and they're off again For Axel Trehin (Project Rescue Ocean), and Yoann Richomme (Arkéa Paprec), who had a hasty start that resulted in a four hour penalty, which they have already "repaired", the hunt for the leaders is on. "This penalty is not something that is easy to take. Fortunately, I was able to limit the damage with a good timing to repair before Fréhel, which limits the damage to about twenty miles behind the leaders. The bill could have been much higher than that," says the title holder, who is not minimising the blow to morale of this setback. But true to form, it is with his mind set on the next stage that he is progressing today. "We're off again now, upwind. It's quite choppy, windy, up to 27 knots as we pass Ushant. We're starting to head west on a very long tack which will take us 2 to 3 days. The prospects for the next few days are not very exciting with the weather being tricky to manage...". After 200 miles covered since yesterday at 14:15, the race has only just begun... Source: OC Sport Pen Duick[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[How to follow the start of the Route du Rhum to Guadeloupe?]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Departure from the Vauban basin The fleet of 55 Class40s will leave the basin in two stages. Twenty-eight of them will leave the pontoons at 08:00 to take the lock at 08:20. An hour later, the second half of the fleet will do the same (departure from the pontoon at 9am, lock at 9.20am). All of them will wait at sea until the start of the departure procedure.   Social networks  - Facebook (Live ) - Twitter (Live + live tweet) - Instagram (Live) - Youtube (Live)   TV: live from 13.25 to 16.00 - Broadcasting in more than 120 territories (Europe and international) - France: start on France 3, France 2, L'Equipe, TF1, BFM TV, Infosport+, Eurosport France, Tébéo, Tébésud, NA TV, Ouest France, Sportall...[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Kito de Pavant wins the inaugural Class40 Mediterranean Trophy!]]> Sun, 30 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT While offshore racing is more commonly associated with the English Channel and the Atlantic, the Mediterranean also proved to be a superb playground for Class40 sailors this year. The number of Class40s on the shores of the Mediterranean is growing, and with a number of sailors keen to spend time on the water in preparation for the upcoming Route du Rhum, the new Class40 Mediterranean Trophy provided the ideal contest. Three races counted towards the Trophy, and it was Kito de Pavant on his Tizh 40 HBF - Reforest’Action who took overall victory in this first edition. Jean-Pierre Balmes (FullSave) finished in second place. Mikael Mergui (Centrakor) completed the podium. With already ten or so boats spread out along the coasts of France, Italy, Croatia and Spain, the upcoming Route du Rhum acted as a catalyst for a number of competitors more used to racing under IRC to invest in either new or second-hand boats. The inaugural Class40 Mediterranean Trophy held for the first time in 2022 was eagerly awaited. A total of seven Mediterranean races, most of them classics, featured in this year’s race calendar, and for the first time, Class40 was given its own class. Three of these races were chosen to count towards the Mediterranean Trophy ranking: the Corsica Med, Au Large de Saint-Tropez and the Duo Max. Ten or so Class40s were able to compete against each other from April to October and make the most of the varied but always superb conditions that are to be found in Corsica, the Aeolian Islands, the islands of Porquerolles, the Bay of Marseille, Sicily, the Balearics, the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, Barcelona, and Malta, to round off a packed season. There was plenty of competition with fierce battles on the water between the new boats, Centrakor, Groupe Berkem (Glaces Romanes) and Everial, and the older Pogos and Akilarias which perform particularly well in light airs, as well as the intermediate generations which ultimately came out on top.   Kito de Pavant, racing his HBF - Reforest’Action, proved to be the top performer, and also competed in the most events. He won two out of five races, including the Corsica Med with venetian sailor Pietro Luciani, and Au Large de Saint-Tropez racing solo, and also scored 3rd place in the Duo Max with Brice de Crisenoy. The runner up for the Trophy was none other than a sistership, the Tizh 40 n° 148 fullsave skippered by Jean-Pierre Balmes, thanks to his consistent performance. The brand-new Lombard-designed Centrakor placed 3rd, having demonstrated its potential with a fine victory in the Duo Max. Of note also was Mathieu Claveau’s first-rate performance on the water on his vintage Akilaria, Prendre la Mer, Agir pour la Forêt, which was outstanding in light airs. This should hopefully encourage a few other owners to come and join the Mediterranean circuit on older boats, which if well-prepared can aim for the podium... Season 1 in the Mediterranean culminated with the Rolex Middle Sea Race, one of the region’s most stunning offshore racing courses. We are looking forward to 2023 and season 2 of the Class40 Mediterranean Trophy, and to being joined by Italian, Croatian and Spanish sailors, and, we hope, turning this Trophy into a major Class40 and offshore racing event. Kito de Pavant, skipper of Class40 HBF – Reforest’Action: “I am delighted to be the first winner of the Mediterranean Trophy. I think everyone found what they were looking for. The new boats were able to progress a lot by racing against the others, and equally the old boats proved competitive in certain conditions against far newer designs. On a personal level, it has been a real revolution, being able to finally race solo, double-handed or fully-crewed in elapsed time, in sunny conditions in magical places, and being able to forget the torture of the IRC rating…  I would like to warmly thank all the race organisers involved who really backed the Trophy and gave our Class40s a superb welcome, be it in Civitavecchia, Marseille, Macinaggio, Porquerolles, Saint-Tropez, Barcelone or Palermo...“   General ranking : Mediterranean Trophy 22.xlsx (  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Corentin Douguet (Queguiner – Innoveo) takes the 2022 European Trophy!]]> Thu, 13 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 European Trophy has this year been awarded to Corentin Douguet, racing on his Lift v2 Queguiner – Innoveo. He takes over the title from 2021 winner Antoine Carpentier (Redman). Having scored podium finishes in every race he competed in this year (two victories and two second place finishes), Corentin Douguet wins the title for the first time on board his Class40 Queguiner – Innoveo in the face of an ever more competitive fleet. Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean) finishes in second place. The pair of Matthieu Perraut / Vincent Lancien (Inter Invest) complete the podium. “This is my first season on the circuit, so I am thrilled to have won the European Trophy. Class40 is the perfect cocktail, with serious competition on the water, on boats that are quite demanding, but in a laid-back atmosphere,” C. Douguet summarised. The European Class40 season kicked off at the beginning of April with the 1000 milles des Sables, a qualifying race for the upcoming Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe. This was Corentin Douguet’s first race on his red and grey Lift v2 and his first victory, finishing ahead of Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) and Axel Tréhin. Just over a month later, the hotly contested CIC Normandy Channel Race, a 1000 mile loop in the English Channel and Celtic Sea, was won by Ian Lipinski and Ambrogio Beccaria. Corentin Douguet, this time racing with Yoann Richomme, took second place, with the duo of Matthieu Perraut / Kevin Bloch finishing third. The following week, it was the turn of Nicolas d’Estais (Happyvore) and his crew who won the Armen Race. In June, the SSE Round Ireland Yacht Race gave Andrea Fornaro (In Fluence) his first victory on the Class40 circuit. The second solo race of the season, the Drheam Cup, saw 37 Class40s take on the 1000 mile course between Cherbourg and La Trinité sur Mer. This time around, it was Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF) who finished first, ahead of Corentin Douguet and Simon Koster (Banque du Leman). In August, complicated weather made for challenging racing in the Sevenstar Round Britain & Ireland Race, with victory going to Irish sailor James Mac Hugh (Tquila). The six different races to count thus far had provided six different winners! The winner of the European Trophy would therefore be decided on the outcome of the 40 Malouine Lamotte, a 24 hour offshore race from Saint-Malo. Corentin Douguet scored his second win of the season, winning the 2022 European Trophy in the process. There are two additional points of note: there are three “pointy-bow” Class40s ranked in the top ten (the top one being seventh-placed Pierre Casenave-Péré on his Mach 40.3 Legallais), and Finnish sailor Ari Kansakoski has scored a fine twentieth place ranking on his 2007 CC40, making it the top-placed Vintage boat. The upcoming Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe, which starts on the 6th of November, will see a fleet of 55 Class40s on the starting line. The 2022 Class40 Championship will be decided at the end of this race. In their own words Axel Tréhin: "I am really happy with this result which is the reward for a solid second season at the helm of my Class40 Project Rescue Ocean, despite the arrival of a number of seriously talented sailors on the circuit. I am proud to be a member of this flourishing class, and to be able to sail on these exceptional boats which enable us to compete in the great offshore races on a reasonable budget. From a personal standpoint, I am also very pleased that my efforts on the water help to highlight the commitment of all the volunteers involved with the Project Rescue Ocean charity who work hard every day to heighten awareness of the urgency to reduce our use of plastic. Please feel free to join us!" Matthieu Perraut: "Overall, we are delighted with our boat! Having a new boat was a challenge for us, both learning to sail it and making it as reliable as possible. We are very happy with the first results of the season, and couldn’t have wished for more for our debut! The level of competition has gone up a notch now that all the boats competing in the Route du Rhum are here; it only serves to motivate us more! As for the class, the mix of Class40 veterans, and Mini, Figaro and Corinthian sailors makes for a fairly diverse class with people from many different backgrounds, which is rather cool. And more generally, even though everyone is out there to win, they are friendly people with whom we share good times before but especially after races."    European Trophy results 1. Corentin Douguet (Quéguiner – Innoveo) – 380 pts 2. Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean) – 334 pts 3. M. Perraut / V. Lancien (Inter Invest) – 308 pts 4. Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) – 296 pts 5. Emmanuel Le Roch (Edenred) – 272 pts   Full results: europeantrophy22.pdf ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Mediterranean Skippers: the club of five taking on the Rhum]]> Thu, 06 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT Five of the sailors competing in the upcoming Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe are based in the Mediterranean, between Sète and Marseille. Kito de Pavant (HBF - Reforest’Action), Mathieu Claveau (Prendre la Mer, Agir pour la Forêt), Jean-Pierre Balmes (FullSave), Mikael Mergui (Centrakor) and Laurent Camprubi (Glaces Romanes) have been hard at work preparing their Class40 campaigns with a packed schedule of time on the water, training and competing in well-known races. The newly launched championship for the region, the Class40 Mediterranean Trophy, has brought good sailors together, boosted offshore racing in the region, and enabled teams to combine resources and thoroughly prepare for the challenge ahead.  For Kito de Pavant, they are “the indomitable band of Mediterranean sailors come to challenge the Breton armada”. On the 6th of November, after a long delivery to get to Saint-Malo, five Class40 skippers from the south of France will line up for the start of the Route du Rhum. While offshore racing is highly developed in Brittany, the Mediterranean-based sailors have been putting in a lot of effort to develop the discipline in their part of the world. “This is where we live, work, and play, so it is logical for us to be based here”,  Marseille-based Mathieu Claveau emphasises.   The Class40 Mediterranean Trophy - an added attraction The sailors all cite the benefit of more time spent training and racing in the Mediterranean, where conditions are far more variable and very different from those found in the Atlantic. “The wind is a lot shiftier, so you have to think quickly and manœuvre a lot more”, explained Jean-Pierre Balmes, based in La Grande Motte. Mikael Mergui, a native of Hyères who has sailed all over the world, says “here there are no tidal or lock-related restrictions, but the wind can be totally different just by going from one bay to the next, which adds a layer of difficulty to the sailing”. “The temperature is quite mild for much of the year, so we can sail more often and get on the water earlier in the year”, adds Laurent Camprubi. For this Marseille-based sailor, the race programme is also “very interesting and really busy”. The Class40 Mediterranean Trophy was launched this year as part of the drive to make it more attractive: “we wanted it to act as a focus for bringing together boats and strengthening the ties between Class40s”, explains Kito de Pavant. A number of races count towards the championship, including Roma per Due, Corsica Med, Duo Max, Au Large de Saint-Tropez, Palermo-Montecarlo, Round Italy and the Middle Sea Race… Flying the flag for the Mediterranean in the Route du Rhum! «The good level of competition makes us work hard and pushes us all to raise our game, as well as working together more closely», Kito de Pavant emphasises. For this group of sailors, this new Trophy “has created a new momentum” (Mikael Mergui), “helps increase the attractiveness of Class40 in the Mediterranean” (Laurent Camprubi) and “may incite other sailors to come and base themselves here, or come and compete in some of our races”  (Mathieu Claveau). Geographic proximity, the need to be organised to compete in the big offshore races and the fact that they compete against each other regularly has strengthened the bond between these five sailors. “We share information and help each other out on technical and logistical matters” (Mikael Mergui). “We race against each other, but we are all faced with the same issues, so it’s normal that there is a certain amount of  solidarity” (Jean-Pierre Balmes).  « We are close friends and we will do everything in our power to defend the colours of the Mediterranean in the Route du Rhum », Laurent Camprubi states. For this club of five, the main goal of the year is nearly 2000 miles away from their home ports. And nothing has been easy, particularly the qualification process: “it was quite a problem, nothing is simple when you are not based on the Atlantic coast”, Jean-Pierre Balmes recognises. “The long delivery makes it complicated, but we have found ways to adapt to the situation”, Mathieu Claveau emphasises. For sailors based in the Mediterranean, taking on the Route du Rhum can feel like a long, hard battle. But this group of sailors are strongly attached to their region, and have risen to the challenge.  In Saint-Malo on the 6th of November, 138 skippers will cross the start line of the most legendary of transatlantic races, of which 55 in the Class40 fleet, the largest class in the race. As well as giving it their all to get to the finish with a creditable result in class, the five sailors from the South have also vowed to remind others of the joys and demands of sailing in the Mediterranean, whose distinguished races attract thousands of international sailors every year.  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine LAMOTTE : Corentin Douguet wins the 24h]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The match was expected to be particularly intense during the great race of the third 40' Malouine LAMOTTE and it lived up to its promise, as shown by the tiny gaps at the finish this Friday morning: less than five minutes between the three leaders and barely half an hour between the first six at the end of 200 miles of racing. 200 miles of hard-fought racing from start to finish, during which speed was the order of the day, even if there were a few small moves to be made. In this game, as expected, the skippers of the most recent boats were able to take advantage of the power of their machines. In any case, all of them sailed flat out in relatively steady and above all unstable conditions that gave them no respite. The trifecta? Corentin Douguet (Quéguiner - Innoveo) - Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkea) - Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel).Even before the start of this great 200 mile race of the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE, we knew that the intensity of the regatta would impose a high level of commitment from the sailors. "We expected a sprint and it was a sprint. We obviously didn't sleep at all because on the proposed course, with the conditions we had, everything went very quickly: the manoeuvres, the sail changes... As soon as we finished one thing, we were immediately in the next. We had to work hard and never give up", commented Corentin Douguet on his arrival, shortly after 0800 hours on Friday, after twenty hours of racing during which he played elbows with Ian Lipinski for a long time before making the difference on the reaching leg between the Triagoz plateau and the Minquiers. "Despite some small technical problems which are still bothering me a little, the boat is still going fast and I have managed to put in some good tacks. I was forced to fight all the time on everything to try to gain meter by meter. Ian sailed very well. He made some good trajectories. On the reach, Yoann's and my boats go a little bit faster than Ian's or Axel's, which also helped us a lot. Let's just say that it gave us a few jokers", explained the skipper of Lift V2 in the colours of Quéguiner - Innoveo, who took the lead as soon as he exited the passes of Saint-Malo, before making a small difference to the pack on the long upwind leg to the first way-point, just like the skipper of Crédit Mutuel, and then making the most of the reaching to win by 2 minutes and 14 seconds and then 4 minutes 48 seconds respectively over the runners up. "It was a bit stressful to have them on my back all the time. I'm happy because I've obviously found some control downwind, which wasn't my best pace up until now. All of this obviously bodes well for the Route du Rhum," added Corentin, who scored his second victory on the circuit this season after the one in April during the 1000 Milles des Sables, and his fourth podium in four races. "A very nice race to prepare for the Rhum"."It was really super intense. The conditions were very unstable and the tacks were quite short. So we were constantly adjusting and as it was windy, the manoeuvres were hard. The sea wasn't very clean and the waves were very annoying, especially downwind. It took a lot of work. I made a lot of mistakes but as I have a boat that goes really fast, I managed to make up for it", commented the skipper of Paprec Arkea, who in fact managed to steal second place from Ian Lipinski in the last fifteen miles, with the wind on the beam. "To finish with three boats in three minutes is quite exceptional! Class40 racing is getting tighter and tighter and that's really great. This off-shore race was clearly a good preparation for the Rhum. I was able to see a lot of things and I have a lot of details to improve on today that I would never have seen if I had stayed on my own," said the reigning winner of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. Ian Lipinski had the same feeling, despite a touch of disappointment. "What's positive is that I was in the lead at one point and that I was able to do well on a course where we had a lot of reaching, a point of sail where I'm in a bit more difficulty compared to Corentin and Yoann because their boats go a bit faster. Each machine has its little pluses. This time, the advantage was for them. I fought all the way to the end. When I had to tack, I was rather inspired, which allowed me to stay in the game. My objective in the race was to get back into the swing of things after the August break. This 24-hour race has put me back into the racing mindset. It gives me the fangs. The contract has been fulfilled", commented the two-time winner of the Mini Transat, who has scored his third podium finish this year and has also confirmed his status as a favourite for the famous transatlantic race to come. What's next on the programme? After a well-deserved break, the 31 sailors in the running will meet again tomorrow from 10am for coastal races with a crew off the coast of the Corsair city as part of the LODI GROUP Trophy. "We're going to change modes with fast manoeuvres and a bit of crew synchronisation. We're going to have a lot of fun", promises Yoann Richomme. They said:Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean), 4th: "It was intense. There were a lot of good boats with good skippers, all with legitimate ambitions. To get through, we had to fight, that's for sure. We had to go fast. If you're stuck in the stadium, even if you're on the right tack, it's complicated. There were a few things to do on the upwind leg to get to the first waypoint. That's what allowed me to come back after a bad start. What I saw was really encouraging for the future. I've discovered some new ways of working with the boat. Technically, we've got it right. There were no problems, we're ready. It's the first Class40 race where I've had so little involvement in the boat. I don't think I've spent more than an hour inside the boat, that's how intense the race was! Luke Berry (Lamotte - Module Création), 5th: "It's been pretty intense. There were a lot of sail changes, and not the kind of changes where you take your time, with what we call peelings and which we normally do with a crew. It was gennaker - big spinnaker, big spinnaker - gennaker without stopping, with a lot of chop and very variable wind. One moment there were 8 knots and the next 18. It wasn't easy to manage. We were always adjusting or at the helm. In the end, there was only one tactical option, which I missed. I was overtaken by a few people at that point. Afterwards, on the reaching leg, it was nice to slalom between the wind turbines. On the short downwind finish, I managed to catch Antoine (Carpentier) - more because he had a problem - to finish 5th. We knew at the start that it was going to be a close call between the top five and that proved to be the case. It was a constant battle, especially as we were never in a situation where we were coming from behind. The finish in Saint-Malo was a bit hot. We all had a few close calls. In the end, it was basically a 24-hour speed test. I could see that I still had a bit of work to do but it's good timing, the coach (Tanguy Leglatin) is coming to sail with me tomorrow in the crewed races! Antoine Carpentier (Redman), 6th: "It was well fought. Ian and Corentin sailed a bit ahead of the others but behind them, it was a good battle. During the climb upwind to the first virtual point, the wind was very unstable, both in strength and direction. It required a lot of attention to make the boat work well. We couldn't put the pilot on and then go to bed. After that, it was downwind under spinnaker where the wind picked up quite a bit in the end. The wind was 4-5 knots more than what was predicted by the files, but we sailed as planned, with the big spinnaker, whereas we would have been better off with the A3 I think. The same goes for the reaching: we were supposed to have 18 knots and we had 25. I made the wrong sail choices and the others were better. Otherwise, it was quite hard work. The reaching was played out on the gates, easing the sail in the gusts and then reefing it in the light airs. We didn't have much time to sleep either. During the last tack, I would say that the mass was a little bit said because the first three were a bit far ahead. I finished in the battle with Luke and Axel but I had a little problem with the spinnaker. That's how it is. Tomorrow we'll switch to crew mode. That should be fun too." General Ranking : La 40 Malouine LAMOTTE - Class40 Source : SNBSM[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine LAMOTTE : start this Thursday at 11am]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This Thursday 15th September at 11am, the start of the great race of the third edition of the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE will be given off Saint-Malo. The 31 sailors competing will then set off on a 185-mile loop, the details of which were given by Franck-Yves Escoffier this afternoon. Gone is the initial course in the heart of the Channel Islands. In order to minimise the risks with two months to go before the famous Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe and to meet the skippers' demands as closely as possible, the solo sailors will first set course for Fréhel before turning off towards a way-point in the north-west of Guernsey, to reach the Triagoz plateau off Perros-Guirec, and then to reach the finish line. If the route promises to be complete, it also promises to be swallowed up at great speed!Contrary to the last two editions, the Race Direction has decided this Wednesday, at the end of the afternoon: the course will not be played out between the Channel Islands. "Several routes of 122 to 177 miles had been envisaged between the islands, but in response to the request of a number of skippers anxious to reduce the risk of damaging their boats with eight weeks to go before the Route du Rhum, we have opted for a loop in northern Brittany. This promises a slightly less complex route from a tactical point of view, but it also reduces the likelihood of accidental encounters with fishing traps, even if a wind farm will now be one of the areas to be avoided", explains Franck-Yves Escoffier, who has therefore validated a 185-mile course in the form of a large triangle. "The sailors will leave Saint-Malo via the Conchée channel, reach Cape Fréhel and then a GPS point situated to the north-west of Guernsey upwind with tacks to be made before coming back down under spinnaker to the Triagoz plateau and then finishing with a reaching leg before arriving at the finish line positioned between Saint-Malo and Dinard at the end of twenty hours of racing", notes the organiser, whose latest routings suggest that the first boats will arrive between 7 and 10 am on Friday. "A real sprint" "It's going to be very interesting because it's very complete. There will be something for everyone and that's great. With 50 days to go before the Rhum, this 40' Malouine LAMOTTE will be a perfect dress rehearsal with a fairly stable northerly pattern and between 15 and 20 knots of wind at the most", assures Stan Thuret, who is delighted, like all of his competitors, to have a final opportunity to test themselves before the transatlantic race. To validate a certain number of technical points, to gauge themselves and to evaluate the level of preparation of the competition. "As far as I'm concerned, this is my first solo race in a Class 40! I'm therefore really pleased to have the opportunity to get my bearings on board, even though I've already qualified during a delivery trip back from Marseilles and therefore already have a certain number of miles on the clock as a solo sailor," added the skipper of Everial. Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) was almost identical. "After a short summer break, this 40' Malouine LAMOTTE will allow us to get back into the swing of things, to get back into the racing and to meet up with our friends. Thirty boats are at the start, it's a nice line-up and the fact that we're starting, that we're in Saint-Malo, that we're seeing the place, that we're taking the lock... it's obviously good to get some reference points before the Route du Rhum. It's great training and if the desire to do well is obviously there, as it is at the start of every race, the main objective remains to avoid damaging the boat. The idea is to go there in a relaxed way and to get the machine going again, that is to say to find the automatisms", added the double winner of the Mini Transat who knows, having worked for three years at Les Glénans in Paimpol, that the zone is relatively badly paved. At the very least, it is very technical, with seaweed, rocks and currents, among other things. "It's going to be fun to follow but intense for us on the water," confirms Antoine Carpentier (Redman), the title holder with Pablo Santurde del Arco. "I will of course try to do the double but it won't be easy. First of all because it is not the same format as the last edition which was played in double. In addition, there are a lot of new boats and everyone wants to do well in this last race before the Route du Rhum. It promises to be intense. It's clearly going to be a sprint. We're certainly not going to sleep and it's very likely that the level of commitment from each of us will make the difference at the finish, even though we'll obviously have to sail well, manage to get the most out of the boat and also have a bit of success," finished the sailor from La Trinité. Tracker: Source: SNBSM[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Nearly 30 boats expected in Saint-Malo for the 3rd edition of the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The third edition of the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE, organised by the Société Nautique de la Baie de Saint-Malo, will kick off in just under two weeks. More than twenty-five boats have already confirmed their participation in the event. The event will be divided into two parts: a 24-hour solo race between the Channel Islands to give the various skippers in the running a final opportunity to compete before the famous Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, and the LODI GROUP Trophy, which will be contested by a crew and will provide an opportunity for privileged exchanges and sharing.  After two promising first editions in 2019 and 2021, which brought together 12 and 22 boats respectively, the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE is preparing to bring together between 25 and 30 Class40s, from 15 to 18 September. "Initially organised every two years, the year of the Transat Jacques Vabre, the 40' Malouine LAMOTTE is making an exception this year in order to meet a demand, both from partners and racers, for the Route du Rhum. The fact of having an extra event in the calendar before the transatlantic race, in solo, is obviously interesting. It not only allows us to get back into the swing of things after the summer break, but also to have one last opportunity to evaluate the forces at work two months before the season's flagship race", explains Luke Berry (Lamotte - Module Création), first and third in the first two editions, who is particularly attached to the format of the event, which is both complete, demanding and friendly. Like back-to-school"For all of us, it's the start of a new school year. This 40' Malouine LAMOTTE is a perfect opportunity to share our preparation with some guests before the Route du Rhum with our partners. It fits in with our training and sailing schedules," notes Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean), who, like most of his rivals, is just finishing off a meticulous summer work camp. Sometimes trying. "With two and a half months to go before a deadline that I describe as crazy, I feel like I'm finally able to see the surface after a good big freediving record, and I can assure you that I'm very keen to take advantage of this second part of the season," says the former Ministe, who has essentially been trying to optimise his mount over the last few weeks. "The idea was not to revolutionise everything on the boat. What has been done is above all to improve reliability. The upcoming race will allow us to check the different systems, to make sure we haven't forgotten anything, but also to compare ourselves with the competition. In this sense, it is always more fun when there is a starting line and then a finishing line", underlines the Nazairian, also driven by the desire to push back his limits and to perform, but also to share and pass on. "Welcoming partners on board for a visit or a navigation is a great source of pride", comments Axel, who is delighted with his stopover in Malouine, a perfect combo in this respect. Ideal for getting back into the swing of thingsCorentin Douguet, the skipper of Quéguiner - Innoveo, is equally enthusiastic, having achieved three podium finishes in the three races he took part in this year aboard his new Lift V2. "For me, the summer break was necessary after a very busy start to the year following the launch of the boat. I was able to take a good break and I'm now looking forward to lining up on this 40' Malouine LAMOTTE. It will allow me to find my bearings, to validate the new sails but also to get some bearings on the water before the Rhum. Nothing but good ideas", says the sailor from Nantes who would like to add the event to his list of achievements, even if he knows that the competition will be tough. Technicality on the menuAnd for good reason, apart from the big guns like Luke Berry and Axel Tréhin, previously mentioned, the winner of the 1000 Milles des Sables will be up against such big names as Antoine Carpentier (Redman), the title holder with Pablo Santurde del Arco, Mikaël Mergui (Centrakor), 2nd and 1st this year in the Au large Saint-Tropez and then in the Duo Max, Matthieu Perraut (Inter Invest), 3rd in the CIC Normandy Channel Race and 2nd in the Class40 World Championship, Cédric Château (Sogestran - Seafrigo), 3rd in the last Transat Jacques Vabre with Jérémie Mion, and Martin Le Pape (Fondation Stargardt), a former Figaro racer, to name but a few. "The event will give precious indications on the level of preparation and form of each person. The idea is obviously to be able to play up front. The fact remains that if the result is always important, the content is perhaps even more so, as we know that in places like these, with strong currents and major site effects, the elements can sometimes decide for us what happens on the water", concludes Corentin Douguet, who prefers to remain cautious, Well aware that the 180 miles of the course devised by Franck-Yves Escoffier between the Channel Islands will be full of traps to avoid and that the locals of the stage, Luke Berry, but also Florian Gueguen (Dopamine Sailing Team), Jules Bonnier (Nestenn - Entrepreneurs for the Planet), Baptiste Hulin (Rennes Saint-Malo Mer Entreprendre) and Hervé Thomas (Bleu Blanc), will certainly have their own tricks up their sleeves! Source : SNBSM[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Palermo-Montecarlo Race]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT   They were two registered at the start of the Palermo-Montecarlo 2022: - Chris Kerl's Class40 n° 46 "Blue Planet". - Kito de Pavant's Class40 n° 142 "HBF Reforest'action".     Victory for Kito de Pavant and his crew on the Class40 n° 142, Reforest'action at the Palermo-Montecarlo. After three days of racing and a full day of calm, Hbf Reforest'action arrived in Monaco on August 22 at around 7:45 pm.     Kito de Pavant: "We will remember this edition of the Palermo - Montecarlo the Sicilian heat, the grilled chickens, 🌊the hundreds of waves flattened by our passage in force, the sumptuous passage in the mouths of Bonifacio, the starry skies, 🌙 the moonlights, the spinnaker edge (always too short) north of Corsica, the calm (always too long), 🐋 the whales, the jumping rays, 🐢 this little seagull on the back of a turtle, the white bucket. . and of course the joviality of my fellow sailors, whatever the conditions."     Second place for Class40 #46, skippered by Chris Kerl and his team who arrived at the end of four days of racing. Translated with (free version)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[T'Quila wins the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT   After 13 days 2 hours six minutes and 47 seconds, the Class40 # 137, T'quila skippered by James Mac Hugh and his crew won the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race 2022, on Saturday 20th August at 14:06 and 47 seconds.   James mac Hugh:“It was a fantastic race but very long. As we were passing Galway where my parents are from, a few boats had retired and the thought did cross my mind, but we carried on! It was a real change to see the scow bow boats pull out as it was interesting to match up against them to see how we would go against them. This is only my third Class40 race and it is a very different discipline to my Etchells sailing. Brian and Richard have been putting me through my paces to get up-to-speed. They are great sailors, really intuitive. It has been wonderful to do this race with them and work as a team. For me going around the Shetlands was something special; it is an incredible landscape.   Kite, Class40 # 144 led by Greg Leonard came in second place, a good place for the youngest skipper of the race.   And the Class40 # 107 is in third place, boat skippered by José Guilherme Caldas and his team.  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Start of the Sevenstar Round britain and Ireland Race]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The marathon race has begun!   The start of the Sevenstar round Britain and Ireland race took place on Sunday 7th August for the 5 Class40s entered in front of the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes. The first boat to cross the "No Man's Land Fort" was Andrea Fornaro's Influence n° 171 followed closely by the rest of the Class40 fleet.   A long and eventful race awaits the skippers before they arrive in Cowes. Translated with (free version)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Peregrine #68 sets new course record in Royal Western Yacht Club Lonely Rock Race]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Peregrine #68 took line honors and set a new course record in the 2022 Royal Western Yacht Club's Lonely Rock Race. The race represents the original Fastnet Course, starting in the Solent, rounding the Fastnet, and ending in Plymouth. The new record set on Wednesday 20th July 2022 by the double handed duo from the Peregrine Offshore Race Team predates a record which has stood for 97 years (1925). The team found the race enjoyable, with the unusual weather system allowing for a predominately off wind race. Skipper Jasper Golyer paid respect to the two nearest competitors, Arcsine (doublehanded) and Atomic (four handed) who both held on up to the Fastnet: "Once around the infamous Rock the surf-able seas and thirty knots of breeze allowed us to finally extend with the kite up. On the edge sailing but fast, classic Class40 conditions." For crew member Lauren Demos this was her first doublehanded race and as such offered numerous learning opportunities. Being new to the sport and class gaining a line honors win and a race course record was particularly meaningful. "Our campaign has worked hard to set strong goals for our first year racing, after fully refitting the boat in the offseason. We are thrilled to see such exciting results- she's a speedy boat, and the team has put in a lot of hard work to get here. During the race, it was extremely motivating to be in the mix with the Dhream Cup competitors as they also raced a similar course- truly great sailing all around. "  Péregrine new record: 75h 30mins[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF), winner of the Drheam Cup !]]> Fri, 22 Jul 2022 00:00:00 GMT The Class40s were kept waiting on Thursday 22 July, as the wind decided to test the nerves of the competitors at the end of the great battle they had fought on the 1,000 mile course from Cherbourg-en-Cotentin.  Xavier Macaire (Groupe SNEF) was the first to cross the finish line in La Trinité sur Mer. If he had let Antoine Carpentier (Redman) pass the Fastnet in front of him, the Pogo S4 #178 played at the front from the start. "I had a great start. I kept a good position during the Channel crossing and then I positioned myself well along the English coast. I had a good speed, I passed Land's End in the lead. Antoine Carpentier managed to get past me at the Fastnet, which I rounded in second place, I fell in the soft conditions when I had a lead, I was disgusted but that's fair enough.Then I had a great time making my boat work on the descent towards Brittany, it was sport, we had some great starts! I made two good moves: a good gybe off the coast of England which allowed me to position myself well and take a small lead, then another on landing in Brittany thanks to which I increased my advantage over my pursuers. I analysed the water well, I positioned myself well and that allowed me to increase my lead. After that I stayed focused to make the boat work well. The end was very long, I had very little wind..." They said Amélie Grassi (5th): "I'm exhausted, I've never put so much pace into a race before. We had all sorts of conditions and often the wind was not very stable so it was difficult to rest if we wanted to stay in the game. The naps were short and rather isolated. We really had to keep at it! I'll remember this first solo passage of the Fastnet, it was well deserved! I didn't really know what to expect and I'm obviously pleased to have been in front all the time! I had good speed, I managed to hold the positions, I was in the right moves too. I am really satisfied with my race! We won't lie to each other, my start of the season was complicated. And mentally, when situations like that arise, it's not very comfortable. So I approached this regatta with more detachment, hoping to find some lightness and pleasure to be on the water and here it is! I've had a lot of fun and I've also put in a good performance, which is great!" Jonas Gerckens (21st): "Above all, I had to finish this Drheam Cup to validate my ticket for the big event in the autumn. And that's done! 1000 miles which were far from a long quiet river for all the competitors (capsizing, broken rudders and other sail losses). For me, there were some good phases but mostly bad ones, some good tacks but mostly bad ones. Most of the time, ocean racing is hard (especially single-handed). It's hard 24 hours a day (even more so with the Scows - the model for the Volvo164), a certain violence that makes it a constant challenge, such discomfort that you wonder how you can still go willingly! But there is that spark, that moment of ecstasy that, in a completely illogical way, makes you say that it was still good !!!! The Volvo164 and I will be at the start in Saint Malo in November for the worst but above all for the best. Axel Tréhin (6th): "It will take some time to digest this race and to learn all the lessons, but what is certain is that the problems at the start of the race were well managed so that we could really take advantage of the return leg from Ireland, which was a really good trial run for the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe 2022." General ranking: Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe - Class40  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Let's go for the Drheam Cup]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT In the end, 34 solo sailors set off yesterday, Sunday 17th July 2022, on the 1000nm course offered by the Drheam Cup - Grand prix de Course au Large. Single-handed training, qualification for the Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe or a race in its own right, each with their own objectives but with one common goal: to arrive in La Trinité sur Mer this weekend. The competition began with a crossing of the English Channel to the south coast of England and the "Shamble West" mark. Then the competitors will sail around "Wolf Rock" (at the south-western tip of England) and the famous Fastnet Rock. This will be followed by a long phase further offshore to Rochebonne, before heading back up towards the Morbihan. "It's a great route, very complete, with coastal phases in the currents, and moments further offshore. I hope to complete the course in five days. This race is going to be rich in lessons because for the moment, I have only spent one night at sea alone on my new boat", explains Luke Berry. "There are a lot of competitors and we are really close together. But what's nice is that it's a game," said Ian Lipinski this morning after a long reaching leg to Portland Island. Maxime Cauwe: "The weather conditions were very changeable and I took the wrong option by favouring the wind offshore rather than sheltering from the current in Plymouth Bay. As a result, I lost a few places, but don't forget that we've only done 20% of the route, so there's still time to recover. "The start yesterday was incredible. It was very emotional, leaving the pontoon in Cherbourg was very moving. I had a big lump in my stomach which took a long time to disappear. On the start area I was very concentrated not to make any mistakes, with all the boats around, mistakes happen quickly. Fortunately everything went well, the start was given, it was wonderful to see all these beautiful boats around me. I played it safe and started a little bit behind the others. At the first mark, I would have had to put up a spinnaker to be in the match with the best but I preferred to play at my level. Not having had much opportunity to train on these manoeuvres, I preferred to anticipate and put up a gennaker, which was easier to handle, and above all, it was the sail to have in the next 30 minutes", says Victor Jost. To follow the race :  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Cowes Dinard St Malo Race : Victory of Sensation Class40 Extrême]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The 2022 edition of the Cowes Dinard St Malo Race attracted 105 crews, including five Class40s in early July. In the English classic, the 2014 Sabrosa placed two newer boats behind it. "We were in the mix from start to finish despite light winds at the start and finish," said Marc Lepesqueux, skipper of Sensation Class40, a few minutes before the prize-giving ceremony on Sunday morning. "Despite having a crew of nine, we stayed in touch and the two gybes to the south, on the route, enabled us to place the others at the rear in our wake. General ranking 1. Sensation Class40 Extrême - #140 - M. Lepesqueux - 1j 03h 05m 14s 2. Sogestran Seafrigo - #172 - C. Chateau - 1j 03h 09m 16s 3. Mussolo 40 - #107 - J. Stableford - 1j 03h 10m 58s 4. Palanad 3 - #160 - A. Magré - 1j 03h 30m 52s 5. A L'Aveugle - #115 - A. Le Gallais - 1j 03h 52m 02s[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Centrakor #183 won the Duo max 2022]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 Centrakor # 183 led by Mikael Mergui and Richard Robini crossed the finish line on Saturday 2nd July at 5.19am winning the 14th edition of the Duo Max organised by the CNTL-Marseille.   The Class40s were 6 at the start of this 2nd leg, a beautiful duel between Centrakor #183 and HBF Reforest'Action #142 started from the beginning of the race.   Mikael Mergui: "The start of this second leg of the Duo Max reminded me of the time when I was doing the Tour de France à la Voile. It was great fun. We left the dock at night and sailed all day on the rocks to protect ourselves from the current and to look for the little site effects at each point, avoiding the sandbanks. We turned when the crabs put on the helmets!" Kito de Pavant: "Two boats quickly got away in front in light airs, Centrakor and us, then we attacked a long tack along the Spanish coast, skimming each point. In the end, Mika and Tintin passed us irresistibly. But at Cabo Creus, we came back and overtook them.And then they hit the NW wind before us and opened up a definitive gap.Well done to them both."  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Duo max, follow the 2nd leg]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Initially scheduled for the evening of Thursday 30th June, the start of the second leg of the Duo Max (Barcelona - Marseille) had to be postponed until this morning, Friday 1st July. The reason for this was a strong tramontana wind forecast at over 40 knots. The appointment was therefore given to this morning, 6h30, for the 6 Class40 engaged in this race. On the programme, 190nm on a direct route to Marseille. The tracker : Duo Max - Cartographie ( Ranking of the 1st leg : Duo Max : Centrakor winner in Barcelona - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Duo Max : Centrakor winner in Barcelona]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The first leg was dominated by calm conditions and a small east swell, but this did not prevent Mikael Mergui's V2 lift from winning. Mikael Mergui: "We had a good sail, and we took good options quite quickly. We didn't want to follow the routing that went to the bottom of the Gulf of Lion. We opted for a more southerly route and when the changeover came, we had a better angle and more pressure.The gap to our rivals grew quickly.The boat is going well, and we were able to test it in 2m waves.The boat is moving really fast and it is committed!" Ranking of the first leg:1 . Centrakor - # 183 - Mikael Mergui2 . HBF Reforest'action - # 142 - Kito de Pavant3 . Everial - # 177 - Stan Thuret4 . Berkem Group - # 179 - Laurent Camprubi5 . fullsave - # 148 - Jean-Pierre Balmès6 . Porte mon nom - # 129 - Charles De Coquet[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Let's go for the Duo Max]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The fourth event of the 2022 Mediterranean Trophy, the Duo Max set off on Saturday 25 June. The start of the first leg (Marseille - Barcelona via Menorca) was given at 15:00 in front of the city of Marseille and 6 Class40s set off on the 350 nm course. Kito de Pavant: "It's a very homogeneous fleet and we'll have to hang on to achieve a good performance. Indeed, three new boats will be part of the adventure, including Stan Thuret's Pogo S4 Everial, which was recently launched before being transported to Marseille. Charles de Coquet's Concise 8 will also make the trip. The battle at sea promises to be exciting, especially as the weather conditions are likely to make it difficult for the sailors to make progress. "It's going to be complicated but it's pointless to say it because we're in the Mediterranean," Kito says with amusement. The forecast is for a southerly start, followed by a north-westerly and easterly wind before tackling the Minorca Passage. It's going to be a very tactical race as there should be several options", assures the skipper. All the ingredients are therefore in place for another great week of ocean racing with everything to play for." Entry list : Duo max - Class40 To follow the race : DUO MAX | 2022 - CNTL Marseille ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Influence wins SSE Renewables Round Ireland Yacht Race]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The SSE Renewables Round Ireland Yacht Race, organised by Wicklow Sailing Club, welcomed the Class40s for the second time.The programme, as the name suggests, was a circumnavigation of Ireland leaving all the islands except Rockall to starboard; a theoretical course of 704nm, from the wild west coast to the busy North and St George's Canals. The Class40 category had 4 boats on the start line on Saturday 18th June. Leading the fleet from the start, Kite #144 (G. Leonard) and InFluence #171 (A. Fornaro) led a great duel. In the end, the Italian boat won after 4 days 16 hours and 5 minutes of racing. The American boat crossed the finish line a little over an hour later. The Finnish Fuji #38 completed the podium, followed by Peregrine #68. Andrea Fornaro: "The race was quite hard because there was a lot of wind in the first part and a very rough sea but then there was very little wind. It was almost like being in the Mediterranean!  Ireland is beautiful and has wonderful colours, especially the western part.  Now it's time to rest.  Our next race, the round the British Isles in August, will be even more challenging."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Follow the Class40 engaged on Round Ireland!]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The start of the SSE Renewables Ireland race was given this Saturday, June 18. 4 Class40 at the start, 4 nationalities! FIN 38 - Fuji GBR 68 - Peregrine USA 144 - Kite ITA 171 - Influence To follow the race: YB Tracking Race Viewer - Round Ireland 2022[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[AURÉLIEN DUCROZ ON CROSSCALL, CLASS40 WORLD CHAMPION]]> Sat, 18 Jun 2022 00:00:00 GMT Hot day on this Class40 World Championship, both literally and figuratively... If the heat and erratic winds have settled on the Charente-Maritime and the Bassin des Chalutiers, the prefectural decree of the day as part of the "extreme red heatwave vigilance in Charente-Maritime" and prohibiting "the holding of any public event outdoors or in non-air-conditioned establishments receiving the public" from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm today and tomorrow, Saturday, means that the Class40 World Championship could not be held today and will not be able to take place tomorrow. In the end, three races will have been sailed on Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday with one offshore course and two built courses sailed yesterday. BACK TO THE OFFSHORE COURSE: INTER INVEST IN THE LEAD! The dice were thrown for the first confrontation of this 2022 Class40 World Championship. The track was blue with an oceanic tendency with a 144 miles course that took the fleet to the north of the area, the Vendée, to return to La Rochelle via the Rochebonne plateau. A so-called 24-hour course which, in the end, was swallowed up by the frontrunners in 17 hours at sea. Once again, the Class40s showed their incredible potential to swallow the miles, despite the fact that the weather conditions were light and variable. In the end, everything went smoothly... even if the difficulties were varied. Indeed, the first hurdle was the exit of the Antioche channel and to sail along the Ile de Ré by the South face. Simple on paper, except that a huge windless zone blocked the direct route, forcing some Class40s to slide to the tip of Chassiron north of the island of Oleron and cross the water. Once out of this tricky Charentais channel, it was necessary to progress upwind towards the Petite Barge mark off Les Sables d'Olonne. There too, it was necessary to be in the right tempo not to be unhooked and stay in contact with the more powerful boats. The mark will be rolled up at around 11 pm for the first boats, knowing that afterwards the priority was to glide downwind to reach the Rochebonne plateau. Glide, glide and more glide... Clear and bright night, mild temperatures, rigging set, the perfect cocktail to swallow miles on a single tack without getting too far from the direct route to minimize the number of miles to cover. Quickly, and from the first Vendée mark, several monohulls broke away with Matthieu Perraut's Inter Invest in the lead, and Aurélien Ducroz's Crosscall in the rear. The pace is hard and will continue until the finish line. So much so that Crosscall and Redman were still battling it out less than a mile from the finish line. Inter Invest won remarkably well on this first course, passing all the marks in the lead and finishing 32 minutes ahead of his two pursuers, with Redman ahead of Crosscall by... 5 minutes. (race of coefficient 3) REVIEW OF THE TWO CONSTRUCTED COURSE RACES: LAMOTTE MODULE CRÉATION AND CROSSCALL, WINNERS.A day that started in pain for the whole fleet with two race launches unfortunately cancelled, for lack of wind on the Rochelais water. It was not until mid-afternoon, shortly before 4 pm, that the wind became established in the north-west to launch a new race in the form of a constructed course. It was Lamotte - Module Création of Luke Berry who won this first race of the day ahead of Nestenn Entrepreneurs for the Planet and Crosscall. To note, the almost perfect day for Luke's new boat which was launched only two weeks ago. A second race will be launched in the wake of the first, taking advantage of the light north-west breeze on the water. Crosscall, in spite of a difficult start, went up the fleet and won this second race in front of Lamotte Module Création which had a sublime day, and Inter Invest which made up for its 7th place in the previous race. Captain Alternance of Kéni Piperol finished 4th and Redman, 5th. (race of coefficient 1) AURELIEN DUCROZ, CLASS40 WORLD CHAMPION 2022. In the general ranking, it is Crosscall of Aurélien Ducroz who finishes first with a 3rd place in the Offshore course and a 3rd and 1st place in the built courses. Matthieu Perraut's Inter Invest finished 2nd overall with his victory in the Offshore course and his 7th and 3rd places yesterday Thursday. Third overall is Antoine Carpentier on Redman with his 2nd place in the Offshore course, 5th and 4th in the built courses. Luke Berry's Lamotte Module Création finished 4th overall ahead of Amélie Grassi's La Boulangère Bio. 16 boats ranked. Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall), 2022 Class40 world champion: "We had three great races, so we are very happy! We have a boat that works really well and a crew that was top notch. It was a lot of maneuvering and we were pretty good at it. It's a great pleasure because it's a great project that we've been working on since last year. We haven't had much luck up to now and it's good to see that it's smiling on us today. We had a nice coastal race, we were in the lead in Les Sables d'Olonne and then we got caught in a trap... We lost two or three miles... We managed to come back and in the end, we did quite well and then yesterday, we had two nice races even if we didn't have the best starts. But we managed to come back from behind and to place well. It was very pleasant even if we are frustrated not to do more, now we can only be happy! The fact of racing with a crew reminded me of the Tour de France à la Voile that I did in Diam three years in a row... You find reflexes even if it is a bit physical on these boats, but it was very pleasant. I really like sailing with a crew and the collaboration with Vincent (Riou) was just extraordinary. Sailing with someone who has so much experience is a real chance and a real pleasure. So, I thank him enormously as well as all the others who were on board, David Sineau, Eric Levet, Benjamin Bireau, Thomas Audren without forgetting my boat captain Jonathan Chodkiewiez with whom I am very happy to have been able to share this moment...  Source: GPO Classement général: Championnat du Monde Class40 - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[World 40 : the results of the offshore race]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT It was in the early morning, at 8:08 am, in a light wind that Inter Invest skippered by Matthieu Perraut crossed the finish line of this first round of the Class40 World Championship. Matthieu and his crew, who, as soon as they left the Pertuis d'Antioche, were positioned at the front of the race, and led this 144-mile race with a masterful hand. Antoine Carpentier's Redman finished second, 32 minutes behind the 175, sailing the last mile side by side with Aurélien Ducroz's Crosscall. A real match-race between the two Class40s as they finished 5 minutes apart from each other... Incredible last part in the Pertuis where each one of them went for sail changes, adjustments and weight distribution of the crew to make the boat glide as fast as possible. Superb! A 144-mile course that was finally swallowed up faster than expected with an almost constant wind and pressure in the sails all night. Remember that this course took the fleet north of the zone, towards the Vendée coast, off Les Sables d'Olonne (Petite Barge mark) at first, before sliding towards the south-west, towards the Rochebonne plateau (way-point Rochebonne SE), then back to La Rochelle.   1. Inter Invest - #175 - Matthieu Perraut 2. Redman - #161 - Antoine Carpentier 3. Crosscall - #166 - Aurélien Ducroz 4. La Boulangère bio - #170 - Amélie Grassi 5. Lamotte Module Création - #185 - Luke Berry 6. CER Offshore - Banque du Leman - #159 - Valentin Gautier 7. Captain Alternance - #174 - Kéni piperol 8. Nestenn - Entrepreneurs pour la planète - #153 - Jules Bonnier 9. Sensation Class40 Extrême - #140 - Marc Lepesqueux 10. Dopamine Sailing team - #104 - Florian Gueguen 11. Chocolats paries - Screb - Jedo - #123 - Jean-Baptiste Daramy 12. Randstad-Ausy - #155 - Clara Fortin 13. A l'Aveugle - #115 - Remi Rabbé 14. Yoda - #65 - Franz Bouvet 15. naviguons contre le diabète - #124 - Anatole facon 16. Bleu Blanc - #149 - Thomas Hervé   See you Thursday for the rest of the races.   Source: GPO[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Class40 World Championship : the start !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, A COMPLEX AND TACTICAL 24-HOUR COURSE. Due to the weather conditions, the Race Direction has decided to send the fleet of 16 Class40 towards the north of the zone, i.e. towards the Vendée coast, off Les Sables d'Olonne (Petite Barge mark) at first before sliding towards the South-West, towards the Rochebonne plateau (Rochebonne SE mark), then back to La Rochelle. An interesting 114-mile course, as the wind, from the East/North-East, will initially drop off, then turn around on Wednesday, sliding to the North-West. Tactically, the game is going to be interesting as they will first have to go around and along the Ile de Ré by the South face, climb to the North by favoring the course/speed, winding up the mark off Les Sables d'Olonne before heading South-West towards the Rochebonne plateau. The return to La Rochelle should be three quarters astern for the 12.20 meter monohulls but in potentially very light conditions at the finish. Needless to say, if "speed makes you smart under sail" as some sailors have said here, you will also have to be in the right tempo in relation to the wind rotations. So: reactive and fine-tuned... Because, as we also know, it is often in the light airs that the biggest gaps are created! 24 hours of pleasant temperatures and full moon, but devilishly complicated in terms of rhythm on board, changes of tack and observations of the water... To follow the 24 hours course, the official cartography :SoluSport ( Provisional schedule for the Class40 World Championship: Tuesday June 14: briefing and start of the 24-hour course,Wednesday, June 15: Finishes of the 24 hours course, presence Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle and podium of the day on the Race Area,Thursday June 16: Races (2/3 races), presence Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle and podium of the day on the Race Area,Friday June 17: Races (2/3 races), presence Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle and podium of the day on the Espace Course,Saturday, June 18: Tour de l'Ile de Ré, presence at the Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle, podium of the day in the Race Area and prize-giving ceremony for the 2022 Class40 World Championship at 9:30 pm at the Port des Minimes (by invitation).Source: GPO      [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Victory for Kito de Pavant on Au Large de Saint Tropez]]> Tue, 07 Jun 2022 00:00:00 GMT The first solo race in the Mediterranean Trophy and 2022 Championship program, Au Large de Saint-Tropez was the first time Class 40s were present. The 600-mile round trip between the French Riviera and Menorca was a success. The five Class40s set off on Wednesday, June 1, expecting to have a good fight on this demanding course with complicated weather forecasts. If HBF - Reforest'action (K. de Pavant) was the first to cross the start line, it was Mikael Mergui on his brand new Centrakor who quickly took the lead of the fleet, from the first night, with little wind. The blue and yellow boat held on to first place until Minorca as it passed the gate imposed by the course, but problems with the autopilot forced it to stop temporarily and the way was opened up to Kito de Pavant who maintained his leadership until the finish line. Mathieu Claveau on his Class40 Vintage Prendre la mer Agir pour la forêt can be proud of his race as he took 3rd place overall. The 2009 Akilaria held its own against 4 much more recent boats! Laurent Camprubi (Berkhem group) and Jean-Pierre Balmes (fullsave) finished respectively 4th and 5th, only a few hours ahead of the first. A good omen for the rest of the season![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Class40 World Championship on the World Sailing Calendar]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT A World Championship registered on 3 official calendars With three countries (France, Switzerland and Angola) and two continents (Europe and Africa) represented among the entries, the presence of an international jury during the six days of competition and national federal representatives, this Class40 World Championship is officially registered on three official calendars: that of Class40, the French Sailing Federation and World Sailing. The title of Class40 World Champion, which will be awarded on Saturday evening, June 18, will be worth its weight in gold and the winning team will be able to proudly display the success it has achieved with its crew over five days of close contact racing. Sixteen registrants at D-14 and already a strong line-up Fourteen days before the Class40 World Championship, 16 boats have already registered. Let's note the presence of well-known and recognized skippers, including many new boats, with : - Antoine Carpentier (winner of the 2021 Transat Jacques Vabre in Class40) on Redman (FRA 161), - Hervé Thomas on Blanc Bleu (FRA 149), - Clara Fortin on Randstad - Ausy (FRA 155),- Matthieu Perraut on Inter Invest (FRA 175),- Amélie Grassi on La Boulangère Bio (FRA 170),- Kéni Piperol on Captain Alternance (FRA 174),- Franz Bouvet on Yoda (FRA 65),- Marc Lepesqueux on Sensation Class40 Extrem (FRA 140),- Valentin Gautier (Switzerland) on CER Offshore - Banque du Léman (SUI 159),- Aurélien Ducroz on Crosscall (FRA 166),- Jean-Baptiste Daramy on Chocolat Paries - Screb (FRA 123),- Rémi Rabbe on Le bassin français (FRA 115),- Jules Bonnier on Nestenn on Entrepreneurs for the Planet (FRA 153),- Luke Berry on Lamotte on Module Création (future FRA 185),- Florian Gueguen on Dopamine Sailing Team (FRA 104),- José Guilherme Caldas (Angola) on Mussolo 40. A quality line-up that will allow us to see the capabilities of some of the boats recently launched before the big single-handed event of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. Interesting and always rewarding to add the title of World Champion of Class40 2022 to one's list of achievements!With three countries (France, Switzerland and Angola) and two continents (Europe and Africa) represented among the registered participants, the presence of an international jury during the six days of competition and national federal representatives, this Class40 World Championship is officially registered on three official calendars: that of Class40, the French Sailing Federation and World Sailing. The title of Class40 World Champion, which will be awarded on Saturday evening, June 18, will be worth its weight in gold and the winning team will be able to proudly display the success it has achieved with its crew over five days of close contact racing. A 24-hour course and coastal courses Stopped since 2012, Grand Pavois Organisation and Class40 are relaunching this world championship which will see the twenty or so crews expected to race in the Charente Pertuis, with symbolic places in the Charente-Maritime department, partner of the event, such as Fort Boyard, the islands of Aix, Ré and Oléron, not forgetting the participation of the Class40 fleet registered for the Tour de l'Ile de Ré on Saturday 18 June 2022. Finally, a race area will be proposed at the foot of the Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle to share the event with the general public, the press, the teams and with the partners of the Class40s involved in this World Championship.Provisional programMonday, June 13: Presence at the Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle, registration and measurement checks, Tuesday, June 14: Attendance at the Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle, registration and measurement checks, briefing and start of the 24-hour course, Wednesday, June 15: Arrival of the 24 hours course, presence at the Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle and podium of the day, Thursday June 16: Races (2/3 races), presence at the Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle and podium of the day, Friday June 17: Races (2/3 races), presence Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle and podium of the day, Saturday, June 18: Tour de l'Ile de Ré, presence at the Bassin des Chalutiers in La Rochelle, podium of the day and prize-giving ceremony of the Class40 World Championship 2022. A collective of partners gathered around this Class40 World Championship with the New Aquitaine Region, the Charente-Maritime department and the technical partnerships of the city of La Rochelle and the La Rochelle Marina, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Au large de Saint Tropez : 5 solo Class40s at the start]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The second race of the 2022 Class40 Championship and third event of the Mediterranean Trophy, Au Large de Saint-Tropez starts today. Shortly after noon, the 5 Class40s will set off on a 600nm solo race to Minorca and back, starting and finishing in Saint-Tropez. Kito de Pavant: "We expect to have a little bit of everything, wind, squalls, storms and above all a great fight with a lot of shuffling in the rankings." Follow them:  The entry list: Au Large de St Tropez - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Happyvore (#167) wins the Armen Race Uship]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This year, 7 Class40s took the start of the Armen Race Uship, a traditional event during the Ascension weekend in Southern Brittany. Nicolas d'Estais and his crew set off on Thursday 26 May in the early afternoon, with 12 knots of wind and under an overcast sky, for a 245 nm crewed race along the Atlantic coast, from the Chaussée de Sein to Belle-Île. They quickly took the lead of the fleet and passed all the marks of the course in the lead. Just behind them, the race was in full swing and it was only 2 hours and 15 minutes that separated the first from the sixth at the finish. Fuji, the only Vintage, will finish 1h30 later. Nicolas d'Estais: "It was a great race, a great course. It's quite nice to race against other boats, both IRC and Ultimates! We were overtaken by Actual and Sodebo on one hull, which was quite impressive... and it's good publicity for our boats (we finished 2nd overall in monohulls)! There was a good match, especially against Edenred, Banque du Léman / CER and Bleu Blanc who had a great race. We managed to hold on despite breaking our mainsail halyard on the last leg. We finished with the spinnaker halyard and the mainsail with 1 reef! It was not the race of the year but it feels good to win it. It gives us confidence after a rather catastrophic Normandy Channel Race! The next one will be the Drheam Cup in July." Manu Le Roch: "It was endless up there, the virtual Uship mark was in the axis of the wind that there was little, in the axis of the swell ... We thought we would never make it! The return was not fast either because the downwind was slower than expected. The wind finally came back last night around 10pm under Belle-Île, and we are back in the game! As soon as there is wind, the boat goes fast and even faster than the others, but in light airs we don't have an advantage. I'm very happy to finish second, it was a close race right to the end with the Swiss from Banque du Léman who finished just behind us. They have the same boat as us and they were crewed. A good satisfaction. It's great that SNT can organize beautiful events like this with nice boats, bravo to them!" General ranking: Armen Race - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[CIC Normandy Channel Race, a positive conclusion]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Even before the starting gun fired, the 13th CIC Normandy Channel Race was expected to be a record-breaking edition. With an historic 30 boats entered, an unprecedentedly high calibre line-up, and the presence of nearly all the latest additions to the series it was bound to be a spectacular battle royal out on the water. And that’s exactly what we got. Besides the varied weather conditions, an action-packed scenario and unbearable suspense right to the wire, which have become a hallmark of the race over the years, the media and public following throughout the event are a reflection of the amazing stature boasted by this race. The start of this 2022 edition enjoyed electric and spectacular conditions. In fact, the initial stormy rumblings compelled the Race Committee to remove the first course mark at the Saint-Marcouf islands, some 36 miles from the start line within the Baie de Seine, in a bid to dispatch the fleet offshore as quickly as possible. What followed was a sprint across the English Channel which took just a matter of hours, with the fleet rapidly entering the Solent in a night illuminated by lightning before it powered its way along the south coast of England as far as Land’s End. Linking onto a very swift passage across the Celtic Sea in boisterous downwind conditions, some boats racked up peak speeds of 30 knots on occasion. At this stage of the race, heavyweights Corentin Douguet and Yoann Richomme aboard Quéguiner-Innoveo (176) and the amazingly talented Matthieu Perraut and Kévin Bloch aboard Inter Invest (175), really excelled, constantly jockeying for the top spot. Faced with a potentially treacherous low pressure system, the Race Committee was obliged to remove the course mark at Fastnet. As such, having rounded the iconic Tuskar Rock lighthouse off south-east Ireland, the fleet set a course southwards with a long beat as far as Portsall off north-west Finistère. At the midway mark, on the return leg past Wolf Rock, it became a different race entirely. Indeed, following a meaty start to the race, the battle for home across the English Channel, renowned for its very strong tides, was punctuated by some very light airs, resulting in a torrid final stretch.  Once again then, the CIC Normandy Channel Race has given rise to an incredible scenario, the outcome of which remained undecided right to the final miles of this theoretical 1,000-mile course. For the section from Portsall to the Baie de Seine via Guernsey, Le Raz Blanchard and the Barfleur headland, the skippers had to demonstrate incredible commitment from beginning to end. With a succession of tricky passages, most of which had to be negotiated whilst in very close contact with their rival skippers and involved tactical covering and strategic options, the whole lot amidst a state of extreme fatigue, the competitors were really pushed to their nervous limit. It was only after a dauntingly tight rounding of the Cotentin peninsula to avoid the worst of the effects of punching tide that the Class40s Crédit Mutuel (158) and Quéguiner-Innoveo (176) managed to shake off their tail and embroil themselves in a fierce duel for victory. Ultimately, it was thanks to one last strategic manoeuvre at the Ouistreham cardinal mark, that the Italo-Breton duo of Ian Lipinski and Ambrogio Beccaria made it across the finish line in truly majestic form in the Baie de Seine to bag the win. Inter Invest (175), 3rd, rounded off the podium in style. Astern of the top trio, the pressure to secure the best possible result remained uppermost in the minds of the remaining skippers, who really had to dig deep, as evidenced by the crews on Crosscall (98), Edenred (104) Redman (131) and Legallais (145), who all made it across the finish line within a 15-minute time slot. This pattern was repeated in the second half of the fleet too, with a peloton of 10 boats all finishing within an hour of one another. In this Norman event, it’s never over till it’s over. Something that the skippers are only too aware of and that’s exactly what brings them back for more each year. Exceptional media and public enthusiasm In terms of the media, this 2022 edition of the race has enjoyed exceptional coverage across every possible media, starting with television. The local station France 3 Normandie devoted a 26-minute magazine to the race. The Friday 13 May edition of Vous Êtes Formidables presented by Anne Boetie proved very popular too, as did the 52-minute live coverage of the start, with commentary by Laurent Marville and Louis Duc, on France 3 Normandie, Hauts de France, Bretagne and Nouvelle Aquitaine, plus a replay on the Monday following the start on France 3 Normandie. The traditional Minute CIC Normandy Channel Race round-up of the race highlights was broadcast twice a day for 12 days on the France 3 Normandie, Bretagne and Hauts de France stations during the news slots. There was also unprecedentedly widespread television coverage across western France. With regards the written press and radio, the Ouest France and France Bleu media enjoyed exceptional daily coverage of the event. Meantime, the website and social networks welcomed record-breaking audiences for this 2022 edition. This extremely positive analysis is largely down to all these ingredients that make the CIC Normandy Channel Race such a special event. Featuring a heady mix of a demanding course, an international standard, incredible sporting scenarios, the Class40 spirit and substantial media cover, little wonder that it attracts specialists of the discipline in the English Channel and the Celtic Sea year on year, reinforcing the prestige and the recognition of every one of its champions on Norman soil. Roll on 2023! Source: Sirius Evenements[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[CRÉDIT MUTUEL WINNER OF THE CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE]]> Fri, 20 May 2022 00:00:00 GMT After an extremely tight final night of intense and amazing fighting, ultimately it is Crédit Mutuel, which takes the win in this 13th edition of the CIC Normandy Channel Race. Ian Lipinski and Ambrogio Beccaria crossed the finish line at 02 hours 38 minutes 18 seconds UTC after 4 days 15 hours 08 minutes and 18 seconds of racing, just 9 minutes ahead of Quéguiner-Innoveo. Corentin Douguet and Yoann Richomme secure silver then in a race which went right to the wire yet again.  The leader board remained undecided for a very long time in this 2022 edition, with a compact fleet pretty much throughout and multiple leaders right the way along this course, which took the fleet as far as southern Ireland and the Tuskar Rock lighthouse. Following an intense start to the race in stormy conditions, it was only once the new course mark of Grande Basse de Portsall was rounded that the race finally switched gears. Already shattered by that point, the sailors had to contend with a strong current and very light breeze in this final sprint for the finish in the English Channel. It was only once they’d rounded Barfleur that the Class40s Crédit Mutuel (158) and Quéguiner-Innoveo (176) managed to shake off their pursuers and launch into a frenetic duel to the wire. “We’ll remember this race our whole life. When we crossed the line, we said it was one of the finest races of all time. The last few miles were incredibly tense, and we really thought victory was going to slip from our clutches several times. This win is all the finer when you see the standard of the fleet at the start and that of Corentin and Yoann in particular. They sailed a fantastic race and clearly deserved this win too. They were leading the way for part of the race and sailed their boat masterfully well. They were fantastic opponents,” enthused Ian Lipinski and Ambrogio Beccaria at the finish in Ouistreham. A cruel end in some ways then for the two former Figaro sailors, Corentin Douguet and Yoann Richomme, who sailed a magnificent race, leading the way for a large part of the race. “These 4 days of racing have been a battle royal with a very sustained rhythm, the fleet squeezing back together again on several occasions, culminating in a fierce duel with just metres in it on the finish line. You could not have written a scenario like that. It was an emotional rollercoaster of a ride over the final hours of racing. The outcome is very positive, and I’ve learned a lot more about the boat. It was a pleasure to be a part of this CIC Normandy Channel Race. It was my first. I would have really loved to have secured the win from the get-go but it will be for another time,” assured the magnificent runners-ups in this CIC Normandy Channel Race 2022. Ian Lipinski required three cracks at the demanding CIC Normandy Channel Race aboard his Class40 Crédit Mutuel to make it onto the top step of the podium and secure victory. The other great movers and shakers in this 2022 edition, Matthieu Perraut and Kévin Bloch, aboard the Class40 Inter Invest, stand a very good chance of bagging bronze imminently. The six champions have treated us to a showstopping spectacle right to the last. The denouement in the battle for 4th and 5th spots is just as uncertain… So which of Project Rescue Ocean, Groupe SNEF and Eora will complete the Top 5? All will be revealed later this morning… Source: Sirius Evenement  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[CIC Normandy Channel Race: top start]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT To say the 60 sailors who set sail this Sunday on the 13th Normandy Channel Race were eager to get going would be an understatement! In stormy yet magnificent conditions, the Class40s were released onto the racetrack at bang on 13:30 hours local time with around a 7-mile figure of eight coastal course around the Baie de Seine to kick off play in front of the mouth of the River Orne, between the cardinal marks of Luc sur Mer and Ouistreham on France’s north coast. There was certainly plenty of tension on the start line. Jockeying for position, the 30 duos which make up this unprecedentedly high calibre fleet got off to a clean start in around ten knots or so of E/SE’ly breeze. Virtually textbook conditions then to get themselves back in race mode. Hotly contested, the coastal course served up a tantalising foretaste of the battle royal that will doubtless play out over the 1,000 miles or so that make up the course for this event across the English Channel and the Celtic Sea. The Class40s Quéguiner-Innoveo, Redman and Legallais were constantly battling for supremacy at the front of the fleet in the opening coastal course concocted by Race Management. Ultimately though, to everyone’s surprise, it was Pierre Casenave-Péré and Fabien Delahaye who came out on top on home waters, cheered on by a large crowd as they rounded the last coastal mark in first place. A great start for the local team who will be able to bank that confidence boost for this evening’s Channel hop. Opportunistic and posting a series of impeccably clean tack changes, Ian Lipinski and Ambrogio Beccaria aboard Crédit Mutuel, managed to secure second place in the first position report. They were followed by the firm favourites of this 2022 edition, Corentin Douguet and Yoann Richomme aboard Quéguiner-Innoveo. An express Channel hop In light of the very stormy conditions forecast near the Norman coast, Race Management decided to remove the first course mark, off the Saint-Marcouf islands some 36 miles from the start line, in a bid to get the fleet offshore more quickly. As a result, the duos will launch straight onto a beat across the Channel, which won’t be easy, given the abundance of shipping in this zone. The fastest sailors should reach the treacherous Solent at around 02:00 hours on Monday… Source: CIC Normandy Channel race To follow the race: Suivre la course - Normandy Channel Race ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[La Corsica Med for HBF Reforest'action]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Two legs, two atmospheres. The Corsica Med ended this Saturday at the CNTL-Marseille for the forty competitors involved in the second edition. The fleet restarted the race in Macinaggio on Friday at 11am for the second part. The start was tough as expected, with a very wet low-pressure system generating strong north-easterly winds of around 30 knots, pushing the competitors at high speeds to the islands of Hyères, where the compulsory passage point became the finish line for the IRC Solo, Duo and OSIRIS crews. For the Class40s, who made it as far as the harbor of Marseille, they had to deal once again with light airs, and even white calms, in an interminable finish. After a 25-knot reaching leg between the north of Corsica and Cap d'Armes, Kito de Pavant and Pietro Luciani on HBF Reforest'Action fought their final battle at very low speed for more than 4 hours from the Calanques to the finish line. In the end, they recorded a gap of more than 6 hours over the Class40 Prendre la Mer, Agir sur la Forêt of Mathieu Claveau and Edwin Thibon. Kito de Pavant, skipper of HBF Reforest'Action, winner in Class40:"The first leg was long and difficult, with a lot of ups and downs, and we were happy to stop and enjoy Macinaggio, even if the weather wasn't exactly what we would have liked, and to be able to set off again on a real leg with wind to be able to test our boats in the breeze. This is a first year for the Mediterranean Class40 trophy and I'm pretty sure there will be more people next year. I have done both editions of the Corsica Med, and I would like to say that we are very well received, both at the CNTL and in Macinaggio, as usual! The regatta is both very professional in its organization and very friendly on land, which are the two keys to making it work." General ranking1 HBF Reforest'Action (#142)2 Prendre la Mer, Agir pour la Forêt (#89)3 fullsave (#148) source : CNTL[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Corsica Med : start at 01:10pm]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The second edition of the Corsica Med, a major ocean race starting from Marseille, will leave the pontoons of the CNTL this Monday, May 2, 2022. Three classes, three challenges; it will be 600mn double-handed for the Class40. They will be 3 to take the start: 89 - Prendre la Mer, Agir pour la Forêt (M. Claveau, E. Thibon) 142 - HBF Reforest'action (K. de Pavant, P. Luciani) 148 - fullsave (JP Balmes) Top start at 1:10 pm towards Macinaggio after rounding a mark at Calvi and then the Giraglia. With little wind on the program, the three duos will have to be patient... You can follow the progress of the fleet on the Yellow Brick map :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[1000 milles des Sables : Douguet – Lipinski - Tréhin : the trifecta !]]> Sat, 16 Apr 2022 00:00:00 GMT The suspense lasted until the end in this 2nd edition of the 1000 Milles des Sables! After passing the way-point of La Coruña on Monday morning, Corentin Douguet (Quéguiner - Innoveo) took the lead of the Class40 fleet, slowly but surely increasing his lead, but the game was almost over in the last 150 miles of the course. The reason for this was the erratic and unstable light airs which tightened the troops, even giving the advantage to one of his competitors for a while. However, the former Figaro sailor never let his guard down and finally won with a lead of 16 and 30 minutes respectively over his runners-up, Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) and Axel Tréhin (Project Rescue Ocean), at the end of just over five days of racing. "The end was hard to deal with. It was hard to imagine that I had come all this way in the lead and that it might end up going downhill. But I never got too excited, although I must admit that at one point I was angry with myself when Ian passed me this morning. But I managed to get my head straight and find a way to get back in front of him. After that, I didn't give up", commented Corentin Douguet on his arrival at the pontoon, this Thursday evening, after an epilogue that was, to say the least, epic, due to the asthmatic conditions experienced over almost the entire last 150 miles of the course. "It was a one-two punch. We had to succeed in exploiting the slightest reef, but it wasn't easy. Simon Koster (Banque du Léman) was on a different course with a different wind. Axel was not far away either and with a gap that could have become dangerous too. In this type of situation, you never know what can happen. It's inevitably a bit stressful", added the sailor from Nantes who finally managed to keep his leadership until the end, after having made a very strong impression from the beginning to the end of this 2nd edition of the 1000 Milles des Sables, his first event on the circuit aboard Quéguiner - Innoveo after some fifteen years on the demanding Figaro Bénéteau circuit. "I didn't expect such a thunderous entry, but obviously it's a pleasure. It wasn't easy because the youngsters are good and they know their boat well. For my part, I knew that mine (launched on January 5th) had potential. I was able to validate a certain number of technical points and test the machine in different types of conditions by doing things at my own pace. It worked well and I couldn't have hoped for anything better than a victory to start with," added Corentin, who won by a handful of minutes ahead of, in order, Ian Lipinski and Axel Tréhin, two leaders in the class. "There was a hell of a game. The last 36 hours have been really random but in the end, the final ranking reflects the race. It's been a very rich five days. There is certainly no better training than confrontation. It allows you to move forward and progress. I'm happy to have revised my solo sailing. I had forgotten how hard it is! I really had a hard time of it mentally," said the skipper of Crédit Mutuel, who kept up with Corentin Douguet's pace until the virtual mark in La Coruña, before falling slightly behind and then catching up with the score in the calm. "I never gave up but I clearly went through a lot of emotions, which was particularly energy consuming", said Ian. Axel Tréhin, who also went through all the colors of the rainbow during this first round of the season, agrees. "After passing the West Gascony waypoint on Tuesday night, I completely lost my footing. I was in the red. Fortunately, I managed to rest before the end and I found myself in the least stressful situation of the leading group, with everything to gain and nothing to lose," said the skipper of Project Rescue Ocean, who finally finished half an hour behind the winner and six minutes ahead of his Swiss playmate, Simon Koster. "Last year, I started with a victory, which put a lot of pressure on my shoulders. Today, we know who the pressure is on", finished Axel Tréhin, whose next challenge will be, as for his competitors, the Normandy Channel Race in exactly one month. Source: LSVCAL General ranking: Les 1000 milles des Sables - Class40[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Roma per Due : HBF - Reforest'action, first Class40 in Riva di Traiano]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Kito de Pavant, partnered for the first time with Mexican Alex Bravo, won the Roma Per Due crossing the line shortly after midnight on Thursday, April 14, 2022. This is his first success aboard HBF - Reforest'Action this year, and his second, counting his victory in the RORC Caribbean 600 in February. This is a perfect start to his season before he returns to competition in two weeks, on the Corsica Med. Listening to Kito de Pavant recount each of his adventures at sea in the Mediterranean, there is plenty to be envious of. The Roma Per Due, his first race of the season, was no exception to the rule. In "very good" conditions - "even if the nights are still a bit cool for my taste", he explains - the skipper from the Occitan region didn't miss a beat. Launched on Sunday at 10:00 am, this 550-mile loop to the Aeolian Islands from Riva di Traiano, 80 km from Rome, has been "splendid" according to him, "magnificent" according to his co-skipper Axel Bravo. A "match within a match" full of lessons Kito mentions in no particular order "the small island of Ventotene" off Naples, the Aeolian archipelago "as beautiful as ever, with Stromboli spitting fire at regular intervals". Even the calm, so characteristic and classic in this sea, finds favor in his eyes. He calls it "our dear Mediterranean wind chill", smiling, to evoke these last 40 miles to battle before the finish line. In this majestic setting, he had to spare no effort against the other Class40, Fullsave, owned by Jean-Pierre Balmes. "At the start, a good northerly flow propelled us under spinnaker at the head of the fleet and allowed us to pass in 2nd position, all classes combined, at Ventotene Island. Then the wind died down and the "intense" battle with Fullsave continued until the finish line was approached, at the end of a laborious final day. The "match within the match" was won by HBF - Reforest'Action, the symbol of a job well done. Of course, there wasn't much competition, but it was interesting to face Jean-Pierre Balmes," Kito said. His Class40 is the sistership of our boat, they have made the same transformations as we have, and it allows us to learn a lot from being face to face. Alex Bravo, an accelerated learning processThe race was also a discovery for Alex Bravo, who was competing in his first Class40 race. It's not easy to master all the technical vocabulary, especially as French is not my mother tongue. But sailing with Kito is a chance and it is precious to accumulate this experience with him. We hadn't sailed together before and there were lots of little adjustments to make throughout the race," Kito continues. But it went well, I hope it will be beneficial for him in the future. More than ever, this adventure has made Alex want to race around the world in Class40 next year, aboard a monohull that he should get back next fall. Kito, for his part, has just begun this great marathon that will take him to the Route du Rhum, which will start on November 6, bound for Guadeloupe. In two weeks, he will take part in the Corsica Med from Marseille. This time, he will be associated with the Italian Pietro Luciani. "It's a very international start to the season," says Kito, who also knows that the panorama of the race in Marseille will be as majestic as that of the Roma Per Due. Source: Press Kito de Pavant The Roma per Due was to be the first race of the Mediterranean Trophy. Unfortunately, it could not be taken into account, as only 2 Class40s participated.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Race Around : the Notice of Race is online]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Notice of Race of The Race Around is now available. For more information on the race around the world:[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Europe Trophy // Mediterranean Trophy: See you tomorrow!]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Double date tomorrow!Europe Trophy: top start with the 1000 miles of Les Sables. 17 solo sailors will set off for their first race of the season with the main objective of qualifying for the Route du Rhum (and perhaps victory for some!)The list of registered sailors: To follow the race: Trophy: It is the Roma per Due that will gather the first Mediterranean boats for 550 miles of racing.To follow the race:  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Gone in 61 seconds: Class40 division winner decided]]> Tue, 01 Mar 2022 00:00:00 GMT The winner of the nine-strong Class40 division was decided on the fourth day of the RORC Caribbean 600 with a dramatic finish between two teams. Charles-Louis Mourruau’s Guidi, which had led for most of the race, stalled as the breeze faded with the finish line beckoning. Finimmo took the lead in the last few miles to win by just 61 seconds after racing for well over three days and nights. The spirit in the Class40 division shone through with the Finimmo team going to greet Guidi into English Harbour, consoling their adversaries. The Owen Clarke designed Finimmo was sailed by a team of four co-skippers; Herve Thomas, Benoit de Froidmont, Gerald Veniard and four-time Vendée Globe sailor Kito de Pavant. Figarist Gerald Veniard, taking part in his second race, spoke on behalf of the team: “Our goal was to finish in the top three. We had a good start and were the first Class40 at Barbuda, but then Guidi came back and smashed us downwind. We got back at them at St Maarten but then they extended on the downwind leg to Guadeloupe. Our strategy for Guadeloupe did not work at all. After that we were 20 miles behind and we thought the race was lost. It was a big surprise to see Guidi was offshore and now had wind after Redonda. So, it was like the icing on the cake to take the lead after a match race to the finish.” The winner of the nine-strong Class40 division was decided on the fourth day of the RORC Caribbean 600 with a dramatic finish between two teams. Charles-Louis Mourruau’s Guidi, which had led for most of the race, stalled as the breeze faded with the finish line beckoning. Finimmo took the lead in the last few miles to win by just 61 seconds after racing for well over three days and nights. The spirit in the Class40 division shone through with the Finimmo team going to greet Guidi into English Harbour, consoling their adversaries. The Owen Clarke designed Finimmo was sailed by a team of four co-skippers; Herve Thomas, Benoit de Froidmont, Gerald Veniard and four-time Vendée Globe sailor Kito de Pavant. Figarist Gerald Veniard, taking part in his second race, spoke on behalf of the team: “Our goal was to finish in the top three. We had a good start and were the first Class40 at Barbuda, but then Guidi came back and smashed us downwind. We got back at them at St Maarten but then they extended on the downwind leg to Guadeloupe. Our strategy for Guadeloupe did not work at all. After that we were 20 miles behind and we thought the race was lost. It was a big surprise to see Guidi was offshore and now had wind after Redonda. So, it was like the icing on the cake to take the lead after a match race to the finish.”[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[RORC Caribbean 600, imminent start]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The start of the RORC Caribbean 600 will be given at 11:10 a.m. local time (4:10 p.m. French time) on Monday, February 21, 2022. To follow the start live : The list of the 9 Class40 registered boats: Record to beat: 61h 0min 15sec (Eärendil #145 in 2018)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Antoine Carpentier wins the 2021 Class40 Championship!]]> Wed, 15 Dec 2021 00:00:00 GMT Antoine Carpentier (46), a native of South Brittany, has been crowned 2021 Class40 Champion, rounding off what has been a remarkable season. Having scored a number of victories and podium results over the years on the Class40 circuit, Antoine has now taken the overall title for the first time as skipper of his own project on his Mach40.4 Redman, taking over the mantle from 2019 Champions, the Franco-Italian team of Catherine Pourre / Pietro Luciani (the title was not awarded in 2020 due to the lack of races). The Swiss team of Valentin Gautier – Simon Koster (Banque du Léman) finished second in the overall standings, ahead of third-placed Franco-British sailor Luke Berry (Lamotte Module Création)  A particularly hotly-contested season The races attracted large numbers of Class40s, with numerous skippers in with a chance of victory. Predicting the top three finishers at the start of each of these races was anyone’s guess. And so it proved to be that each race delivered fierce competition on the water, right down to the last miles. In the opening race of the Championship, the CIC Normandy Channel Race, won by Axel Tréhin and Frédéric Denis (Project Rescue Ocean), just 3 minutes separated second-placed Lamotte Module Création (L. Berry / A. Nebout) from third-placed Redman (A. Carpentier / P. Santurde del Arco). In the Les Sables – Horta race, the margin was yet again a mere 3 minutes, this time between the winners Redman (A. Carpentier / M. Mergui) and runners-up Project Rescue Ocean (A. Tréhin / F. Denis). The battle was equally intense mid-fleet, with no less than 8 boats crossing the finish line in the space of 2 hours after 2540 nm non-stop racing, the stopover having been cancelled! The biennial Rolex Fastnet Race was won by Antoine Magré and his Franco-British team (E.Leclerc Ville-la-Grand) after a little over three days of racing. Banque du Leman and Lamotte Module Création went on to complete the podium in just 12 minutes! Antoine Carpentier and his team finished in 4th place just 13 minutes adrift. Good things come in threes After these 3 major races, Antoine Carpentier was leading the championship, but not by much, and the competition in the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre promised to be formidable with 45 Class40s on the start line, including a number of new boats and serious contenders…  But “good things come in threes” as the saying goes: having won the race in 2017 on the Class40 V and B, and in 2019 in the Ocean Fifty class, Antoine Carpentier once again crossed the finish line in first place, this time racing with Pablo Santurde del Arco. And what an incredible race! No less than 18 boats crossed the finish line within 22 hours of Redman’s victory, with the podium complete within 1 hour and 3 minutes... A special mention about Pablo Santurde del Arco He is discreet and talented. He is Spanish but speaks at least 4 languages. He is young (34) but already has an incredible CV. Pablo Santurde del Arco is the go-to crew, sought after by numerous skippers. J80 World Champion, winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre and the 2021 40 Malouine Lamotte, winner of the RORC Caribbean 600 in 2018 and 2019, the 2018 Round Britain & Ireland Race, the Normandy Channel Race and Les Sables – Horta in 2017, the 2016 Quebec – St Malo Race... All the winners of the Class40 Championship over the past few years have one thing in common: they have raced with Pablo as crew ! Rendez-vous in 2022 The 2021 Championship has been a great success: 55 boats ranked, 11 nationalities represented, 11 new boats on the water this season… it took consistent results at the front end of the fleet to clinch this ever-more international and closely fought Championship. But the performance of non-scow Class40s should also be mentioned: Luke Berry finished in 3rd place in the Championship on his 2018 Mach 40.3, the young duo on Legallais (P. Casenave-Péré/K. Bloch) took a fine 5th place in their first season of racing on their 2015 Mach 40.3. Maxime Cauwe (Avanade) on his 2010 Tyker finished a superb 8th, the 2014 Pogo S3 Vogue Avec un Crohn (PL Attwell/ M. Bensa) finished 9th and Ivica Kostelic on his 2013 Mach took 10th place. Also deserving of a mention is the fine achievement of the Class40 Terre Exotique, the first ever Class40 built in 2004, and though it may have been last across the finish line in Martinique, the boat nevertheless finished the 4600 nm race within the time limit and less than 6 days behind Redman. Rendez-vous in 2022 for a season that will no doubt deliver at least as much competition, a further ten or so new boats and a year that features some exciting solo racing ! In their own words: Antoine Carpentier: “I am thrilled to have won the 2021 Class40 Championship. It marks the end of a great season, consistent podium results, good co-skippers… thank you Pablo and Mikael who significantly contributed to this result. Thank you to my sponsors and the race organisers, who managed to run their events despite the situation.” Valentin Gautier: “We are really pleased with our second place. It reflects our consistent performance over the course of the season, because even though we don’t always finish on the podium, we have always managed to place in the top 5, which is fairly positive.  Given how the level of competition in the class has increased, getting a top 5 result is already pretty good, and so we are pleased with ourselves! It is also the reward for having a new boat at the beginning of the cycle in 2019. We have worked hard on the boat and now know her inside out. That had a positive impact on our consistency and this result. A big thank you to our sponsors for supporting us.” Luke Berry: “I’m really happy with this 3rd place in the Championship, the reward for consistency over the season, with two podium results and two 5th place finishes. I am all the more pleased because it was my last season with the boat, and this third place is the culmination of four seasons spent racing this Mach 40.3. It also shows that it’s possible to put in solid performances with boats that are not scows, because the racing over the year is in a variety of conditions allowing for tactical options. I would like to thank my sponsors and my crew.”   2021 Class40 Championship results: 1. Antoine Carpentier (Redman) 2. Valentin Gautier / Simon Koster (Banque du Leman) 3. Luke Berry (Lamotte Module Création) 4. Axel Tréhin / Fred denis (Project Rescue Ocean) 5. Pierre Casenave-Péré / Kevin Bloch (Legallais) 6. Olivier et Antoine Magré (E. Leclerc Ville La Grand) 7. Ian Lipinski (Crédit Mutuel) 8. Maxime Cauwe / Jules Bonnier (Avanade) 9. Pierre-Louis Attwell / Maxime Bensa (Vogue avec un Crohn) 10. Ivica Kostelic (Croatia Full of Life) General ranking : championnat2021final.pdf (    [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Race Around : J. Caraes and C. Renou appointed as race directors]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Race Around, Class40’s official round-the-world yacht race, has named its race management team. The event, co-founded by Sam Holliday and Hugh Piggin, will start in the late summer of 2023 and can be raced either solo or double-handed. The traditional course follows the route of the 1973 Whitbread and the BOC Challenge - two races steeped in history. The organisers have chosen an experienced team, which notably officiated the last Vendée Globe, and is made up by Jacques Caraës and assisted by Claire Renou.   AN EXPERIENCED RACE MANAGEMENT TEAM FOR AN AMBITIOUS RACE For Sam Holliday, Co-Founder and Managing Director of The Race Around, it was obvious to choose the pairing that officiated the last Vendée Globe: “When you have the chance to work with the best, you take that opportunity and ask questions later! For a new event like The Race Around, we needed a world-class race management team because although boats have been circumnavigating the globe for decades, this is relatively new for Class40. "In addition, I know how Jacques and Claire work, how they communicate and the level of trust that competitors place within them. I know them personally, and I know that outside of the race they’ll bring their good humour and sense of adventure to every stopover. That too is key!”   FOR JACQUES CARAËS AND CLAIRE RENOU, THIS NEW PROJECT IS ALSO EXCITING "Class40 is a class that we know less about, and this race will be a great opportunity to discover it. It's a class that has matured a lot, the boats are very interesting and have progressed enormously over the last few years, so it's the right time for them to compete on a global race course. This race will allow new generations of sailors to sail around the world on a smaller budget. It also offers the possibility for small and medium-sized companies to get involved in this adventure, which broadens the horizons! The first contacts with the organisation team have been very pleasant and constructive. It's a young team that wants to do things (very) well, we can already feel that the atmosphere will be both motivating, friendly and professional.”   DECIPHERING THE SPECIFICITIES OF THE RACE AROUND Although Jacques and Claire have already overseen many major ocean races, in particular the last Vendée Globe together, this round-the-world race with stopovers will be a first for them. "The playing field on which the Class40s will compete is immense, and even if the weather is similar to a 'classic' round-the-world race, the stopovers allow competing teams to repair and to leave each time with boats at, or as close to, 100% as possible. This will allow the race to bounce back, the sporting level will be very high," explains Caraës. "Even with stopovers, you have to realise that it will be a committed race, competitors are going to race big legs. The Class40s are smaller boats than the IMOCAs (the Vendée Globe boats), so they will be more exposed to the elements, and perhaps less comfortable than in the Southern Ocean, but they’re solid, well built vessels," added Renou. "The participants in The Race Around will have the choice of sailing around the world solo or double-handed, but it's the same job for the race management, whether they are single or double-handed, for us it's a question of following the boats and the sailors. The difference for them will be the fatigue they accumulate at the end of the stages."   source: [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Groupe G2C La Martinique winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre in the Vintage category !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This Thursday, December 2, at 8 hours 40 minutes and 52 seconds in Martinique, Groupe G2C - La Martinique crossed the finish line of the 15th edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre in 34th position in the Class40 category. The duo Jean-Edouard Criquioche - Eric Baray will have taken 25 days 0 hour 13 minutes and 52 seconds to cover the 4600 theoretical miles from Le Havre at an average speed of 7.63 knots, but they have actually covered 5 336.78 miles at 8.89 knots. The duo won the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandy Le Havre in the Vintage category. A big congratulations to both of them! 3 other boats in this category are still at sea: Sec hayai (Frans Budel - Ysbrand Endt), UP Sailing Unis pour la planète (Morgane ursault-Poupon - Julia Virat) and Terre Exitique (Georges Guiguen - Morgann Pinson).  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, The winner and the happy ones]]> Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT Antoine Carpentier and Pablo Santurde opened the finish line of the Class40 Transat Jacques Vabre yesterday morning. With the first rays of the Martinique sun, and after 21 days and 22 hours of racing, their Mach 40.4 Redman has outpaced the finish, hour by hour, even minute by minute already,  of 19 competitors. The small gaps, but above all worn out faces and slimmed down figures, testify, behind the joyful intensity of the looks, to the bitterness of the struggle waged for over three weeks by each protagonist. Redman's victory takes on its full meaning in the light of the accounts of each duo, whose commitment to each crucial phase of the race was total. As Brian Thompson (Tquila) describes it, "The density and quality of the 45-boat fleet gives each competitor something to strive for and keeps the race interesting at every level of the leaderboard."   This is what we will remember about this Transat Jacques Vabre with its new course and destination. The battle has been, and still is, raging at all levels. Many of the favorites are at the top of the rankings, and the Swiss sailors on Banque du Léman, Simon Koster and Valentin Gautier, were among the favorites at the start in Le Havre. But there were many pleasant surprises. The third place of the Le Havre duo Cédric Chateau - Jérémie Mion Seafrigo Sogestran), pure products of the Ligue de Voile de Normandie, is one of them. Pierre Casenave-Péré, associated with Kevin Bloch (Legallais), the Vikings Nicolas Jossier - Alexis Loison (La Manche#EvidenceNautique) as well as the 100% feminine duo Amélie Grassi and Marie Riou (La Boulangère Bio) enter the Top 10 at the end of very high level performances.   Behind Clown Hop, expected shortly, there are still 24 Class40s still n the race, of which ten or so are in a position to finish today, driven by a slightly revitalized trade wind. The ranking currently being established perfectly reflects the specifics of the Class. For example, in the internalisation section, we note the victory of the Spaniard from Santander, Pablo Santurde, but also the place taken on the second step of the podium by the Swiss project of Banque du Léman. It is a Franco-Belgian duo, Jonas Gerckens - Benoit Hantzperg, who sits in 4th place, after having animated the whole race. Brian Thompson and Alister Richardson are not to be outdone; 11th aboard Tquila, a 2014 Mach40, old generation. The women are there as mentioned above, with Amélie and Marie who, on their very first race, took full advantage of their brand new Max 40 La Boulangère Bio launched this year. The contribution of the "Figarists" during this race with such an atypical profile has been underlined. This is reflected in the general ranking where the names of Jonas Gerckens (Volvo), Achille Nebout (Lamotte Module Création), Nicolas Jossier and Alexis Loison (La Manche#EvidenceNauutique), Pierre Quiroga (Edenred) and Eric Péron (Serenis Consulting) appear in the Top 10.  George Guiguenn and Morgann Pinson on the venerable Class40 N°1 Terre Exotique logically close the gap, some 1 100 miles from Fort de France. The two men will close the line in 4 to 5 days. We salute for history the triple achieved by Antoine Carpentier who comes for the third time, in three participations and on two different supports (Class40 and Ocean Fifty), to gather the laurels of victory. His luxury co-skipper, Pablo Santurde del Turco, after his second and third places in 2013 and 2017, reached this year's consecration in a transatlantic race that was definitely made for him.   Long by its distance, 4,600 theoretical miles, and by its duration, this Class40 Transat Jacques Vabre has kept all its promises of sporting intensity, performance, but also stories of sailors, men and women, immersed in the magic, in the wonders of this Atlantic Ocean,rich in so many climatic and geographical panoramas, that these men and women of the sea have been able to, in humility, respect and often humor, narrate to us during 3 weeks.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+22 : Cascade of arrivals in Fort de France ]]> Mon, 29 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT The least we can say is that the Transat Jacques Vabre organization teams in Fort de France will not be idle for the next 48 hours. The Class40 fleet is arriving in the wake of Redman, who is in a position to take the laurels of a triumph that has been contested on the water, but is absolutely indisputable in its form. Right behind Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde, all the protagonists of this thrilling race right up to the end, are going to tie up with the pontoons  hour by hour, as the gaps between each Class40 are so small. Thus, the third step of the podium is the object of a terrible mano a mano between the Normans of Seafrigo-Sogestran, Cédric Chateau and Jérémie Mion, and the Belgian-French of Volvo, Jonas Gerckens and Benoit Hantzperg. Redman, approaching the Diamond Rock, has seen its meager lead melt away overnight from Banque du Léman, which is now a dozen miles behind and the fastest in the fleet this morning. Slightly downwind of their opponents, Valentin Gautier and Simon Koster can this morning luff up and accelerate with a better wind angle. There is no room for mistakes, or to have the slightest mechanical problem for the leader Redman, who has been in the lead almost since Madeira. With more than 4,500 miles of intense racing in their legs, the duos will only be able to relax and enjoy themselves once they are moored in Fort de France, this afternoon for sure.   Finally! the trade winds, so uncooperative since the beginning of the Atlantic crossing and the passage to Cape Verde, seem to show a little compassion for the tandems subjected to the harshness of its instability and its whims, on a sea infested with sargassum. By shifting a little to the North, it helps the Class40 to reach towards Martinique. The leading protagonists, chasing behind Redman, are giving it their all and pushing their machines to the maximum, for a tremendous last stand at more than 15 knots on the road. The places of honor are all at stake within a handful of miles and the duos have no margin of error to preserve what has been conquered during 22 days at the price of a beautiful self-sacrifice. Fort de France is expecting today no less than 15 boats, all of which will have been at the top of the race at one time or another. All the favorites are there and it is difficult to identify a crew more deserving than the other. However, we like to see the girls from La Boulangère Bio, Amélie Grassi and Marie Riou, flashed up at 17.40 knots this morning, and so comfortable at the front. What can we say about the performance of the British sailors on Tquila, a boat launched in 2014, and that Brian Thompson and Alister Richardson led to the edge of a so envied Top 10. Only Ian Lipinski and Julien Pulvé (Crédit Mutuel) were not at the party they were promised, due to a UFO that damaged their keel, forcing them to sail with the handbrake. The Class 40 Transat Jacques Vabre has come to a thundering conclusion. It crowns its favorites and marks the triumph of the new boats which, despite a less windy race configuration than hoped for, have demonstrated their great versatility. The class only had two withdrawals out of 45 boats entered. The Class has offered all the ingredients that make up its strength, competition at the highest level, human adventures, individual achievements, and the magic of the journey too often forgotten in sailing competitions, and that the protagonists in Class40 never fail to include in the narrative of their nautical jousts. Pablo Santurde del Arco, Redman's "precious one "My precious! This is how Antoine Carpentier calls his incredible co-skipper with humor and affection, the man to whom all the successes come (Victories in Quebec-Saint Malo, Normandy Channel Race, RORC 600, Mondial 40 etc...). The native of Santander is indeed the ideal crew member, good in all the compartments of the game and endowed with an all-round, affable personality, which makes him the ideal rope companion for long-distance expeditions. Arrived in the French ocean racing scene with another talented and endearing Spaniard, Alex Pella, Pablo has had many successes, rarely finishing higher than the podiums. He is familiar with the Transat Jacques Vabre, second with Pella in 2013, and third in 2017 with Phil Sharp. The consecration and the first step await him today in Fort de France... Quotes of the day : Anne Beaugé - Milai "All is well on board Milai. On the edge! This day and this night are leaning! The wind is well 'on the left', after having made flapper the spis, we took out the gennak of its bag. Leclerc de Magré Pere et Fils, is going full speed ahead, and we are trying to make our way, as best we can. We are quite excited at the idea of finding land, 302 miles exactly, as I write... " Max Cauwe - Avanade "The computer is clear, we are less than 48 hours from the finish of this Transat Jacques Vabre! It's getting harder and harder to keep up with the boats around us: the wind angle is becoming more and more favorable to them. We've gone back into "no pilot" mode, but this time for performance. We steer, we adjust, we steer, we sleep! Here it is at 13/14 knots with the rudders and the keel whistling with happiness  It's a race so we want to arrive as quickly as possible and therefore in a sense that it ends as quickly as possible. .... It's a strange way of thinking: we worked for a year to be at the start of this mythical race and as soon as the gun goes off, we have only one desire, to cross the finish line! All this to say that I take a lot of pleasure on this jJcques Vabre ! Whether it is for the competition or the pleasure of the eyes I am like a kid ! And if I want to arrive so fast, it's also to have the opportunity to leave! "  Antoine Carpentier - Redman Here it is soon the end! Today I took 10 years, we sail between the clouds. The first one this morning gave us good hope, we sailed for 30 minutes at 17 knots and, as we came out of the clouds, the wind shifted a lot, which allowed us to go and look for the axis of the Swiss, which was becoming more and more threatening... The other clouds were less nice, we just spent 20 minutes with 8 knots of wind to fight to get out of the grip of a big cloud. Since this morning, we have the eyes riveted in the mirrors, normally the wind had to come back from behind, so our advance had to decrease from hour to hour. It is a kind of war of nerves. We will have given everything without counting with Pablo! I've never had so much helm on a transatlantic race! I have never eaten so little on a transatlantic race, Pablo either! Hoping that we will finish this Transat Jacques Vabre in the most beautiful way. We're keeping our fingers crossed. "  Free dom - Thomas Bulcke "If the last few days have been rather monotonous: hot weather, sargasso, flying fish, surfing and gybing; this night has been super intense. 2-3 hours of sleep each. It reminded us of the beginning of this race, very committed and out of our comfort zone, on the edge. Around 1:30 am Thibaut wakes me up shouting "Tom, there are 27 knots" I go out on the sly, we have high mainsail and big spinnaker. I immediately take a reef and we decide to go under medium spinnaker because the sea is very rough and it is dark. The moon is rising around 03h UT now."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+21 : I am hungry!]]> Sun, 28 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT Antoine Carpentier and his "precious" Pablo Santurde are finishing their penultimate night at sea this morning. Only one more "sleep", and their Redman will start the last approach maneuvers towards the Diamond Rock and Fort de France, where her arrival could be judged on Monday afternoon French time.  If the conditional tense is necessary, as it is for any regatta, this one is strongly tinged with certainty, as the two men have shown such mastery and control since their coup d'état on November 18. They are still resisting the inspired assaults of all the favorite protagonists of the event, and God knows there are many of them. But their ability to find the right wind  in the weakest trade wind, to trigger gybes at the most judicious moments to block any attempt by their opponents to overtake them, has, day after day, chiseled the contours of a predicted triumph, stretching the fleet of their pursuers and ruthlessly skimming the candidates for their throne. This morning, 340 miles from the finish, there are only a handful of Class 40s still able to take advantage of the slightest twist of fate. Cédric Chateau and Jérémie Mion from Le Havre, especially known for their inshore racing skills, if they manage to hold off the Swiss of Banque du Léman (Gautier - Koster), are on their way to a formidable feat. Unless the Belgian-French Gerckens - Hantzperg (Volvo) manage to get on the podium. As we can see, if the last few miles are only beginning to remove some of the thrilling uncertainties of the Class40 race, it is only after the very last tacks that this Transat Jacques Vabre will deliver its verdict. The impatience to see the West Indies approaching is becoming electric aboard the Class40s. For three weeks now, the 43 boats still in the race (only two withdrawals are to be deplored, those of Lenzi-Lanternes de Paris (Duchatelet - Renouard) and HBF-Reforest'Action (De Pavant - Gbick) have been battling in the most trying of conditions, with light airs, light trade winds, high temperatures and great efforts. All of them have earned their share of Martinique's paradise, from the leaders to the duos who are deep in the rankings, and who are fighting their own battles and personal challenges every day, more than 1,000 miles from the finish, sometimes within sight of opponents who are in the same situation as them, such as the trio Recycleurs Bretons - Navaleo of Le Borgne father and son, chasing the Canadians of Stormtech Mélodie Schaffer and Ryan Barkey, and Rennes Saint Malo - Rêves of Baptiste Hulin and Christophe Bachman. Stretched out over 1,500 miles, the fleet is now lining up on a direct course for the leaders towards the West Indies. The time for options and shifts is over and it is with pure speed, almost on a single starboard tack that the duos are pressing the accelerator, without reserve and hungry, both figuratively and, unfortunately, literally. After 21 days of racing, the food reserves are exhausted for many and it is with an empty stomach but a happy heart that the Class 40s will reach the terra ferma. To the organizers; add to the Ti Punch at the finish a few appetizers, as the clamour from the open sea is already rising: "Where are the poulardes? I am hungry! Where are the calves, the roasts, the sausages? Where are the beans, the deer pies? Let's eat our fill to forget this race! There are not some soissons with good drunk, a piglet, a roasted goat, some white swans well peppered! » (From the movie Les Visiteurs!) Remontada: Jean Galfione and Eric Péron (Serenis Consulting) continue their amazing remontada; they are now in the top 10, in 9th position after a gain of 5 places in the last 24 hours. Point Vintage : Four Class40s deserve the vintage appellation, and are indulging in their own little personal challenge in the heart of the Transat. The venerable N°1, Terre Exotique, owned by Georges Guiguen and Morgan Pinson, is closing the gap after 21 days of racing, 1,150 miles from the leader Redman. The N° 30 UP SAILING Unis pour la planète of Morgane Ursault-Poupon and Julia Virat, is 250 miles ahead of him in 42nd place. The 44 SEC HAYAI of Dutchmen Frans Budel and Ysbrand Endt is 38th with 1,100 miles to go, and the 103 G2C GROUPE - Martinique of Jean Edouard Criquioche and Eric Baray are in 32nd place, now less than 1,000 miles from the finish. Quotes of the day : Manu Le Roch - Edenred "Second last night at sea! I must admit that the fresh water shower is starting to be a dream on board! We are now on a direct course to the finish! Our ETA is scheduled for the beginning of the afternoon... an additional motivation not to arrive after 7 pm or risk spending the night at sea on board the boat! Then we attack! Superb final in any case to see so many Class 40 so grouped. One hand on the mainsail traveler ready to shock and the other on the spinnaker winch handle! Onward!" Antoine Carpentier - Redman "We're getting closer, we're getting closer. The tension is rising on board, we can't stand it anymore if the wind turns the wrong way or if there is less wind than forecast! We are on the lookout for the chart to know if our competitors have jibed or if they are going faster. Each pointing where we are faster is celebrated with a small war cry and, those where we are less fast, plunge us in a state of growing stress. How long it is going to last, we remember the afternoon of yesterday... we must hold, we must hold! Less than 30 hours of race... We have two meals each. We have water more than we need. 5 liters of diesel, which is equivalent to 5 good loads of batteries. I have three coffees left, and Pablo has 8 tea bags. As for clothes, Pablo doesn't have anything clean and I have one pair of shorts, a polo shirt and a T-shirt left." Stan Thuret - Everial "Every morning is the same.  Every noon is the same.  Every evening, every night.  The only earthly reference point. The time displayed on our dials is different for each sunrise and sunset. But otherwise, we are static.  We move forward, even backward.  Each day the weather extends the course.  Each day the variations of the wind add a small dose.  A well organized torture.  Seaweed.  Heat.  Length. Minor damages. But pushing this spinnaker is certainly a chosen ordeal. So we think about it and we accept. We are lucky and privileged to make this crossing. And in three days we will have almost forgotten everything."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+20 : Things are starting to settle down]]> Sat, 27 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT Slowly, but surely, with 600 miles to go and after nearly three weeks of racing, the situation at the head of the group of 43 Class40s in the race is beginning to settle down. The historical leader of the event, Redman, with the Franco-Spanish duo Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde, has not been able to widen the gap, but has managed to sail in a position of control, well positioned between the mark and his pursuers. To overtake him, the latter have to lengthen their route, in a trade wind that is still soft and capricious, not very conducive to beautiful surfs. It's still a tough battle just thirty miles from the leader! See by yourself. From the second place, the amazing Havro-Havrais crew of Seafrigo-Sogestran Chateau - Mion, to the 11th place, the girls of La Boulangère Bio Amélie Grassi and Marie Riou, there is only a fifty miles gap. Ten boats are still in a position to fight for the podium, including at least 6, Banque du Léman (Gautier - Koster), Volvo (Gerckens - Hantzperg), Lamotte Module Création (Berry - Nebout), LaManche#EvidenceNautique (Jossier - Loison) and Edenred (Le Roch - Quiroga), always in capacity to exploit the slightest failure of the leading men. Of the big favourites, all of them are there, except maybe Crédit Mutuel (Lipinski -Pulvé), penalized by their damaged keel since the collision with a UFO. The messages from the boats attest to the fact that all the crews want to finish this interminable transatlantic race. Fatigue, water and food restrictions for many, intense heat, unstable trade winds, sargassum... the litany of worries is wearing down their bodies and minds. Of course, the wind and sea conditions are peaceful, but they require the sailors to be all the more diligent as the gains on the road are made on details, micro-adjustments, and a concentration that is increasingly difficult to control after nearly 4,000 miles of incessant struggle, as the density of the fleet, in number as well as in quality, has pushed the crews to outdo themselves since the first minute of the race. The intensity of the race, the shifting trade winds and the gaps of more than 1,000 miles between the leader Redman and the last one, Terre Exotique (Guiguen - Pinson) have insidiously split the pack into three increasingly distinct groups. The leading group includes this morning 17 boats, including Croatia Full of Life (Kostelic - Antoine). 50 miles behind the Croatian boat, a dozen boats where we want to include Entrepreneurs for the Planet of Sébastien Audigane and François Jambou, still clinging to their 29th place, and fighting to stay in contact with this group. The Kervarrec family, Simon and Yannick (Samsic E.Leclerc) are leading the rear guard, 14 Class40s perfectly in their race, where each crew is living the adventure to the fullest, the unique maritime experience and this sailor's life entirely dedicated to the smooth running of the ship, to the harmony between man and machine, in the contemplation and admiration of an exclusive, rare, unique environment, and its ocean languor .... Enguerrand's Fun facts - Exploring Tech for Good ⁃ We continue to play little games of yams in the downtime :) 3-0 for Victor :-/  ⁃ Still not seen any trade winds  ⁃ It's been exactly 15 days that we sail under spinnaker!!! Unbelievable why we are carrying the other sails? ⁃ A nice peak at 13.1 knots in the afternoon!!!  ⁃ On the menu tonight :  Tartiflette ! Quotes of the day : Morgane Ursault-Poupon - UPSAILING Unis pour la planète "Long night under the clouds or bipolarity of wandering mood. Tonight, it is Orion who shows us the way. The constellation brightens up the sky darkened by large dark masses. The wind is weak, the boat too. Fortunately the sea is beautiful. Tonight my mood wavers like the waves. Sometimes in the hollow in full spleen, sometimes at the top in full form. Melancholy takes hold of me in view of our position. I say to myself that we do not deserve to be where we are now, that it is not fair and that we should be ten places in front... I hope that our "South" option will pay off... That's what ocean racing is all about, it's a mixture of strong emotions, from the most difficult to the most pleasant. There are moments of rage, anger and sadness. Then, in the space of a moment, we put things into perspective, we tell ourselves that we are really lucky to live such adventures. After a small drop in morale, you have to pull yourself together. It should not last, it should not spoil such magical moments, suspended in time. This race is beautiful and whatever happens, we must fight until the end to not regret anything. We raise our heads, we remain proud and dignified, we remain concentrated. This is what is powerful in the competitions we live, it is this intensity of emotions that overwhelm us. Everything is relative, the strength of the mind is exciting." Calliste Antoine - Croatia Full of Life "All day under pilot, too much sun outside, the inside of the boat was a real oven. After 3pm, it was a real relief! The sun is on the other side of the sails. We can finally go out! Ivica has opened the last block of meat which in fact is only fat, a big block of fat, he eats it in slice with raw garlic "that's good energy you know! yes but no way thank you! especially by 40°, my stomach is not strong enough for that!" Antoine Carpentier - Redman "We were sailing in the same wind conditions as the others this morning and then, at around 12:00 GMT, the wind eased off, we went from 14 knots of wind to 12, then 10, then 8 knots, with 7 knots of wind from time to time. Whereas 50 miles behind they posted the same speeds as in the morning! And now, it hurts, we saw our lead go from 50 miles to 38 in less than 6 hours ... it makes you think well for those who think the game is over ... We have an ideal control position, the chasing group is in our axis, if they want to overtake us, they have to pass us or make a huge detour, so at some point they will have the same wind as us... " Jean Galfione - Serenis Consulting "We've just come back from the Devil's Eye. We had a tricky phase where our morale was at zero. We fell behind quite a bit, but we got our act together and today we're in a decent position. We obviously don't intend to stop there. We are letting go of the horses even if, for the time being, there are no tactical moves to make. We are continuing to claw back miles even if the competitors who remain ahead are also the fastest in the pack. The fact that we are back on the leading group gives us hope. Every hour, we are analysing the position reports of our competitors. We are in it. We don't skimp on the gearing. We're constantly adjusting and we're constantly fighting with the seaweed." Anne Beaugé - Milai "823 miles, it's starting to feel a little bit like the finish! I'm starting to think about the mosquito bites to come, the noise of the frogs at night, the laughter with my friends... I saw on a photo that Gilles Lamiré and Yvan Bourgnon had fresh coconuts with a straw at the finish, we will have coconuts too?" Amélie Grassi - La Boulangère Bio We are now 3 days from the finish, the ETA is becoming clearer. For me, the end of the race is always accompanied by contradictory feelings, between the desire to arrive as quickly as possible in order to win places and meet up with our loved ones, and the anxiety of finishing a pleasant journey to return to the daily life on earth. Besides these personal questions, the race is in full swing. We are clinging on to the leading group and we are making sure we never lose our rhythm, with the firm intention of playing every possible move to regain a few places. We are rested, serene and concentrated. I'm delighted with the positive state of mind we've been able to maintain up to now, which should be a strength for the final decisive moments of this Transat Jacques Vabre."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+19 : Converging routes]]> Fri, 26 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT At the end of the 19th day of racing in the Transat Jacques Vabre, the routes of the Class40 leaders have crossed those of the Imoca Class monohulls. These 18.28 m long yachts, whose course passed by the Brazilian island of Fernando de Noronha off Recife, are now heading for Martinique along the coasts of Northeast Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. As for the Class40s, their mark of passage was the Cape Verde archipelago. The extraordinary extent in latitude as well as in longitude of the high pressure areas has led these 12.19 m monohulls to constantly put more South in their route, to the point of converging today with the Imocas, nearly 400 miles from the great circle, the shortest route on the surface of the globe between two points. But while the Imoca boats are gliding along on a single starboard tack, the Class 40s from the North are continuing their "staircase" approach, multiplying gybes in a trade wind well set to the East, with every other tack desperately penalizing the gain on the direct route. Antoine Carpentier and Pablo Santurde have become experts in this field since they crossed the Sal mark in Cape Verde last Friday. With 890 miles to go to the finish, which could be judged as early as next Monday or Tuesday, the men on Mach 40.4 Redman seem to be setting the pace for the pack of competitors, perfectly in control in their role as pathfinders towards Martinique. But by diving radically south yesterday, often at 90° to the route to Martinique, Antoine Carpentier and Pablo Santurde have cleared the way to the Caribbean arc and are no longer in control as they were in recent days since the passage to Cape Verde. Cédric Chateau and Jérémie Mion from Le Havre (Seafrigo Sogestran), who have come back to the front, are the first to enter the breach. Their duel with the Mach 40.4 Banque du Léman and the Swiss duo Valentin Gautier-Simon Koster (Banque du Léman) is going to be a spur for these two boats of the latest generation, capable of giving the leader a hard time. This morning they are the fastest of the whole fleet. But with less than 900 miles to go to the finish, the whole top of the race is in revolution this morning, against the historical leader of the race, Redman. Alex Tréhin and Frédéric Denis (Project Rescue Ocean) are also leading the revolt on an even more radical route to windward of the whole fleet. The latter is imploding somewhat this morning under the pressure of so many protagonists who are determined to play their chances in this final sprint. In the wake of Serenis Consulting  (Galfione - Péron), well back in 14th position this morning, Guidi (Mourruau - Fantini), Croatia Full of life (Kostelic - Antoine) and Milai (Masa - Beaugé), are working hard to be part of the final fight! There are no less than 17 Class40s who have not yet given up in the fight for the runners-up positions! Of course, it is the trade winds, which are still unstable in terms of direction and strength, that will determine the issues, which will last at least until next Tuesday. The route choices that seem to be made this weekend will determine the outcome of this exciting and long Transat Jacques Vabre 2021. The fleet of 43 Class40s in the race is now spread out over more than 1,000 miles between the leaders and the duo Guiguen - Pinson (Terre Exotique), which entered the Atlantic yesterday. Vic and Enguerrand's Fun facts ⁃ Forget about glasses repair ; it was a fiasco  ⁃ Sargasse if you change 3 letters and add 18 it's like : " fuc..g shit algae, I hope the guy in front has a lot of it! "... coincidence? I don't think so.  ⁃ a spoonerism that was slipped into a note we've been blogging about for a few days (thanks Freddy), do you have it? "He was so skinny that he only had one stripe on his pajamas" ⁃ our auto driver always squeaks... except when we sit next to the bar... maybe he needs someone to talk to for a bit ⁃ We feel like we are almost there when we still have more miles to go than our first race (Normandy Channel race) ⁃ Our GoPro bugs  ⁃ CONTEST GAME: we call by satellite the one who manages to predict best how many liter of fresh water we will have left at the date of November 28 12H UT  ⁃ The number of our satellite phone starts with +88, it scares people who don't know it so most of the time when we call someone on land, they don't answer! ⁃ Guilty pleasure: we did (not at the same time) some lame ass night shifts. It is very nice ⁃ Question of the day : Do you have the names or numbers of the boats that we want to pass the most ? (all of them of course but we have to start somewhere)  Crédit Mutuel slowed down! The Class40 Crédit Mutuel of Ian LIpinksi and Julien Pulvé hit an Ofni at 11:15 pm French time on Wednesday. The keel is damaged. Both men are fine but will have to sail back to Martinique at reduced speed. They were in the leading pack before this accident. Quotes of the day : Antoine Carpentier - Redman "Another night at sea. A magical night, far from everything and so close to nature... the wind is gentle, not too strong unfortunately, around 12/13 knots of wind, variable direction East-North East. The sea is still as calm as ever, barely 2 meters of swell. The stars are shining while waiting for the moon to rise... We are in the last night where we can make a strategic placement on the competitors and they on us...on the final edge, it will be then a race of speed until Martinique, during three days on the same edge. At this point, the distances on the map will normally be more stable and will really indicate the ranking since everyone will be on the same tack..." Manu Le Roch - Edenred "The wind is back and the Red boys are smiling again! A day at the helm, slaloming between the surfs, the sargasso to avoid ... music at full blast, the pleasure is there! At the moment we listen to fives minutes Her, after hours The Weekend, Maria kerala Dust or I like the party Disko Junkie ! Sensations hyper pleasant to surf following the wave a delight! It was not often the case on this long transatlantic race so we have to enjoy it! The mile counter has been going well and we are now under the 1000 miles mark of the arrival scheduled on Monday! Stan Thuret - Everial "I've just beaten my record for time spent at sea. We are starting the 19th day, and until now I had spent 18 days during the Mini. The routings give 4 days and 15 hours until the finish." Frans Budel - SEC Hayai "We have 12 to 16 knots of wind in the trade winds. The sky is clear, the moon is full and there are few waves. We are staying south to have some margin if the wind gets more easterly. The moon rises later and later, and also seems to be getting smaller and smaller, giving us less light at night. Few clouds, so a splendid starry sky. Calliste Antoine - Croatia full of life "Our provisions are scarce but we hold on, the rationing which is imposed to us is already felt on our slimmed down bodies. We are still moving in the right direction, the extreme climatic conditions of this hostile environment are very hard to bear, especially around noon when there is not the slightest shelter in the shade outside, the hours at the helm are beginning to leave their mark on our tired bodies. This vermin of sargassum does not finish leading us the hard life, banks of several meters extending as far as the eye can see. All morning long, 3 backward steps, an apnea cleaning and we stopped counting after 63 rudder cleaning in less than 3 hours, no choice if we want to escape our pursuers Ivica, the Mediterranean, confided to me that even in the Adriatic the heat was not as strong "It's not my sea" he added. Max Cauwe - Avanade Everything is going well on board Avanade! The weather is nice and warm! Too nice and too hot sometimes. It's getting harder and harder to keep up with the recent boats around us, but we're hanging in there. It is the last straight line and we give everything: either you steer or you sleep! We started to count the water cans. That should do it but there is nothing too much."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+18 : The slalom of sargasso !]]> Thu, 25 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT It's an exercise that must inspire the skiers involved in the Transat Jacques Vabre, Class40 category. Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall), Mathieu Crépel (Everial) and of course the world champion Ivica Kostelic (Croatia Full of Life) know what zigzagging means. In this case, and in the heart of the Atlantic, it is the more or less extensive, more or less thick patches of sargassum, these highly toxic marine plants, which force the sailors to slalom to avoid these slimy masses which cling to their riders and keel, slowing down their progress considerably. No one escapes them and the duos multiply their efforts to get rid of them, either with the help of poles, or with the help of ropes, or with the help of backtracking, which penalizes them in terms of gains on the road. It is in this context and under an overwhelming tropical heat by less than 10 degrees of latitude North, that the jousts continue. In the wake of Redman (Carpentier - Santurde), who is still as successful as ever in his choices of route and his ability to go fast whatever the wind, there are still a dozen or so who are playing their chances of victory or a podium place with gusto. While the leader crossed the 1,000-mile mark this morning, 12 boats, from Volvo, 2nd (Gerckens - Hantzperg) to the remarkable Clak40 Emile Henry - Happyvore of Nicolas D'Estais and Erwan Le Draoulec, 13th, are within 70 miles. And while the frontrunners are managing to make headway westwards in a semblance of trade winds , this time it is the whole rear guard, still held by the duo Guiguen - Pinson (Terre Exotique) in Cape Verde, which is suffering from the total collapse of the north-easterly flow. If Antoine Carpentier and Pablo Santurde (Redman), vigilant on their meager food reserves, are now counting on a finish in the next 5 days, the road will still be long for the second half of the pack. Zoom on : Clown Hop He planned to sail on a brand new Class40, a scow40 on Bertrand's design, freshly delivered by his South African builder. The lawyer from Le Havre, treasurer of the Ligue de Voiles de Normandie Renaud Courbon had to change his mind, find and prepare a second-hand Class40 to set off, together with the rookie of the Normandy sailing world Guillaume Pirouelle on his second Transat Jacques Vabre. The Pogo S3 on which they were able to set their sights dates from 2013 and has none of the assets of the latest generation Class40s that the duo from Le Havre dreamed of. However, the examination of their race reveals a very honorable course, far from the depths of the ranking to which they were promised. 18th this morning, Clown Hop, named after the association supported by the two companions, which works to give meaning to life by recreating a social link with the elderly and disabled, using the character of the clown, is evolving 180 miles from the leader Redman, at the heels of another Norman of the race, Calliste Antoine associated with Ivica Kostelic (Croatia Full of Life). Quotes of the day : Anne Beaugé - Milai "Difficult to steer with the vmg, a rather flat boat, without visual reference at night. The pilot is on call every evening for longer and longer. Good day on board Milai, relay at the helm every hour in the heat of the day, naps moist but deep. On board we each have an advent calendar, chocolate for Masa, Haribo for me. They are gifts from a friend, Yuka. They help us to count the days of the race and to give us a boost when it's hard to get out of the lethargy of a nap. Masa's chocolates are melted. Milai is running pretty well, we haven't got the whip out yet..." Calliste Antoine - Croatia full of life "A lot of sargassum, 4 backward steps in the day to remove it from the keel, at most 6 times hands in the water in 1 hour to remove those on the rudders, in short the horror! We're going to be short of food (we had more or less 21-22 days at the start), water is fine but with the overwhelming heat we're drinking a lot. Cedric Chateau - Seafrigo Sogestran "Well, in the end, our placement a little further south than the Class40 tribe paid off. We did a great operation which allows us to come close to the podium of the general classification but very provisional! Indeed, let's not forget that Martinique is quite far and that many things can still happen. On board, everything is going well, we are careful not to sargasso too much when we enter a zone of banks of .... Sargasso. And yesterday, there were some areas where every 10 minutes we had to go backwards. Weary..." Olivier Magré - E.Leclerc -Ville-La-Grand "End of the poetic/philosophical part! Nature is beautiful but we would like to have a trade wind worthy of the name... today, 7 to 10 knots of wind... so much to say that the ranking point this evening will hurt the heart... Well, the positive side is that in theory, it should remain light tonight but it will come back tomorrow and the day after, and that from Friday or Saturday, we will finally set course for Martinique for good and the wind should be there! Antoine Carpentier - Redman "Long day under the blazing sun, slaloming between the sargassum. The fleet is regrouping in the South, which is not to our displeasure, it's easier to control everyone when everyone is sailing together and not one group to the North and one group to the South. We're not going on a direct tack at the finish. The wind has eased a little, the heat in the boat is just crazy during the day... we sweat a lot without doing anything... Impossible to sleep during the day so we occupy ourselves as we can. As far as food is concerned, we have 8 meals left each, for 5 and a half days of race! It is going to be hot on Sunday, we risk to be really very very hungry at the time of our arrival. For those who will come to see us, think of taking us a sandwich please! In addition to the ty punch of course..." Stan Thuret - Everial Gybes are like omelets.  To make a good omelet, you need a hot pan. In this respect, we are well served.  The ocean is at 29, the cabin at 35. Then you have to butter it well.  It must be smooth and fluid. It must not stick. A well-rounded egg, well stirred.  A well-rounded spinnaker, well bunched. And then that's the fun part. Do I mix the new listening right away?  Do I leave a little time on one side to replenish the albumin?  Do I try to turn the pan with the stick?  Do I free the bastaque with a wooden spatula to loosen the edges?  How long do I wait to flip?  What do I do if it comes out like a soft-boiled egg?" Thomas Bulcke - Free dom "For the last 2 days we have been gliding along in what looks like a timid trade wind. We have wind between 10-13 knots at 50 and 80 so NE. We are closely following the wind rotations to try to always be on the closest edge, knowing that like the leading pack, our route will be through the South. Not easy this exercise. Sometimes we have the impression to make the great move and to gybe at the right moment and 30 minutes later the wind turns again and we say to ourselves that we would have been better not to gybe. It must be said that the gybes are really painful especially at night. We have less things to gybe and the ballast tanks are often empty! It's the heat and the heaviness inside the boat that make us swim after 5 minutes of gybing. Next time I'll bring a fan. I dream of a fresh salad with 1 Litre of frozen beer, with my feet in the sand. Martinique is coming!" Julia Virat- UP SAILING Unis pour la planète "It seems that the first ones are already celebrating their arrival... congratulations to them! As for us, the outcome is still far away. But we passed Cape Verde the day before yesterday and that's good for our morale: it's now the last stretch. Well, right, I mean! We are now living with the heat (a bit overwhelming during the day), the flying fish and the sargassum. For the moment, the conditions allow us to hold with our only remaining spinnaker (the big one, which is a light wind spinnaker). We have not exceeded 25 knots downwind since the other one (the heavy spinnaker for the breeze) has completely torn. That's good. This is a factor we will have to deal with until the finish... We might as well say that we take great care of the big spinnaker because without it, the road would become even longer! The sun is rising in the sky, it will be time to spread cream and continue to steer, steer, steer."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+17 : The trade wind funnel]]> Wed, 24 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT With the passage this morning of Terre Exotique (Guiguen-Pinson) under the island of Sal in Cape Verde, the 43 Class40s of the Transat Jacques Vabre are now all on their way to the last passage point of the event, the Diamond Rock in Martinique. For the leading protagonists of a fleet still brilliantly led by the Franco-Spanish tandem of Redman, Antoine Carpentier and Pablo Santurde, it is the compression of the trade winds in latitude that regulates and orchestrates the rhythm of the race. The Class40s are in fact sailing in a funnel, a bottleneck between two masses of high pressure, languishing in the north and south. In this corridor of less than 400 miles wide, an irregular wind blows, mostly from the East to the North East. Hence the frantic saraband of tacks, sometimes penalizing to the South West, sometimes favorable to the North West, which have marked these last few days of racing. The rankings are evolving, in the wake of the hard-to-defeat leader Redman, according to these gybes. Thus the girls on La Boulangère Bio, Marie Riou and Amélie Grassi have lost 5 places in the last few hours as a result of this penalizing but necessary tack to the South West. With less than 1,300 miles to go to the finish, this trade wind funnel is going to shrink and the trajectories will converge more and more clearly. The already narrow gaps will shrink at the front of the fleet, where no less than 18 boats are sailing within 130 miles of each other. 97 miles from the leader, Jean Galfione and Eric Péron made a stunning comeback to the front. Ranked 12th, they came back from far behind to join the great fight up front. The more the race goes on, the more the best boats are coming in for a final that promises to be breathtaking, as the gaps are so small and the density of boats and duos is so great. How will Redman continue to control his opponents, each one more formidable than the last, and now scattered over nearly 100 miles of latitude, from Crédit Mutuel (Lipinski-Pulvé) to the North, to Volvo (Gerckens-Hantzberg) to the South? The danger is everywhere and the attacks are constant. With less than 1,300 miles to go to the finish, it is now time to choose a position in this trade wind that is so irregular in strength and direction. Redman is investing today in the South, in order to be able to climb back up on starboard tack and with a good wind angle towards the Caribbean Arc in the next few days. He is thus opening the door to his rivals, but is betting on the long term by allowing himself a good capacity to accelerate at the end of the week. Provided they don't get out of the funnel! Crosscall without spinnaker since the Canaries; "We lost the big spinnaker in a "crash" at the end of a big surf at the Canaries". Explains Aurélien Ducroz. "The part that holds the medium spinnaker at the top of the mast broke. Since then, we only have a very small spinnaker, which is not enough in the current conditions and to go to the West Indies. We're not going as fast, and we're not going the way we want! Jonas Gerckens (Volvo): "Special dedication to Jean Galfione, our formidable competitor in Class 40; the indispensable element in transatlantic sailing is the pole! Yes, the pole, a necessary instrument to remove the sargasso crap that gets caught in the rudders!" Quotes of the day: Enguerrand Granoux - Exploring Tech for good "In terms of discoveries, we had a great one! We discovered the sargassum! Small spherical shaped seaweeds, a kind of snowflake but seaweed version. We will have to check if these seaweeds come from the activity of the man but a priori there is more and more in the Atlantic. The problem is that sargassum gathers in more or less dense groups (the densest ones fill a layer 3 meters deep) and it can completely stop the boat! They form small spots on the water! Without wanting it, we crossed groups of sargassum, and each time after, we have to remove them because they get stuck in the rudders and the keel....With our lifting rudders it's easy but for the keel it's more difficult! You have to go backwards or make a heap start (lay the boat down). We prefer the heap start, it avoids lowering the spinnaker. Just before the night we took it without seeing it, then we notice that the boat is slower than what it should be of 10%, then we re-adjust all the boat but impossible to find the adjustment which would bring us to 100% of our theoretical performance! we check by plunging the GoPro in water and indeed, there are well algae in the keel. So we try to remove them... and the speed finally comes back! To tell you how much of a problem it is, we even get the satellite images to see where they are the densest and avoid those places in our trajectory!" Antoine Carpentier - Redman What a crazy day! That's it, we are finally heading southwest!  We had satellite connection problems that deprived us of our competitors' report positions, which is crucial for us, especially when we are at the head of the fleet and want to stay there. And as if that wasn't enough, it was impossible to download the weather forecast, in other words we were blind all day. I spent a good 4 hours on this m.... file, 4 hours not setting the boat, not steering, not sleeping. I think it made me hysterical, I'll have to go and see a doctor when I get there! So one day to settle computer problems and to remove the sargasso, today we were spoiled on this side too. The positive point is that we did not concede too much ground to our competitors, we receive again the positions of the competitors and we found a way to download a weather forecast, all that at the end of the afternoon. We're back in warrior mode, we're not going to give up anything!" Pierre Louis Attwell - Vogue avec un Crohn No news for a few days, and for good reason, not much is happening on the Atlantic at the moment. Well, that's not quite true! The weather is globally the same since the crossing of the Cape Verde Islands, it's nice, extremely warm and the sea is beautiful.  The strategy is to play the small wind oscillations and the zones with more or less pressure that the computer files give us with more or less precision! So we are tearing our hair out on the computer to find the right way and it is not easy! Yesterday we made a choice, then we changed our mind, then we changed it again to finally take our initial route.  Result: 3 gybes in two hours and all the material of the boat (bags of matossage, water cans, sails etc...) to change side as many times, the whole by a blazing sun and a hellish heat. As much to say that we drink a lot of water at the moment! We meet a lot of algae which come to get stuck in the keel, in the propeller and in the rudders. So we spend a lot of time removing them so as not to slow down too much. And when the seaweed rod is not enough, we even found ourselves going backwards to get rid of it. We could stop and dive but an encounter with a shark yesterday doesn't encourage us too much to swim.. Too bad!"  Cedric Chateau - Seafrigo Sogestran "That's it! Our neurons are smoking, it feels like overheating! And one question and only one has been responsible for it for 36 hours: Should we follow the routing or stay with our friends! Raaaah but it's not that simple and finally after 24 hours of extreme cogitation, last night, we had more confidence in the computer than in our direct competitors. The result is a gybe and a course to the south. I don't want to burden you with the ups and downs linked to this decision during the day (we should never have gybed, we got into the sargassum, we are upside down, etc...), but in the end, the whole fleet is now on the port side of the boat and it is not impossible that the situation will evolve to our advantage...Otherwise, this morning's drama on Seafrigo-Sogestran: the watermaker is no longer working. So, there is enough water left for me to reach Martinique, but I was more worried about Jérémie who only had one glass left. Already he is not very thick, if I bring him back dry to his parents, we will end up in an unpleasant relationship!… Anyway, the watermaker is working again, Jérémie will be able to drink and his parents won't give up on giving me a Christmas present in December (@nathalie &@luc I'm sending you my list...)".[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+16 : The leaders]]> Tue, 23 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT Nickel! If the passage to the Sal Island mark in Cape Verde has seen some compression of the fleet, with a regrouping of the pack, it has also allowed the tenors of the class, favorites of the observers for the Martinique podium, to get back to the front. Thanks to crossings or large circumnavigations of the archipelago, the leaders, to paraphrase Alain Souchon, have been monopolizing the best places. Behind Redman (Carpentier - Santurde), impressive in its composure and mastery, we have seen over the last 24 hours the dynamic return of Crédit Mutuel (Lipinski - Pulvé) and the duo Axel Tréhin - Frédéric Denis (Project Ocean Rescue), who have come to reoccupy the places of honor alongside the historical leaders of the race, Lamotte Module Création (Berry - Nebout), Volvo (Gerckens - Hantzperg), but also the Vikings of La Manche#EvidenceNautique (Jossier - Loison) and Edenred (Le Roch-Quiroga), less well paid for their southern option than expected. Ready to join the fight, the Le Havre-based Chateau-Mion (Seafrigo - Sogestran), the amazing young fellows of Legallais (Casenave-Péré - Bloch) and the Boulangère Bio girls, Amélie Grassi and Marie Riou, who are getting more and more confident with each passing mile. With 1,400 miles to go to the finish, the Class40 train is still making headway at relative speed, forced to tack downwind in this trade wind, which is stubbornly oriented right in line with the boats' progress. In the tropical heat, the crews, vigilant about their water and food supplies, are not sparing themselves and are multiplying the heavy gybing and sail changing maneuvers. An endurance race has started and the best crews will have to fight at this pace for about 6 days, for a possible arrival early next week. Note: Only Georges Guiguen and Morgann Pinson (Terre Exotique) are this morning on their way to the Sal Island mark, 170 miles ahead, which they could clear tomorrow morning. The 42 other boats have all set a course to the west, towards the REocher du Diamant, the last mark before the finish  in Fort de France. Joy ! If some people are worried about a long Class40 race, slowed down by unfavorable weather factors this year, we also underline the extraordinary good mood that animates the fleet. From the leaders to the rear guard, the daily messages, written, spoken or filmed, testify to a communicative and shared joy of sailing, in a spirit of solidarity which reminds us of the Mini Class, from where many of the protagonists of the Class come from. Indeed, many of the competitors, within a fleet as dense as the Class40, race at short distances from each other, and do not hesitate to call out to each other, within VHF range, to challenge each other or simply to joke. Thus Anna Beaugé (Milai) tells us that she sang a duet with... Ivica Kostelic (Croatia Full of Life). The competitors in the 40-foot monohull class are living their transatlantic race with great intensity and a remarkably positive state of mind, whether it is a contest for the most beautiful moustache or an approximate culinary challenge for others. A word from Kito (HBF - Reforest'Action) "What class of ocean racing, apart from perhaps the mini650 class, can show such a beautiful face? 45 boats at the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre, but above all, after 2 weeks of racing, a very dense battle for the top 20, and this is no small detail, a plethora of international racers, a Spaniard in the lead, followed by Belgians, Swiss, a Croatian, an Italian, an all-female crew, and a Franco-Japanese tandem, which is having a magnificent race. In spite of the power of the new scows, all very fast in certain conditions, we can also see that the "old" boats, well managed, manage to do well. The magnificent trajectories of LaManche#EvidenceNautique, and Lamotte Module Création, but also Ivica Kostelic or the Japanese boat mentioned above, and I forget... It is clear that this is the circuit where the top 10 is the most complicated to reach and I am well placed to affirm it..." Quotes of the day: Amélie Grassi - La Boulangère Bio "On board La Boulangère Bio, we are not going too fast to enjoy the pleasure of being at sea for longer and we are heading south to avoid seeing the miles go by too quickly. Joking aside, the shortage of chocolates is threatening so Marie and I are sticking with the leading group and trying to gain a few miles when it is possible. The fluctuations of the wind and the sea are demanding, we have to be concentrated to make the boat move forward and find the right trajectory on this vast oceanic game board.As for the rhythm, we rest as much as possible at night. But don't worry, when one sleeps... the other one watches! And to stay awake at 100% of our capacities in the middle of the night, our little secret is chocolate (a big thank you to Kevin's parents from 145 for the chocolate offered at the start, if we can't stay ahead of him with it, I don't understand)." Antoine Carpentier - Redman "This is the Redman rocket!  We are fighting to keep the lead we have, the chasers are not giving up, it puts us under pressure! They are right to do so, there are still a little less than 1500 miles to go with jibes, so there is still a lot to play for. Especially since our weather files don't seem to be completely accurate! Normally the southerners should have more wind and apparently it's the northerners who have more, difficult to make strategic choices in these conditions, it's been three days that the routings tell us to go south and with each new file, it makes us do a little more north west before diving into the south ... In short, it's not easy to manage this end of the race... For the moment, we remain in a situation of control, all the fleet is going to the same place so it's quite simple and less stressful ... but as soon as the fleet will split into two, the choice will be more complicated. Today we had three meals, it was a big party on board :) What is strange is that we are as hungry as the other days! That said, lunch was a dish of Chinese noodles, like a portion for a small child." Anne Beaugé - Milai "During the day, especially in the morning when we are not in the shade of the sails, we cook at the helm. I wrapped my legs in moistened paper towels and Masa helms the feet in a bucket filled with sea water. We met Croatia Full of life again today, we sang on the VHF, reviewed the songs about the sun... Otherwise, 'is a blow to the west, a blow to the south, and like all the mode, we look for the least bad moment to 'do the south'. But it's really because it's necessary, because of course, everybody thinks only about the west! The first 50 has arrived, bravo! Let's hurry up too." Calliste Antoine -Croatia full of life "Wind 12-15 knots from NE, sea not great, waves too tight to surf. We managed to go back down and to catch up with the fleet in the south, now we have to gain places. The tack of the spinnaker broke again: the textile shackle was cut on the ring of friction, brief spinnaker in bulk for 5 mn, the time to repair. We have in sight Milai and Tquila which are the other "old" boats of the first fleet with us. There are still scows behind us (Crosscall, Serenis, Leclerc). They have very good speeds and it will be hard to contain them until the finish. Tomorrow is Ivica's birthday! We have a can of pears in syrup for the occasion." Julia Virat - Morgane Ursault-Poupon- UP SAILING Unis pour la planète "The big symbolic moment is over: we went around Cape Verde this morning. It's very motivating because now we know what we have to do: 2,200 nautical miles (4,000 kilometers) due west, and basta: tipunch and fresh fruit. We are now in the famous and long awaited trade winds! This means that the wind is going to carry us by the back and that the temperatures are definitely warmer. To be exact, we are farting hot on the deck in the sun. We took out the sun cream, and it is necessary to begin to anticipate the meals: to let cool the freeze-dried before tasting! We hoisted the big pink spinnaker, and it is necessary to remain concentrated at the helm, because it tends to be a little embarked with its 200 square meters of canvas. We are always glued to the helm alternately and the rhythm does not change. Concentration, concentration. It's demanding and formative."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+15 : At the whim of the trade winds]]> Mon, 22 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT A complex situation lies on the Atlantic and in front of  the pack of Class 40s who have excitedly begun their great ocean crossing. Vast zones of high pressure, with little wind, stretch from the Caribbean arc to the coast of Africa, bordering the route ideally followed by the competitors in the Class40 category of the Transat Jacques Vabre. The strengthening of the east-northeast trade wind is expected, and of its timing and virulence will depend the route choices of the duos. Some, like Edenred (Le Roch - Quiroga) and Banque du Léman (Gautier-Koster), have plunged radically to the south from Cape Verde, investing massively away from the direct route, but in favor of a wind that is better established in  strength and direction. Others, like Crédit Mutuel (Lipinski-Pulvé), are flirting with the  calms windward of the fleet. Very inspired and for the time being generously rewarded by a median choice, Redman (Carpentier - Santurde) is controlling with  great mastery the assaults  coming from all sides. The Mach 40.4 launched last year resists the urge to go south, and favors the direct route, 1 600 miles from Fort de France. For a long time, Crédit Mutuel was in seventh place, unable to catch up with the « Club des 6 », which led the race from the tip of Brittany to Cape Verde. She took advantage of a good breath of fresh air as she passed the Cape Verde archipelago to once again assert its legitimate claims in this Transat Jacques Vabre. "When you want to get to the head of the fleet, you have to attack," explained Ian Lipinski. "We pushed along Morocco and Mauritania, and it worked out pretty well for us. The timing was pretty close, but we managed to get through. It's a good thing we made that gain, because on Thursday and Friday, the fleet came back from behind. But we earned the right to have intermediate and attainable goals that help us mobilize at every moment." One of the fastest boats in recent hours, the round-nosed Max 40 came within 36 miles of leader Redman, occupying the third step of the podium. Ian Lipinski and Julien Pulvé, rightly touted as potential winners, are back in business and no one doubts that it will now be difficult to dislodge them from the runner-up spots. Unless the South ends up triumphing. Guidi (Mourruau - Fantini), ranked 3rd yesterday, Legallais (Cazenave-Péré - Bloch), Emile Henry - Happyvore (D'Estais - Le Draoulec) or Tquila (Thompson - Richardson) are diving to the South, momentarily abandoning the direct route, proof of the mistrust that the duos have today regarding the capacity of the high pressure to evacuate to the North. Eighth in the rankings, Emmanuel Le Roch and Pierre Quiroga (Edenred) have been riding at a good pace downwind of the leaders, along the Mach 40.4 Banque du Léman (Gautier - Koster), which is just as fast. The two "southerners" have the best average speeds of the whole fleet. They benefited from an excellent wind angle to get back to their rhythm as close as possible to the leaders. The compression of the fleet as they passed the archipelago also allowed for a few discreet, yet impressive, comebacks. One remembers that Serenis Consulting with the duo Galfione - Péron was at one point over 550 miles behind. If not at the head of the fleet, at least in the first group, and this morning they are in 18th position, 148 miles from the leader. A position more in line with the quality of the boat and its crew.  The procession of Class40s in the heart of the Cape Verde archipelago will continue all day. After the passage this morning of Equipe Voile Parkinson (Gueguen - Auffret), there are only 5 boats that have not yet started the Atlantic crossing. Quotes of the day : Stan Thuret - Everial "We've been at sea for 14 days on the Transat Jacques Vabre. Today we are finally off the Cape Verde towards Martinique with an ocean horizon ahead of us. I'm lucky enough to live on the water.  To see the sun, the moon, the wind. Dolphins and flying fish.  To simply live at the rhythm of nature. And it is only now that I start to feel time.  The long time.  The one we all lost in our everyday lives.  The one of contemplation, of questioning, of listening to one's body and emotions. The ocean allows this emptiness and this appeasement." Olivier Magré - E. Leclerc - Ville-la-Grand "A good first day and night since Cape Verde, despite the lack of trade winds. We still have some wind and we're managing to move in the right direction without having to gybe to go south. Unfortunately, that will change today with several gybes scheduled over the next 24 hours before we start a long tack south tonight and tomorrow to avoid a zone of calm that will be on our route on Wednesday."  Manu Le Roch - Edenred "Beyond the race, it's great to be at sea! How lucky we are to be in warm latitudes, to make night slips under spinnaker with a full moon that lights up as if in broad daylight, with a starry sky, in shorts, the happiness of being at sea where our only occupation is to make the best progress with our machine! It is true that this race is longer than expected, that it poses worries not envisaged like the rationing but we must recognize this chance to be on the water with our magnificent machines! On board Edenred we are savoring these moments! We are in great shape to attack this last week of racing!"  Enguerrand Granoux - Exploring Tech for Good "We are just in front of the last island of the archipelago. Our last land before Martinique. We still gybe to go looking for a site effect at the tip of the island, it is a success, we debouch at the exit of the archipelago full ball with a strong acceleration of the wind and a super favorable angle! We make all the same a big bulk just before the last gybe, our biggest since we have the boat. Nothing very serious but rather impressive more especially as we take a few minutes to recover straight. Our computer mouse flew somewhere in the boat, we found it but it lost the ball... we look for it somewhere in the boat. On the next tack we beat our average speed record over one hour since the beginning of the race (14,1 knots) and we are at this same point the fastest boat of the fleet. Anecdotal but quite thrilling on the moment for us! We are going to reproduce this feat of being the fastest boat two points later. We'll celebrate with a little kinder".  Frans Budel - SEC Hayai "What do you do on a lazy Sunday? Apart from sailing, not much to do! Everything is in good shape and works normally. So we make pancakes! Delicious with sugar!" Antoine Carpentier - Redman "That's it, we're in the sargasso! Since this morning, it's quite often, maybe two or three times an hour that we remove the seaweed that gets stuck in the rudders, it's quite simple, we have a tool, a seaweed rod that we slide along the rudder to remove the seaweed. We have a seaweed rod top compet', we could call it "strike that a blow" so much it is effective, a single pass is enough! Thanks to my friend Tual and his Crazy Lobster team! It's light and stiff at the same time, it's so easy to handle... For the seaweed that gets stuck in the keel, it's another story... either we pass a piece of rope called a knot rope, or we make the boat heel hard so that the top of the keel comes out of the water...  In terms of strategy, our little move in the islands was beneficial from a sporting point of view, as we were 4 miles ahead of Volvo before taking this option, and last night we were 20 miles ahead of them... a good gain... on the other hand, in terms of stress, it was not easy... but in the end, we can only be happy." [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+14 : Go West !]]> Sun, 21 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT Beginning of the 15th day of racing for the 74 crews, all classes included, still on their way to Martinique. The fleet of 43 Class40s, after a long descent due south towards the Cape Verde archipelago, has just turned right and started to cross, heading west, the 1,900 miles of Atlantic that separates them from Fort de France. The fleet, or at least more than thirty of its units, scattered as they passed the Sal Island mark in Cape Verde.  If the Franco-Martinican duo Jean Edouard Criquioche - Eric Baray (Groupe G2C La Martinique) is still taking advantage of the trade winds to choose the best way to pass, many boats at the rear of the fleet, Stormtech (Barkley - Schaffer), UP SAILING (Ursault-Poupon - Virat) or Polka Dot (Mehran - Owen) are caught up in the desperate calms that are languishing across the Atlantic, where traditionally a powerful north-easterly trade wind blows. The leaders, but also the bulk of the pack now oriented due west, still led this morning by the tandem Carpentier - Santurde (Redman) have gone far south to seek pressure. Emmanuel Le Roch and Pierre Quiroga (Edenred) are now at 10° North, where the first signs of the doldrums usually appear! Redman continues to make progress as a transatlantic pioneer. He is progressing on the razor's edge, spurred on by Jonas Gerckens and Benoit Hantzperg (Volvo), but also to windward by the surprising Guidi in third, the Mourruau-Fantini tandem, closely followed by two serious pretenders, Crosscall (Ducroz - Sinea) and Croatia Full of life (Kostelic - Antoine), and to leeward by the class tenors, Banque du Léman (Koster - Gautier) and Project Rescue Ocean (Tréhin - Denis). And what can be said about the huge investment to the south made by Edenred over the last 48 hours? Ranked 15th, 75 miles from the leader in terms of distance to the finish, this morning with the Vikings of LaManche#EvidenceNautique (Jossier - Loison), they are one of the fastest in the fleet, only 45 miles behind the leader on the West-East side. We can clearly see that with less than 2,000 miles to go, the battle is raging at all levels, exacerbated for many by the fear of food and energy rationing, but also by the hope of finally seeing the trade winds swell up in front of the bows, and provide the valiant Class40s with the beautiful days of surfing on the swell that they have come to seek.  News from Kito: approaching Madeira "We've been parked for 24 hours. Not a breath of air and swell. Hard on the nerves, which have already been put to the test for 2 weeks. But, for a few hours, we have found wind coming from the south, not very strong nor very regular, but it feels like we are going very fast. It is nice on the deck, the moon is full. We try to imagine the best route to reach Gibraltar. It's not easy with our handicap at the front... This route should put us not far from Madeira on Sunday, which will leave us a possibility of pit-stop in case the weather forecast becomes more unfavorable. The weather forecast is pretty good for the next 5 days, so there is no reason not to take advantage of it, except that a little break would do us a lot of good. We'll see what the mood is..." Quotes of the day: Nicolas Lemarchand - Thimoté Polet - Entraide Marine "What an exceptional Transat Jacques Vabre! Despite the fact that it is exceptionally long, it remains exceptionally interesting and rich in lessons. We are still very happy to be here. We are oscillating between the soft spots, a real Tetris but it's fun.We have calculated the food and water, we have no right to make mistakes, the timing is perfect." Thibaut Lefevere - Free Dom "We should have a more sustained NE trade wind than the boats in front, which would allow us to sail a direct route at the beginning, whereas they had to dive to the SOUTH to get some wind and therefore extend their route. With a bit of luck this transatlantic race will give us the opportunity to tickle their bows again. We must also remain vigilant and contain the boats that are chasing us and that will not do us any favors. The transatlantic race is likely to be long because there is little wind in the middle and we will have to find the right way. We expect to arrive around December 2-3, which means 26 days at sea. We are far from the 18 days announced before the departure. We have 24 days of food and water." Marie Riou - La Boulangère Bio "Small problems. We hit something that blew the starboard rudder. Fortunately it was the "fuse", an easy to change part that broke, the rudder blade and all the associated system are intact. We only slowed down the boat, the time to repair the broken end. On board everything is going well. Today we took the time to check the quantities of fuel and food and we were satisfied to see that we will not miss anything until the finish (except a little chocolate... the anguish!) We are in the leading group, it's nice and our competitors are formidable, they do not let go a meter. At the same time, a new battle has started: the one of the seaweeds. We have been bothered by the subject today and it should not get any better on the road." Morgane Ursault-Poupon - UP SAILING Unis pour la planète "D14. The days and nights follow each other...Right now, it's a magnificent full moon that is accompanying us. It is a festival of colors and atmospheres, each evening and each morning invariably...And what is great is that the light of the moon illuminates the night so well that we do not need headlamps to steer. The rhythm is routine. The rhythm is routine. We make watches of 2 hours at night, because the tiredness is more painful than the day: one which steers, the other which sleeps. We exchange a few comments on the conditions and then we alternate without dragging. During the day, the watches are a little longer depending on our state and what we have to do on the side: there are the hours in front of the computer trying to extract a weather file from this damn satellite connection which is quite susceptible... then we launch routings and we refine the trajectory. There are the sail maneuvers, around which the naps are fixed. For the moment, there are not too many repairs, the boat is going very well (well, we do not come back on this story of spi... There are also the meals (ha ha ha, do we really need to talk about it?) that we usually take in between, no need for a big ceremony to put hot water on an umpteenth freeze-dried food... And then sometimes, there is a small toilet based on wipes, the great luxury!" Pierre Louis Attwell - Vogue avec un Crohn "The last 24 hours have been pretty productive for Vogue with Crohn's. Overall, we are not doing too bad even if nothing is done and we will have to wait until we are well clear of the islands to know if our strategy is paying off.  The good news of the day is that we have "put the blinker on the right", that is to say that we are no longer going south but west to reach Martinique. In fact it is not significant of much but mentally it feels good! Enguerrand Granoux - Exploring Tech for good This is it! We passed the island of Sal in Cape Verde! Let's go for the big crossing, blink right, let's go to Martinique! This morning a small flying fish had fallen asleep too long on the deck, it did not seem in great shape. We released it among its own kind and so we had the right to a ballet of thanks all day long by its colleagues! Today the most important thing was the heat. Here we are well inside, here it is very hot, from now on not to finish like the fish, our objective is to find freshness on board. No more waxes and boots, we discover the navigation in swimsuit - t-shirt. Next island will be Martinique! Anna Beaugé - Milai "It is indeed very hot, and fortunately, the gybe on starboard allowed us to be in the shade of the sails. We are starting our route towards the west, in a wind that has weakened in the second part of the afternoon, we will probably have to go west, a little south, west and again a little south, and this for a good thousand miles! Seaweed rod broken then repaired today and validation of the method of passage knot rope to free the keel of sargassum ... essential."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+13 : What a hullabaloo !]]> Sat, 20 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT The mandatory passage mark for the Class40s on their way to the West Indies, prefigured by the island of Sal in the east of the Cape Verde archipelago, has totally revived the race, which until now has been dominated by a hermetic club of half a dozen boats, who were still being promised final victory. Incidentally, coordinated with the arrival of the Class40s, the break in the north-easterly trade winds over the archipelago, greatly disturbed by the high pressures has not only favored regrouping, but has scattered the fleet according to the sometimes radical route choices made by the duos to cross the Atlantic. The result this morning is the astonishing disintegration of the fleet between the heart of the archipelago and the south, where the duos are looking for stronger winds, even if it means lengthening an already interminable route. The rankings have been turned upside down and the gaps have exploded, like the loss recorded this morning by the third-placed Volvo (Gerckens - Hantzperg), 53 miles behind the leader of the moment, Redman (Carpentier - Santurde), whom he was ahead of only 36 hours ago. No one is talking about the direct route this morning, except for the duo Mourruau-Fantini de Guidi, who are jubilant about their second place, or Ducroz-Sineau (Crosscall), who are also totally revived by this Cap Verdien hullabaloo. Still in the lead despite the enormous pressure exerted by the competition, the Franco-Spanish duo Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde (Redman) chose race tactics rather than route strategy; "We thought about it and said to ourselves that we were going to put ourselves between the pack arriving from the North and the finish, it's more a question of marking the fleet than a strategic choice. It's hard to say which route will pay off the most..." explained the skipper of Redman, with a certain fatalism. The weather files, so often imprecise in this part of the world, in their indications of wind angle and power, nevertheless encourage the majority of the Class 40s to dive south, on an improbable route towards the equator and approaching the doldrums. Odd for a fleet that is supposed to be heading directly west, in the trade winds and towards the West Indies. But the trade winds are taking a long time to build up again and the short-term prospects are hardly euphoric for the duos, who are well into their 14 days of intense racing, with a lot of twists and turns and weather headaches. With more than 2 000 miles to go, the dreams of long downwind rides in the trade winds are fading, and Carpentier even mentioned this morning that there could be some upwind episodes to come!  Still spread out over a little more than 700 miles in latitude, between Redman in the lead and Terre Exotique (Guiguen-Pinson) at the end of the race, the fleet is now experiencing a certain compression of its various gruppettos, with the stragglers clearly seeing this crossing of the archipelago as a way of getting back in touch, as the Jean Galfione - Eric Péron (Serenis Consulting) tandem could attest to, as they slipped under the island of Maio this morning in 21st position. For all these protagonists, the drastic choices of route to the West or South constitute unhoped-for chances to come back, or not, in contact with the front guard. Where we talk about orcas, rationing and... pirates ! Seb Audigane - Entrepreneurs pour la planète "The boat is fine, not to mention the electronics, the orcas haven't eaten a rudder yet and the pirates, well, they'd better watch out. I'm just being clever, but this morning a sort of large, tampered zodiac turned away and headed towards us, influencing its course as we went along. I saw it coming two or three miles away and immediately thought it was behaving oddly. He approached within a mile and followed a little timidly but surely then let go of the throttle and disappeared as he was merged with the horizon and the waves. I wouldn't be surprised to see him appear again at night but I think we could lose him because Entrepreneurs for the Planet has put the turbo.  We are going at twelve fifteen knots in the surf. Like all good competitors, the food has been calculated as close as possible but not as bad as possible which means we will be very hungry and thirsty when we arrive." Quotes of the day : Victor Jost - Exploring Tech for good "Tomorrow we will pass Cape Verde on the Transat Jacques Vabre! It's this sentence that may seem insignificant but little by little it reminds us of what we are doing!  It seems at the same time so normal because we have been preparing this for a long time, and at the same time completely huge and disproportionate. We will surely realize a little more when we will see these islands after a few days without seeing the land! And then it will be the last straight line.... Heading to Martinique!  Apart from the future, our day on Friday 19th started in light airs, very light airs were even forecasted by the files on our route! So all night long we worked to make the boat go as well as possible! We were a little bit lucky because a small net of air accompanied us all night long. Now we are looking forward and our goal is to try to catch up with a new group just ahead!" Vicitan - Didier Le Vourch "Everything is going well on board. We are happy to be in Cape Verde and to gybe soon. Unlike others, we took a LOT of food...We even have fresh food (radishes, carrots) and cold cuts (Grisons meat, butter, ham, etc.)and a LOT of chocolate!" Stormtech - Melodie Schaffer "We had a day and a half of strong 18-25 knot winds. Ryan and I didn't nap during the day to really push the boat and make gains with the right winds.  We also wanted to save energy, as we are still having problems with power generation, so we didn't want the autohelm on too much as that is the biggest energy draw. Helming a boat and keeping control while riding the waves is a lot of fun, but it requires full attention.  We both have blisters on one of our hands from the many hours we spend at the helm. We had the opportunity to take a nap on a day off, which makes all the difference.  The generator is cooperating today, so it is producing power for us, which is great. As I write this, we are moving at a reasonable speed again.  In the next couple of days, we'll be rounding the Cape Verde Islands." Redman - Antoine Carpentier "One more day under the clouds! We're raging about not having any sun! No sun, no or little charge thanks to the solar panels, no charges, no electronics, no electronics, a lot of bar, a lot of bar big energy expenditure and no we don't have much food. As a result, it turns into physical but also mental fatigue! In short, it's not a party! Well, the wheel is going to turn eventually...  We should be out of the deviations of the last island of Cape Verde during the night, after we thought it was going to be easier but the last loaded files make us go upwind at a time, yes upwind! We even had to change tack! We are so far south that we find ourselves in the doldrums! We saw our first sargassum and that's not a good sign, it's the beginning of the troubles!"  Calliste Antoine - Croatia full of life "The passage of Cape Verde was complicated, a scattered fleet with many potential options, not the same wind as Project Rescue Ocean although it passed at the same place 30mn before us. Very grey on the whole. Small mid-course party, kalva (Karver calva), chocolate, canned pear, luxury meal! (next party for Ivica's birthday). it's very hot and humid, no more possibility to sleep inside during the day."  Antoine Magré - E Leclerc - Ville-La-Grand "Quite a productive day aboard E.Leclerc VLG with now less than 200 nm to the island of Sal and at the current speed (between 11-12 knots with peaks at 15-16), we should arrive at the waypoint in the middle of the day tomorrow! (today)). What's also good is that the trade winds have picked up again and so it looks promising for the future, even if as for the mini, we'll probably have to go very south to keep the wind. » David Sineau - Crosscall "Passage to the Cape Verde Islands. We are fighting with Aurelien Ducroz to stay in the game despite our spinnaker damage. And there's no shortage of matches, as the weather in this Transat Jacques Vabre is complicated... and slow!  We're starting to look at the water, food and energy reserves, which should be fine, but without any extra food!"[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+12 : Rififi at Cape Verde !]]> Sat, 20 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT By diving due south very early, "layline" as the sailors say, that is to say in direct approach and on one tack of the passage mark prefigured by the island of Sal, the group of 11 immediate pursuers of the leaders since the entry in the Atlantic has just shattered the rankings and the hierarchy of the race. Only the Franco-Spanish duo Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde (Redman) is preserving its leadership this morning, having, after much thought and cogitation, opted for a passage as close as possible to the direct route and in the heart of the Cape Verde archipelago. If we are happy to see Axel Trèhin and Frédéric Denis (Project Rescue Ocean), back in second place after their stop in Cascais on November 12th, and the girls from la Boulangère Bio Marie Riou and Amélie Grassi at the foot of the podium occupied by the happy duo Charles-Louis Mourruau and Andrea Fantini (Guidi), it is in the South of the archipelago that we observe the intriguing positions taken and the choice of route of a number of former leaders of the fleet. Thus the Belgian-French tandem Jonas Gerckens - Benoit Hantzperg (Volvo) has deliberately chosen to forget about the general ranking for the time being in favor of an investment that will take them this morning around the southernmost islands of the archipelago, Maio and Santiago, diving far from the ortho at 90° from the road, along Edenred (Le Roch-Quiroga) and the Vikings of Lamanche#EvidenceNautique (Loison - Jossier) clocked this morning... in 18th place. The main leaders of the race for the last 12 days have disappeared from the top of the rankings, Crédit Mutuel (Lipinski - Pulvé), Lamotte Module Création (Berry - Nebout).... to the benefit of newcomers with renewed ambitions, Attwell- Kostelic (Croatia full of Life), Suzuki - Beaugé (Milai), Chateau-Mion (Seafrigo-Sogestran) or Ducroz-Sineau (Crosscall). 2,200 miles from Martinique, the Cape Verde interchange is reshuffling the cards ! It's hard work on board the Class40s! Let's remember here that routing from land is forbidden in Class40. It is with the computer means on board and with the help of the Grib files received by Internet that the sailors define their route choices. The computerized routing, which rotates according to the weather files, plunges the tandems into an abyss of reflection, as the proposed route choices sometimes seem to diverge completely. We'll have to wait a few days to understand who will have the right idea: the supporters of the crossing in the middle of the archipelago, or those of the big bypass to the south. "Afterwards, if our files are wrong, we'll be wrong too... that's the hard law of offshore sailing!" said a philosophical Antoine Carpentier (Redman). Several factors seem to oppose each other in these two philosophies of route. The wind strength is very uneven on the archipelago where the trade winds seem to be gradually taking over. The peaks create large windless cones to the west of certain islands, San Felipe and Mindelo. The wind angle, which is currently very easterly, will also force the "islanders" to consider a series of gybes that are not very favorable to gains on the route. By investing in the South, the supporters of Volvo's choice will certainly lengthen the route, but once oriented towards the mark, they will find an angle favorable to speed. Compromise, difficult choices, a call for luck... so many components that make up the charm of ocean racing, and which spice up the Jacques Vabre Class 40 race in a unique way... Retirements : After the one yesterday of the duo Kito De Pavant - Gwen Gbick 'HBF-Reforest'Action, it is unfortunately the tandem Tanguy Duchatelet - Fabrice Edouard (Lenzi-Lanternes de Paris) who throw in the towel at La Palma in the Canaries, victims of spinnaker damage and bowsprit. Quotes : Anna Beagé - Milai "It was a funny day, sliding and swinging on a track that was not straight. First we had to go down the stairs, and find the moment when the track would have the right inclination until the approach of Sal. We were a bit shy and a bit in a hurry, as a result MIlai has a less steep runway than his friends from the west, but it could have been worse. The wind is still weak and capricious, so we are mainly glued to the spinnaker, but again, considering the mic mac without wind, it could have been worse!  Tonight, the naps will take place at the front, with the bags. Hood open to look at the spinnaker lit by the big full moon, once again ... there is worse". Simon Kervarrec - Leclerc Samsic  "That's it, we have passed the Canaries! Soon, it's blinking on the right, towards the finish! But there's still a little way to go! I have to finish it quickly, because I have only one pack of Tagada, two of chouchous and one caprisun, sniff... I think I'll be short..." Antoine Carpentier - Redman "Another day spent under the grey sky. As a result, the panels have hardly loaded... Especially since the routings are not very reassuring with ETAs close to the beginning of December, so it's going to be long! The passage in the Cape Verde islands will be done after a very long hesitation in the islands and not in the South of all the islands as the routings of yesterday morning indicated it to us. Indeed, we modified our plans, the Northern fleet should pass to Sal hardly three hours after us, they have the wind in their sails. Otherwise, on the landscape, we saw dolphins, bigger than those of us! The flying fish pullulate, I hope that we are going to catch some this night, that will make a meal! We have just crossed in front of Volvo which left him for the South... we shall see in two three days who was right! Still moments of stress at each pointing. " Jules Bonnier - Avanade "Everything's going well on board Avanade. To say that we are going faster and faster is saying a lot, but we are going less and less slowly, less and less in the wrong direction... It's not so bad. So we are far from being unhappy. The pilot does not continue not to walk. It's still not very unpleasant not to sail in oilskins. The flying fish are less and less not numerous. In short we do not see the life of the bad side at this moment. Soon the islands of Cape not blue." Julia Virat - UP SAILING Unis pour la planète "The wind has risen crescendo to a constant 25 knots with gusts to 30.We are in warrior mode!Especially since we have our friends from the boat Freedom right next to us, 2 nautical miles away, we see each other and we talk on the radio. So we don't let go, we steer, we steer, we steer and we move forward elbow to elbow. It's exhilarating. I have just steered a surf at 20 knots, you can imagine the smile on my face, it's great! Pure gliding like I like it! Life on board is a bit sporty at this speed, it's whistling, banging, squealing, banging, accelerating and slowing down, in short: it's shaking." Cedric Chateau - Seafrigo Sogestran "We are approaching Cape Verde and in two hours, we will have to choose which exit we will take... Either, like most of the leading group, we take the outer ring road, or like Redman, THE leader, we choose to go through the island center. Ahh if Waze could work, we could pause our two neurons! But for the moment, those are concentrated to make advance the Seafrigo-Sogestran in very changing conditions which will not have allowed us to rest well this night. But in war as in war, everyone is housed in the same boat. After our right turn, it will be the last chuss towards Martinique, terminus of the line." Calliste Antoine - Croatia Full of Life « Damn! we finished the bread ... it is quite ironic when « La « Boulangère Bio is just in front of us. Quiet day, the pilot is doing his job, the repair of the second big spinnaker is almost finished, as long as the other one is holding up. The grey tape stitches give a nice Frankenstein look! Tomorrow we'll have 4cl of Kalva Karver (thanks Alois) and a gift (chocolate) for the occasion."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+11 : Compression in Cape Verde]]> Thu, 18 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT Since yesterday evening, the six "historic" leaders of the Transat Jacques Vabre made in Class40 have bumped into the vast zone of light winds spread around the Cape Verde archipelago, and on the island of Sal, which the competitors in the 12.19 m long class must leave to starboard before starting the Atlantic crossing towards Martinique. The result is a spectacular change in the rankings, with a change of leader to the benefit of the Belgian-French duo Gerkens-Hantzperg of the Max 40 Volvo. The six protagonists who have been leading the way to Cape Verde until now, with whom Crédit Mutuel (Lipinski - Pulvé) and the astonishing British duo of Tquila, Brian Thompson and Alister Richardson, have been linked since dawn, are still benefiting from a slight gap in the South, which is going to favor their approach to the archipelago. However, it is now the group elegantly named "2nd Division" by Cédric Chateau (Seafrigo - Sogestran) that we must look for to find real changes in the ranking, as the positions are calculated in relation to the direct route, which runs due west. This morning, 4th place is proudly occupied by Axel Tréhin and Frédéric Denis (Project Rescue Ocean) and 5th place by the amazing girls of La Boulangère Bio, Amélie Grassi and Marie Riou. This shake-up in the rankings should not erase the reality of the placements on the water, with a clear advantage for the most southerly boats. On the other hand, the compression of the head of the fleet is very real, and 17 boats, including Legallais de Pierre-Cazenave-Péré and Kevin Bloch, are within 100 miles of each other. Retired: While the battle is becoming increasingly indecisive on this 11th day of the race, while the halfway point has just been crossed, the Class40 fleet is mourning its first retirement, that of HBF-Reforest'Action of Kito De Pavant and Gwen Gbick. Their bowsprit could not withstand the long downwind slipstream session in the strongest part of the trade winds. The two men are now heading north towards Gibraltar and the Mediterranean. We also note the stop this morning in La Palma in the Canaries of Sabrosa40 Lenzi - Lanternes de Paris to the duo Tanguy Duchatelet - Fabrice Renouard. A temporary technical pit stop. Which route to the trade winds ? The problem of the day, and a big one it is, is how to negotiate this mandatory passage to Cape Verde. There are two obvious options: a crossing as close as possible to the island of Sal for the most direct route possible. Or looking for a way out in the South, in a vast turning movement to avoid site effects, staying away from the calms that are spreading beyond the archipelago and getting caught up in a North-East trade wind that we can guess is building up again at the latitude of Guinea-Bissau. Rationing ! Another theme in the Class40 news is the possible rationing of food and gas oil. Many crews are concerned this morning about the relative slowness of the race since the start in Le Havre. A number of optimists had predicted a 19-day Transat. At the start of the 12th day of racing, and while the actual crossing of the Atlantic has not yet begun, with the prospect of a trade wind that is lazier than ever, it is the question of supplies that is being raised here and there. Food, but also the gas oil needed when the hydro generator and solar panels are not enough to charge the batteries on board, could run out. Consequently, the first restrictions and food rationing are revealed by some crews: Lamotte Module Creation : Luke Berry "As for the rations: like all the competitors, we are starting to say that we will be limited in food. So on my side, I took the lead by skipping meals to prepare days 21-21-23? (We have only 20 days of food). Achille on his side has a different approach. He's eating everything now and will see at the end. He wants to be dry and salient for his beach body ready at the finish (lol)!" Edenred : Emmanuel Le Roch "This transatlantic race has a special flavor of slow! Every day that passes puts us further away from the finish. The countdown is no longer done ... we are adding days ... already since Portugal after having done the accounts in water, gas and oil, we are tightening our belts. But here, it's a diet cure!" Redman : Antoine Carpentier "We started the rationing, we only ate two meals today, it's quiet, we're really hungry! For the moment, we are laughing about it, but in ten days I am not sure that it will still be the case... we have planned only 19 days of food and for those who know me, they know that it is a big problem and the worst is that Pablo shares with me the passion of eating well. The problem of water is not a problem, we had planned two days more than food, who knows why? The last problem is the energy on board! Even if we have solar panels, we have to make one or two engine loads per day! We started to cut the maximum of devices on board to not consume too much, I even cut the power station which allows us to have the wind information, the car pilot, the computer of the board during two hours this afternoon... we steer a lot." Performance of the day : Gain of 5 places this morning for Freedom. Thibaut Lefevere and Thomas Bulck are in 32nd position after having covered 300 miles in the last 24 hours, at an average of over 12 knots. A performance comparable to that of the sisters Julia and Jeanne Courtois (Saint James - Biscuiterie de l'Abbaye) who have jumped three places in the general ranking. We also note Serenis Consulting (Galfione - Péron) back to the 23rd place. Quotes of the day : Everial : Stan Thuret "50 miles from the Sahara. Just in front of Dhakla. And there comes out of nowhere a boat. A boat rather. A very frail canoe of 7m maybe. With a motor. 3 African fishermen on board. They get as close as they can to my wind. The 147 surfs at 15 knots in 3m waves. The two boats approach each other respectfully. I wake Mathieu from his nap. We are on the deck in Cotten oilskins. And they also have the same foulies. The 3 shaken fishermen then raise their arms in sign of greeting and encouragement. One returns to them of more beautiful this dash. We have a smile on our face and so do they." Avanade : Maxime Cauwe "Todo well aboard Avanade and even more since Jules managed to get the emergency autopilot going again. We can finally spend more time on the adjustments, go on more structured watches where you do nav, adjustment etc. ... rather than being riveted to your helm seat. One more complicated day of knitting in light airs before we put the blinker to the right and go for the big ride to Martinique!" Exploring Tech for good : Enguerrand Granoux "We decided to fight. So we alternated 1 hour at the helm, 1 hour sleeping or at least trying to, always dressed if ever we had to go help the one outside quickly! The night was sportive! 20/25 nds at 130 of wind, the boat was going in impressive accelerations, the whole with the full moon! Incredible show! The game was to compare the boat speed on the pos report every hour (position and speed of the fleet every hour)! Victor perfectly mastered his subject with a nice average speed of 13.5 knots over one hour in the middle of the night! Not easy but we managed to hold until sunrise! At this moment the wind continues to rise, we say to ourselves that it is the moment to pass under small Spi. We had hardly the time to finish our maneuver and to put away that the wind falls, neither one nor two, we change again of sail for a bigger spinnaker! We blow finally and we take off our oilskins to breathe a little! Error! We see the display going from 15 nds to 25/30nds in 2 minutes! We say to ourselves that it is going to pass, we take the helm and we take advantage, the boat by in overspeed on every wave it is super impressive, a first point has 20nds a second in 21.8nds, new record validated by Enguerrand! We wonder if the boat will hold, if the bowsprit will not explode! But everything resists well, we really have confidence in the boat!" Milai : Anna Beaugé  "Strange weather on the sea planet! Approaching the tropical depression, the wind observed has not much to do with either of the forecasts, so we are moving forward at a snail's pace, each length covered being a good gain to take. The fleet is settling down a bit, there is the accordion effect of the different weather systems, we saw the leading pack stop for an hour or two, and we always look in the mirror, those who are shooting behind. Close to the African fish zone, dolphins made their reappearance: they are small, almost all grey and some spotted. The weather is very mild, gray, rather humid, during the day; the light is very whitish, the sky is complex, some scattered rain..." Seafrigo - Sogestran : Cédric Chateau "After 24 hours of magic, full steam ahead towards the island of Sal with averages above the average of our comrades, Seafrigo-Sogestran is back in the "league 2" scrum. The atmosphere on board was one of concentration today to avoid going off course, which could lead to damage. We really pulled on the boat and it held up well to the hellish pace we imposed on it. It is thus a little burned that we join our comrades of the 2nd group (the group of the leaders being a little detached). We'll have to stay lucid because the rest of the scenario is going to play with our nerves on a very open water tactically. The result of the races in 24/36 hours." Calliste Antoine: Croatia Full of Life "Lighter day for wind and speed, we slept a lot. Inceeritud of the night, without engine for energy and with a speed too low for the generator it will be complicated (7,5knts of speed to have juice. We made the food point today, it's limited for the routing at 23 days of race. Otherwise, we've caught up with the fleet in front but the fleet behind us has also come back, it feels like the second start in Cape Verde." Olivier Magré : E.Leclerc - Ville-La-Grand: "48H very active with this good wind, so we took advantage of it! (409nm over 24 hours! that's a lot of miles! Now we're back to an old enemy, the calm! It's getting quite calm, especially during the night tomorrow until Friday morning. I still dare to hope that the files will improve but there is often little room for that unfortunately."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+10 : Slipping away to the West]]> Wed, 17 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT 10 days into the race, and the fleet of 45 Class40s spread out over more than 750 miles between the north of Madeira and soon the latitude of Nouakchott in Mauritania, continues to slide along the African shores, where an unstable trade wind is still blowing. For 35 of them, the Canaries are already relegated in the logbooks, and it is the rounding of the island of Sal in Cape Verde, a mark  to be left to starboard, that occupies the minds of each duo. The Imocas, at least those who are not sailing with the head of the Class40 fleet, have avoided  the proximity of these islands, for fear of the strong devents and this brutal break in the trade winds over the entire zone. The leader of the Class40 fleet, Redman (Carpentier - Santurde) will have to make his way through. There is no way out to the east for the Class40s, who are exempt from the doldrums and will begin the Atlantic crossing directly to Fort de France, which the first boats could reach (with the usual reservations, as there are still more than 3,500 miles to go), from November 30 on. Sailing in last position only three days ago, well isolated to the west of the whole fleet in the exclusive company of Serenis Consulting (Galfione - Péron), Antoine and Olivier Magré (E. Leclerc- Ville-La-Grand) have won the prize for resilience, patience and stubbornness. The pressure they found on the edge of the North Atlantic lows propelled them in a long, fast tack to 27th place, a performance in progress. Jean Galfione and Eric Péron, back in 25th place, have been eyeing the 24th place dearly defended far to the east by Vogue avec un Crohn of Pierre Louis Attwell and Maxime Bensa. In another race configuration and at the front this time, the Belgian-French duo Jonas Gerckens - Benoit Hantzperg at the helm of the Max 40 Volvo has also given itself, thanks to a clear western gap, the means to come and compete with the leaders of the event, the formidable Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde on their no less formidable Mach 40.4 Redman. With the expected slowdown during the crossing of the archipelago, it is a grouping of about twenty Class40s that will offer the unprecedented and eminently exciting show of yachts racing amidst the islands, with this entry into the vast Atlantic that will constitute the long final sprint of the Transat. Fact of the day: Luke Berry - Lamotte - Module Création After the difficult passage of Gran Canaria yesterday, Luke and Achille noticed during the night that the Class40 had a big speed deficit. Early in the morning, after inspection, the verdict fell: a huge tarpaulin was wrapped around the keel! The two men immediately started maintenance operations to free themselves from this tarpaulin, lowering the spinnaker and making numerous half-turns in all directions. After some time, the operation was a success and Lamotte-Module Création resumed its hunt for the leaders. Performance of the day : This morning, we would like to mention Charles-Louis Mouruau and Andrea Fantini (Guidi) fighting for the 11th place with Croatia Full of Life (Calliste Antoine - Ivica Kostelic), but also the girls of the Boulangère Bio, Amélie Grassi and Marie Riou now 9th, as well as the 10 places gained by Antoine and Olivier Magré (E.Leclerc - Ville-La-Grand), with 384 miles sailed in the last 24 hours! For the record, the 24 hours record for a Class40 is 429 miles, Ian Lipinski's Crédit Mutuel (17.9 knots average!). Noteworthy : The forbidden zone of Mauritania is not a DST but a forbidden zone that the Race Direction has installed to avoid possible pirates or thieves who could attack the boats. In the same way, there is a forbidden zone for the race, stable by the DC, along the Brazilian coast, where we meet on the one hand a lot of small unlit fishing boats, but also everything that comes out of the Amazon river, waste, tree trunks etc... Source: Race Direction Sylvie Viant Quotes of the day : Freedom - Thomas Bulcke "In the gale, the medium or strong wind, the banette moment is a unique moment in its kind. Lying stiff as a board trying to relax to find sleep. Glued to the bulkhead, you can hear the water running along the hull, the waves crashing on the deck, followed by the water trickling down on the boat. You can feel the boat vibrating as it accelerates, stopping as it plunges into the front wave, rearing up, zigzagging in the hellish surfs. Add to this the sound of the boat bouncing on the waves, the sound of the wind whistling in the mast to remind us that at any moment, it can send us a small gust that will tip everything over and we'll go to hell. Lying in my bunk, I have to accept to be this vulnerable little thing without defense who is just looking for a few minutes in the arms of Morpheus before my turn comes to defy the elements. It will then be up to Thibaut to place his trust in my arm which will guide our beautiful boat through the waves with agility. In short, you will have understood that I can't sleep." La Boulangère - Amélie Grassi "We spent a dream day, 20 knots and great sun, a little sea for even more fun surfing. Conditions that we never get tired of. Marie and I had a great time at the helm all day, we gave it our all, had great speed and it's great to be in the top 10 tonight. (9th this morning editor's note) Tonight we are trying to rest well and to prepare the next step, like everyone else we are looking for the right passage to make the most of the little wind that will take us to Cape Verde... a fun headache". Milai - Anne Beaugé "Today, we had a hard time resisting the assaults coming from all sides, by those who went around by the west, those who took a shorter route by the east, we are being devoured faster and faster... Last night was superb, the spinnaker edge was quite loose and kept us on our toes. That said, the vmg is also good to be flat and dry ! We steer a lot, and this has the consequence of creating in each of our backs a sharp and sneaky cramp, between the scapula and the spine. For me, the feeling is that my muscle has turned into beef jerky ... ". We relax with the songs of Ivica Kostevic on the VHF, taken up in chorus by Charles Louis Mourruau, and with the visit of birds on the deck, a magnificent tern (?) which came to turn 100 times around the boat, to steal the velcro of the gennaker, and to settle on the roof. We're starting to ration our chocolate, we didn't plan enough, considering the weak trade winds!" Seafrigo - Sogestran - Cedric Chateau "The nights follow one another and are not at all alike, to say the least. For the past 48 hours, we have been battling against unfavorable weather conditions and seeing our direct competitors disappear from our radar with speeds that leave us dreaming. Well tonight, strangely enough, while the forecasts were not very different from the day before, we are no longer negotiating squalls with erratic winds, it's all over, quite the contrary! Our counter shows a nice average and moreover, on the direct trajectory of the island of Sal, our next target. And it seems, which is a major world discovery, that the state of our morale is directly connected to the boat's speedometer (well ok maybe also a bit to the results table...)." Leclerc Samsic - Simon Kervarrec "Today, on board, it was DIY! There are days like that when everything decides to break at the same time .... So it started with a snag in the spinnaker, then a cleat that decided to unscrew itself and finally, the mule's life that didn't want to hold the mast anymore! After all, apart from taking it in the head, we wonder what it is really for! Apart from that, the boat is going well even if I feel like I'm in Vasymolo 3000 mode compared to the Magre flashed at 17,3kt at the PoseReport " Croatia Full of Life - Calliste Antoine  "Night in contact with Guidi, playing in the winds of the Canaries. Currently in a western option on the fleet to go down to Cape Verde, we are catching up with the pack of the first ones who hit the calms before us. We won't have to wait too long to cross: my brother, my sister and my girlfriend are leaving Martinique on the 29th... " Edenred - Emmanuel Le Roch "A delicate and decisive day, with a sleepless night ahead! After a great night under the big spinnaker at an average of more than 16 knots, we had a different atmosphere on board all day, with a lot of sea and a wind that didn't affect the counter at more than 8 knots. Downloading files, understanding the systems, routing, more routing, updating the scores, I use all the tools to have as many cards in hand as possible and make the right decision. Our lead over the fleet will melt like snow in the sun. On our side, we will try to pull once again our pin from the game not a beautiful trajectory, the next night looks like one of the most important of this transat ! We are at the bottom! Hoping to have a bit of success. Redman always leads us the hard life on speed. Morale is good and we are ready to go on !"[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+9 : Advantage Redman !]]> Tue, 16 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT On their way to the West Indies, the Transat Jacques Vabre yachts, and especially the monohull classes of the event, Imocas and Class40, have been sailing for a few days along the African shores of Mauritania and soon Senegal. The fault, as far as the 12.19 m monohulls are concerned, is the menditory passage point of the island of Sal, in the east of the Cape Verde archipelago. The fault also lies with a vast zone of calm that has been extending over the archipelago for several days, leaving only a narrow windy passage to the south along the Mauritanian Traffic Separation Scheme. It will therefore be necessary, and in the eminently strategic perspective of the passage to Cape Verde, to put some west on the road, as the impressive leader of the fleet, Redman, is doing with great success. The two men, inspired by their smooth passage through the Canaries yesterday, have built up a small cushion of about thirty miles ahead of their most successful rivals, Banque du Léman (Gautier-Koster) and Edenred (Le Roch-Quiroga), This is enough to trigger the gybe this morning without any pressure, which will send them on the road to Cape Verde, destination Sal, which will mark the beginning of this great Atlantic Ocean crossing towards the Caribbean and Martinique. 25 Class40s will terminate by mid-day the crossing of the Canary Islands. The 20 other boats  are starting a descent due south in the northwest of Madeira after having nicely dealt with the last miasmas of the Portuguese trade winds. Among them, the two escapees in the west, Serenis Consulting (Galfione-Péron) and E. Leclerc Ville-La-Grand (Olivier and Antoine Magré), continue to capitalize on their risky investment. Having left the Devil's Eye, Serenis Consulting is eyeing with appetite this morning the 26th place of the Kervarrec family (Samsic E. Leclerc). A new gybing battle is starting for the leaders, in a wind that will take more and more North as they go down, while weakening significantly. Downwind in medium wind, which will put back in the saddle the last generation of frontrunners, less typified for the crosswind breeze and which will find again these next hours enough to compete with the latest scows. Lamotte Module Création (Berry - Nebout) and La Manche#EvidenceNautique (Loison-Jossier) have not said their last word, spurred on by the Lipinski-Pulvé duo (Crédit Mutuel) who are patiently waiting for their time and who are coming back strongly on the Club des 6, in the lead since the entry into the Atlantic. Nine women are competing in this 15th edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre, either as a duo or as a mixed team. Three crews are 100% female and among the most seasoned of them, the organic La Boulangère Bio of Amélie Grassi and Marie Riou, is brilliantly in the Top 10 of the event. The two sailors have obviously found and understood the controls of their 2021 Max40 which, combined with clean and error-free sailing, allows them to compete with the best. A little lower in the ranking, but not at the bottom, the two other women's duos, Julia and Jeanne Courtois, 35th on Saint James - Biscuiterie de l'abbaye and Morgane Ursault-Poupon associated with Julia Virat (UP SAILING Unis pour la planète), are delighting observers with their joy of sailing, their ability to find resources whatever the difficulties, and their talent for sharing a journey with initiatory overtones, made up of discoveries and reflections on the things of this world. Clara Fortin shares the helm of Randstad-Ausy with Martin Louchart. The two young skippers are sailing this morning side by side with perhaps the most experienced sailor in the race, Sébastien Audigane (Entrepreneurs pour la planète). It is an understatement to say that the young duo from Normandy is at ease in their race. Performing since the beginning, the Franco-Japanese duo of Milai counts with Anne Beaugé another woman of the event. Ranked 14th with co skipper Masa Suzuki, Anne testifies from the open sea and with a lot of humour about her pleasure to be at sea. The only non-French woman, the Canadian Melodie Schaffer is sailing with Ryan Barkey and is the lowest ranked woman in the race, 42nd this morning on board Stormtech. Performance of the day : Avanade - Maxime Cauwe - Jules Bonnier. One of the oldest boats in the fleet, the N°98, a Verdier design from 2010, is knocking on the door of the Top 10 of the race today. Max and Jules are in twelfth position, a gain of 4 places in the last hours. Quotes of the day : Redman - Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde "We had three different options, the passage of the Mach40.4 (Banque du Leman, Edenred, and us) in the middle, the passage of the Max40 Volvo to the west, and the passage of the old generation boats (the Normans and Lamotte) to the east. For the moment I feel like saying that our passage was the best. We will see who will arrive first in Cape Verde. The day has been good, since we hit the wind first, so we managed to dig a little with our closest pursuers. On the other hand, the weather seems to get seriously complicated as we approach Cape Verde, as if the doldrums were coming our way. I think we have ideal conditions for our boats, 20 knots of wind and a fairly flat sea with a 1.5 meter swell.  Edenred - Emmanuel Le Roch "A word from the night, or at least the morning! After a difficult Sunday when our 2 friends largely distanced us, yesterday and last night put us back in the game!  From surfing to surfing under big spinnaker with lightning behind us! magic! Edenred is doing well in these conditions. He likes this pace! too! And so we have Banque du Léman on sight." E. Leclerc - Ville - La - Grand - Olivier Magré "A good day for the class40 E.Leclerc VLG today! Speed, sunshine and distance covered in the right direction! We are heading due south towards Cape Verde (well, there are still 1,244 nautical miles to go but it's better than yesterday!) We had the last light airs this morning and now we should have air until Friday when we will approach Cape Verde (we hope that the weather phenomenon that creates this invisible barrier will calm down a little! the gribs are all blue (that means no wind, like last week LOL...)  On board the guys are fine, we eat well, we enjoy the temperatures which are rising quietly. The only downside is that the ankle is swelling a bit so I'm keeping an eye on it." Exploring Tech for good - Enguerrand Granoux - Victor Jost "At the time of writing, the plan went pretty well, we gybed south at 21:30 UTC and now we're pretty much on our way to SAL! Finally, it is cool! Only 5 days left of straight on a tack... well, it's never going to happen like that! But it's nice to be on a very close trajectory!  Today it was also our first day where we didn't eat anymore the dishes of the chef Ronan Kervarrec who had prepared all our meals since the beginning!  And at the end of the day we had the right to a rather incredible moment, the sun was already set and the full moon well raised. We took turns at the helm for quite a while, there was wind, still under big spinnaker. A really crazy moment!"  UP SAILING Unis pour la planète - Morgane Ursault-Poupon - Julia Virat "Everything is going well on board Up Sailing which is still making 15-20 knots downwind. The beanbag (in which we sleep) and the helm station don't get a chance to cool down: we alternate methodically between the two of us, always with a little more haste in one direction than in the other. It's great to have the moon with us most of the night, it helps to keep the course and makes the atmosphere much more friendly.We continue our descent towards SW and the temperatures are rising nicely: we are almost not obliged to put on a jacket anymore, even at night." Leclerc Samsic - Simon Kervarrec "Everything is going well on board, the boat is sliding well and the pressure is back, which should take us to the Canaries in 24 to 36 hours! In order to be presentable when we stop for a beer there, we showered and it feels really good! Yes, I begin to dream of a good cold beer with my friends... The nights are warmer and warmer and it is also very pleasant. No more hat, hood and gloves!"[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+8 : Island breakers]]> Mon, 15 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT From Madeira to the Canaries, the 45 Class40 yachts share the same problems of crossing volcanic islands, with their corollary of high peaks responsible for significant downwinds, traffic, and all kinds of site effects. In the West, in the East, in the middle ? Cogitations are running strong and some are already congratulating each other for the smooth passage to the enchanting shores that we promise to visit one day. Thus, this morning, Belgian Jonas Gerckens (Volvo) is reaping the benefits of the fire he has been keeping alive for several days in the form of an excellent western option. He glided along last night at a good pace between La Palma and Gomera and climbed onto the third step of the very provisional podium. His two predecessors Redman (Carpentier - Santurde) and Banque du Léman (Gautier - Koster) also signed the good option of the night, close to the eastern coast of Tenerife. This morning, they lengthened their stride and took full advantage of the slowing down of their opponents scattered across the width of the archipelago, stretching the elasticity of the gaps in their favor, now more than 80 miles between the seven historical leaders (including Crédit Mutuel - Lipinski-Pulvé) of this exciting 15th Transat Jacques Vabre. It's a wave, a surge, a flow, an irruption. No, we're not talking about the Cumbre Vieja volcano, but about the arrival of a fleet of 45 Class40 boats in the Canary Islands. Between Lanzarote to the east and La Palma to the west, inside and outside the islands with their high volcanic peaks, each one is choosing its route, depending on its direct opponents, the wind expected in the area, but also, already, depending on the best route envisioned towards other equally enchanting islands, those of Cape Verde, the next key target for the Class40s, who will be tacking the island of Sal before heading for the West Indies. But until then, each story personified by each duo continues its course, more adventurous in the North, for the sailboats which, from the latitude of Lisbon to that of Gibraltar, are taking advantage of beautiful gliding conditions, and for significant gains on the road, like the 246 miles covered in the last 24 hours by the Magré family, father and son, whose Mach 40.4 E. Leclerc Ville La-Grand is finally getting some dividends from this option to the west of the ridge chosen in the wake of Serenis Consulting (Galfione-Péron), which has also been well paid  with nearly 300 miles sailed and a gain of 6 places in the general ranking! With a delta of more than 750 miles in latitude between the leaders and the tail of the pack, the weather conditions and developments are no longer the same depending on whether you are enjoying the last breeze of the Portuguese trade winds, or whether you are throwing yourself with appetite into the Canarian trade winds sweeping the shores of the Western Sahara. The warm desert wind plunges the leading protagonists into a sense of well-being that is a precursor to the tropical delights to come. However, in addition to the happiness of an idyllic sailing experience, each duo feels the tension of the competition, as the proximity of the competitors exacerbates the desire to align themselves with, or even surpass the performance of their neighbor. It is difficult to calmly chart your course when the AIS constantly sends back the throbbing echo of an approaching opponent.  Madeira for some, the Canaries for others, Cape Verde already in the minds of the leaders, before the desolate solitudes of the Atlantic, the Class40 Transat Jacques Vabre offers magical island scents. Quotes of the day : Nicolas Jossier - La Manche #EvidenceNautique : "Everything is going well on board, the little friends came back into contact in the second half of the week, and the game is going to become difficult against the new scows. But we're going to defend our place in the leading group dearly, let's face it. We just dropped the oilskins... summer is starting!" Anne Beaugé - Milai : « All is well on board of Milai, as everyone we imagine, we have more and more heat. Does everyone have so many squalls too?  They are starting to populate the sky and play with our route. A huge one, a mountain, with its black chimney, crossed 1 hour ago... Otherwise, we are writing to you from the Selvagem Islands -Wild Islands-? two small rocks, Portuguese?  Don't worry, we don't plan to stop there, but we would have seen them during the day, to have a small view of these curious mounds. There is still 901 MN to Cape Verde, and a depression that blocks the end of the road, grrr.... " Cedric Chateau - Seafrigo - Sogestran : "End of the weekend! No technical incidents or exotic maneuvers to deplore this weekend! Don't worry, it's not only in technical approximation that we have a low level, we also defend ourselves in approximate strategy! Because yes, in ambush of our technical setbacks, we did not expect to be so much out of line on the tactical options. The balance sheet is therefore quite heavy this weekend with quite a lot of ground lost on the whole of the fleet which is close to us. We are trying as much as we can to reposition ourselves in the fleet from our west positive according to the strong variations in the direction of this North-East flow which is pushing us towards Cape Verde. Answer soon... Apart from that, everything is going well on board, we're trying to get the machine moving, to control the fatigue points, to feed ourselves correctly, the atmosphere is good, the understanding perfect (yes yes) but to perfect this "idyllic" setting, we'll have to move up a few places !" Julia Virat - UP SAILING Unis pour la planète : "I've been asked to clarify what our current pace means: "we're sailing downwind at 10 knots towards the SW with between 12 and 20 knots of wind" (I'm being a real smart ass now, but remember that I had no idea what all that meant a year and a half ago!) Downwind: it's when the wind pushes us from behind, instead of going up in its direction. Translation: the panacea. We move forward much faster, the boat hits less because the waves go in the same direction as us and it heels less so life on board is a little more comfortable. Sometimes, we even have the chance to "surf" on the waves, we feel the accelerations and it's pure happiness! Going at 10 knots (19 km/h), it's pretty cool. A cruising boat never goes that fast. We are far from the records of what a Class40 can do (around 30 knots for the most modern boats... I decided that I wanted to do that in my life after having experienced a peak of 28 knots on @Ian Lipinski's boat :-D), but it still gives you the feeling of going fast and the pressure in the sails is great, you feel that things are happening and there is work to do on the sails to gain 1 or 2 knots, it's motivating. In short, when I say: we are sailing SW at 10 knots under spinnaker, life is good !" Olivier Magré - E. Leclerc - Ville- La-Grand : "The weather forecast for the next few days is rather favorable for us, tomorrow the latitude of the Azores, Tuesday Madeira and Wednesday the Canaries. There is some uncertainty for the area between the Canaries and Cape Verde due to a bubble that looks like an easterly wave ... in any case, we hope it will pass without too much damage! The sailors are fine, the boat is nice to live on (or rather we are getting used to it!) and the morale is good! " Calliste Antoine - Croatia Full of Life : "Still under spinnaker in an almost light wind between 9 and 12 knots NW. Tomorrow afternoon, we will pass the Canaries. On board we have time to sleep, long naps of several hours, the nights are always long but the moon soon full illuminates us well in the first part of the night. We finally took out the shorts today! I began to repair our torn big spinnaker with the means of the board, we hope not to have to send it back. Pn is slowly gaining ground on Milai but the slightest mistake makes us lose several hours of work (textile shackle of tack which explodes for example) The engine is definitively out of service for this end of race, we remain on the solar panels and the hydrogenerator for the electricity on board. » Simon Kervarrec - Samsic E. Leclerc :  "Today is Sunday, and Sunday is rest. So the program was sleeping in, brunch, aperitif, mami's roasted chicken, and tonight McDo was supposed to show the movie of the cineclub ! That's good ! It is straight in mode "a day without end". Well except the McDo we have almost everything ! Even Tom Cruise, who once again saves the widow and the orphan. Oh yes! And the aperitif was (once is not customary) without alcool ! " Enguerrand Granoux - Exploring Tech for Good : "So to tell you the truth, today was a great day due to two events! The first one being that we opened the "summer" compartment of our personal bags! And yes, we don't know what the weather is like at home, but here we can handle the breeze in shorts and T-shirt! The opportunity to wear for the first time sailing shirts flocked to the crew that we received on the pontoons before the departure! We add the silly thoughts "to put some sun cream" and "to rinse the solar panels" to our daily check-list... it smells good the south all that! The day was magnificent, we do not leave any more our spinnaker which is in position since the Finistère cape. Only the mainsail and my underpants have been in place for longer. A long swell pushes us and launches us in big melodious surfs! Melodious because the boat starts to sing in the acceleration of a soft high-pitched sound to which we are both addicted! This morning we also took "the heavy" decision to go to the west. It doesn't seem impressive like that but for us it was a complex decision because we had decided since our last race to privilege tactics over strategy. We had been taught that unless you are 100% sure of your choice it is the best decision. The only time we made a strategic choice that was a little different from the others was on the Sables-Horta race. We had already set off due west and we had been told about it for a long before trying again we tried to mature the decision with all the satellite means we had on board. I think that basically we have a little bit of an attacking side but we clearly lack experience. Finally, we are almost reassured because all the boats have finally left to the west... they are following us... the crazy ones..." Frans Budel - Sec Hayai : "Sunday was not a bad day. We didn't break anything, no repairs to do, just sailing and discussing the route to follow and how to improve our adrenaline management. A rather quiet day in fact. Oh yes, I also took a shower on the deck! I boiled some water and took a shower! The big moment of the day! We also called the house, to get some news and to learn that Max Verstappen finished second in the Grand Prix!" Antoine Carpentier -Redman : "My Pablo, my precious is the choice of the heart, but also the choice of performance and dedication. Since yesterday, the wind has eased, we thought we would have a little respite, but we didn't count on the whims of the wind, the wind has been very changeable in strength and direction (between 8 and 15 knots and in direction between north and 50°), in these conditions the choice of sails this Sunday was complicated. How to go to the Canaries and where to go to avoid being stuck in the wind of the islands? After many changes of sails which deprived us of a good sleep and a big "brain storming" we chose the spinnaker which allowed us to get back to the head of the fleet and decided to pass between Tenerife and Gran Canaria, like most of our companions on the road. There is always a competitor who stands out, I think of Volvo, who made us hesitate for a long time, they went west! We also passed between Selvagem Grande and Alto Island, two islands that look uninhabited, barely 100 nautical miles north of the Canaries. The moon is still shining on us, we are starting to see the clouds to the south, typical of the trade winds, it feels good to be surfing."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+7 : The mad week of the Class40 !]]> Sun, 14 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT Just 7 days ago, international basketball player Boris Diaw unleashed 79 wildcats to conquer the Transat Jacques Vabre 2021. 45 of these ocean racers belong to Class40, and if the wind conditions in the first part of the race proved to be the most tortuous, the absence of a big blow has also allowed the 12.19-meter monohull class to still have all of its plethora of boats in the race. Apart from the very heavy weather, the 90 men and women of the Class40 have experienced just about everything, to the point of generating a number of analogies with the Tour de Bretagne, the Solitaire du Figaro and even  Doldrums in the Iroise Sea. The majority of the favourites in the race were able to get away with it, avoiding tricky passages to quickly enter the Portuguese trade winds, which very quickly put them back into the hectic rhythm of the transatlantic race. The emulation between competitors often sailing on sight did the rest, and the astonishing performances of the latest generation boats have since burst into the open. With 320 miles sailed in the last 24 hours, the new leader of the Class, Banque du Léman (Koster - Gautier), can stand comparison with some Imocas without blushing. 7 Class40 among the most recent, the most optimized too, make up, after 1 400 miles of race swallowed since Le Havre, the leading group of the fleet. However, we deplore the absence of some so-called luxury outsiders, which we surprisingly find in the depths of the ranking. Serenis Consulting, with the duo Galfione-Péron, is in 39th place, 542 miles from the leader! Sébastien Audigane, associated with the 2019 Mini Transat winner François Jambou (Entrepreneurs pour la planète) is 32nd. 640 miles already separate the leaders from the last of the ranking, E.Leclerc Ville-la Grand of the Magré family. But all of them are now back to interesting closing speeds, mostly downwind, and following varied trajectories, with important (nearly 300 miles) East-West longitude gaps. Off Gibraltar, and while the Canary archipelago focuses a center of high pressure, they are a number, from Groupe G2C La Martinique (Criquioche-Baray) to Everial (Thuret-Crépel) and up to Inter Invest (Perrault - Moreaux) to reposition themselves in interesting ways, well offset in the Northeast of the 18 protagonists of the lead, while sliding in a strong Northeast wind. The crossing of the Canaries from this evening should offer us the unexpected and singular spectacle of a good number of Class40s investing the numerous options of passage offered by the islands of Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma, or El Hierro. Deviations, traffic, site effects, air holes, will perhaps favor an even larger grouping of a good half of the fleet. An unexpected scenario which, with 3200 miles to go, adds spice to a race that is definitely out of the ordinary. Performance of the day : With Banque du Léman (Gautier - Koster) and its gain of 4 places in the last few hours, with 269 miles (310on true course) covered in 24 hours, we praise the performance of Project Rescue Ocean (Tréhin-Denis) climbed back to 12th place with 304 miles covered on true course. Quotes of the day : UP SAILING United for the planet : Morgane Ursault-Poupon - Julia Virat  "The boat is now sailing at her favorite speed: downwind (the much coveted tailwind), at about ten knots. The conditions are ideal for daydreaming... We are still sailing from the west, but it's becoming more and more southerly and the temperatures are rising: it really feels like we are making progress. We settled in a rhythm with two which works well (with quite a lot of tiredness all the same because the naps allow less to recover than the real nights...) " Milai : Masa Suzuki - Anne Beaugé "We are like on a flying carpet! After the heavy seas of the last 2-3 days, sailing on an almost flat sea, just with a little swell, is like a flying carpet. As expected, the wind has died down to about 12 knots (with a few clouds but not very active) and most of the fleet is pointing south. It's a flying carpet race. Aladin has cramps in his back from steering with his head at 90 degrees to the body. To preserve himself, this tack will last 1078 miles .... ! " Redman : Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde "Today the sea has calmed down, as has the wind. We have just passed the Madeira archipelago, and the wind has gone from 20 knots to a mere 10 knots! The sea has flattened out, it's almost like being on a lake! Maybe that's why our Swiss friends are coming back on us at high speed! These last 24 hours have been rich in maneuvers and emotions, we have finally taken the lead of the fleet.  The road is still long, very long.  The day should be relatively simple, heading south, no change of tack, no change of sail, a wind that should stabilize around 10 knots with a direction that should not move too much.  Landscape level; we saw the first flying fish, the heat in the boat is pleasant, outside we still have to put on our little wool, but I think that in one or two days, we will be able to put away our fleeces for good." La Boulangère Bio : Amélie Grassi - Amélie Riou "Another great day of work today, slips and good atmosphere on board the Boulangère Bio. We are making knots in the brain on the road to follow, we decided to place ourselves a little bit more to the west than our colleagues these last hours and we are anxious to see what it is going to give (in the meantime we tie up to We can't wait to see what will happen (in the meantime, we're holding the whip to move the boat forward, which is not necessarily easy under spinnaker when there is still a little bit of sea as it was last night but the wind is weakening). Samsic E. Leclerc : Simon and Yannick Kervarrec "Everything is going well on board Samsic-E.Leclerc, the boat is progressing well, even if we have the unpleasant impression of being caught up by those behind without being able to do anything! Fortunately, to comfort ourselves (and like the 160 and the 115) we have lobster shells from the 2 stars chef Ronan Kervarrec. Yes yes, Kervarrec! Again a family history!  Otherwise, we arrive finally in the warm, and that it is pleasant. It is also the occasion to wash itself! That makes good after 6 days... " Vogue avec un Crohn : Pierre-Louis Attwell - Maxime Bensa "Life is getting milder on board Vogue with a Crohn's, it's getting warmer (or rather less cold). We are still under spinnaker since the end of the Bay of Biscay and that's great! We have been fighting against Fullsafe for a few days and despite our efforts, we are struggling to create significant gaps with them. They are tenacious these guys! Anyway, it's nice to have direct competition, it keeps the pressure on!  If not we did our first day "cool" with Maxime, a lot of autopilot, a lot of naps and nice surfs more or less mastered." Freedom : Thibaut Lefevere - Thomas Bulcke "What a pleasure to find the wind, to slide on the waves downwind with all sails out, to link gybes to stay in our wind corridor off Portugal. We even take pleasure in matosser (swinging 400 kg of material from one side to the other of the boat) as long as it is not to get out of an air hole and other windless areas. The nights are milder because we have been cold and the stars are more present which makes the night watches more pleasant. You will have understood that the morale is good on board! We had 3 days of Murphy's law (sequence of problems, the more the merrier). Not the perfect start of the race from a sport point of view but we are super motivated to catch up with our friends. Fortunately this TJV offers us already so many intense moments, surpassing ourselves, landscapes and magical moments that we can only realize how lucky we are to be where we are (even if two days ago while looking for the oars we wondered if we would arrive in Martinique in 2021). " Croatia full of life : Ivica Kostelic - Calliste Antoine "We sailed all night with the small spinnaker. We waited for the wind to drop before sending the big spinnaker. It's the only one we have left and we have to take it easy. The "dead" spinnaker is in the morgue and Calliste is going to try a Frankenstein operation to bring it back to life. We have a small problem of gas oil supply on the engine. We're going to avoid using it and we'll rely on our solar panels and the hydro-generator."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+6 : On the heels of the Vikings !]]> Sat, 13 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT What a fight ! What a pugilism ! What a showdown !  Under the envious eyes of Ian Lipinski and Julien Pulvé, unleashed at the helm of their Crédit Mutuel to get back in touch, 6 Class40s are tearing each other apart with great gusto, approaching one of the three "chicanes" of their specific course, the one prefigured by the archipelago of Madeira, a prelude to the two other chains of islands, the Canaries and Cape Verde. In the footsteps of  the Vikings Alexis Loison and Nicolas Jossier, undoubtedly excited by the red and gold colors of their Plantagenet flag, Redman (Carpentier-Santurde), Edenred (Le Roch-Quiroga), Lamotte Module Création (Berry-Nebout), Banque du Léman (Gautier - Koster) and Volvo (Gerckens-Hantzperg) are hard at work, looking for the opening, harassing the almost historical leader (4 days in the lead!) of the event. In the end, suspense is overwhelming and the performances wareas enough to make the most sophisticated of the Imoca boats blush, with over 300 miles covered in 24 hours for many of these not so "small" Class40s!  From Cape Finisterre to Madeira, the fleet of 45 Class40 boats is still intact, telling stories of unique seascapes from one ranking to the next. A big fight in the lead between the latest generation boats, a positioning war in the middle of the fleet between Cape Saint Vincent and Cape Finisterre, for the duos stubbornly determined not to be left behind, and more or less controlled wanderings for a handful of boats struggling with the high pressures and which have not yet reached the latitude of La Coruña, on the western tip of Spain. Jean Galfione and Eric Péron (Serenis Consulting) are, alas, among those, who were expected to be fighting at the front. The high pressure has, for the time being, got the better of their western visions, materialized by the rapid approach of a powerful Atlantic low synonymous with salvation.  From Simon and Yannick Kervarrec (Samsic E. Leclerc), to Pierre-Louis Attwell and Maxime Benda (Vogue avec un Crohn), via Jean Pierre Balmes and Laurent Camprubi (Fullsave), Stan Thuret and Mathieu Crépel (Everial), satisfaction reigns, to have, at the price of a beautiful deployment of energy, hooked onto the Portuguese trade wind. Gliding along under large downwind sails is on the agenda for the next few days, punctuated by the ever crucial choices of when to gybe. And the rankings highlight the great performances of the day by Legallais (Pierre Casenave-Péré and Kevin Bloch), 8th this morning, ten miles ahead of British sailing legend Brian Thompson and Alister Richardson on Tquila. Nicolas D'Estais and Erwan Le Draoulec (Emile Henry-Happyvore) are shadowing them, along with the 100% female crew of La Boulangère Bio of Amélie Grassi and Marie Riou, at ease in their Transat, as evidenced by their words of the night (see below). To each his own adventure and to each his own voyage ! Georges Guiguen and Morgann Pinson, aboard the very first Class40 and its historic N°1, are logically closing the gap, on the way to the inside of the Finisterre DST, pushing like a shepherd his flock towards more pleasant pastures... Quotes of the day : Milai :Anne Beauté - Masa Suzuki  "Everything is going well on board Milai. We dug into our reserves a bit when we passed Cape Finisterre, where we gybed a lot and spent the day chasing each other with our friends, the Legallais pro hardware guys, and then re-entering the Portuguese trade winds, gybing again and changing sails! But it's great, the boat is whirring, whistling and if it doesn't reach the amazing speeds of the scows, we're keeping quite good averages. The temperature is well up, the air is humid and we are already very hot when we put the spinnaker inside. We almost lost a spinnaker in the water today, the end of the sock having burst open, it started to open anyhow. It is not good to have socks a little too small! A good warning before entering the Atlantic trade winds. The Portuguese trade winds really look like the antechamber of their big Atlantic brother, more disciplined perhaps, more stable and greyer. This is the beginning of the great ski slope! And, there are already little flying fishes! "  Redman : Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde "What a day or should I say what a last 48 hours! The rhythm is high! The atmosphere on board is great, but I don't see how it could go wrong with Pablo? The boat is going fast on a rather short sea (the waves are quite close) and therefore quite regularly she sees her speed drop from 23 knots to 12 knots in a second...  these scows are great but you shouldn't put their nose in the water ! To illustrate this, imagine that you are in a bus and, unluckily, you have come across a driver who is driving in fits and starts, going from 50 km to 20 km by stepping on the brake, then he starts again at full throttle, to brake again to start again and so on. Except that in this bus, you need to cook and it's a real joke! You have to brush your teeth, sleep, get dressed .... In short, all these daily gestures that seem to be insignificant become a real hassle! To close to the head of the fleet, we had to steer, steer, steer and, as there are only two of us on board, I let you do the calculation that makes a lot of hours of steering each one: 20 hours for Pablo and 4 for me, LOL... in fact, it's sweaty. So, the time of availability we sleep, we eat, we study the weather. Steering for twelve hours requires a great concentration and forces us to sleep more. » Vicitan : Didier Le Vourch - Olivier Delrieu "Everything is going well on board. We hit a beam this afternoon under spinnaker at about 8/10 knots. It hit the hull and broke in two on the starboard rudder. The rudder is fine. We didn't inspect the hull  but everything looks OK. We spent an hour  changing the dyneema of the rudder return which had broken cleanly under the impact before setting off again. In 24 years of professional sailing, Didier had never seen that! Probably more fear than harm, but a lot of fear all the same. We are sailing along Spain and its cargo ships and our morale is good. » Sec Hayai - Frans Budel-Ysbrand Endt « Another day spent looking for the wind, which is why we were a bit frustrated. Often we thought we had found it, but it disappeared again. And so the search continued. Last night was not different, except that this time we were accompanied by many dolphins. We are currently skirting the Spanish coast, gybing to accompany the wind rotation and we continue to look for where the most pressure is. Frans and I are getting better and better into the rhythm and we are settling into our daily routine. » Vogue avec un Crohn : Pierre-Louis Attwell - Maxime Bensa "Last night we worked pretty well! Good surfs under spinnaker, all lit by the Atlantic moon which seems to open the way for us.  Even if we have a little bit of pain in the shoulder from steering non stop, we are happy.  We saw our first flying fish on the deck! It's a good sign, we are in the right direction! » La Boulangère Bio : Amélie Grassi -Marie Riou  « Great shape on board the Boulangère Bio. The sea is well formed these last few hours, it's not bad.  For us, it's the pool on board... same for the others I guess. The slides are really nice, we take advantage of the surfs while thinking of the continuation which looks like still quite twisted, it is going to be long this race! Fortunately we love being at sea so it's not a problem to spend time there (provided that we spend a little less time than the others of course...) " UP SAILING United for the planet : Morgane Ursault-Poupon - Julia Virat "Today on board UP SAILING, we set the spinnaker. Last night was more rock'n roll, upwind in 20 knots of wind, reefed and slackened; we even almost put the staysail on but as we knew that it was going to ease off and ease off (in this context it means that the wind turns from upwind to downwind), we didn't get upset. The boat was well managed, for our greatest happiness, we finally found sporty conditions, we had missed it!  Now the upwind is over, we are downwind for a long time. All day long, the 200 square meters of pink sail illuminated the sky, which had taken on beautiful gray hues. The rudders are whistling, the silver sea is undulating with a long and steady westerly swell, and we are gliding south. These conditions are really cool. Of course you could say that it is too soft (which is not wrong), but for me at the moment, given the conditions of the previous days, I find that these 10/15 knots of wind downwind is still class. It is important to remember that such conditions are extremely rare in sailing. Because beyond the fantasies, it's often difficult to sail. Between phases with too much or too little wind, technical problems, mutinies (not to mention the price it costs!!!). In short, a lot can happen on the water, sailing is not easy every day. But here I can tell you that we are in Paradise! And that's why we love it, because the moments of grace are priceless, yes you will have understood: I love being at sea, it's my Universe . No, no, don't worry, I don't forget that we are in a race and that's not why we are just sitting around. With Julia we are thinking hard, brains are heating up and muscles too. » Damages… Message from Ivica Kostelic (Croatia Full life) "The main spinnaker just broke in 25 knots (46 km/h) of wind. We have a second spare main spinnaker as we were expecting this one to break. For the moment we are staying under spinnaker, until the wind drops (tomorrow). We will try to repair this torn spinnaker as much as possible (Calliste is getting used to it). We only regret that it broke in the first part of the race." Project rescue Ocean back in the race After an express stop of 4 hours in Cascais to repair its damaged rudder, the Class40 Project Rescue Ocean started racing again yesterday at 16:38![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+5 : Skimming and stretching]]> Fri, 12 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT At the end of 5 days of a race with a totally unpredictable scenario, the  45 Class40s strong fleet is stretching from the Bay of Biscay to the latitude of Lisbon. The favorites of the race, with a few exceptions as they are so many in this growing class, now occupy the places of honor and are having a great time in this trade wind known as the Portuguese trade wind, which is very much oriented to the North and which imposes a lot of tacks downwind. The high pressure system, which has been blocking the fleet's route since they entered the Atlantic, is crashing against the western tip of the Iberian Peninsula, and once again subjecting the Class40s to the torments of being parked next to the rocks of Galicia. The bottleneck of Cape Finisterre and its DST is thus a lifesaver for a large number of competitors struggling to hang on to the last miasmas of the northerly wind, while a small gruppetto that has gone west is also going to be flirting with a new center of high pressure coming up from the Azores. Now scattered over nearly 400 miles of latitude, the Class40 fleet is experiencing contrasting fates; squalls to the north, downwind slips to the south. The rich are getting richer, according to the well-known sailing adage, and a small group in which many of the event's favorites can be recognized is whipping along in a small corridor of wind compressed by the high pressure system. In the wake of the impressive Alexis Loison and Nicolas Jossier (La Manche #EvidenceNautique), five of the fleet's top sailors are hard at work to get the best out of their recent boats, which are cut out to match the day's pace. The Mach 40.4 Banque du Léman (Koster-Gautier) and Edenred (Le Roch-Quiroga), the Max 40 Volvo (Gerkens-Hantzperg) and the other Mach 40.4 Redman with the Franco-Spanish duo Carpentier - Santurde, at over 15 knots vmg, are making the gap. A gap that Ian Lipinski and Julien Pulvé (Crédit Mutuel) are trying to fill. Including Avanade (Cauwe-Bonnier), there are 18 boats in less than 120 miles, surfing along Portugal. The race against the clock and the establishment of the calms of the anticyclone on the tip of Galicia is launched for the Kervarrec family, father and son (Samsic- E. Leclerc), side by side with Jean Edouard Criquioche and Eric Baray from Martinique (Groupe G2C - La Martinique) who are aiming for a mouse hole to manage to slide south. On the other hand, we are worried about the sailboats still struggling with the Bay of Biscay, and that the high pressure is definitely not letting go, Rennes.Saint-Malo/Rêves (Hulin- Bachmann), the Canadians of Stormtech (Barkey-Schaffer) or Lenzi - Lanternes de Paris (Duchatelet - Renouard). In the West, something new. A small group of Class40s, including one of the often-heralded outsiders, Serenis Consulting (Galfione-Péron), has managed to get a westerly wind and is about to round Cape Finisterre far offshore. Less traffic for these daredevils, but the heavy threat of the High pressure which is moving up on their route. Unless, as Clara Fortin and Martin Louchart (Randstad -Ausy) and Seb Audigane and François Jambou (Entrepreneurs pour la planète) are doing, they manage to slip through the narrow corridor of wind that remains to the west of the DST.  In short, the wind is blowing south, sometimes at more than 20 knots, with a threat of calm to the north. The fleet will continue to stretch throughout the day, to the point where it may split into two groups of almost equal size, one in the trade winds, the other in the calm. Vintage !  Four Class40s deserve the vintage appellation, and will engage in their own personal challenge in the heart of the Transat. They are naturally the venerable N°1, Terre Exotique of Georges Guiguen and Morgann Pinson, the 30 UP SAILING Unis pour la planète of Morgane Ursault-Poupon and Julia Virat, the 44 SEC HAYAI of dutchmen Frans Budel and Ysbrand Endt, and finally the 103 G2C GROUPE - La Martinique of Jean Edouard Criquioche and Eric Baray. Damage : The Class40 Project Rescue Ocean is heading to Cascais for a technical stopover.Since Thursday morning, 8:45 am, the boat is indeed affected by a breakage at the level of the ball joint and the high fitting of the starboard rudder. After having considered a technical stop in a Portuguese port further north, Axel Tréhin and Frédéric Denis managed to carry out a makeshift repair allowing them to benefit from the strong wind for longer. They are planning an express repair in Cascais and a return to the race as soon as possible. UFO for Everial Stan Thuret and Mathieu Crépel hit an Unidentified Floating Object last night. A structural part of a rudder is broken. The two Everial sailors have made a makeshift repair that seems to be holding. The race goes on, with always this unfailing good mood displayed by the young duo!  Quotes of the day : Pierre Louis Attwell - Vogue avec un Crohn "Finally double digit speeds! It's been a long time!  This long crossing of the Gulf of Gascony will at least have allowed us to have real long nights without turning around a rock.  We are back to our favorite passion tonight with the passage of the Finistère cape, tacking between the coast and the dst and trying to catch the air flow which is escaping from the south.  We hope to widen the gap with our pursuers and reduce the gap between us and our friends in front." Maxime Cauwe - Avanade "After a day and an early night almost perfect downwind with wind (especially!!) things are getting a little (a lot!) the routings suggested the western option with 24 hours advance to Sal on the eastern option, but a lot of road and sea conditions that can slow down the boats, so in the end we take the risk not to go. This leaves us with the East option, and again, there was a choice of East or West from the DST, we took the West because the door to the East looked like it was closing, but given the positions of the guys this morning, it gives a little taste of regret!" Emmanuel Le Roch - Edenred "It's going well, everything is going well, we're under spinnaker, it's sliding well, it was a bit hot earlier because the wind came up well but now it's fine. We are in the leading group, we cross at each gybe, we talk on the VHF. We crossed paths with Luke at 1 mile from the gybe, with Volvo and Banque du Léman at 200 meters. The beginning of the race was difficult the first two days. We had to deal with some big crossings with the tides in the Channel. We found our rhythm on board, we have the speed compared to the others and Pierre is making good trajectories so everything is going well. There is a lot of wind along Portugal, the idea is to stay in this wind band. The idea is to be well placed in relation to the others in the fleet, we are faster than Luke and Achille (Lamotte-Module Creation) and Alexis and Nicolas (Lamotte #EvidenceNautique), we want to pass them. There are transition zones to come and everything is not yet clear, in two days everything can come back from behind. As long as we can gain we're not going to shy away!" Luke Berry - Lamotte Module Creation "Another intense day yesterday. In addition to our spinnaker falling into the water, we had a pilot problem that resulted in a very big start on the wind. We were a bit afraid for the equipment and especially the spinnaker but we managed to put everything back in order and repair what had to be repaired... the sea is forming quite well and we have a good 22-25 knots which gives an advantage to our friends scows. Moreover, we had a fish in the keel all night long and it made the boat vibrate as soon as we exceeded 16 knots. We had to wait for the day to see it with the camera under the boat. We try to rest but it changes the 1st days without wind with the boat which did not tap. I must have had a good blackout during one of my naps because Achille apparently took several minutes to wake me up and I was asking where I was and where we were going like that." Seb Audigane - Entrepreneurs pour la Planète : "Everything is going well on board despite the ranking, however we still haven't solved our windvane problem. Since leaving the port of Le Havre, we have no information about the wind, direction or strength. We don't know why, it was working fine. My wool strands installed on the shroud are working well but do not indicate precise figures for the wind angle".[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+4 : the big guns are back on track]]> Thu, 11 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT After the incredible "marasmic" episode of the first three days of racing, and with the return of the wind from the East, the 45 Class40s still racing have, for the most part, regained speeds and performances in line with their capabilities, and have resumed a course in line with the demands of the competition. And in this context of "normality", the big guns, the big names, the favorites have been eager to show their nose, often rounded ones,  to the front. Approaching Cape Finisterre and its tricky Traffic Separation Scheme cluttered with cargo ships, the Normans Alexis Loison and Nicolas Jossier continue to delight their supporters, led by their coach Benoit Charron. They are leading the way ahead of all the favorites, and there are many of them in this highly competitive Class40. We find the "big names" Berry-Nebout (Lamotte Module Création), Le Roch - Quiroga (Edenred), Gerkens-Hantzperg (Volvo) and the Swiss duo Gautier-Koster (Banque du Léman) grouped together within fifteen miles. Axel Tréhin and Frédéric Denis, who made one of the best progresses of the night, have brought their Project Rescue Ocean from 30th to 6th place. As one can see, the big guys are hard at play to tackle the tricky descent along Portugal and take advantage of this narrow corridor of wind surrounded by high pressure off the Iberian Peninsula. It's time for the big dance and the waltz of gybes under spinnaker! With the return to the forefront of the potentially fastest boats in the fleet, we are once again praising the fine performance of the older boats Tquila (Richardson-Thompson - 2014) and Milai (Beaugé-Suzuki - 2011), which we did not expect to see at this stage of the race. We can also see the pride of the fast boats that have been trapped for too long by the calms at the tip of Finistère, and which are now putting a lot of energy into their machines to get back in touch with the leaders. Redman (Carpentier - Santurde), Crosscall (Ducroz -Sineau) and Crédit Mutuel (Lipinski-Pulvé) are not fooling around but are doing what is necessary, at an average speed of 12 or 13 knots on the road, to come and play with their little comrades at the front. The leaders of the fleet are now teasing the latecomers in the Imoca Class. While the majority of the fleet is enjoying some nice slips under spinnaker and on flat seas, there are still a number of them who are not enjoying these privileges. From Entrepreneurs pour la planète (Audigane-Jambou), 30th this morning to Rennes Saint Malo Rêves (Hugin-Bachmann) 44th, they are still struggling to get out of the vast tongue of high pressure which, at the rear of the fleet of this Transat Jacques Vabre, is still languishing across the Bay of Biscay. Finally, a word about the western breakaways. The American-British tandem Mehran-Owen (Polka Dot), the only boat in the whole fleet, including multihulls, to have crossed to the other side of the ridge of high pressure, is struggling to put its option into practice. Positioned 27th this morning, the duo is facing the edge of a strong oceanic low, for the smallest gain in approach of the whole fleet, with only 195 miles covered in the last 24 hours. Performance of the day : Project Rescue Ocean (Axel Tréhin-Frédéric Denis) 244 miles covered in 24 hours, at an average of nearly 11 knots, and a stunning comeback from 30th to 6th place. The duo of the day: Improbable, and so endearing, the duo of the Norman Calliste Antoine and the Croatian alpine ski champion Ivica Kostelic (Croatia full of life), author of an excellent start of the race; " We are proud of our performance so far. Being in the top 12 after 4 days of racing in the Transat Jacques Vabre is beyond our expectations » Quotes of the day : Luke Berry - Lamotte Module Creation "Hello. We are hoping for some northerly winds with the Portuguese trade winds to come down after Cape Finistere. Otherwise, it's a bit cool at night but it's ok. We ate well, we were able to start doing real watches and try to recover a little from these first days of racing. We saw lots of marine animals, dolphins, tuna and even a whale." Antoine Carpentier - Redman  "It's good not to hear the sails flapping for lack of pressure... it was hard to see the competitors from the west take off at the same time as us, but we're not going to complain. The Bay of Biscay will have passed quickly and this, in an absolute comfort, we did not even put the oilskins, not a drop on the deck, nor of rain. Only happiness. We can see that the Manuard plans have done the housework well, it must be said that, even if the swell was quite big, the angle that we had with the waves was not embarrassing for beautiful accelerations without planting the bow at the bottom of the surf ... The dolphins left us when the wind returned. On the sporting side, we are hanging on even if the leaders are still far away, the sea seems to be smoothing out a bit, the wind remains quite unstable in strength and direction, which makes sailing demanding: we have to constantly change the settings of the sails and the pilot to stay fast." Manu Le Roch -Edenred "Hello! Soon the Finisterre Cape is approaching! Nice day on board Edenred. Initially unstable, the wind has gradually settled in, giving us our first nice slides! We are delighted to be back at double-digit speeds! We crossed the Imoca group Setin this morning, which makes us say that our Class 40 are really fast! It's great to see the rankings, it gives us a boost! See you soon!" Mathieu Crépel - Everial "We started to touch the wind heir dan sua day. Nice night. We slid well under spinnaker at the beginning with 10-15 knots of wind that started to turn a little. We went back under gennaker. We are making good progress. Stan still hasn't opened any packages of candy, a good indicator of the atmosphere. We hope to pass Cape Finisterre during the day, so that we can deal with the daytime freighters... "[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+3 : the time is now !]]> Wed, 10 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT The wind is now, the speed id now, the Transat is now ! Or at least according to the weather files, the Class40 competitors are imitating the night-time escape of the other three classes towards Spain. The expected easterly wind is beginning to show for the leaders of the 12.19 m boats, La Manche #EvidenceNautique (Jossier-Loison), Volvo (Gerkens-Hantzperg) and Lamotte Module Création (Berry-Nebout), who are going to gain a nice lead over the main part of the fleet, which is still grappling with the desperate calms south of Audierne Bay. Last to enter the Atlantic, the fleet of 45 Class40s in this 15th Transat Jacques Vabre has had three somewhat "lunar", esoteric, timeless and totally unexpected days! A few rocky approach in the Breton and Normandy currents, similar to a Solitaire du Figaro, a leaden atmosphere in the spirit of a polar doldrums, and the torments of untimely current reversals, for a desperatly slow gain on the long road to Martinique. 355 miles covered on the road since Sunday for the leaders of the day, the Normans Nicolas Jossier and Alexis Loison (La Manche#EvidenceNautique). A true misery! While the three other classes in the race, Ultimes, Ocean Fifty and Imoca, are having a great time in an easterly wind that is strengthening at the western tip of Spain, the Class40s are only beginning to feel the pressure in their sails. The trajectories are getting tighter with the increase of the speeds and one by one, the protagonists of the Class will finally have the sweet feeling to really start their transatlantic race.  However, a selection has been made during these three days and we find without surprise a number of favorites at the front. However, outsiders are showing off in these expected struggles, and we are pleased to note the presence of the Franco-Japanese duo Anne Beaugé - Masa Suzuki (Milai) or the British of Tquila, Brian Thompson associated with Alister Richardson. And what about the breakaways in the West? The only boat of the entire fleet to have chosen the western route, bypassing the DST of Ushant by the North, the American-British duo of Polka Dot, Alex Mehran Jr. and Merfyn Owen, is in 9th position and is undoubtedly provoking the incredulity of their peers. Will it pass? Will it not? In any case, the move deserves to be praised. Hats off Gentlemen! Chapeau bas, Messieurs! Stretched out over a hundred miles, with the 100% female duo Morgane Ursault-Poupon - Julia Virat (UP SAILING Unites for the Planet) at the back, the fleet remains relatively compact in view of the 4,300 miles still to go. The deliverance is close for these protagonists, and this fourth day will finally take an offshore turn, with open seas, speed and sailing and strategic performances. Quotes of the day: Maxime Cauwe (Avanade): "We forgot the bread, it could have been worse. iIm a taker of your recipes for sandwiches without bread!" Emmanuel Le Roch (Edenred) "Hello ! Here the Red boys or rather the EDENRED boys ! Since Sein, we've been enjoying sailing again after this complicated descent of the English Channel. The wind is not strong but we are exploiting the slightest wind to gain the slightest meter. We are on top of it all. The weather is mild, hardly humid. The starry sky and the dolphins have been with us since last night...what else?" Antoine Carpentier (Redman) "Third day of racing and third day under the lead gennaker! Since the start, we had to sail under J1 for about ten hours at the start and we did two hours of spinnaker sailing, which was not very conclusive in the light air last night. The lateral gaps are starting to be significant! The wind is disconcertingly unstable, both in strength and direction, which puts us to the test! We are constantly working on the boat, we play with the remote control of the pilot and the adjustments of the sails. The sails flap for lack of wind quite often, which makes life on board quite uncomfortable." Duo of the day: Baptiste Hulin - Christophe Bachmann - Rennes.Saint-Malo/Rêves After the announcement of the dismasting of Bureau Vallée, Baptiste Hulin and Christophe Bachmann wanted to make a small video to support Louis Burton around the world and Davy Beaudart.  The sailors of Rennes.Sain-Malo / Rêves are thinking about them. Performance of the day : Polka Dot -Alex Mehran Jr. - Merfyn Owen : Ranked 42nd as they approached the Ushant DST, the two men are this morning in ... 9th position.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+2 : The Class40s struggling in the Channel]]> Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT With less than 250 miles sailed in 44 hours this morning, the 45 Class40s participating in the 15th Transat Jacques Vabre are reduced to begging, begging the wind to give them a few light breezes, and begging Neptune to put an end to the power of the currents that are forcing the duos to go backwards countless times from the tip of the Cotentin peninsula, and forcing them to draw incredible arabesques on a perfectly still stretch of water.  From the Héaux de Bréhat to the Iroise Sea, the Class40 fleet is languishing in desperate search of the slightest wind. The Normans Nicolas Jossier and Alexis Loison (La Manche#Evidence nautique) are entering the Atlantic thanks to a nice economy of maneuvers and backward steps, at least in comparison with some competitors. After the pebbles of the Côtes d'Armor, they are now passing the beaches of Finistère this morning, with some of the favourites of the event in their wake, including Ian Lipinski and Julien Pulvé (Crédit Mutuel) and Axel Tréhin and Frédéric Denis (Project Rescue Ocean), who have managed to get out of the Channel. Of course the gaps are small but the fleet is stretching this morning from the island of Batz to the Crozon peninsula. The courses are getting tighter, thanks to a light westerly breeze, which the duos are immediately taking advantage of to progress due south. The bill for the latecomers, and we think of Morgane Ursault-Poupon and Julia Virat (UP SAILING Unis pour la planète) and Clara Fortin and Martin Louchard (Randstad-Ausy) still struggling with the currents west of Batz, could increase by the hour.  The Bay of Biscay, still blocked by the high pressure, should become more lively by mid-day under the effect of the SSE flow. In this perspective, the fleet will remain as close as possible to the coast of Brittany, taking advantage of favorable currents to pass through the Raz de Sein, before heading off on port tack towards Cape Finisterre, and really launching this exceptionally strange Transat Jacques Vabre. What if Polkat Dot? The American Alex Mehran and the British naval architect Merfyn Owen (Polka Dot) are, for the moment, the only crew of the whole fleet, all classes included, to tempt fate by passing north of the DST of Ushant. The routings indicate the existence of a tiny hole in the west, which the two men seem to be inclined to seek out, by facing the front circulating on the distant Atlantic with gusto and upwind sailing. An extremely bold move to be observed over the next few hours, and the results of which will not be seen until next night, or even tomorrow morning.... The crew of the day : Clara Fortin and Martin Louchard (Ranstad-Ausy) stopped overnight for 4 hours in Roscoff to fix an electronic problem.  Performance of the day : Equipe Voile Parkinson - Florian Gueguen - Raphael Auffret. Back in the currents of the Raz Blanchard after an speedy stop in Cherbourg, Florian and Raphael managed to get back to the rear of the fleet last night. This morning, they appeared in 41st place. "We had broken our bowsprit, which allows us to send our spinnaker, during the tack to Etretat. It broke in two. Without this part, we can not consider continuing the race. Our whole team worked hard all night to get the part in Lorient. Everything is back in order. The goal for us is to go back hunting." They said: Banque du Léman, Valentin Gautjier - Simon Koster : " Amazing sailing (Laughs). Not easy to sail upwind in less than 10 knots, with our hulls built for speed; we sailed well at the start! Less good night with knitting in the currents. We are fighting to stay in contact." Sébastien Audigane, Entrepreneurspour la Planète  "Well, we are not dumb as a post, but to tell you the truth, since the start we have not had much time to write to you and hardly any time to sleep... In short, after a night of "shit" in no wind and current, it's the same for everyone, we're not giving up. There will be other reversals. » Gwen Gbick, HBF Reforestation : "I'm picking up some salad for lunch! It looks like there is some seaweed in the rudders.... "  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH, D+1 : buffet stop in the Channel Islands]]> Mon, 08 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT It is a compact fleet - Team Voile Parkinson of Florian Gueguen and Raphael Auffret now at the level of La Hague after their departure from Cherbourg, bowsprit repaired - which is buffering since sunrise in the currents of the Channel Islands, between Jersey and Guernsey. The Class40s are almost all at a standstill, and some are even going backwards, as the current is stronger than the light wind that remains in the Channel. The scenario announced at the start in Le Havre yesterday at 1:27 pm became a reality for the 45 duos.  The crossing of the Bay of Seine was fast, with a north-westerly wind, and each crew tried to stay in contact with the leaders, among whom one could admire the great performance of La Boulangère Bio and its 100% female crew, Marie Riou and Amélie Grassi, who were demonstrating skill and determination all the way to the Cotentin peninsula. "We didn't put any pressure on ourselves, we set off as if we were in a dinghy race," explained Amélie Grassi in the early hours of the morning as she knitted her way around the rocks. If the favorites, Redman (Carpentier-Santurde), Crosscall (Ducroz-Sineau) or Project Rescue Ocean (Tréhin-Denis) are well present in the lively animation of this beginning of Transat, the Normans are also demonstrating what playing at home means. Nicolas Jossier and Alexis Loison (La Manche #Evidence nautique) are sailing in a "garden" that they know by heart and they are paving the way for the fleet as they negotiate the passage under Guernsey.  The fleet is now trapped and suffering from the currents blocking the course of their Class40s. « Ca flap flap flap" as Luke Berry (Lamotte-Module Création) describes it with a touch of humour and fatalism, contemplating his sails slumped by the lack of wind. There is little hope of taking off again before midday, when a light westerly flow will finally come to reinflate the Class40s' sails. The calm conditions will be followed by upwind sailing,  prelude to the fateful moment when the boats will have to choose their route to enter the Atlantic. Full west, upwind in strong winds, or south west, as close as possible to the direct route in the light airs of the Bay of Biscay? Routing and grey matter are in full swing on this first morning of the Transat Jacques Vabre as the sailors fight against the flow. 8,200 km remain to be sailed before the Martinique beaches.  The crew of the day: Equipe Voile Parkinson Florian Gueguen and Raphael Auffret left Cherbourg at 6 am this morning after a four-hour stopover Since then, they have been facing the terrible currents of the Raz Blanchard. The performance of the day In the calm and facing the adverse currents, it is the crew of Samsic E. Leclerc, from the Kervarrec family, Simon the son and Yannick the father who, with 21,6 miles covered in the last 4 hours, are doing the best...[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJVNLH: Class40, 40 reasons to follow it!]]> Sat, 06 Nov 2021 00:00:00 GMT It may not be the class of all the superlatives that ocean racing often feasts on, but Class40 ticks all the boxes that have made the magic of ocean sailing for over 40 years. Mixed, internationalization, high technology, but also human adventure, sometimes family stories, it concentrates quite an astonishing diversity of sporting and sailing experiences, from Olympism to the purest amateur. With 45 units at the start next Sunday, it offers not only the number but the absolute diversity of maritime experiences, welded by a powerful conviction of its coherence, its legibility. Far from technological and budgetary gigantism, the Class40 blossoms in sporting fairness, with an exponential level of performance, in accessibility and in the controlled development of its technologies. For all these reasons, it offers race after race, single-handed, crewed or short-handed, all the ingredients of suspense, upheaval and the unknown that have built the legends of the great ocean crossings. It writes for each of her sailors slices of majestic adventures for which sentimental crowds inevitably flock to each transatlantic departure. At the great rendezvous of pure emotion, there is something for every taste. Choose your flavor. Family affairs "I knew very quickly that I would participate in my next Transat Jacques Vabre with my father".  Simon Kervarrec, 22 years old, embarks his father, Yannick (Leclerc Samsic N°141). They are three father / son tandems, to set off towards Martinique in Class40 and thus make this race an extraordinary family adventure. And when it comes to complementarity, the father-son relationship is without equal: "I spent a good number of years on cargo ships, so I mastered navigation," explains Jean-Jacques Le Borgne (Recycleurs Bretons -Navaleo N°88). His son Kieran is more familiar with the new models of fittings and the technological part. The Magré family duo also affirms it: "On board, my father has a very good knowledge of offshore sailing" explains Antoine Magré (E. Leclerc Ville La Grand N°160), "I am more involved in maneuvers and weather analysis". Trust, respect and, yes, let's say it, love, seal unique complicities on board the Class40s of the Transat. The women too "It is an objective that we are looking for with the project, to create 100% female crews and to give ourselves the means to perform". Amélie Grassi forms with Marie Riou (La Boulangère Bio N°170) one of the three women's tandems engaged in the Class40 race. The declared objective is to perform with a 100% female crew. Morgane Ursault-Poupon and Julia Virat on UP Sailing N°30 share this ambition, while the twins Julia and Jeanne Courtois (Saint James Biscuiterie de l'Abbaye N°139) are setting off for the first time on this transatlantic race. They are the winners of the "Cap pour Elle" program, supported by the Transat Jacques Vabre and Saint-James, aimed at encouraging a new female crew. Anne Baugé will share the helm of Milai (101) with Japanese sailor Masa Suzuki, while Canadian Mélodie Schaffer will take part in the ocean race with her compatriot Ryan Barkey on Stormtech N°128. Clara Fortin is also teaming up with a fellow countryman, Martin Louchart from Normandy, for a more than initiatory transatlantic race aboard Randstad-Ausy (N°155). In total, 8 women among the 90 sailors in the Class. Contrasting ambitions At the start of a transatlantic race as demanding as the Jacques Vabre, with such  strong entries, the ambitions are naturally as varied as the number of crews. Among the contenders for victory in Martinique, the names of Banque du Léman (Valentin Gautier - Simon Koster N°159), Serenis Consulting (Jean Galfione - Eric Péron N°163), and Crédit Mutuel (Ian Lipinski - Eric Péron N°163) are all in the running, in no particular order of preference, as the battle between the most recent and the latest generation of yachts promises to be fierce, Crédit Mutuel (Ian Lipinski - Julien Pulvé N°158), Crosscall (Aurélien Ducroz - David Sineau N°166), Lamotte Module Création (Luke Berry - Achille Nebout N°153), Project Rescue Ocean (Frédéric Denis - Axel Tréhin N°162), or Redman (Antoine Carpentier - Pablo Santurde N°161), Volvo (Jonas Gerckens Benoit Hantzperg N°164)...  A number of top outsiders are knocking on the door of this antechamber of victory, such as Edenred (Emmanuel Le Roch/Pierre Quiroga N° 165), La Manche #EvidenceNautique (Nicolas Jossier and Alexis Loison N°154) or Seafrigo - Sogestran (Cédric Chateau/Jérémie Mion N°172), the Max40 La Boulangère Bio (Amélie Grassi/Marie Riou) or the Clak40 Emile Henry Happyvore, of Nicolas d'Estais and Erwan Le Draoulec N°167, Entrepreneurs for the Planet (Audigane -Jambou N°151)... . En route to the great adventure of a lifetime... A major competition, a complex and demanding transatlantic race (4800 miles), this Jacques Vabre 2021 will also be the baptism of oceanic fire for a number of sailors in Class40, like Renaud Courbon and Guillaume Pirouelle (Clown Hop N°133). Ivica Kostelic, like Jean Galfione, has been on the Olympic and world podium in his specialty, Alpine skiing. The Jacques Vabre will be his first crossing. From the snow to the sea, Mathieu Crépel, professional snowboarder, shares the same universe and the same approach as Ivica. His thirst for adventure led him to Stan Thuret's Everial (N°147). Adventure and friendship also go hand in hand in Class40, like the Exploring Tech for Good project of two engineers, Victor Jost and Enguerrand Granoux. Stories of men, sailors, friendship... the one of Thibaud Lefevre and Thomas Bulcke (Free Dom 157) is worth the detour and joins those of Nicolas D'Estais and Erwan Le Draoulec, old friends from the Mini, or Maxime Cauwe and Jules Bonnier (Avanade N° 98), Jean Pierre Balmes and Laurent Camprubi (fullsave N°148) good-natured amateurs on their way to the great adventure. International... The audio vacations will resound with the accents of the ten or so nationalities represented in this eminently international class: Belgian (Jonas Gerkens), American (Alex Mehran), Canadian (Ryan Barkey - Melodie Schaffer), British (Merfyn Owen, Alister Richardson, Brian Thompson), Dutch (Ysbrand Endt - Frans Budel), Italian (Andrea Fantini), Spanish (Pablo Santurde del Arco), Swiss (Valentin Gautier, Simon Koster) but also Croatian (Ivica Kostelic) and Japanese (Masa Suzuki) are the emeritus ambassadors of a class that attracts all eyes outside of France. Without forgetting the Mediterraneans... Kito de Pavant, Achille Nebout, Jean Pierre Balmes, Laurent Camprubi, Pierre Quiroga.... The war of the round noses! With the great diversity of architects and designers bent over their cradles, David Raison (Max 40), Sam Manuard (Mach 40.4), Marc Lombard (Lift 2), Guillaume Verdier (Pogo S4) or VPLP (Clak 40), there are no less than 12 scows of post Route du Rhum 2018 generation at the start on Sunday out of the 45 enlisted. These hulls called scows were very popular in the early 20th century on the American Great Lakes. With a bulky and spatulate bow like a ski, and a moderate width, these sailboats do not nose dive. They stay on top of the waves and take on less water on deck. They are formidable in crosswinds, at 60 and up to 110° from the true wind.  The Class40s in the Transat Jacques Vabre in figures: 4 800 miles between Le Havre and Fort de France via Sal in Cape Verde 45 boats at the start 10 nationalities 8 women including three 100% female crews 7 boats vintage 2021 Presence of the N°1 listed boat, launched in 2004, Terre Exotique of Georges Guiguen and Morgann Pinson  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Crosscall (#166) wins the Spi Ouest France !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT They were finally only 3 Class40 to participate in the Spi Ouest France Banque Populaire Grand Ouest this weekend. After 4 races, 3 of which were won, Aurélien Ducroz, accompanied for the occasion by David Sineau, Yoann Richomme, Corentin Douguet and Lionel Huetz, won on Crosscall.Project Rescue Ocean (Axel Tréhin, Fred Denis, Jonathan Chodkiewiez, Ludo and Laurent) finished second. Marc Lepesqueux's Sensation Class40 finished third. More information : Presse - Spi Ouest-France[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Class40 launches the Mediterranean Trophy]]> Fri, 08 Oct 2021 00:00:00 GMT For the past few months, Class40 has been working on its involvement in the Mediterranean at the request of its Italian, Spanish and Croatian members… and its French ones too. In addition to the existing annual overall Championship Trophy, the European Trophy and the American Trophy, Class40 is now launching the Mediterranean Trophy, the first edition of which will take place in 2022. Round Italy - a trial run in 2021 Encouraged by its “Southern” members keen to coordinate their schedules to compete in the same races, the class also had the opportunity to create a new event, the Round Italy (Genoa – Trieste). With the full backing of Class40, vice-president Pietro Luciani took on the task of bringing 2nd and 3rd generation Italian Class40s that had been racing on handicap for years back into the fold. In collaboration with the Yacht Club Italiano and the Societa Velica Barcola e Grigano, a measurement session was therefore organised, allowing for a trial run of this new race to take place in September, with victory going to Karnak, skippered by Stefano Raspadori. The Round Italy race is a key event for this new Trophy, being a long-distance, short-handed offshore race, and truly representative of what Class40 racing is all about. The Mediterranean, perfect for Class40s Racing in the Mediterranean can be particularly challenging with its often-fickle winds. Unlike certain Atlantic races where it is difficult to keep up with the scows, the Mediterranean makes for a highly tactical playground where boats of all generations can realistically compete against each other and aim for victory. It would not be that surprising to see older boats at the top of the podium… Key to success will be reuniting the fleets. The Italians were mostly racing in Italian races, the French in French races, the Spanish in Spanish races… which meant that there were a few Class40s competing in a number of races, but mostly under IRC or HN, which is rarely to their advantage rating-wise. One of the principal goals of this new Trophy is to bring these boats together, attract other boats and create competition in this new playground for the class. And the end goal is not necessarily to have this new fleet come and race in the autumn transatlantic events, but more to provide a selection of races in the area on which each team can base their race programme. The end of a vicious circle The dilemma is the same for all offshore racing classes. If there are no races, there are no boats, and if there are no boats… there are no races. A frustrating situation for boats based in the South, as well as for other boats wanting to go further afield but put off by a lack of events. Something had to be done to try and get out of this predicament. We hope that the Mediterranean Trophy will do just that by bringing together old and new Class40s with professional and Corinthian sailors alike. This new Trophy will be interesting from all perspectives. The Class40 Mediterranean Trophy race programme: Roma Per Due (Double-handed)- april Corsica med (double-HANDED) - may Au Large de St TropEZ (400 nm - solo) - june Giraglia Rolex cup Race (Offshore 240nm - CREWED) - june Duo max (Double-HANDED) - june Palermo Montecarlo (CREWED) - august Round Italy Genoa Trieste (CREWED) - september Middle Sea Race (CREWED) - october Pietro Luciani: “The Med is a challenging sea. The weather is less predictable than out on the open ocean and it’s rare to keep the same sail up for more than a couple of hours. But nonetheless Societa Velica Barcola e Grigano and Yacht Club Italiano, with the support of Class40, were able to organise the first edition of the longest race in the Med, the Round Italy, and it proved to be perfect for our boats. I can’t wait to see how many boats will compete for the Med Trophy next year, and I’m confident it’s going to be a success!” Kito de Pavant: “The Class40 class is thriving. These boats are grabbing the attention of more and more people all over the world. The Mediterranean is no exception. I meet a lot of sailors thrilled to come and race on these fantastic boats and race organisers who would be delighted to welcome them. But until now, what was missing was a proper race circuit in the Med to encourage people to buy boats, because the current race programme doesn’t really suit our boats. 2022 is the time to organise ourselves and bring together the “Italian” and “French” fleets without forgetting the Spanish and others who look longingly at our boats.”[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Antoine Carpentier (Redman) wins the European Trophy!]]> Thu, 30 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 European Trophy (unfortunately not awarded in 2020 due to a lack of races) has this year gone to Antoine Carpentier on his Mach 40.4 Redman! Having scored podium results in all his races this year except for the Rolex Fastnet Race, Antoine Carpentier has won his first European title on his Class40 Redman in a fleet that has become ever more competitive. The Swiss duo of Valentin Gautier and Simon Koster (Banque du Leman) take second place, and Luke Berry (Lamotte – Module Création) completes the podium. “We are really happy to have won the European Trophy. It’s a first for me! We scored podium results in all races apart from the Rolex Fastnet Race in which we finished in 4th place, but we pulled off podium finishes in the CIC Normandy Channel Race, Les Sables – Horta, and the 40 Malouine Lamotte too. Our consistent performance has been rewarded by winning the European Trophy. We are delighted. It’s the boat’s first season, so it bodes well for the future,” said Antoine. The season kicked off at the end of May with the fiercely contested double-handed CIC Normandy Channel Race, a 1000 nm loop of the English Channel and Celtic Sea, which saw Axel Tréhin and Fred Denis (Project Rescue Ocean) score their first victory on the Class40 circuit. A month later, the Class40 fleet gathered for Les Sables – Horta. With the traditional stopover in Horta cancelled, the fleet had no choice but to race the full 2450 nm non-stop. However, for the purposes of the European Trophy, there were also separate rankings for the outbound and inbound “legs”. The Project Rescue Ocean duo once again took victory on the outbound “leg”, but Valentin Gautier and Simon Koster were the fastest on the way back. The biennal Rolex Fastnet Race saw Antoine Magré and his Franco-British team crowned in a race that took them a little over three days. The second edition of the 40 Malouine Lamotte, the final event to count towards the Trophy, was to be the decider for the five boats at the top of the leaderboard. It was Antoine Carpentier who won in St Malo, clinching the 2021 European Trophy title in the process. Of note too was Mathieu Claveau’s commendable performance on his 2009 Akilaria “Prendre la Mer Agir pour la Forêt”, finishing 19th in the Trophy ranking and first Vintage. Next up is the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre, starting on the 7th of November, which will see 45 Class40s on the start line. The outcome of this race will determine the overall 2021 Class40 Champion.   European Trophy results Antoine Carpentier (Redman) – 374 points Valentin Gautier & Simon Koster (Banque du Leman) – 363 points Luke Berry (Lamotte – Module Création) – 357 points Olivier & Antoine Magré (E. Leclerc Ville La Grand) – 332 points Axel Tréhin & Fred Denis (Project Rescue Ocean) – 306 points. Full results : CIC Normandy Channel Race: 1. Axel Trehin & Fred Denis (Project Rescue Ocean) 2. Luke Berry & Achille Nebout (Lamotte – Module Création) 3. Antoine Carpentier & Pablo Santurde del Arco (Redman) Les Sables – Horta: 1. Axel Trehin & Fred Denis (Project Rescue Ocean) 2. Antoine Carpentier & Mikael Mergui (Redman) 3. Ian Lipinski & Ambrogio Beccaria (Crédit Mutuel) Horta – Les Sables: 1. Valentin Gautier & Simon Koster (Banque du Leman) 2. Ian Lipinski & Ambrogio Beccaria (Crédit Mutuel) 3. Antoine Carpentier & Mikael Mergui (Redman) Rolex Fastnet Race: 1. Antoine Magré (E. Leclerc Villa-la-Grand) 2. Valentin Gautier & Simon Koster (Banque du Leman) 3. Luke Berry (Lamotte – Module Création) La 40 Malouine Lamotte: 1. Antoine Carpentier & Pablo Santurde del Arco (Redman) 2. Jean Galfione & Alan Pennaneac’h (Serenis Consulting) 3. Luke Berry & Ronan Floch (Lamotte – Module Création)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Vintage: the 40 Malouine Lamotte for Prendre la mer, Agir pour la forêt]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Five Class40 Vintage boats took part in the 40 Malouine Lamotte this weekend. After 155 nm of racing, Mathieu Claveau and Christophe Fialon won this category.   PRENDRE LA MER, AGIR POUR LA FORÊT Mathieu CLAVEAU & Christophe FIALON    UP SAILING Morgane URSAULT-POUPON & Julia VIRAT    FORTISSIMO Goeffrey MATACZYNSKI & Vincent DONNOT    FUJI Ari KANSAKOSKI & Alpo KAAKINEN    ENFANTS DU MEKONG Vincent VACHETTE & Pierre-Guillaume DARON [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine LAMOTTE : victory for Redman]]> Sat, 11 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT Setting out from Saint-Malo at 12:08 on Friday, the 22 duos will have taken much less than twenty-four hours to complete the 155-mile course, concocted by Franck-Yves ESCOFFIER. First to cross the start line, Antoine CARPENTIER and Pablo SANTURDE DEL ARCO will have led the race from start to finish, despite the fact that, like some of the other participants, they were caught in a lobster pot.   Antoine CARPENTIER, skipper REDMAN: "We were 2 or 3 boats to cross the start line at the same time with SEAFRIGO - SOGESTRAN (Cédric CHATEAU and Jérémie MION) and LAMOTTE - MODULE CREATION (Luke BERRY and Ronan FLOCH) who also started well. We chose a different sail from them on the first leg, which made the difference because we had a slightly larger headsail than them. It paid off because we passed the first mark ahead. As time went on, we got ahead and the gap widened. There were some tactical moves on some of the tacks where we were pretty good. The boat is going well, we know it well, so as soon as there is a change in the wind, we know which sail to put on and how to trim it, and it goes quite quickly. Otherwise there's the matter of the traps! SERENIS CONSULTING (Jean GALFIONE and Alan PENNANEAC'H) was the first to take one, I think SEAFRIGO-SOGESTRAN followed, LAMOTTE-MODULE CREATION too. We know that between Chausey and Jersey we sail on shallow waters which are favourable to traps. There was a lot of current which made us walk like a crab. We had to be careful. In any case, it's the first time I've raced the 40'Malouine LAMOTTE, we had great weather, good conditions, a nice course with some pretty nice spots and the atmosphere is good. There's still tomorrow when we'll be racing as a crew and that's going to be nice too."   The winning crew of this course is ahead of Jean GALFIONE and Alan PENNANEAC'H on SERENIS CONSULTING by 15 minutes at the finish line. Luke BERRY and Ronan FLOCH (LAMOTTE - MODULE CREATION) complete the podium. Mathieu CLAVEAU and Christophe FIALON won the Vintage category, finishing in 12th place.   source: SNBSM - 40 Malouine Lamotte[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[22 Class40 at the start of the 40 Malouine Lamotte]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The start of the second edition of the 40 Malouine will be given tomorrow in St Malo bay. An offshore course of 155nm in double-handed, two coastal courses in crew on Sunday, 22 Class40, 5 Vintage, 2 new boats at the start... a beautiful weekend in perspective! Entry list Informations Programm Friday 10h06 : lock 12h08 : Start Saturday Arrivals Sunday 9h24 : lock 10h30 : First warning signal 17h00 : Prize giving[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Fastnet Race: Prendre la Mer Agir pour la Foret, first Vintage]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Of the 33 Class40s entered in the Rolex Fastnet race, 6 were in the Vintage category. After 4 days 1 hour and 28 minutes of racing, Mathieu Claveau and his crew won in this category on their 2009 Akilaria. The Dutch duo of Sec Hayai and the Finnish team of Fuji completed the podium. The ranking 1. #89 Prendre la Mer Agir pour la Forêt (M. Claveau) 2. #44 Sec Hayai (F. Budel) 3. #38 Fuji (A. Kansakoski) 4. #30 UP Sailing (Morgane Ursault Poupon) 5. #26 Sensation Class40 (E. Bredeka) DNF. #66 Red66 (H. Brouwer)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Rolex Fastnet Race : victory of Palanad III after a tense finish]]> Fri, 13 Aug 2021 00:00:00 GMT Just ahead of the IRC One leader, there was another nail-biting finish between the Class40s, with the first six crossing the line within the space of an hour after a compression occurred as the wind turned patchy just short of the line. The competition between the massive 35-strong Class40 fleet was intense and featured several lead changes over the course the race. Axel Trehin’s Max 40 Project Rescue Ocean was the early Class40 leader, having dived furthest south outbound to the Casquet TSS on the first night and then eeking out a small but significant lead playing the shifts and tide between Start Point and the Lizard. However after looking in good shape passing the Lizard, Project Rescue Ocean dismasted in Mounts Bay. This is believed to have been due to their J1 hook breaking after the intense slamming from sailing upwind.  Their retirement enabled Luke Berry’s Lamotte - Module Création to lead up the east side of the Land’s End TSS followed, surprisingly due to his boat’s age, by Italian Andrea Fornaro on the Botin-designed Tales 2. At the Fastnet Rock Lamotte - Module Création held a 20 minute lead but with sheets cracked on the reach back to Bishop Rock the more powerful new scow designs ate this up and en route to Bishop Rock Berry was overtaken by London-based Frenchman Antoine Magre’s Mach 40.4 Palanad 3. From here Palanad 3 held on to the lead despite a compression to the south of Alderney which could have seen any of the top trio of Class40s edge ahead, followed the wind further shutting down in the early hours north of the Cotentin peninsula. “The toughest part was approaching Alderney,” recounted Magre. “There was five knots of tide, and because we were earlier than we thought, this tide was still negative for a couple of hours. We could see Luke [Berry] coming back - he was just 200 metres away and we were in for a close finish.” In the pitch back they had found the small back eddy to the south of Alderney. “We played that nicely as the other boats were spinning around in circles,” recounted Palanad 3’s British navigator Will Harris. “But then we ran out of that and watched the whole fleet catch up with us. Then we got lucky, picked up the wind first and that was it – we just had to hold on.” The pain continued for defending Rolex Fastnet Race Class40 champion Luke Berry as he was pipped at the post by Valentin Gautier and Simon Koster’s Banque Du Leman. Earlier in the race, the Swiss Class40 had lost out going west at the Land’s End TSS and had then spent the subsequent Celtic Sea crossings attempting to catch up “South of Alderney, anyone could have won,” explained Koster. “For the first two boats, there was no wind. With the scow light wind is a challenge, but we have BIG sails for it, like a masthead Code Zero to just get it going. But the gain is so big on the reaching legs – then you are a couple of knots faster than the pointy boats.” Berry was resigned to his fate aboard his Sam Manuard-designed Mach 40.3, but acknowledging that he is due to get a new boat next year which will make him competitive against the 40.4s. “Ours is very good downwind but as soon as it is a bit tight they are very fast. Still we’ve finished with two Mach 40.4s ahead and two behind.” General ranking: Rolex Fastnet race - Class40 Source: [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Fastnet ]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The 26 Class40 boats of the #RolexFastnetRace fleet have all rounded the Fastnet Rock. Here is the order: 1. Lamotte Module Création (153 - Luke Berry) at 14h50 2. Tales 2 (123 - Andrea Fornaro) 3. Palanad 3 (160 - Antoine Magré) 4. Legallais (145 - Pierre Casenave-péré) 5. Banque du Leman (159 - Valentin Gautier) 6. Guidi (156 - Charles-Louis Mourruau) 7. Edenred (165 - Emmanuel Le Roch) vers 15h50 8. Courrier Redman (161 - Antoine Carpentier) 9. La Manche #EvidenceNautique (154 - Nicolas Jossier) 10. Kite (144 - Greg Leonard) 11. Crosscall (166 - Aurélien Ducroz) 12. Entrepreneurs pour la planète (151 - Sebastien Audigane) 13. Milai (101 - Masamoto Suzuki) 14. Vogue avec un Crohn (135 - Pierre-Louis Attwell) at 18h20 15. Normandie Maritime (140 - Marc Lepesqueux) 16. Entraide Marine Umep (100 - Nicolas Lemarchand) 17. Avanade (98 - Maxime Cauwe) 18. Polka Dot (132 - Alex Mehran) 19. Prendre la mer Agir pour la forêt (89 - Mathieu Claveau) - 1st Vintage 20. Kiho (146 - Hiroshi Kitada) 21. Yoda (65 - Franz Bouvet) 22. UP Sailing (30 - Morgane Ursault Poupon) 23. Randstadt Ausy (155 - Clara Fortin) 24. Fuji (38 - Ari Kansakoski) 25. Sec Hayai (44 - Frans Budel) 26. Sensation Class40 (26 - Eric Bredeka) at 6h30[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[33 Class40s take on the Fastnet]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The race is on! Yesterday, Sunday 8th August, the start of the 49th edition of the Rolex Fastnet Race was given in sustained sea and wind conditions. After a few hours of racing, five boats had to abandon due to various incidents, including the dismasting of Project Rescue Ocean, which was leading the fleet at the time. To find the list of crews: To follow the race :  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A Vintage at the top of the RORC championship]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Jumbo40 #26 is a regular on the racing program across the Channel. The Stellantis crew is leading the RORC Class40 championship, a great performance for a Vintage! Their next goal is the Rolex Fastnet race, which will start on August 8th. The ranking: Sailing Results ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[LS-H : Redman's victory (almost) on the wire!]]> Tue, 20 Jul 2021 00:00:00 GMT Three minutes and 14 seconds: this is the tiny gap that finally separated the two leaders of this Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables 2021 at the finish line. A derisory gap at the end of 2,540 miles of racing and nearly eleven days at sea. Eleven trying and intense days during which Antoine Carpentier and Mikaël Mergui (Redman) then Axel Trehin and Frédéric Denis (Project Rescue Ocean) took the lead from the beginning before making the break on the third day, when they passed a barometric pass, off Cape Finisterre. From then on, only Ian Lipinski and Ambrogio Beccaria (Crédit Mutuel) managed to worry them. A complex weather, a fight at every level, a hard-fought victory, broken records... the 8th edition of Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables, held from June 28 to July 13, 2021, kept all its promises. Here are five points to remember: A revised format Although the event is usually held in two legs, in the form of a round trip between the Vendée and the Azores, for this 2021 edition, the organizers have been forced to adapt and modify the format of the competition. The reason: the pandemic context linked to the COVID-19. The local and health authorities in Portugal have decided not to host the event this summer. Consequently, the traditional stopover could not take place. The race was thus played out in a single major leg of 2,540 miles with the only course marker being a buoy anchored in front of the entrance to Horta marina. Weather as varied as it was complex The first half of the race was complicated, with a ridge of high pressure in the Bay of Biscay, a barometric axis off Cape Finisterre and then three successive fronts. A weather context that created significant gaps between the competitors from the second day of the race, and also put the boats and their bodies to a severe test. Patience and length of time marked the first part of the race, while on the other hand, the return leg was done in a hurry, at least for the first five. As proof, if the best time over the 1,270 miles between the Azores and the Vendée belonged, since the 2015 edition, to the duo Yannick Bestaven - Pierre Brasseur with a time of 4 days 17 hours and 38 minutes, the tandem Ian Lipinski - Ambrogio Beccaria on Crédit Mutuel, took 4 days 3 hours and 56 minutes to swallow the distance, thus imposing a new reference time. A scenario as improbable as it was incredible, which spread the fleet over more than 1000 miles! Minimal gaps Three minutes and 14 seconds: this is the tiny gap that finally separated the two leaders of this Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables 2021 at the finish line. A derisory gap at the end of eleven days at sea. Eleven trying and intense days during which Antoine Carpentier and Mikaël Mergui (Redman) and then Axel Trehin and Frédéric Denis (Project Rescue Ocean) took the lead from the beginning before making a break with the rest of the pack on the third day, off Cape Finisterre. From then on, only Ian Lipinski and Ambrogio Beccaria (Crédit Mutuel), who made a thunderous comeback, managed to worry them. "It was a hard-fought match from start to finish, but the harder it is to win, the better it is," said Antoine, who thus scored the first victory of his career as a skipper. However, it is not only at the head of the fleet that places were fiercely contested, as shown by the gusty arrivals of nine boats between 00h56 and 7h55 on Monday 12 July, and in particular the five minute gap between the duos Pierre-Louis Attwell - Aloïs Kerduel (Vogue with a Crohn's disease) then Charles-Louis Mourruau - Andrea Fantini (Guidi). By the way, a special mention for the latter who managed to take the 14th place after a technical stopover of twelve hours in Horta! The 24-hour record broken! After breaking his own record for the greatest distance covered in 24 hours aboard a Class40 (415.86 miles achieved on November 6, 2019 in a double-handed configuration with Adrien Hardy during the Transat Jacques Vabre) during this 8th edition of Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables on Monday, July 5, Ian Lipinski then steadily improved his performance to end up literally exploding the reference distance with 428.82 miles recorded on Tuesday, July 6. Associated with Ambrogio Beccaria, the skipper of Crédit Mutuel improved his record by 12.96 miles by managing to hold the supersonic average of 17.9 knots over 24 hours! Small and big "boo-boos In a race of 2,540 miles (the equivalent of two thirds of a transatlantic race) with such complex conditions, small glitches - technical or physical - have naturally plagued the fleet. If Fred Denis, victim of a broken rib three days before the arrival, managed to complete his race and to get on the podium, others were unfortunately forced to abandon. The duo Charles de Coquet - Thierry Duprey du Vorsent (Concise 8) returned to the port only a few minutes after the departure following its collision with another competitor. The pair Hervé Thomas - Gérald Veniard (Saint Yves Services) put an end to its race following a problem of false fuse bearing. Same thing for the pair Emmanuel Le Roch - Christophe Cremades (Edenred), confronted, for his part, with a problem of bulkhead, or of the pair Simon - Yannick Kervarrec (Samsic - E. Leclerc), victim of a water way in a back box. Victor Jost and Enguerrand Granoux also had to give up finishing the race, the first having dislocated his shoulder. source: Les Sables Vendée Course au Large[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[RORC Cowes Dinard: victory for La Manche #EvidenceNautique]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Four Class40 participated, this Friday, July 9th, in Cowes Dinard. Nicolas Jossier, only a few days after his victory on La Trinité Cherbourg by Actual, repeats the performance on this 151 nautical miles course. 1. La Manche #EvidenceNautique in 1d 4h 15m 46s 2. Kite in 1d 4h 34m 47s 3. Entraide Marine UMEP in 1d 5h 06m 45s 4. Sensation Class40 in 1D 10h 27m 13s[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables - Horta, order of passage in Horta]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT While the first boats are 24 hours away from the finish in Les Sables, the last Class40 has just crossed the mark in front of the port of Horta. Here is the order : 1. Project Rescue Ocean, le 04.07 à 5h 29m 11s 2. Redman, le 04.07 à 6h 33m 46s 3. Crédit Mutuel, le 04.07 à 11h 27m 12s 4. Banque du Léman, le 04.07 à 15h 37m 37s 5. Lamotte Module Création, le 04.07 à 16h 00m 29s 6. Crosscall, le 04.07 à 23h 44m 07s 7. Volvo, le 05.07 à 00h 47m 38s 8. Everial, le 05.07 à 03h 52m 40s 9. E. Leclerc Ville La Grand, le 05.07 à 07h 22m 40s 10. Legallais, le 05.07 à 08h 24m 20s 11. Entrepreneurs pour la planète, le 05.07 à 11h 27m 27s 12. Vogue avec un Crohn, le 05.07 à 13h 50m 00 13. Avanade, le 05.07 à 16h 18m 46s 14. Vicitan, le 05.07 à 16h 54m 13s 15. Optimus Prime, le 05.07 à 17h 34m 25s 16. Free Dom, le 05.07 à 17h 53m 22s 17. Guidi, le 05.07 à 17h  18. Milai, le 05.07 à 21h 30m 24s 19. Yoda, le 06.07 à 19h 51m 34s 20. Engue & Vic[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[New 24-hour record for Ian Lipinski and Crédit Mutuel!]]> Tue, 06 Jul 2021 00:00:00 GMT Ian Lipinski is definitely impressive on his Max 40 Crédit Mutuel: a victory in the Transat Jacques Vabre in 2019 with Adrien Hardy during which they broke the record for the distance covered in 24 hours on a Class40, previously held by the duo Maxime Sorel / Antoine Carpentier, a new reference time on the Round Britain and Ireland Record in 2020 and here is a new record for 2021, achieved during the Les Sables Horta race, with Ambrogio Beccaria! Crédit Mutuel covered 428.82 nautical miles between Monday, July 5 (0h00) and Tuesday, July 6 (0h00) at an average speed of 17.9 knots. This record was previously held by the same skipper - boat pairing; they had sailed 415.86 miles at an average speed of 17.3 knots between November 5 and 6, 2019. We can't wait for the next transatlantic race where the Max 40, the Mach 40.4, the Lift v2, the Pogo S4, the Cape 40 scow or the Clak 40 will compete... the races have not finished being beautiful![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[La Manche #EvidenceNautique wins on La Trinité Cherbourg by Actua]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Due to complicated weather conditions, the start initially planned on Sunday, July 4th was advanced to Saturday, July 3rd, in La Trinité Bay. Two Class40 were participating in this "tour of Brittany", the #154 skippered by Nicolas Jossier and the #155 skippered by Clara Fortin. Nicolas Jossier's crew was the first to cross the line at 21h 53min 29s this Sunday after 1d 03h 48m 36s of racing. Note that he is also second in real time. #Surprise, Clara Fortin and Martin Louchart, crossed the line this Monday morning at 07h 25min 11s. Nicolas jossier: "First Class40 and second all class behind the impressive Team Teasing Machine 54. The crew was at the top, never a break and always in a good mood despite the wet atmosphere. Surfing, averaging nearly 20 knots, constant sail changes, sailors are at the top! Thank you Thomas Hill, Arthur Richer and Karline Desvages who amazed me during the 27 hours of racing! Bravo."  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Bermuda 1-2: Dragon #54, with flying colors]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Although only 2 Class40s took the start of the Bermuda 1-2, 23 boats participated in this two-leg race. Michael Hennessy (Dragon) won the first leg (single-handed) between Newport, Rhode Island, and St. George's, Bermuda, not only in Class40 but also in real time, all categories combined, in 4 days and a little more than 4 hours, or more than 10 hours, in real time, over his runner-up. For the return leg, this time in double-handed, Tim Kent (Kent racing #34) took Catherine Chmney on board and Michael Hennessy was joined by Cole Brauer. Dragon repeated the feat of the first leg: winner of all classes in real time (this time by more than 20nm) and therefore in Class40 as well as in Class 5, its category in corrected time. Cole's words on arrival: « the Bermuda 1-2 completed and…this time 29 miles ahead of the second place boat! The race: consisted of 664 miles of cold fronts, weak lows, thunderstorms, squalls, and light light winds if any. We spent the majority of the race moving the stack forward or aft instead of side to side. Our stack weighs about 400lbs, some of it consists of sails on the deck, extra hardware, tools, electrical and mechanical spares, provisions including water and freeze dried (the lightest thing on the boat), we move the jerry cans, the small anchor (class 40s must have two). We even move the med kit and our bean bag chair that we sleep on all around the boat to assist with weight placement. We have two ballast tanks with the ability to pump hundred of gallons of water into the boat (a scary thought sometimes), yet with all the stack stacked the two ballast tanks filled, and two reefs in the main, when a midnight squall came through we worked extremely hard to keep her upright and running down the rhumbline! Weather and routing: 8 out of 10 models showed get far west of the rhumbline and then connect back later yet Mike and I took a chance to just cut out miles and run straight down the rhumbline. We worked tirelessly with sail changes to make sure we kept her going in that same compass heading even through light and heavy air. It seemed to have paid off! Check out our tracker on YB racing under Bermuda 1-2! Team dynamic: Michael Hennessy and I worked constantly to get as much rest as we could but still push the boat. Mike and I do our own sail changes throughout the race, if a sail change was necessary during ones shift it got done. Sometimes we assist with shaking reefs out because shaking a reef out is actually the most amount of work that comes from any sail change (I believe) on Dragon. Without a coffee grinder it takes what feels like a lifetime to grind the sail up, especially when it comes to shaking two reefs out…so much sail area! Yet with the new ONESAILS by Mark Washeim, our new main only weighs as much as I do!! Crazy new technology! Thanks Mark! Anyways, I love working with Mike, we don’t see each other that often on the boat which is great since we both like to be alone haha doublehanded sailing is just sailing solo half the time »[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables - Horta, a simple course, complicated weather]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT See you tomorrow at 1pm in the bay of Les Sables d'Olonne for the start of the Sables Horta, 8th edition. 24 duos, 2540nm non-stop, only one course mark to go around in front of the port of Horta, a rather simple scenario. But the weather decided to get involved.  Ian Lipinski:"This is not the time to stress yet, because we still have today and Sunday morning to find clearer tracks, says Ian Lipinski. Asking about the weather early on, asking about the problems, will allow us to understand a bit more quickly when we update the files. But it is possible that we will have to make a strong choice on Sunday (at 1:00 pm, start time) between the north and the south. If we have listened to Ian Lipinski, we can sum up the situation as follows: it is not easy on the start line, and it becomes unreadable 24 hours later. The American weather models predict very little wind on the northern route, unlike the other reference model, the European model. A little less used by the sailors, but still taken into account, the German model announces wind at 25-30 knots in the first 24 hours. The list of registrants : The tracker :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Follow the duel of the Bermuda 1-2]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT In need of maps? Go to the Yellow Brick app to follow the 2 Class40s involved in the Bermuda 1-2. After Michael Hennessy's great victory on the first leg (single-handed) between Newport, Rhode Island and St. George's, Bermuda, who will win the second leg, double-handed this time on the return leg, Dragon (USA 54) or Kent Racing (USA 34)? Answer in a few days! Bermuda One-Two ([Read more]]]> <![CDATA[PROJECT RESCUE OCEAN TAKES THE WIN IN THE 12TH CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE]]> Mon, 07 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT 22 boats out of the original line-up of 23 made it across the finish line in this 12th CIC Normandy Channel Race, a figure which is pretty exceptional on several levels. Indeed, in addition to a scenario with multiple twists and turns and the race’s now trademark unbearable suspense, this year the varied yet predominantly downwind conditions across the whole course and an overall timing that tended to be favourable at the tricky sections, were a fairly radical departure from the ‘norm’ in this great classic. With all these conditions combined, two stand-out features coloured this year’s event: the course was completed in its entirety, which is only the 2nd time in 12 editions, and the new sub-5-day event record will really take some beating. It was in bracing conditions that this 2021 edition set sail, forcing the Race Committee to forego the initially scheduled coastal course off the mouth of the River Orne and send the 23 competing duos off on a mission to round a windward mark some 2.5 nautical miles off the start line set in the Baie de Seine before setting a course for the first course mark of Saint Marcouf. At this precise moment in time, nobody could have imagined that they were witnessing the only upwind stretch of this edition. However, very early on, it became evident that the skippers were posting exceptional speeds and one by one setting new records to the various course marks. The passage across the English Channel was devoured in just a matter of hours. From there, the fleet powered along the south coast of England, timing a series of tricky sections like the Solent and Land’s End to perfection in a lot of cases. The crew then continued their blistering progress in the Celtic Sea, with the leaders reaching Tuskar Rock in under 48 hours… 45 hours 22 minutes and 13 seconds to be precise for the front runner Crédit Mutuel (158) to round the event’s iconic lighthouse. A record time! After rounding the fabulous Fastnet, the return passage in the English Channel was equally quick as far as the Channel Islands, where suddenly things got really tricky and treated spectators to a torrid sprint for the finish. Once again, the CIC Normandy Channel Race gave rise to an incredible scenario where it was impossible to predict a winner until the final few miles of this course spanning a theoretical 1,000 miles. Ultimately, winner Project Rescue Ocean (162) crossed the finish line one hour before the second placed boat, but it wasn’t until the Barfleur headland had been rounded in the early hours of Friday 4 June that her skippers could make a clean break after a night spent battling with the current synonymous with Le Raz Blanchard. Astern of the champions, the four closest pursuers were firing on all cylinders as they became embroiled in a final sprint reminiscent of match racing across the Baie de Seine, which culminated in just 6 minutes separating the boats from Lamotte Module Création (153) in 2nd place to Banque du Léman (159) in 5th. Redman (161), 3rd, completed the podium. Behind them, there was constant jockeying for position throughout the bunched fleet and the skippers had to demonstrate utter commitment at every stage of the race, as evidenced by Avanade (98), Équipe Voile Parkinson (104) and Prisme (131), all of them crossing the finish line within just 20 minutes. The same was true at the tail end of the fleet between Gustave Roussy (133) and Eärwen (88), who finished the race within just a minute of one another. As ever in this Norman event, there’s everything to play for right to the wire, which is what drives the skippers to come back year after year to try their luck. This 2021 edition will certainly go down as an event to remember. A new record has been set for the entire CIC Normandy Channel Race course. Axel Trehin and Frédéric Denis are the proud holders of this new title thanks to a time of 4 days 17 hours 49 minutes and 50 seconds. And it’s certainly going to be a very tough time to beat given all the elements that needed to be on their side to secure it. Indeed, the exceptionally favourable conditions also enabled another record to be set: that of the fewest retirements. Just a single crew were unable to make it all the way around, which is a first. A direct result of this was the finest and fullest race village at the end of the race, which meant that the basin in Caen was packed with Class40s and their skippers to celebrate the prize-giving and crown the champions. The skippers all agree that strategically the ‘Normandy’ is a very demanding race and the rhythm incredibly intense, making it one of France’s major offshore racing events. Achille Nebout, 2nd on Lamotte Module Création (153), was full of praise on his arrival in Ouistreham: “I’d heard a lot about this race. Everyone said it was just crazy and that’s exactly what it is, just like the Solitaire du Figaro”. This sentiment was echoed by Maxime Cauwe, skipper of Avanade (98), who describes the event as intense. “I think that together with the transatlantic races, it’s the toughest championship there is”. Nils Boyer (Le Choix Funéraire – 139) is equally inspired. “There’s always a fantastic welcome at the start and finish. It really is one of the only races I know where that is the case.” For American sailors Greg and Hannes Leonard, back for the second crack at the CIC Normandy Channel Race this year, the event has become a must for all these reasons and more, and its increasing global appeal comes as no surprise. Indeed, it is a truly unique event in the Class40 race schedule, with an international level, incredibly competitive racing and the Class40 spirit… a heady mix for sports specialists in the English Channel and the Celtic Sea. Roll on 2022! The Ranking Normandy Channel Race - Class40 Source: Sirius Evenements[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Virgin media Business #137 wins the RORC Myth of Malham]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Only two Class40s participated in the Myth of Malham this weekend, as the majority of the fleet was on the CIC Normandy Channel Race. After 1 day, 12 hours 32 minutes and 50 seconds, Virgin Media Business (#137), skippered by Charles Emmett, won ahead of Sensation Class40 (#26) which finished about ten hours later. The explanation of the team on their network at their arrival: " Fantastic for Charles Emmett & Nigel Colley to be out on the water this weekend in the RORC Myth of Malham Race after a 9 month dry spell. Mixed conditions saw a windward/leeward (reversed) to Eddystone and back. Light SE breeze for the first 8-10 hours, on a dead run, not ideal for a C40 saw the IRC zero and class 1 boats get away from us, but as the wind built to 20+kn for the last part of the leg Manic got powered up and started to reel them in. By the rock we were lying about 12th on the water - the two top boats a good 20 miles in front. With the wind now in the NE and still at 20kn, we powered towards Casquettes on a port fetch, slowly taking all but the lead 2 boats in class 1. Routing all said stay south at Portland for the right shift coming, but never mentioned a 4 hour shut down. We ended up in the wrong place for the right reasons and watched a gaggle of half a dozen creep past us through the inner channel and up the shore while we sat and waited for the shift that never came. A light beat for the last 35 miles gave us no chance to catch them again and we finally finished at just after 0230 this morning with an elapsed time of just over 36 hours, in 10th place from the 127 starters. The only other Class40 racing had some issues at the start and ended up finishing 10 hours behind us - but a win is a win  A big thanks to our amazing stand in crew of Cat Hunt and Hugh Ward who were simply awesome and looked after us two old blokes extremely well"  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[NCR : Good start !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT More ready than ever after long months without competition, the 23 duos were able to unleash the horses in a heavy sea at the start of this 12th CIC Normandy Channel Race. It was in a 20-25 knot north/north-easterly flow that the race committee punctually released the competing duos at 4 pm, thus launching the 2021 Class40 season. Strong conditions forced the race director to cancel the coastal course initially planned and to send the fleet directly to the first course mark of Saint-Marcouff after having rounded a clearing buoy located 2.5 nautical miles from the starting line anchored in the Bay of Seine in front of the mouth of the Orne. For this virile start, the headliners of this 2021 edition have made the powder talk from the start.  Axel Trehin and Frédéric Denis quickly won the race upwind on their brand new Class40 Project Rescue Ocean, before rounding the first mark and heading upwind to the next compulsory passage mark of the Saint Marcouf Islands, anchored some 36 miles from the start in the Bay of Veys. The duo of Ian Lipinski and Gwenolé Gahinet, aboard their Class40 Crédit Mutuel, held their ground with an impeccable start, allowing them to slip into second place in the score. The Franco-Spanish duo, Antoine Carpentier and Pablo Santurde del Arco on board Redman, followed. An express transmanche The Class40s quickly covered the 36 miles separating the clearing buoy in front of Ouistreham from the mark that must be rounded to the west of Saint-Marcouf and thus began the crossing of the English Channel and its heavy maritime traffic in the early evening. The reaching conditions combined with the talent of the skippers on board, will allow the most recent boats to demonstrate the power of these mounts to take a slight advantage, before tackling an episode certainly less pleasing for the sailors, the passage of the Solent at night. The tracker Suivre la course - Normandy Channel Race ( Source: Sirius Evenements[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[NCR: follow the start live]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT It's the big day!Start in a few hours for the 23 Class40.Follow the start live from the basin from 11:30 am (french time) on the Facebook pages of the class and the race.Then the start of the race from 15h45.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables without Horta...]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT In one month's time, on Sunday 27th June at 2pm, the 8th edition of Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables will kick off. Although the event is usually held in two legs, in the form of a round trip between the Vendée and the Azores, this year the organizers have been forced to adapt and modify the format of the competition. In the current pandemic context, the Portuguese local and health authorities do not wish to host an event this summer. Therefore, the traditional stopover cannot take place. The race will be played out in a single major leg of 2,540 miles. The 25 duos will not set foot on the archipelago with its green landscapes and inimitable welcome, but they will get as close as possible with the obligation to sail around the island of Faial in the direction of their choice, as well as an anchored buoy in front of the entrance to the marina of Horta where an official score will be taken. In short: the voyage will remain on the program, and the strategic game will be more open than ever! More information: Les Sables – Horta – Les Sables : J-1 mois ! ( Source: Les Sables Vendée Course au large[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The 2023 Defi Atlantique confirmed!]]> Thu, 27 May 2021 00:00:00 GMT Note in your diaries that a new edition of the Defi Atlantique reserved for Class40 crewed boats will be proposed by Grand Pavois Organisation with the support of Class40, starting from Guadeloupe, at the beginning of April 2023, to La Rochelle (France), via a stopover in Horta (Azores - Portugal). This Atlantic return race officially registered in the Class40 calendar will allow the competitors of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe 2022 to make a return to the race, with a minimum of two crew members on board. In the important timing to note, the Class40 registered for the Defi Atlantique will take the start on Saturday, April 1. A stopover is planned in Horta in the Azores in order to optimize the weather conditions for the arrival on the Atlantic coast and will allow the skippers to change, if they wish, their crew members (note that it will be proposed and possible to take a journalist on board as a crew member for the second leg in order to live a last leg in race and live). The scheduled arrival date in La Rochelle will be between Friday 21 and Sunday 23 April. A specific welcome device will be set up Bassin des Chalutiers, as during the last edition of 2019 organized by Grand Pavois Organisation. Halvard Mabire, President of Class40: "defi Atlantique, second edition. Class40 is delighted with the announcement of the second edition of the Atlantic Challenge. This event, reserved for Class40 only, proved its relevance during its first edition in 2019 and is now a regular part of the Class40 program. Indeed, what better way for Class40s to return to Europe after the Route du Rhum? The return by sea is becoming more and more important. On the one hand, Class40s are ocean-going boats made for sailing, and on the other hand, returns by cargo are becoming more and more expensive and complex, and also less and less compatible with a certain ethic of ocean racing, which wants to be as virtuous as possible on the environmental level. Therefore, a race back from the West Indies represents a great opportunity to transform what could be a simple individual delivery into a thrilling event, capable of attracting a good part of the Route du Rhum fleet, as well as some boats based in the West Atlantic and willing to come and do the European season 2023. The start of the Defi Atlantique at the end of March allows to take advantage of the Caribbean waters after the Route du Rhum and to participate in some of the events of the Caribbean season. The finish in La Rochelle, around mid-April, anticipates the races of the Class40 2023 program: Normandy Channel Race, Les Sables Horta, Fastnet, Transat Jacques Vabre... Also, the course of the Defi Atlantique, with a stopover in the Azores, in Horta, offers the opportunity to the crew to discover or to find with pleasure a place appreciated by all the sailors, but also authorizes changes of crew and possibly a better adaptation of the chronology of the race according to the weather conditions. Good luck to the Defi Atlantique, soon a "classic"... " The notice of race and the participation file will be available in October 2021 from Etienne HARDY of Grand Pavois Organisation Source: Grand Pavois Organisation[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Class 40 pulls in the crowds and Halvard Mabire is re-elected president]]> Thu, 22 Apr 2021 00:00:00 GMT The annual General Assembly of Class40 was held on Saturday 17th April, in a dematerialized way. It was an opportunity to review the past year and to look ahead to the 2021 season, as well as to renew the Board of Directors. 2020 : a troubled but positive year 2020 was not the best year for sport and event organisation and has created a lot of frustration for everyone. With the exception of the Normandy Channel Race and the Drheam Cup, the racing programme was very light. However, it was an opportunity for several projects to run successful record campaigns. 2020, however, revealed the strengths of the Class40: loyalty and support from its members. The class' finances are balanced in 2020. A second-hand market is still as dynamic as ever with 25 boats sold and there are many new projects on the horizon with two new boats launched and some fifteen construction projects underway despite a relatively gloomy general world atmosphere. 2021 : on the rise The growing interest in Class40 cannot be denied. Even though Class40’s don’t have foils, they leave many areas for development are very attractive on the sporting level with very reasonable running costs. There is also a good mix between professionals amateurs in the class. As proof, the participation in the season's races is very promising. Indeed, around thirty Class40s will meet in Caen at the end of May for the CIC Normandy Channel Race, probably setting a record for participation in this incredible race. The following month, almost as many duos should participate in the much appreciated Les Sables-Horta. Let Horta prepare itself as never before have so many Class40s been there! Crewed racing is not in crisis either, with the RORC announcing 37 Class40s in the Rolex Fastnet Race. In the history of Class40, never before has so much excitement for the races on the programme materialised so early in the season. The Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre will close the 2021 championship and in a big way! More than fifty Class40s have announced their intention to take part, almost double the previous record... Furthermore, as many as 70 Class40 are announced for the Route du Rhum 2022! There is no doubt that Class40 is becoming increasingly popular and is continuing to develop at a steady pace. Halvard Mabire, reappointed as President There are several reasons for the good health of the class: the undisputed success of the last Vendée Globe, which opened up ocean racing to as many people as possible at a time when the planet was confined; a support that is increasingly attractive with the new generation of boats that stand out in terms of performance; an unwavering desire to keep costs reasonable and to maintain the balance between amateurs and professionals, which is its hallmark, and to do this, the constant involvement of the Board of Directors on many fronts. The members will not be able to deny it since, as every year, they have renewed their confidence in the outgoing candidates, Halvard Mabire from Normandy and Pietro Luciani from Italy, unanimously re-elected by the Board of Directors as President and Vice-President, while Kito de Pavant joins the Board for the first time. 2021 programm : Composition of the Board of Directors : -          Halvard Mabire, President -          Pietro Luciani, Vice-President -          Catherine Pourre, Treasurer -          Cédric de Kervenoael, General Secretary -          Michael Hennessy -          François Angoulvant -          Luke Berry -          Jörg Riechers -          Kito de Pavant[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Race Around goes Solo and Double-Handed]]> Wed, 10 Mar 2021 00:00:00 GMT The organisers of The Race Around, Class40’s official round-the-world race, are today pleased to announce following significant interest, the establishment of a solo category running alongside the already announced double-handed fleet. In a move that will spark memories of the highly successful 'BOC Challenge' and 'Around Alone' era, the organisers have also taken the opportunity to increase the number of entries from 25 to 35, inclusive of five wild cards. Sam Holliday, Managing Director, The Race Around said, “Since announcing The Race Around in late 2019 we’ve been blown away by the level of interest around the race and have taken the time to speak with a number of those looking to compete. It has become clear that the Class40 continues to boom and we have to take into account a growing trend of those wanting to compete in a global event that goes beyond the traditional reach of Class40. The Race Around therefore perfectly fills the void for those that have finished the Mini Transat and the Route du Rhum and perhaps have the following Vendée Globe cycle in their sights.” The inclusion of the solo category has created a race with two trophies. The solo class will race for The Race Around Trophy with the double-handed fleet racing for The Race Around Cup. Hugh Piggin, Co-founder, The Race Around said, “Upon making this decision our main thought has always been to provide a race that aligns with the ethos of an international Class, raced by both amateurs and professionals and The Race Around remains exactly that. The ability to choose the category that best suits the respective competitors will allow a varied and interesting mix between professionals seeking glory and seasoned amateurs looking for an adventure of a lifetime whilst racing alongside and against some of the sports established names.” Further to the inclusion of a solo category, organisers are also delighted to have signed a long-term partnership agreement with Class40. This agreement will ensure The Race Around’s continued success beyond the first edition which will start in 2023. The partnership agreement details how the two organisations will work together to ensure members are provided with the best racing opportunities whilst also ensuring a greater level of technological collaboration with regard to the safety, sustainability, event qualification and more. Halvard Mabire, President, Class40 Association said, “We’re delighted to have signed a long-term partnership agreement between our two organisations. It is clear that The Race Around is looking to establish itself as one of the great ocean races and we, as a Class, are proud to work alongside them in a true partnership. The inclusion of a solo class allows us to dream once again of the golden era of the 'BOC Challenge' and 'Around Alone', races in which the racing was tough and the adventure was real. Today’s announcement allows further opportunity for competitors to stay within the class and for partners and sponsors to gain exposure on a global scale, whilst also providing seasoned amateurs the ability to complete a lifelong goal of circumnavigating the globe.” source:   [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Final Four]]> Wed, 27 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT Yannick Bestaven -          Winner of the 2015 Transat Jacques Vabre -          Winner of the 2011 Transat Jacques Vabre -          Winner of 2015 Les Sables Horta -          Second of  Sables Les Sables Horta 2011 -          Second of the Normandy Channel Race 2015   Boris Herrmann -          Winner of the 2008-2009 Global Ocean race -          Second of the 2008 Artemis Transat -          Third of the 2009 Rolex Fastnet Race -          Seventh of the 2013 Normandy Channele Race   Louis Burton -          Second of the 2018 RORC Caribbean -          Twentieth of the 2010 Route du Rhum -          Builder of Tizh 40   Thomas Ruyant -          Winner of the 2010 Route du Rhum -          Winner of the 2010 Normandy Channel race -          Winner of the 2010 Record SNSM -          Third of the 2014 Normandy Channel race -          Fifth of the 2012 Mondial Class40   The only certainty at this time is that Class40 is very proud of its former members and wishes the skippers a great end to the race. To its many other representatives: Damien Seguin, Giancarlo Pedote, Maxime Sorel, Armel Tripon, Arnaud Boissières, Alan Roura, Stéphane Le Diraison, Pip Hare, Manuel Cousin, Miranda Merron and Alexia Barrier.  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[RORC Transat: Palanad 3 (#160) wins in Antigua]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Olivier Magré's Mach40.4 finished 3rd in real time in the RORC Transat, raced between the Canary Islands and Antigua, behind a multihull and a Volvo 70. With a time of 10d 02h 0' and 34 sec, he wins in IRC and Class40.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Passing of Alexis Guillaume]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 learned the sad news of the death of Alexis Guillaume, Class pioneer on his jumbo Merena and one of the "tontons d'Islande" of the first Class40 race, Paimpol-Reykjavik.Belgian, he hosted and his last Class40 report was on the RORC Caribbean 600 in 2019.All our thoughts to Sylvie, his faithful teammate and companion.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Class40 withdraws the Globe 40 from its program due to its postponement to 2022]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Renewed confidence in Halvard Mabire]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 Annual General Meeting was held last Saturday. At the end of the meeting, the members elected the new members of the Executive Committee. Renewal of the members of the Executive Committee They were 6 candidates for 3 vacancies, showing the dynamism of the class and the willingness of its members to invest in it. At the end of the ballot, Catherine Pourre and Cédric de Kervenoael, who were completing their 3-year term, were re-elected, proof, if proof were needed, of the recognition of the work carried out by the Committee. Luke Berry was overwhelmingly elected with more than 70% of the votes and joined the Board. His career (2nd in the Mini Transat 2015, winner of the 2019 Rolex Fastnet race, 6th in the 2018 Route du Rhum...) and his dual nationality perfectly illustrate what the Class40 is all about: an international class for true ocean racing enthusiasts. Trained as a naval architect (Southampton University) and perfectly bilingual, he completes an already very international Executive Committee (France, Italy, Germany, America and South Africa) with complementary skills. 2020 Board of Directors Halvard Mabire continues his term as President for another year, as does Catherine Pourre, who is re-elected Treasurer. As Vice-President, Pietro Luciani is chosen by the directors. Cédric de Kervenoael becomes Secretary General. The departure of Jacques Fournier A page was turned on that day. Jacques Fournier, one of the founders of Class40 and president of the Association for 4 years, at the end of his mandate, had decided not to run again. Adept in the notions of adventure and discovery, a fervent defender of the Friendly class and its PRO-AM mix, he decided to leave his place to the new generation after 15 years of unfailing investment, confident in the maturity of the class. A big thank you to him for all he has given and brought to the class![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[ ]]> Tue, 10 Nov 2020 00:00:00 GMT [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Lamotte - Module Création, winner of the Spi Ouest France !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT It was the last race of the season and they had planned to give it all! Luke Berry and his crew raced last weekend on the Spi Ouest France in La Trinité-sur-mer. After three days of racing and three coastal courses, Lamotte - Module Création won in Class40. Our skipper couldn't have ended his season in a better way! "These three days in La Trinité were really nice! Wind, sunshine, even if the temperatures had clearly dropped this weekend. We arrive 2nd the first day, then we win the next day in front of Leclerc. That really motivated us to give everything for the last day of race, we were not far from the victory? Finally we win this last coastal course and in the general! There was a very beautiful match with the brand new Class40 Leclerc of Olivier Magre who had on board Sam Manuard and Nicolas Groleau, designer and builder of our boat and also with the friend Jean-Baptiste Daramy who completes the podium, congratulations to them! After this hectic season and our retirement on the Normandy Channel Race, it feels good to end the year this way. Like that the Mach 3 can still fight well against the new boats! Thanks again to my great crew, we spent three days on the water really great" says the skipper. Source: Luke Berry Sailine General Ranking 1. Lamotte Module Création - Luke Berry 2. Leclerc Ville La Grand - Olivier Magré 3. Tribord SCREB - JB Daramy 4. Sensation Class40 - Marc Lepesqueux 5. Sensation Class40 - Louis Duc[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Spi Ouest France: 5 Class40 at the start]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Spi Ouest France, destination Morbihan, starts today. RDV at 2pm on the starting line for the first course for the 5 Class40 engaged.The registered ones :- #109 - Tribord - Scree / Jean-Baptiste Daramy- #140 - Sensation Class40 / Marc Lepesqueux- #26 - Sensation Class40 / Louis Duc- #153 - Lamotte Module Creation / Luke Berry- #160 - Leclerc Ville La Grand / Olivier MagréMeeting on Sunday evening to know the winner at the end of 3 days of coastal courses.  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[NCR: Sec Hayai (#44), winner of the Vintage Category]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Frans Budel and Ysbrand Endt crossed the finish line at  9H 35MIN 26S after 5J 14H 30MIN 26S . Not only did they finish at a very nice 9th place, but they also finished first Vintage, thus winning the eponymous ranking.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[BANQUE DU LÉMAN VICTORIOUS IN THE 11TH NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE]]> Sat, 19 Sep 2020 00:00:00 GMT After a muscly final, it’s Banque du Léman who finally scores the bullet in the 11th Normandy Channel Race. Skippers Valentin Gautier and Simon Koster crossed the finish line at 13 hours 30 minutes 30 seconds GMT after 4 days 20 hours 25 minutes and 30 seconds of racing. They made the finish line just 6 minutes ahead of Crédit Mutuel. Her skippers, Ian Lipinski and Julien Pulvé, bag silver then in this race, which once again went right to the wire. The hierarchy remained wide open throughout this 2020 edition as the fleet concertinaed its way along this course up to the south coast of Ireland. It was only once Lizard Point was rounded on the home straight that Banque du Léman (158) and Crédit Mutuel (159) managed to shake off the chasing pack for good and focus on their bitter duel to the finish, upwind in heavy seas. Ultimately, it was the Swiss team of Valentin Gautier and Simon Koster who came out on top to snatch victory in this 11th edition. “We had all manner of conditions, culminating with a 35-knot beat up the English Channel, which was really harsh. We knew what to expect when we entered the Normandy Channel Race, especially when Carpentier (Antoine) said it was like a 5-day street brawl, which sums up the race to a T. This event really is fantastic with its coastal passages, offshore sections, highly tactical elements and its fabulous landscapes. It’s hugely satisfying to go out and win this race in these conditions. It took some work this victory! It’s no mean feat that’s for sure,” enthused Valentin Gautier and Simon Koster at the finish in Ouistreham. It was a cruel blow for the second placed duo from Lorient and La Rochelle, Ian Lipinski and Julien Pulvé, as it could have gone any which way and they too sailed a brilliant race. “Competitively, it was a rewarding and tough race. We really battled hard from beginning to end. It was really intense, with a great deal of jockeying for position throughout. We knew that this was part and parcel of the Normandy Channel Race’s reputation before the start,” explained the magnificent runners up in this Normandy Channel Race 2020.  Redman finishes at the 3rd place. Source: Normandy Channel Race[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A new Class40 for Aurélien Ducroz and Crosscall]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Crosscall Sailing Team and Aurélien Ducroz unveiled the lines of the future Crosscall monohull designed in collaboration with the architects and engineers of Marc Lombard Design Group. As the first prototype to take advantage of the new class standards, the Crosscall Class40 will have an innovative style and will be optimized to play at the forefront of the major offshore races that are on Aurélien's program for the next two years. "I am proud of this new great step in my life as a sailor. Creating a new boat gives me the freedom to make my own choices and to be at the heart of the design, just as I have been during my skiing career with several ski designs and constructions. I am happy to build this incredible boat with my historical mountain partners and to be able to continue projects in both universes in this way. The objective of the Route du Rhum in 2022 is a big step towards my dream of the Vendée Globe''. Aurélien Ducroz, Skipper Crosscall Sailing Team "This is also another big step for Crosscall as this class40 will be our first boat as title partner. An adventure in which all our teams are passionately involved and which demonstrates the reliability of our smartphones and tablets to sailing professionals and boaters. They will be integrated as navigational aids and will allow Aurélien to film and share his adventures''. Cyril Vidal, President and founder of Crosscall THE FUTURE CLASS40 CROSSCALLInnovative style, optimal performance Aurélien called on the Lombard architecture firm, whose Lift V1 won the Route du Rhum in 2018, a choice that matched the skipper's ambitions. "Aurélien Ducroz's future boat will be truly different from the other Class40s: it will be the first boat in the category to exploit the limits of the new 2020 class. In addition to the calculated performance gains, this Lift V2 will stand out in terms of aesthetics. We are used to say that what is beautiful goes fast, and this one will have a different and rather stealthy look''. Éric Levet, Marc Lombard Yacht Design Group. The hull: a cut section to gain in lightness The power of the hull, its hydrodynamic drag and its attitude in the sea were the 3 axes of development and optimization. The result is an original hull, which will allow significant speed gains with a very healthy behavior of the boat at all speeds, especially downwind in rough seas. The bow: a highly optimized front shape The general aesthetics of the shape is thus new: the upper part of the bow is inverted, and it is associated with a marked frigatage at the bow of the boat. The cockpit: designed for solo sailors Aurélien wanted to have a cockpit with all the controls within easy reach and as far back in the boat as possible in order to center the weight on the stern and protect it from the elements. "I've almost always sailed on Lombards and I'm convinced of their performance. We have gone very far in the details to optimize each part to the maximum. The result is an extremely accomplished boat with innovative lines that will clearly allow us to challenge the latest arrivals in the Class40! "Aurélien Ducroz HE ADVANTAGES OF THE CLASS40 CROSSCALL Crosscall technology at the heart of the design: Core-T4 smartphones and tablets are integrated as navigational aids on board the future boat. Building with common sense : Aurélien opted for French manufacturing and short circuits with the boat being built in Caen. He also wants to favor sustainable materials: the non-structural parts will be made of biocomposites with the use of flax and biosourced resins.Reinforced safety: a maximum of controls are brought back in the cockpit to minimize the time at the front of the boat and the life raft is integrated in the transom. Source: Crosscall Sailing Team[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A GREAT START FOR THE NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE’S 2020 EDITION!]]> Mon, 14 Sep 2020 00:00:00 GMT Eager to get back out on the racetrack, 26 duos set sail today on the 11th Normandy Channel Race, the only event in the Class40 championship that has been able to go ahead as planned in the rather unique landscape of 2020. It was with almost perfect weather conditions, worthy of the finest summer days, that the Race Committee released the Class40s right on schedule at 19:05 local time along a looped 7-mile coastal circuit around the Baie de Seine off the mouth of the River Orne, between the cardinal marks of Luc sur Mer and Ouistreham. After a clean start in around 10 knots of NE’ly wind, conditions were almost perfect for the introduction to play, the Class40s putting on a fantastic show as the sun went down over the yard arm. The preamble was hotly contested, providing a tantalising foretaste of the battle that awaits over the theoretical 1,000-mile course. Fresh out of the box, Redman, skippered by Antoine Carpentier and Nicolas Groleau, rapidly set the pace and were first to round the final mark of the coastal course and set a course, downwind, towards the next waypoint off the Saint Marcouf islands, some 36 miles from the start, in the Baie des Veys. The duo of Ian Lipinski and Julien Pulvé aboard Crédit Mutuel, one of the firm favourites of this 2020 edition, nailed a series of pristine tack changes to bag second place in the position report. Hot on their heels was the father and son duo, Antoine and Olivier Magre aboard E. Leclerc Ville La Grand. Evidently, the downwind conditions combined with the talent of the skippers enabled the Class’ most recent additions to really show what they’re made of on this coastal course.  Making for Saint-Marcouf There are some 36 miles between the last mark in the coastal course off Ouistreham and the compulsory waypoint to the west of Saint-Marcouf. The competitors are due to benefit from a gentle and favourable current to reach the first tricky section of the course which, as is often the case in this great Norman classic, will likely reshuffle the cards for the first time. Channel hoping To tackle what will likely be one of the least fun sections of the course, the Channel crossing and its heavy shipping, the fleet should still be able to benefit from some favourable conditions on a reach in a breeze that is forecast to flesh out to around 15 knots from the ESE. After a first night at sea, the leading Class40s should theoretically reach the Isle of Wight tomorrow morning at around 0600 GMT, at which point their skippers will be able to get their teeth into another legendary section of the event: the negotiation of the Solent.  All the pictures: Source: Normandy Channel Race[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Watch the start of the Normandy Channel Race LIVE]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT [LIVE]  To watch the live start of the Normandy Channel Race this Sunday, there are three options:- from 7pm on France 3 Normandie Channel- From 6:55 pm on the Facebook page of the event or on the France 3 Normandy and France 3 Brittany Facebook pages.- on the websites of France 3 Normandie and France 3 Bretagne [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Normandy Channel Race: D- 3]]> Thu, 10 Sep 2020 00:00:00 GMT The great annual Class40 race is getting closer: it is indeed this Sunday that the 27 Class40 entered in the race will start the 1000nm loop. Gathered in the Saint-Pierre basin in Caen since Wednesday evening (except for the two British boats which will go directly to the start line), the masked smiles are on everyone's faces: what a pleasure it is for all to get together and return to the competition! Because there will be competition! The last 9 newborns of the class are present on the event and older but still very competitive units will also have their places to defend. The list of the registrations:  While waiting for the strat, and until the arrivals, find the Minute of the Normandy Channel race on France 3 Bretagne and France 3 Normandie after the editions of 12h and 19h.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[IRC can also be fun for a Class40 !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT After the beautiful victory of Mussolo 40 #107 in corrected time on the last Cape 2 Rio, it's now the turn of Kito de Pavant and his Made In Midi #142, to play at the lead of a race in IRC, the Quadra Solo-Duo Méditerranée. The announced objective: "to get back on the water, to find again this atmosphere of start, to tack, to pass buoys"... and "to try to win all the regattas in real time! ». It is in duo with Mikael Mergui that Kito is lining up for this Marseille event in which 48 boats are registered. 1st race: 1st in real time but 30th in corrected time . 2nd race: 1st in real time but... winner in corrected time! 3rd race (Marseille / Porquerolles - 53nm): 1h ahead of their competitors at the finish and a new victory! 4th race: victory in real time with a good lead but still insufficient for the corrected ranking (20th) 5th race: victory in real time and corrected! 6th (Porquerolles / Marseille): victory in real time. 3 hours after crossing the line, still no other arrivals ... which gives the duo still victory! 7th race: 29th in corrected time 8th race: 8th in corrected time The red and yellow boat will have greatly animated this race by winning 4 races, half of the 8 races. Eighth overall is a very nice result in IRC, a system that is not very favorable to the Class40. Source: Made In Midi / Cécile Gutierrez  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Made in Midi sets a new record in the Headlight Run Cup]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT On June 21st, Mathieu Claveau set a Class40 reference time on the Headlight Run Cup, aboard his Class40 Vintage #89 AJT. Registered in the Quadra Solo-Duo with his Made in Midi #142, Kito de Pavant took advantage of a day of strong Mistral wind (forcing the organizers to revise the race program) to try to beat this record. Accompanied for the occasion by Mikaël Mergui and Bernard Mallaret, Kito thus set off on the round trip between Canoubier and  the Planier lighthouse on Sunday, August 23rd and beat the record by about twenty minutes since it only took them 1h 00min and 58s to complete the 14 nm. Average speed: 13.78 knots Max speed: 19.7 knots Conditions: 30 knots of mistral  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[New record on Round Britain and Irlande : Banque du Léman sets a new reference time]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Roesti Sailing Team broke the fully-crewed Round Britain and Irland record last night. Starting on August 17th from the virtual line off Cap Lizard at 15h42min26 sec UTC, it crossed the same line tonight at 22h09min51' UTC. The record time of the Class40 Banque du Léman is therefore 7 days 6 hours 27 minutes and 25 seconds. Valentin Gautier, Simon Koster and Justine Mettraux thus set a new crewed record in the category of boats up to 40 feet (subject to ratification by the WSSRC). The previous record was held by Ian Lipinski in 7 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 48 seconds, achieved at least in July alone. After a relatively slow start to the race, the Swiss trio seized one opportunity after another: following a series of transitions, fronts and lows, they made the most of the weather analyzed with their router Julien Villon to finish half a day ahead of the set time. "I have the impression that we spent quite a bit of time in light winds or in transitions," says Simon Koster from Zurich. "In the end, we still arrived about ten hours early. Luckily we had some very fast phases! With the sequence of several weather systems, we had to fight until the end to make it happen. We could never be sure that it would pass "cleanly". Technically, it went well, we just had a small problem with the hooking and the halyard, two or three little things but nothing disabling. It's a great reward to have managed to beat the record, our main objective, for which we had to work hard! » The Swiss Valentin Gautier is equally delighted: "It's great form aboard Banque du Léman, the job is done! The wait for a weather window has been long all summer. It's a great satisfaction to have fulfilled the objective and to have been able to offer a record to our sponsors who have been loyal to us this year. This is a way for us to thank them! What made the difference is the same recipe as for all the records: good weather and the ability to use the boat at 100% of its capacity on the chosen window are essential. Humanly it was great, a good mix of concentration and relaxation when we could afford it, a good recipe! » Valentin and Simon were joined by the experienced Geneva sailor Justine Mettraux for this record attempt. "I'm super happy, it was great to be able to sail this course with Simon and Valentin on this great boat. There was a lot of pressure on the descent because as time went by, the weather was getting worse, we had less wind and therefore more pressure to get there on time. Julien Villon who did the weather and the routing on land helped us a lot, especially at the end of the course which was complicated. Thanks to him! We fought well to go as fast as possible. To beat the record with this advance is a satisfaction! » The team is delighted to have been able to wear the colors of its three main partners on this record: Banque du Léman, Graphax and Naef. The Roesti Sailing Team would like to thank TeamWork for making Justine available for this adventure, and is delighted with the loyalty of all its sponsors and partners despite a complicated season. The video was filmed a few hours before their arrival, by the media woman Anne Beaugé who sailed with them on this record! "It was an unforgettable experience to follow the Roesti on this record! Photographically, they are great models, intense in what they do and they don't pay attention to my lens! It's a first experience for me for such a long time, a boat under sails, it's my favorite office. I also sail Class40s, but not at these speeds and not at this intensity. I was amazed by their level of concentration. They're tight-knit, all decisions are taken calmly! It was great. »   source:[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Morgane Ursault-Poupon and Rémi Lhotellier : new reference time on the "défi Pure Océan"]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The « Pure Ocean foundation » and the association « la Route Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon » had the great idea to create the « Route Saint-Pierre-Lorient – Défi Pure Ocean ». This is not a new race but a record, a challenge, which, in addition to the sporting dimension, is intended to support an awareness campaign on the importance of the ocean and the threats to its health.   In 1987, on the return leg of the famous Lorient Saint-Pierre Lorient race, Eric Tabarly and his crew set a reference time of 10 days 1 hour and 31 minutes on their 80-foot yacht "Côte-d'Or", between the French archipelago of North America and the Breton city.   This year, 2 teams decided to embark on this 2150 nm route : Jean pierre Dick and his crew on a 54 feet monohull « The Kid » and Morgane Ursault Poupon and Rémy Lhotellier on her Class40 « UP Sailing – Unis Pour la Planète », who will therefore set the first time in our category.   The boat crosses the starting line on Saturday, July 18. On the program, many beautiful animal encounters : « Since our departure and as usual, we are attentive to the animals we meet. One hour ago, Rémi saw a small shark of about one meter long, which was running along the boat. This encounter was too quick to precisely identify the animal. On the Newfoundland bank we had seen humpback whales several times. Every other day we see dolphins. Maybe we are going too fast for them, but they haven't come to play with the boat yet, or they are too busy hunting. We also saw a small group of pilot whales. And every day we see birds. In St. Peter's we enjoyed watching puffins and little penguins (torda, I think). In the open sea, we often see several species of petrels. We saw some Northern Gannets. And there's a nice species that we often come across, I think it's an Arctic Gull.   I have the feeling that these cool latitudes are more conducive to the observation of marine life than during a transatlantic crossing from the West Indies. (...) With David Sussmann and the Pure Ocean team, we are using animal identification and pollution tracking applications (such as drifting fishing gear) during this challenge : Fisk&Click and OBSenMER. "Good news": except for a crate and a piece of plastic, no other pollution was observed, contrary to our passage to Bermuda during our ascent, where we saw floating rubbish every day..." wrote Morgane on July 24th before adding, the next day: "Today several groups of dolphins came to play with the boat. Just like the sun, I missed their "contact". This July 25th, we were spoiled, the sun and the dolphins accompanied us for a long time! Two species had fun racing with Cheekytatoo (my boat's christening name) and showing us their power with some pretty spectacular jumps! Common dolphins and blue and white dolphins, 3, 4 and 5 individuals in three distinct groups, 2-3 hours apart. Species accustomed to our metropolitan latitudes, we were able to identify them thanks to the OBSenMER application. As usual, we recorded the time and position and took some pictures. Rémi and I are fortunately surprised to see that these higher latitudes are more frequented by cetaceans and birds, compared to the latitudes usually borrowed during a return transatlantic crossing : West Indies-Açores. (In the Azores archipelago, on the other hand, there is a superb marine fauna...). The duo arrived in Lorient on Monday 27th July after 8 days, 21 hours, 3 minutes and 52 seconds at sea, a new time to beat on this course for the Class40s.    [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Crédit Mutuel (Ian Lipinski), winner of the Drheam Cup 2020]]> Fri, 24 Jul 2020 00:00:00 GMT A return to the competition, and the Class40s did not disappoint – a race full of suspense! At the head of the fleet, an intense duel was played out in the Irish Sea by Crédit Mutuel (Ian Lipinski) and Palanad 3 (Nicolas Groleau). Afterwards a significant gap became apparent between these two Class40s and finally, it was the Reason design which took home the prize. Ian Lipinski and his crew (Gwenolé Gahinet, Sébastien Picault and Ambrogio Beccaria) crossed the finish line, just off the coast of La Trinité sur Mer, at 11:30pm this Tuesday 21st July 44 minutes and 36 seconds ahead of Mach 40.40 Palanad 3 skippered by Nicolas Groleau, Sam Manuard, Alan Pennaneac'h and Ludovic Aglaor. Followed by a trio made up of Lamotte Module Création (Luke Berry), Everial (Stan Thuret) and Virgin Media Business that pursued them. The first two finally managed to beat the English Class40 and it was Luke Berry with his crew who completed the podium after crossing the finish line around 2am, just a few minutes ahead of Everial. Arrivals then continued throughout the night. Black Mamba (Nicolas Jossier) finished in 6th position around 4am, followed by Vogue avec un Crohn (Pierre-Louis Attwell), Milai (Masatomo Suzuki) and Vicitan (Didier Le Vourch). Ian Lipinski: “We have fun all the time at sea, but it's always nice to win after a great battle. It was excellent to win after so many twists and turns. It was not easy; I slept little, but we got along well and had a lot of fun. It was overall extremely rewarding. In terms of learning, we have had our fill since the length of error is infinite. We will never reproduce the same win, but we are able to adapt and find variations. This is an experience that will be used later!” Luke Berry: "We fell again into light airs close to Penmarch. Our 4 small miles advance on Stan, Bilou and Lionel (Everial) turned into 4 miles behind. It was extremely hard on the nerves, but we fought to the end to regain the distance and finish a few seconds in front of them! Stress until the end, but we are happy to finish 3rd. The 1st boats escaped us during the different weather systems so we could not really fight them. Overall, we are incredibly happy; an incredibly good regatta, a good recovery because we must not forget that we have not really raced since the Transat Jacques Vabre. And it feels good! Thank you to Fred Denis and Jb Daramy with whom the racing is always at the top!”   Rankings: Crédit Mutuel Palanad 3 Lamotte Module Création Everial Virgin Media Business Black mamba Vogue avec un Crohn Milai Vicitan Gustave Roussy DNF Banque du Leman[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Drheam Cup: a thrilling finale]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Setting out from Cherbourg nearly 48 hours ago, the Class40s should arrive in La Trinité sur Mer at the end of the day. Who will be the winner? Impossible to answer for the moment as the match is so close between the first two, Crédit Mutuel (Ian Lipinski) and Palanad 3 (Nicolas Groleau). A little more than 100 nm from the finish, the two boats are racing at speeds approaching 20 knots. Who will complete the podium? Once again, it is impossible to know right now as there are three boats within 4 miles of each other vying for the bronze medal: Lamotte Module Création (Luke Berry), Everial (Stan Thuret) and Virgin media Business (Ian Hoddle).To follow this incredible finish: [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Drheam Cup : 11 Class40 will line up at the start]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT There will finally be 11 Class40 to take the start of the Drheam Cup 700 tomorrow, Sunday 19th July. For this return to the race, there is no doubt that the match will be intense: a quality line-up, complicated weather forecast and a great desire to fight. While the three latest arrivals will be present, this event will also be the first Class40 race for several new teams. Banque de Leman #159 (Mach 40.4)-          Valentin Gautier-          Simon Koster-          Justine Mettraux Black Mamba #154 (Lift 40)-          Nicolas Jossier-          Antonin Des Rotours-          Severin Brizay Crédit Mutuel #158 (Max 40)-          Ian Lipinski-          Ambrogio Beccaria-          Sébastien Picault-          Gwénolé Gahinet Everial #147 (Drakkar 40)-          Stan Thuret-          Roland Jourdain-          Lionel Garcia Gustave Roussy #133 (PogoS3)-          Christophe Rateau-          Sylvain Pontu-          Hendrik Voor Thuis Lamotte Module Création #153 (Mach 40.3)-          Luke Berry-          Frédéric Denis-          Jean-Baptiste Daramy Milai #101 (Pogo S2)-          Masa Suzuki-          Anne Beaugé Palanad III #160 (Mach 40.4)-          Nicolas Groleau-          Sam Manuard-          Alan Pennaneac’h-          Ludovic Aglaor Vicitan #134 (Mach40)-          Didier Le Vourc’h-          François Guiffant-          Olivier Delrieu Virgin Media Business #137 (Mach 40)-          Charles Emmett-          Ian Hoddle-          Jack Trigger Vogue avec un Crohn #135 (Pogo S3)-          Pierre-Louis Attwell-          Simon Bernaichouche-          Sophie Faguet To follow the start : live on France 3 Normandie, France 3 Bretagne and France 3 Pays de la Loire from 12h55. Facebook Live commenté par Serge Herbin et Louis Duc sur la page La Drheam Cup. Tracker :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Record SNSM : Luke Berry and his crew set a reference time]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This Saturday, July 11th, Luke Berry, Gilles Louvigne and Guillaume Chevallier set off aboard the Class40 Lamotte-Module Création on the SNSM Record course. Their main objective was to beat the record held since 2008 by Wilfried Clerton: 1 day 23 hours 2 minutes and 52 seconds. The second objective is to arrive in St Malo before Olivier Magré's Mach 40.4, just launched, which started on the same course a few minutes earlier.The trio crossed the start line off St Nazaire on Saturday at 9:35 pm and crossed the finish line in front of St Malo on Sunday night at 2:58 am. It thus improved on the previous record by 17 hours and 39 minutes, setting a new reference time of 1 day 5 hours 22 minutes and 59 seconds.It should be noted that the Mach 40.3 of 2018 is a few minutes ahead of the last born of the class, thus achieving its double objective. Luke Berry: "We just had a great 29 hours on the water. It feels good to get back into competition mode with this record, to beat it and win the duel with the new Mach N°160. It's true that at first I was a bit apprehensive about going up against the new Mach 4 because they have a little more reaching ability. Afterwards, they took their boat in hand so they may not have had all the controls, but we managed to keep them on the long tack in Southern Brittany of around 100 miles during which we had up to 25 knots of wind on reaching. It was really interesting. We found a good configuration with our Mach 3. Above 20 knots of wind we were flying constantly," said Luke. "We had summer conditions for a record, not necessarily the ones you think of most for a record, but it was really interesting in the end. We went very very fast along Southern Brittany, we tacked several times yesterday in the rocks to avoid the current on the northern Finistère part and, as soon as we passed Bréhat, we tacked again to reach Saint-Malo. We're setting a new reference time and I hope that's going to put more people on the record. It's a good start to the season and we're looking forward to the DRHEAM CUP next week! To redo the race a little bit, we started just behind the Class40 E Leclerc and we had a technical problem right away. The attachment point of the spinnaker head broke and the sail fell completely in the water. We saw the race take off but we finally managed to get everything back on board without any damage. We set out again to chase the 160. We spent some time with them during the night and they passed us again when we arrived in the West of Sein, there must have been the same gap as at the start so we were very happy. Then it was all about speed and upwind knitting in medium air so I think we had a slight advantage in terms of speed. It was especially nice to fight against Corentin Douguet and the Magré family, there was a real duel to knit in the rocks, something Corentin knows how to do with his experience as a Figaro sailor and single-handed," said the skipper. Source:[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[New Record ! Ian Lipinski sets Round Britain and Ireland Record !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Ian Lipinski is the new record holder of Round Britain and Ireland record in Class40. This Friday 10th July, the skipper of Crédit Mutuel crossed the virtual finish line by crossing Cape Lizard after 7 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 48 seconds of racing (subject to validation by the World Sailing Speed Record Council).  The skipper of Crédit Mutuel crossed the finish line today at 00 hours 12 minutes and 13 seconds. Starting from the same cape in the south of England a week ago, Ian Lipinski beat the previous record set by Phil Sharp in the crewed Race Around Britain and Ireland in 2018. Nicolas Théry, Chairman of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale: "Congratulations to Ian Lipinski and his entire team. Just two words: hats off... " Ian Lipinski: "Beating this record was a real challenge for the shore team as well as for me. We had the boat, the technique and the will, but the sea always brings its share of surprises. We achieved this result at the price of a total and uncompromising investment, thanks to the constant commitment of my entire team, the support of all our friends and the undeniable qualities of the Class40 Crédit Mutuel. » The course of the record Thursday, July 2, Day 1 - At 6 hours 21 minutes and 25 seconds this Thursday, Ian Lipinski crossed the virtual start line, under the control of a WSSRC reference, the World Sailing Speed Record Council, which records ocean racing records. From Cape Lizard, at the southern tip of England, the skipper of the Class40 Crédit Mutuel is heading east.To be raced: 1773 miles. To be beaten, Phil Sharp's time, with crew: 8d 4h 14min and 49 sec. Friday, July 3, Day 2 - Between France and England, Ian is making good progress, despite the pitfalls (shipping traffic, traffic separation devices, wind farms, shifting sandbanks). After 24 hours of racing, he has a 55 mile lead.Saturday, July 4, Day 3 - The gruelling Channel crossing is over. Passing the mouth of the Thames was no easy task, but here he is sailing up the coast of England in a light breeze, which is not helping him in his goal: to escape from a depression, which is a little too big for a Class40. At 0522 hours this Saturday, Ian had a 206 mile lead over the record.Sunday 5th July, Day 4 - The brutal depression has been avoided. Off the coast of Scotland, Ian "knitted" his way up to the northern tip of the Shetland Islands, the northern end of his course. His lead has shrunk to 33.6 miles.Monday 6th July, Day 5 - Class40 Crédit Mutuel rounded the Shetland Islands, then encountered violent winds which forced him to put a lot of pressure on the boat. Ian began the descent from the British Isles via the west face with a 30 mile lead. The weather is not simple: the sequence of weather systems and its alternation of lows and high pressure systems causes the wind angles and strength to oscillate. Tuesday, July 7, Day 6 - For the first time, Ian Lipinski falls behind the record. The wind, which was forecast to be downwind, i.e. on the beam, turns out to be coming from the front. The solo sailor has to go down the coast by a compulsory route and then upwind. This Tuesday was much harder than expected. Hampered by technical problems linked to the difficult passage through Shetland, Ian has had to adapt and deprive himself of precious hours of sleep. To complete this picture of a black Tuesday, Ian remained stuck in a windless zone for 5 hours.Wednesday 8th July, Day 7 - With a deficit of 144 miles, the attempt remains compromised. The skipper of Crédit Mutuel is nevertheless trying his luck by relying on Christian Dumard's theoretical routing. Phil Sharp and his crew were slowed down at the end, when his record was set in 2018. So there is still a chance! Thursday, July 9, Day 8 - A sailor doesn't need much to feel good: all he has to do is move forward. Since the morning of July 8, Ian Lipinski has been moving forward. And it's getting better, much better. 150 miles behind Phil Sharp's record at 8h30 on Wednesday, the skipper of Crédit Mutuel keeps going back up this virtual time. He is 50 miles behind but the speeds are high again.Friday, July 10, Day 9 - It is at precisely 00 hours 12 minutes and 13 seconds that Ian Lipinski at the helm of his Class40 Crédit Mutuel crosses the virtual finish line off Cap Lizard. It's won! Single-handed, Ian Lipinski beat the record set by Phil Sharp in the crewed race by 10 hours 24 minutes 1 second. source:[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Back to business ]]> Thu, 09 Jul 2020 00:00:00 GMT The least we can say is that the season has been severely disrupted this year! Even if the period has been efficiently used by the class to deal with all the short term and future issues, and by the skippers who were able to fine-tune their project ashore, it is about time that we saw some action on the water. Especially as more than 15 boats have changed hands and 5 new boats have been built or confirmed in 2020. Currently Ian Lipinski is trying to beat the single-handed record round Britain in a 40-foot monohull aboard Crédit Mutuel, this record is held by Phil Sharp since 2018. Over on the Atlantic coast, the Class40s are meeting up in Cherbourg for a long-awaited return to racing and it is the Drheam Cup which will restart the season on 18th July thanks to the determination of the organisers. Get ready for a 736 nautical mile loop between the Cotentin peninsula and La Trinité sur Mer via the Fastnet! The European Trophy, which has been greatly reduced this year, could be confirmed if there is enough participation for at least 2 out of the 3 races on the calendar. SSE Renewables Round Ireland, starting on August 22nd in Wicklow. The Normandy Channel Race, a great classic on the Class40 circuit, has already more than twenty entries and has therefore been confirmed without hesitation, the race will start on September 13th in Caen. Heading into autumn, the exceptionally beautiful Rolex Middle Sea Race will take place on 17th October in the Mediterranean. To end the season in style, some are planning on participating in the Spi Ouest France held in La Trinité sur Mer this September. And finally, several projects have announced plans to carry out parallel record campaigns on Round Britain and Ireland, the SNSM Record, the Defi Pure Ocean or Les Griffes du Lion. European Trophy: -          Round Ireland Race (22nd August) -          Normandy Channel Race (13th September) -          Rolex Middle Sea Race (17th October)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Ian Lipinski to attack the Round Britain and Ireland record!]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT At 6 hours 21 minutes and 25 seconds this morning, Ian Lipinski crossed the start line at Cape Lizard for his round the Britain and Ireland record attempt. In solo racing, the skipper of the Class40 Crédit Mutuel aims to do better than the 8 days 4 hours 14 minutes and 49 seconds of the Phil Sharp crew in 2018. For several days now, Ian Lipinski and his team have been monitoring the evolution of the train of the depression sweeping westwards through France and the United Kingdom. They had been waiting for the right moment to take up this challenge between the English Channel, North Sea and Atlantic. Yesterday, Wednesday, the Class40 Crédit Mutuel left Lorient and took up position off Cape Lizard, at the southern tip of England, with the intention of completing the great British loop from east to west. Carried by a 15 knot W'ly wind, Ian set off this Thursday shortly after 0600 hours, heading for the English Channel, then the North Sea, where winds of 20 knots should be waiting for him. These good downwind conditions remain tinged by the uncertainties linked to the nature and strength of the low pressure system expected in the north-west of Scotland, around the Shetlands. If the strength of the gusts predicted by one of the weather models is confirmed, Ian Lipinski could opt for a wiser solution so as not to put himself in danger. Ashore, the router meteorologist Christian Dumard and the technical director of Crédit Mutuel, Sébastien Picault, will be on watch. In the squalls. And the gain. Ian Lipinski: "Before setting out to sea, I always feel apprehensive. It's a common feeling during races. I know it and I'm predicting it to increase. In this case, with the pressure of the record, the situation is different. Everything is rushing, the countdown to the start as well as the emotions. What's great is that I'm attacking the record in good conditions, perhaps under a big spinnaker, which will be perfect to get into the rhythm. I'm going to try to do well to gain experience. If all goes well, I'll be able to take up the challenge and complete this lap, but safety remains my priority". The time to beat: 8 days 4 hours 14 minutes and 49 seconds: Phil Sharp and his crew (Julien Pulvé, Pablo Santurde del Arco and Sam Matson) in 2018, during the last edition of the Round Britain and Ireland Race, at an average speed of 9.03 knots (16.7 km/h). The theoretical distance to be covered is 1773 miles along the coast of the British Isles (3283 km). To follow Ian Lipinski's attempt live, go to:   source :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The course of the Globe 40 confirmed]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT With less than a year to go before the start, Sirius Evenements, organiser of the Globe 40, has confirmed the course of the first edition.Two prologues will be organised in June, one starting from Marseille, the other from La Rochelle towards Tangier, where the first leg will start. There will then be stopovers in Sao Vicente (Cape Verde), Mauritius, Auckland, Papeete, Ushuaia, Recife and Grenada. The last leg will arrive in Lisbon. Source: More information:[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Pure Ocean, a new challenge for the Class40s]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Association ROUTE Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, in partnership with the PURE OCEAN Foundation, has decided to organise a Sailing Challenge between the ports of Saint-Pierre (Saint-Pierre et Miquelon) and Lorient (France), i.e. 2,150 nautical miles, for any racing yacht likely to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The Challenge will be open to several categories of yachts, including Class40, for which a sailing time ranking will be proposed.The starting line of the Challenge will be open each year for a limited time. The first edition of the Challenge will be held between 14 and 29 July 2020. Initiated in 1987 during the second part of the LORIENT - SAINT PIERRE - LORIENT transatlantic race reserved for monohulls, this course was covered by Eric TABARLY on the maxi "Côte d'Or" in 10 days, 1 hour and 31 minutes.Morgane Ursault-Poupon has already announced her participation on her Class40 UP Sailing #30.  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Mathieu Claveau breaks the Headlight Run Cup record on AJT (#89)]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Conditions were perfect this Sunday 21st June in an attempt to beat the record: 25 knots set with gusts to 35, an almost perfect angle... It took Mathieu Claveau and his friend Olivier just 1h 20min at an average speed of 10.4 knots to set this new reference time on the round trip Tourelle de Canoubier (Marseilles) - Phare du Planier, i.e. 14 nautical miles.A record not only beaten in 40-foot boats, but also the best time on this monohull course, up until then by 1h47... the Class40 Vintage Class40s still have their say!  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Crosscall and Aurélien Ducroz announce the construction of a new Class40]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT CROSSCALL is committed for the next three years alongside the double Freeride World Champion and skipper, Aurélien Ducroz. Objective, the Route du Rhum 2022! An audacious project which will be materialized by the construction of a boat with CROSSCALL's colours and which will lead the brand and its ambassador in the greatest ocean races: the Transat Jacques Vabre in 2021 and the Route du Rhum in 2022.   United under the flag of the Crosscall Sailing TeamAfter a first successful experience during the 2019 Transat Jacques Vabre, it was natural for CROSSCALL to be present when the double world champion in freeride skiing presented him with his new project: to be at the start of the next Route du Rhum aboard a high-performance boat. His boat, Aurélien Ducroz imagined it to be innovative and high-performance with sustainable materials. Values shared by CROSSCALL which, since its creation 10 years ago, has made the lifespan of its products a priority.3 years is the duration of the commitment that CROSSCALL takes today with Aurélien through this partnership. Through this project, CROSSCALL wishes to be part of the world of sailing in a sustainable way and to promote its products to amateurs and professionals of the discipline as well as to all adventure enthusiasts.   From the mountains to the sea, a challenge made for Crosscall and Aurélien Ducroz!For this major challenge, Aurélien wanted to go further by fulfilling the dream of all sailors to "build their own boat". After a 5th place in the last Transat Jacques Vabre, CROSSCALL and Aurélien Ducroz now want to go further and perform together. A project that testifies to the relationship forged in recent years between the brand and its ambassador and the common desire to write a unique story between sea and mountain. 3 years of partnership that promises to be rich in emotions and adventures for the CROSSCALL SAILING TEAM which will be joined very soon by other partners.   "The Route du Rhum... yes, I'll do the Route du Rhum!"After a career at the highest level in ski-freeride (double world champion / 4 times winner of the Verbier Xtreme), Aurélien Ducroz set himself an unusual challenge 10 years ago: to set out to conquer the oceans, always with the same quest for performance and surpassing oneself. Very quickly accepted by his peers, the man from Haute-Savoie surrounds himself with the best to progress and perfect his skills. At sea and in the mountains, what drives them is to surpass themselves and brave the elements around them. After 3 Tour de France à la Voile and 5 transatlantic races, Aurélien is now setting himself the ultimate challenge: to reach Pointe-à-Pitre single-handed during the Route du Rhum 2022. A first for the skipper, who will be aiming for the best places in the rankings.   source :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Axel Trehin builts a new Class40]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT And three!This week it was Axel Tréhin, a newcomer to the Class40, who announced the construction of a Class40."Just a few months ago, I didn't even dare dream about it. So today, it's with a lot of emotion that on this day, which is a bit special for me, I can finally officially announce it: I'm embarking on the construction of a Class40 to take part in the Route du Rhum 2022!I'm lucky to be accompanied by some extraordinary people with whom we've decided to move forward, to believe in the future and in this project which honours the incredible work of the volunteers of Project Rescue Ocean. In order to allow this beautiful boat to see the light of day, I'm going to make some of the parts myself - so I hope you're not fed up with stories from the shipyard, because I intend to share with you the whole gestation of this new bird.But if I want to take the start of the races that have always made me dream, I still have to meet the partners who will find themselves in this new story and the values it carries. So more than ever, if you want to give me a little help: share this video, talk about it around you, contact me to discuss it... The door of my shipyard is wide open, and I'm always enthusiastic when it comes to talking about beautiful boats, oceans to explore, and exciting new adventures!"   source:  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A new Class40 for Jonas Gerckens]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT " Ready for an oceanic hyperspace jump?I am delighted to announce  a new Class40 for a vitamin-packed program from 2021 to 2025!The construction of this Max40 will begin in 2020, at JPS Productions, for a launch in the spring of 2021.The Transat Jacques 2021, the Route du Rhum 2022 and the Globe40 2025 will be the main objectives. It's the first time in my career that I'm going to have a new, latest-generation boat and I'll have followed the whole construction process. I'm delighted, proud and grateful to be offered this opportunity. Thanks to teamwork between the architect, the boatyard, the design office and all those involved in the technical choices, we will enable the new boat to be at the top of her class. This prospect is extremely exhilarating. From a sporting point of view, it's a huge leap forward. I'm trusted and I'm finally going to have the means to express myself at the highest level. Obviously, it puts me under extra pressure but it's essential to go beyond my limits. With a boat like this, we'll clearly be aiming to be in the top five in the world, but also to have the ability to be on the podium in every race."   source:   [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A Mach40.4 for Antoine Carpentier]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT For the first time in its history, Redman, a committed promoter of a low carbon and inclusive city, is committing to a major sports sponsorship until 2022, supporting skipper Antoine Carpentier on the Class40 circuit. The group and the yachtsman have thus launched the construction of a new Mach40.4, the design of which has been entrusted to the JPS Production shipyard in La Trinité-sur-Mer. The boat is scheduled to be launched at the end of the summer. A double-bottomed project for Redman: supporting the skipper in all aspects of his project and identifying with the strong values of sailing. A STRONG AMBITION FOR REDMAN"The choice of ocean racing is a consistent bias for Redman. Sailing is a very unifying sport, which conveys positive values in line with those of our group. Synonymous with dreams and adventure, escape and solidarity, at sea as well as in companies, it is about the quest for challenge and performance, the culture of humility and surpassing oneself. Moreover, sailing is a sport with a strong environmental conscience, which is in line with our DNA" explain the two partners of Redman, Matthias Navarro and Nicolas Ponson who have chosen to accompany Antoine Carpentier, Two-time winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre and the Transat Québec - Saint-Malo and four-time winner of the Tour de France à la Voile, among others, one of the most accomplished records in French sailing, which is about to change dimension by finding itself propelled at the helm of its own project alongside Redman. A PROJECT FOCUSED ON PERFORMANCE"The Mach40 version 4, the first example of which was seen racing for the first time during the last edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre, showed its incredible potential. Its hull allows the class rule to be exploited to the maximum. Anything that is not structural aboard the monohull will mainly be made from bio-sourced composites. In this respect, I'm already working with Tual Le Guillerm and his company Crazy Lobster, which specialises in R&D and the manufacture of composite parts," commented the sailor from La Trinité, who wants to bring a "green" touch to his project without putting performance to one side, with victory in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe in 2022 in his sights. A WINNING PROJECT"This new project is a winning project," emphasises Antoine, whose assets are numerous, starting with his rigour, determination and considerable experience, in terms of navigation of course, but also in terms of development and performance after many years spent fully committed to all the skippers he has worked with. "With the launch of this boat, two thirds of the way to a great story has already been made," concludes Antoine Carpentier, who intends to excel both in the role of project manager and in all the roles he has held up to now.   source: Release Redman / Antoine Carpentier / Lucile Troel  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Kito de Pavant sets a reference time for the Tartine Cup]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This Tuesday 19th May in Port Camargue (Le Grau du Roi), the sailor Kito de Pavant took advantage of the Mistral wind, which was blowing hard, to set the first reference times for the Tartine Cup, one of the four courses of the Griffes du Lion. By covering the 19.54 nautical miles (36 km) between the Pointe de l'Espiguette and the Pointe de Beauduc in just 1h 20min 47sec, at an average speed of 14.5 knots, Kito de Pavant established a reference time in 40' feet aboard his Class40 Made in Midi #142. "We can see that the course, which seems super simple, is not that simple! You have to choose your equipment carefully, it's still quite strategic. You also have to choose the right moment to leave. It makes you think, it's interesting, it's fun! That's what the Lion's Claws concept is all about: there are good conditions, you set off on a simple course and you can really have fun. I think we've had some good times but they're still modest, which should motivate a lot of people to come and eat them! » source:[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[AGM postponed]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[French sailing legend Lalou Roucayrol aims for The Race Around!]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT It is with great excitement that The Race Around can today confirm the first competitor campaigning to be on the start line of Class40s new around the world race. Having spend a decade on the Multi50 “Arkema”, Lalou Roucayrol embarks on a new adventure with Class40 culminating in The Race Around 2023. From the Medoc region of France, Lalou Roucayrol the winner of the 2017 Transat Jacques-Vabre and numerous other offshore races (for further detail please see below), will compete alongside a number of co-skippers from his Lalou Multi training centre. The objective is to provide a platform for younger competitors to gain a full understanding of the values associated to ocean racing and the build of their own Class40.     Lalou Roucayrol, Skipper: “The Race Around offers the perfect opportunity to bring together what we have been building for several years with Arkema and Lalou Multi. Our projects have always been educational and the possibility offered by The Race Around to alternate crew at each stage of an around the world race is a wonderful way to develop talent.  There are several reasons why we’ve decided to embark on this new project. First of all, the Class40 is a very similar state of mind to that of the Multi50. These boats are designed to be safe and fast. That combined with the ability to validate much of the technology we have been developing for many years, notably a boat built using 100% recyclable liquid thermoplastic resin. We also want to follow those that have gone before, to sail around the globe whilst achieving carbon neutrality.With a Vendée Globe where it is increasingly difficult to find budgets for a winning campaign and the end of the Barcelona World Race, there is a place today for a competitive around the world race in Class40, where competition is key but budgets remain under control. The race follows a course and stops in cities historically lined to sailing, it gives meaning to what we do. For me that’s important. We’re extremely happy to be the first team announced and to be part of the history of what I truly believe fills a large gap within the world of offshore yacht racing.”   Sam Holliday, Managing Director, The Race Around: “Today is a hugely exciting day for The Race Around and a day we've been working towards for some time now. For The Race Around to have attracted a sailor with the pedigree of Lalou Roucayrol highlights the desire for a race such as this within the offshore racing calendar. Lalou's background as not only one of the worlds most experienced multihull sailors but as a boat builder and key figure within the yacht racing industry brings us real excitement. His campaign aligns perfectly with our goals and Lalou's commitment is one of many announcements we'll be making with in the coming months."    The Race Around continues to develop Almost 1,200 days sit between now and the proposed start of Class40s new race around the world. The organisers continue to work on attracting commercial partners to this multinational event. With conversations ongoing, several international companies have shown great interest with others already committed. Announcements are in preparation and will be released in the coming months. The route is in the final stages of being confirmed, with the majority of the host cities now committed to hosting the first edition of The Race Around. The city of departure is still available however the organisation is in detailed conversation with two French cities.   Emmanuel Versace, French Representative, The Race Around: "Since the beginning of this adventure, the objective of The Race Around has been to put competitors at the heart of this project. This required the careful selection of host cities, the most important element is that of the safety and integrity of the course but cities must also correspond to the needs of our commercial partners and our competitors commercial partners. We have time on our side, we’ll look to confirm our choice of start city within the coming months. We must adapt and understand the political deadlines provided by the many mayoral elections before jumping into this. Key to the relationship will be the signing of a multi-edition agreement."    The Transat CIC, first qualifying raceAs with any high profile around the world yacht race The Race Around aims to deliver competitive racing alongside a program minimising risk. Therefore a through qualification process will be important. The Transat CIC (departing Brest on May 10, 2020) will mark the first qualification race. The organisation will require its competitors to complete a predetermined number of miles within a racing scenario and within the configuration they wish to compete. Full details will be defined within the Notice of Race.   Source : Sam Holliday /[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[BHB, winner of the RORC Caribbean 600]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT For its third participation in this event, BHB #152 wins! After 3 days, 15 hours and 25 minutes of racing, Thibault Hector, Arthur Hubert and Clément Commagnac crossed the line in first place but only 27 short minutes ahead of UP Sailing #30, the 2007 Rogers design, led by Morgane Ursault-Poupon, Rémi Lhotellier and Louis Duc. Iskareen #138, skippered by the Bruhns brothers, completes the podium. Clément Commagnac's first reaction from Antigua: "We had a really nice race. In light wind, the boat was not to our advantage. We fought like dogs with Thibault Hector and Arthur Hubert, so as not to lose too much ground in these conditions. But when the wind came, we were able to take advantage of this superb n°152. The race was incredibly tactical, with a lot of windless zones but a lot of islands to round. Honestly, we won the race on our perseverance, we're totally exhausted, but super happy. And then we didn't lose the race thanks to Arthur who, after Guadeloupe, dove in at night, with a knife between his teeth, to remove a locker from our keel!" “Our boat is designed for really strong wind, so it was a bit tricky for us, but we really enjoyed the race - fighting with other boats,” commented Arthur Hubert. “BHB is really powerful reaching but we knew UP Sailing would be faster in the light. So the overall strategy was to keep close to them in the light and attack when the wind was stronger. Up Sailing is also from St. Malo so we are friends but there was no talking between us when we were racing. This race is really good for getting data to develop the boat because we sail at many wind angles and wind speeds. BHB has come second twice, so to win was very satisfying.”[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Transat CIC : 7 Class40 at the start]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT There will finally be 7 Class40s to take the start of The Transat CIC, in Brest, May 10th. Although the participation rate is a little lower than in 2016, that will not detract from the sporting interest of one of the most difficult transatlantic races because of its northern route. See you in Brest at the end of April frol the opening of the village. Entry list : The race :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Mussolo 40, winner of Cape 2 Rio]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 would like to congratulate Dr José Guilherme M. P. Caldas and Leonardo Chicourel on their great performance in Cape 2 Rio. If they had to participate in an ORC category, they demonstrate the potential of their 2011 Kiwi 40 as they won the CASA Trophy for first placed foublehanded on corrected time, the Meridian trophy as they were the first ORC boat across Greenwich Meridian and the South Atlantic Trophy for First Monohull Overall on corrected time. To note that even in elapsed time, Mussolo 40 got ahead 50 and 102 feet boats. José and Leonardo have been the perfect ambassadors of the class in the southern hemisphere during this race. More information: [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Globe 40, already 13 pre-registered teams from 10 nationalities]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The enthusiasm observed for the GLOBE40 since its launch last June cannot be refuted. Indeed, with 16 months till the race start some 13 teams have already made it clear that they intend to set sail on this first edition. Furthermore, the number of projects in the pipeline would suggest that this figure is set to increase rapidly, so it’s worth noting that there are only 25 places up for grabs! These teams are writing the opening lines of a story for an event that promises to be remarkable through its totally international character (10 nationalities are represented out of 13 teams) and the incredible diversity of the competitors’ nautical experience, ages and backgrounds. In this way, the spirit of the voyage will be coloured by Morocco (start venue Tangier) and Japan, Australia and the United States, Austria and Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Spain with a French contingent that represents less than half the skippers presented. In terms of its on-the-water experience, the line-up ranges from a former Volvo Ocean Race skipper (Andreas Hanakamp), to sailors with multiple circumnavigations of the globe (Stefano Raspadori – Léo Grosclaude – Hicham Tahri), including one non-stop singlehanded round the world passage on a Class40 (Joe Harris), transatlantic passages (Rob Windsor) and a slew of Mini Transats (Masa Suzuki, Anne Beaugé, Marcel Schwager, Marc Dubos), winners of the Sydney Hobart and the Melbourne-Osaka (Rupert Henry, Greg O’Shea), participations in the Route du Rhum (Nicolas Magnan) and the Clipper Race (Hicham Tahri), top-level able-bodied (Kim-Anne Le Formal) and disabled sailors (Ange Margaron), multigenerational teams with a good father-son relationship (Kieran and Jean-Jacques le Borgne / Léo and Eric Grosclaude), as well as inshore racing enthusiasts (Kori Nakagawa / Marco Bianchini). Evidently, the appeal of the course and the stopovers will in no way distract from the on-the water competitiveness of the event.   WORDS EORA RACING: “The creation of the GLOBE40 race boasts an even longer course that the double-handed Melbourme to Osaka race, thus providing us the next perfect challenge for us” SIROCCO: “A Franco – Moroccan team, symbol of the sharing and the mix of the cultures” SEGELT WELT RACING “It’s unimaginable to race around Cabo de Hornos !” GRIPHON SOLO II “We look forward to getting to fully exploring each stopover port” THE LONG WAY MADE FOR TWO “This is the story of two fanatics from the same family on the baton from one generation to the next” FATHER AND SON AROUND THE WORLD “It’s a family based project that will utilise the father’s experience of the sea, the son’s energy and the support of the whole family” RESSURECTION “We are looking for resurrection on a personal level and for the whole world” SPIRIT OF THE WIND “ The GLOBE40 is a course that appeals me..after completing several transatlantic passages over recent years, I’m really keen to see more distant horizons”. K’M’ ANGE AROUND THE WORLD “You can achieve anything no matter what your differences are…we’ r keen to defend certain values with a crew that is disabled – able bodied – mixed and young” AROUND THE WORLD AND GLOBE40 CHALLENGE “The GLOBE40 embodies my next dream…our team has no borders in terms of nationality or gender” *the german team is a professional one with a new boat, and will communicate it’s identity. LUC & VAL AROUND THE WORLD « A racer and an adventurer on the same boat, this is the receipe to to carry out such an ambitious project » PASION DE MAR « I want to be back on the starting line of a round the world race » GERMAN TEAM / in preparation on a high level approach with a recent Class40, presentation of the team soon Source: Globe 40 / SIrius EVenements Entry list: [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Eärendil winner of the 2019 RORC Championship.]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Definitively, 2019 is a great year for Eärendil : After having won the American Trophy, the European Trophy and also the 2019 Class40 Championship, they’ve been crowned by the RORC winning the Concise Trophy for Class40. A faultless performance for the # 145 Franco-Italian duo, winner of 4 races among the 5 they took part : the RORC Transat, the Caribbean 600, the Cervantes Trophy and De Guingamps bowl. They also signed a very nice 3rd place on the Rolex Fastnet Race. This 2019 Grand Slam shows the consistency and commitment of the 2 co-skippers since 2018 ![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Catherine Pourre and Pietro Luciani win the 2019 Class40 Championship]]> Thu, 28 Nov 2019 00:00:00 GMT The French-Italian pair Catherine Pourre and Pietro Luciani follows British sailor Phil Sharp as Class40 2019 champions. At the helm of their Mach3 n°145 Eärendil designed by Sam Manuard, Catherine and Pietro have shown all along the 6 major races on this year’s program great consistency at the top of the charts to take the win. The Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre, particularly competitive this year, is about the only race where the duo did not perform at the top. Very well positioned on a western course, they had to deal with technical issues, only to finish strong within the top ten of the race after a remarkable remontada. Claiming no less than three victories, Frenchman Aymeric Chappellier who did not compete in the Rolex Fastnet race, takes second place. Newcomer in the Class, Charles-Louis Mourruau having retired from the Transat Jacques Vabre completes the podium. 2019 proved quite an exciting and richly diversed season for the Class40 ; Two transatlantic races, the Défi Atlantique in april and the Transat Jacques Vabre in the fall, and four major classic races brought great performance and sports excitement to the fans. 45 boats enlisted in one or more of the 6 races that made up the 2019 championship. A strong testimony to the ever growing Class dynamics. New boats keep coming out of shipyards around the world, and older Class40 boats still remain quite competitive, as Charles Mourruau’s brilliant third place on board a Pogo 40 S2 Colombre XL n°101 proves the point. Earendil has displayed skill and performance throughout all the races on the agenda, starting with an early win in the Caribbean 600 in february. Catherine Pourre and Pietro Luciani then stood their ground facing an ever renewed and fierce opposition, with podium results in the Défi Atlantique, Normandy Channel Race, Les Sables - Horta and the Rolex Fastnet Race. Winning the title reflects a steady and strong commitment throughout the season by this pair of international sailors who gives an accurate representation of what the Class40 is about, diversity and internationalisation. Catherine Pourre - Eärendil « I am immensely proud of this result ; 2019 has been a grand slam year for Eärendil. After winning this year the America and Europe Class40 Trophies, the RORC Class40 Trophy, we secure the Class40 Championship. This exceptional achievement comes as a result of total commitment in every aspect of the project we initiated back in 2018. Our expectations were high. We have worked hard to improve the boats technical capabilities. She proved in the end robust and very fast. We did some great sailing with Pietro who is a talented sailor. We’ve met our goals. I however feel a bit disappointed by our Transat Jacques Vabre. Against all odds, we have tried to put up a show with a strong finish. As a 9 years member of the Class40, I remain an absolute supporter of this format that offers great sailing and racing opportunities at a reasonable price, within a lively and dynamic class. Our history with N°145 is coming to an end, almost, at least till the Québec Saint Malo 2020. To move forward with a new project would definitely please me. » Pietro Luciani - Eärendil « I am thrilled with this championship victory, which is the result of a fine team work and a solid commitment alongside Catherine. The Transat Jacques Vabre and our 10th place, leaves us with some regrets. But we have throughout the season shown dedication and steadiness to gain that reward. This championship is demanding. It is a very thorough competition, with a mix of transatlantic races, offshore races, in pairs or crewed. The level keeps on growing year after year. I particularly appreciate the Pro-Am spirit that still exists in the Class while performances are on the rise. Proof of this is this astounding 24 hours record set by Adrien Hardy and Ian Lipinsky with over 415 miles covered. Offshore sailing attracts more and more international sailors, and the Class40 is an excellent place to start. British sailor Phil Sharp won twice this championship. I admire him very much and it is an honor to come after him. I shall sail in Class40 again next year. My personal dream would be to compete in the Route du Rhum. » Aymeric Chappellier - Aïna Enfance et Avenir « It has been a great season for us, with five podiums in all five races, including three wins. I congratulate Catherine and Pietro. This second place comes as a victory of sorts, in this ever growing Class. The level is constantly on the rise and yet, fun and pleasure are still there. New boats are coming, all within the Class regulations, with performances similar to the Imoca of not so long ago. This championship offers great competitions, and the boats are still affordable. I know that the Class leaders put a lot of thinking into future potential developments and one thinks of foils quite naturally. But keeping the costs low still remain a Class trademark, which is a good thing. My partnership with Aïna is over. I’m taking time off to think about future plans. But I shall definitely sail Class40 again… » The Class40 Championship is a point race competition rewarding the teams that follow the program. This program includes transatlantic races and shorter offshore races. The Board decides every year on the program that can be checked here : www. 2019 standing  1- Eärendil - Catherine Pourre - Pietro Luciani : 1003 points 2- Aïna Enfance et Avenir : Aymeric Chappellier : 953 points 3- Colombre XL : Charles Louis Mourruau - Estelle Greck : 615 points 6 races accounted for the 2019 championship  RORC CARIBEAN 600 (10 entries) DÉFI ATLANTIQUE (12 entries) NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE (13 entries) LES SABLES - HORTA (13 entries) ROLEX FASTNET RACE (19 entries) TRANSAT JACQUES VABRE NORMANDIE LE HAVRE (27 entries)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Ian Lipinski and Adrien Hardy (Crédit Mutuel), winners of the Transat Jacques Vabre]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Ian Lipinsky and Adrien Hardy, on their 40ft monohull, Crédit Mutuel, have won the Class40 of the 14th edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre after crossing the finish line in the Bay of All Saints in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 04:36:23 (UTC), 17 days, 16 hours 21 minutes and 23 seconds after leaving Le Havre, Normandy, France on Sunday, October 27 at 12:15 (UTC).  Crédit Mutuel covered the theoretical course of 4,350 nautical miles at an average speed of 10.25 knots but actually sailed 4,714.35 nautical miles at an average speed of 11.11 knots.  Leaving Le Havre, Crédit Mutuel was on everybody’s list of favourites. The big nose of the new Mini-inspired, David Raison-designed scow attracted a lot of attention on the pontoons of the Bassin Paul Vatine. They were a known unknown. “They’ve got two very good sailors and a new boat,” said Sam Goodchild (Leyton), destined to be their chief pursuer.“They’ve only been in the water for two months. We’ve been sailing with them and their times are a bit quicker; they haven’t blown us out of the water yet, but they’re not going to get worse.” (Ian Lipinski explains his project here) Prophetic words. Crédit Mutuel only got better as the race wore on. They sailed their own race and had the skills and boat to back it up. Reaching out of the Channel, their northerly strategy was immediately apparent and after the first night they were one of only two boats to stay north of the Ushant Traffic Separation Scheme.  On the third night, they tacked south in seventh, 35 miles behind. Aïna Enfance & Avenir, the narrowest of runners-up in 2017 and most people’s marginal favourite at the start, leading by three miles from Leyton. By the fifth day, the fleet compressed in tricky upwind conditions with boats stuck in single figure boats speeds. “Our shift north? We still don’t know if it will be beneficial, but we think it's not that bad,” Lipinski, 38, said.  It wasn’t and a few hours later and after five and a half days of racing, on the latitude of southern Portugal, Lipinski and Hardy, 35, took a lead they would never relinquish.  It was far from plain sailing. They still led by only 9 miles from their formidable and proven pursuers as they approached the Canary Islands.  But by the ninth day, they had clearly begun to enjoy themselves and were sounding ominously confident. The four lead boats got through the ridge of high pressure around Gibraltar unscathed and in the north-east trade winds extended away from the rest of the fleet under spinnaker.   “We haven’t touched the helm since Ushant,” Lipinski said in what became a repeated refrain. “We’re as happy looking at our track on Adrena (routing software), as a skier looking back at his track after descending a slope.” In the north-east trade winds they powered away remorsely 20 miles to the west and on the 11thday after planing past the Cape Verde islands they repeatedly broke the 24-hour speed record. They peaked at 415.86 miles at average speed of 17.3 knots over 24 hours between 03:30 on 4.11.19 and 03:30 on 5.11.19. That beat the old record of 377.7 miles at average speed of 15.7 knots by 2017 winners V and B, set in the last edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre. Despite the much less favourable conditions, they were only six hours outside V and B’s 2017 course record of 17 days 10 hours 44 minutes and 15 seconds.  “The boat is going on its own, we found the right sails, we’re monitoring it, but its going alone,” Lipinski said this morning. “We’re under medium spinnaker with 1 reef and 2 reefs in the mainsail. We’re getting around on all fours, the boat slams lot, we’re trying not to hurt ourselves. It's a bit wet on deck, but I think it’s nothing compared to those behind us.”  Crédit Mutuel was 81 miles ahead of Leyton and 89 miles ahead of Aïna Enfance & Avenir. Both were regularly touching the old 24-hour record in their Manuard mach 3 boats but are losing miles at every ranking. After that, it appeared that they just had to avoid being Charaled in the Doldrums to secure victory and they managed that with aplomb, never offering Leyton a genuine sniff. There was always pressure, but Crédit Mutuel was always equal to it and they appeared to be enjoying their coast down north-east Brazil. “We think we’re going well, but we are still watching the rankings every hour,” Lipinski said  But if they were feeling the pressure on Crédit Mutuel, that was slightly undermined by their menu. “Yesterday, Adrien made bread and today he’s making a crumble,” Lipinski added.  They will have enjoyed that immensely on the final straight.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Crédit Mutuel breaks 24-hour record !]]> Wed, 06 Nov 2019 00:00:00 GMT  Ian Lipinski  and  Adrien Hardy are really impressive on the Transat Jacques Vabre ! The Crédit Mutuel duet  is now at the head of the fleet and they also broke the record of the distance sailed in 24 hours in Class40 ! They indeed  covered the distance of 415,86  nm between Tuesday November 5th at 3h30 (french time) and Wednesday November 6th (3h30) at the average speed of  17,3 knots. The previous record had been held  by V and B, skipped by Maxime Sorel and Antoine Carpentier since November 2017 the 10th. They covered  377.7 nm at the average speed of 15.7 knots during the 2017 Transat jacques Vabre. This new Max40 launched few monthes ago proves, with this new record, that the new generation Class40s are very close to the old generation Imocas (2007) regarding the perfomances ![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[How to follow the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre ?]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[27 Class40 au départ de la Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre ]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Despite a rainy weather, many people came to the village to see our 27 boats, all moored since noon today, in the Bassin Paul Vatine, in le Havre. The opportunity, for the public, to discover the eclecticism of the Class as the oldest Class40, #1, is present but also the most recent, #159. 17 designs from 11 architects are presented. Entry list [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[AMERICAN TROPHY 2019 : EÄRENDIL ACHIEVED THE DOUBLE 2018 & 2019]]> Fri, 11 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT Catherine Pourre (Eärendil # 145) and her crew have already won the American Trophy in 2018, the crew of Eärendil repeated the feat this year with a beautiful first place on the RORC Caribbean 600 2019, thus keeping their title obtained in 2018 on this race and the Class40 record for the event!   If only two events attracted the Atlantic Class40’s this year, it was two great races!  Antigua has traditionally started the season with the RORC Caribbean 600. With ten Class 40’s at the start, including the participation of boats that participated for the first time in 2018 and remaining in the West Indies, a trio led the race to the forefront in an intense battle from beginning to the end of this 600-mile course between the Caribbean islands of Saint Martin and Guadeloupe. Catherine Pourre and her crew, who were the same as in 2018 Pietro Luciani, Pablo Santurde, Carlos Ruygomez and newcomer in 2019 Massimo Juris, finally emerged with a victory, just three minutes ahead of Aïna Childhood and Avenir (# 151) led by Aymeric Chappellier, he himself arrived two minutes before his pursuer, Lamotte-Module Creation (# 153) of Luke Berry.  The second race was between Newport and Bermuda, the Bermuda 1-2. A superb single-handed event for the 600-mile first leg and double for the return, as the American Jonathan Green (Privateer # 102) won the event in the combined time of the 2 heats in front of 4 of his compatriots, including a particular Micheal Hennessy, winner of the Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe in the Vintage category in 2018, in his famous Dragon (# 54), arrived first in the round to go solo and2nd on the event in general.   Eärendil won the American Trophy, ahead of Privateer, second in the Trophy tied with Eärendil, Aîna by Aymeric Chappelier completing the podium. American Trophy 2019 and 2020 The American Trophy 2019 will have had 15 Class 40’s, including 8 French, 5 Americans, 1 German and 1 English boat. Traditionally less well-endowed in odd-numbered events, the American Trophy will have seen its participation almost stable compared to 2018 with a nice plateau in significant increase on the RORC Caribbean 600 and several new American projects in Bermuda one-two. Traditionally more active in even years, the American Trophy 2020 will see the Class 40 compete on the RORC Caribbean 600 as every year, the Atlantic Cup, doubles race, from Charleston (South Carolina) to Portland (Maine) via New York in June. This emblematic event of the American Trophy will be ideally placed in 2020 between The Transat,  solo from East to West arriving in Charleston (Departure May 10) and the now legendary Quebec Saint Malo (Departure scheduled July 12, 2020). Let's bet that this should boost the participation of Europeans in the American Trophy next year.   Comment from Michael Hennessy, Vice President, Class 40 A tip of the hat to Catherine for once again seizing the American trophy.  A well-earned victory!  We enjoy hosting Earendil in North American waters and her level of competition helps set a standard for the fleet. 2020 should see great racing in North America as the Class 40 fleet circles the Atlantic.  First The Transat, then the Atlantic Cup, followed by the Quebec Saint Malo.   The 2019 American Trophy Ranking: [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Eärendil (# 145) (Catherine Pourre - Pietro Luciani), winner of the European Class40 Trophy 2019]]> Fri, 04 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT "It's really fantastic for the Eärendil team to win the European Trophy this year, after winning the American Trophy in 2018 and 2019. It's the result of a lot of investment and effort from the team and it paid off. This is a collective victory, especially that of Pietro (Luciani) who has invested heavily in the project for 2 years and at the same time improved the technical qualities of the boat, making the Mach 3 from 2015 very fast, and improvements in performance and navigation, but also that of Pablo (Santurde del Arco) and other excellent team-mates. I thank them and dedicate this victory to them.’’ Said Catherine Pourre the skipper and owner of Eärendil.  Back in Europe in April with the Défi Atlantique, the first edition of which took place in March 2019, Eärendil followed with the Normandy Channel Race, for which the Spaniard Pablo Santurde del Arco replaced Catherine Pourre alongside Pietro Luciani. Although head of the majority of the course, the black boat eventually finished in second place behind the duo from La Rochelle, Aïna Enfance & Avenir (Aymeric Chappelier and Pierre Brasseur), Beijaflore signing a nice 4th place in the event. Les Sables Horta, a superb double-handed race from Les Sables d'Olonne to the Azores in two round-trip stages, will then face the duos without mercy with a tie in points between Eärendil (Catherine Pourre - Pietro Luciani) and Beijaflore (William Mathelin-Moreau – Amaury François and Marc Guillemot) respectively 4th and 3rd of the first stage and 2nd and 3rd on the return leg, Aïna (Aymeric Chappellier - Rodrigue Cabaz) ending at the top of the test. Volvo (Jonas Gerkhens - Benoit Hantzberg - Sophie Faguet), masterful winner of the first stage, finishing fourth overall. And while at the end of Les Sables-Horta, William Mathelin-Moreaux and his Beijaflore (# 154) are at the top of this trophy, thanks to his participation in the Grand Prix Guyader, it will be the Rolex Fastnet Race which will arbitrate. Beijaflore finishes in second place right in front of Eärendil, which finally, thanks to his good regularity of their four best races, picked up the European Trophy. Beijaflore finishes second in front of the mixed duo Charles-Louis Mourruau and Estelle Greck on Colombre XL (# 101), third in the European Class 40 Trophy 2019. Colombre XL has made a very remarkable season on their excellent but not very young Pogo S2 from 2011. We would also like to take note the very performance of Grizzly Barber Shop Cedric Kervanoel, 6th in the European Trophy and first vintage for the second consecutive year. See you on October 27 for the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre! There will be 27 Class 40’s lining up on the start line. This year is a record for a year after the Route du Rhum, which shows the good health of the Class40. At the end of this Transat Jacques Vabre, the champion Class 40 2019 trophy will be revealed.   Ranking of the Europe Trophy Class 40 October 2019 1.       Catherine Pourre (Eärendil) - 254 points 2.       William Mathelin-Moreau (Beijaflore) - 250 points 3.       Charles-Louis Mourruau (Colombre XL) - 212 points 4.       Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance & Avenir) - 189 points 5.       Jonas Gerkhens (Volvo) - 160 points The full ranking   [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 malouine SACIB : Victory of Luke Berry and Tanguy Le Turquais on Lamotte - Module Création !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT For this first edition of the 40 Malouine SACIB, 13 Class40s lined and up among them 2 vintages. After the first 180 nm course, raced in less than 24 hours, the boats competed on Sunday on 2 costals races, fully crewed. Luke BERRY, from St-Malo, and his co-skipper Tanguy LE TURQUAIS, winner of 2 races over 3 climb on the top of the podium. « The format of this 40 Malouine SACIB is super ! It’s a mix of doublehanded training during an intense offshore race and shorter routes with numerous maneuvers. It was also very pleasant to have our partners on board for the 2 costals fullycrewed races on Sunday morning with very good weather conditions, sunny and windy. We won the first leg and it was not easy.The fight was intense.On the second leg, despite a start on  the second place and another trap  stuck on the keel, we managed to sail well to regain places » says Luke BERRY. A first edition very positive ans enjoyed by everyone. The race partners already confirmed their support for the next edition.The SNBSM is under discussion wth the Class40 and the skippers to  schedule a date in the 2020 race program. The ranking :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine SACIB: results of the coastal races]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Two 10 milles coastal races have been sailed this Sunday, in more than 20 knots.    Ranking race 1 1. Lamotte Module Création - Luke Berry & Tanguy le Turquais 2. Crosscall Chamonix Mont-Blanc - Louis Duc & Aurélien Ducroz 3. Imagine - Jörg Riechers & Cédric Chateau 4. Vogue avec un Crohn - Pierre-Louis Attwell & Calliste ANtoine 5. Manic - Ian Hoodle & Jack Trigger 6. #AttitudeManche - Martin Louchard & Frédéric Duchemin 7. Yoda - Franz Bouvet & Danielle Vanhove 8. Rennes/Saint-Malo Mer ENtreprendre - Thibault Hector & Clément Commagnac 9. Equipe Voile Parkinson - Florian Gueguen & Raphael Auffret 10. Cabinet Z Grizzly Barber Shop - Cédric de Kervenaoel & Nicolas Boidevezi 11. Teranga - Christophe Rateau & Sylvain pontu 12. ADPS - Edgard Vincens & Marc Lepesqueux 13. A chacun son Everest - Yves Courbon & Renaud Courbon   Ranking race 2 1. Imagine 2. Manic 3. Lamotte Module Création 4. Crosscall Chamonix Mont-Blanc 5. Vogue avec un Crohn 6. A Chacun son Everest 7. ADPS 8. Cabinet Z Grizzly Barber Shop 9. Rennes/Saint-Malo Mer ENtreprendre 10. Yoda 11. Teranga 12. Equipe Voile Parkinson 13. #AttitudeManche  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[40 Malouine SACIB : Lamotte Module Création, first in Saint-Malo]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The 13 duets left Saint-Malo at 12h08 under the sun on Friday and crossed the finish line of the 40 Malouine SACIB after a bit more than 20 hours. The winners, Luke Berry and Tanguy Le Turquais on Lamotte-Module création led the race from the start despite a stop due to a trap on the bulb. They arrived 14 minutes before Louis Duc and Aurélien Ducroz (Crosscall Chamonix Mont-Blanc). Jörg Riechers and Cédric Château (Imagine) complete the podium. Cédric de Kervenoael and Nicolas Boidevezi won the vintage ranking finishing 7th overall. Tanguy Le Turquais : « We had a good start, and we raced as planned, good strategy and speed ! When we got the trap, at 22 pm we were 4 miles ahead the second and despite the fact that we had to dive we stayed in first position ». Luke berry : « We had a good speed even if some things have to be improved, that was cool. It was a good training for our goal : the Transat Jacques Vabre. Now, we are a bit tired, only 15 minutes sleep for each of us and we haven’t eaten much…we were in ! » The ranking : 1. Lamotte Module Création  – Luke Berry & Tanguy Le Turquais – at 9h22 am 2. Crosscall Chamonix Mont-Blanc – Louis Duc & Aurélien Ducroz – at 9h36 am 3. Imagine – Jörg Riechers & Cédric Château – at 9h42 am 4. Manic – Ian Hoodle & Jack Trigger – at 9h53 am 5. ADPS – Marc Lepesqueux & Edgard Vincens – at 9h56 am 6. Vogue avec un Crohn – Pierre-Louis Attwell & Calliste Antoine – at 10h18 am 7. Cabinet Z Grizzly Barber Shop – Cédric de Kervenoael & Nicolas Boidevezi – at 11h00 am 8. Rennes / Saint-Malo Mer Entreprendre – Thibault Hector & Clément Commagnac – at 11h05 am 9. A chacun son Everest – Yves Courbon & Renault Courbon – at 11h09 am 10. Teranga – Christophe Rateau et Sylvain Pontu – at 11h13 am 11.#AttitudeManche – Martin Louchard & Frédéric Duchemin – at 11h19 am 12. Equipe Voile Parkinson – Florian Gueguen & Raphael Auffret – at 12h02 pm 13. Yoda – Franz Bouvet & Danielle Vanhove – at 12h33 pm   RDV tomorow morning at 10h30 for the first warning signal of the  the first (over 2) coastal race fully-crewed.        [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[First edition of the 40'Malouine SACIB in one week!]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT From thursday the Class40 fleet will be present at the foot of the ramparts of the corsair city and on friday at noon the fifteen boats engaged will start this 24h race near the Channel Islands. After a break on saturday afternoon, the teams will compete on coastal races, fully crewed on sunday morning.  This race format seems perfect for the teams who come for their last race before the Transat Jacques Vabre but also for those who just want to race once more before the winter.   The list of the boats :    [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Lamotte - Module Création winner of the Rolex fastnet Race]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Several teams led this 2019 edition which was very competitive. If Cédric de Kervénoël, Nicolas Boidevézi and Sylvain Chanteloup (#61 / Cabinet Z) were the first to get out the Solent, William Mathelin-Moreaux, Marc Guillemot and Amaury François on Beijaflore (#154) rounded first the Fastnet rock Monday in the early morning. But finally, Luke Berry and crew (Corentin Douguet, Frédéric Denis and Arnaud Berland) Lamotte-Module Création (#153) crossed the finish line first, in Plymouth, after 2 days 11 hours 13 minutes et 22 seconds only minutes before Beijaflore ! Catherine Pourre, Pietro Luciani, Alberto Riva and Tommaso Stella on Eärendil (#145) complete the podium. The ranking : Order at Fastnet rock :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Rolex Fastnet Race : Order at Fastnet Rock]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The 15 Class40s still racing rounded this morning the famous rock in the order below : 1- Beijaflore -William Mathelin-Moreaux - 5h17 2- Lamotte - Module Création - Luke Berry - 5h51                                         3- Leyton – Rodrigue Cabaz - 6h30 4- Eärendil - Catherine Pourre - 6h34 5- Colombre XL - Charles-louis Mourruau - 7h44 6- Sensation Class40 Extreme - Marc Lepesqueux - 8h34 7- Boogie Down - Renaud Courbon – 9h35 8- Manic - Ian Hoddle – 10h27 9- Cabinet Z - Cedric de Kervenoael  - 11h18 10- Iskareen - Arnt Bruhns - 11h42 11- Up Sailing - Morgane Ursault Poupon 12h04 12 –Yoda - Franz Bouvet - 12h13 13 -Hannah Stodel Racing - Hannah Stodel – 12h38 14- Terranga - Christophe Rateau   15- Moonpalace - Andrea Fornaro[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Rolex Fastnet race : start !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Royal Ocean Racing Club’s cannons  rumbled at 12h45 (local time) today, as planned, liberating the Class40s fleet. Cape Racing Yachts #157, skipped by Jörg Riechers, took a very good start, as well as Lamotte Module Création #153 and Beijaflore #154. It is in light conditions (about 10 knots from SE at the start time) that boats will join the famous Fastnet rock probably on Monday. Then, they’ll go to the finish line in front of Plymouth at quick pace. To follow the race Entry list [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[20 Class40s will compete in the Rolex Fastnet Race]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 20 Class40s registered in the Rolex Fastnet Race, a 608 nm race, fully crewed, between Cowes and  Plymouth via the Fastnet rock. Once again, diversity will be the key word : amateurs vs pros, first generation boats vs new ones, several nationalities (FRA, GBR, SUE, USA, GER, ITA, NOR…), several women among them 3 skippers. The race will start at 12h45 local time (13h45 french time) and will be livestream on the RORC social networks : RDV next week-end to dicover the name of the 2019 winner ! Quick reminder  2017 – V and B – Maxime Sorel – 3 days 3 hours 22 minutes 27 seconds 2015 – Tales 2 – Gonzalo Botin – 3 days 09 hours  17 minutes  22 seconds 2013 – GDF Suez – Sébastien Rogues – 3 days 03 hours 18 minutes 30 seconds 2011 – Initiatives /Alex Olivier – Tanguy de Lamotte – 3 days 14 hours 17 minutes 28 seconds The Crews Cartography [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Sables/Horta : Double success for AINA Enfance et Avenir !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT As only 34 minutes separated the 1st and the 3rd at the finish of the first leg in Horta, the second stage had to be a decisive one, and, as expected it reshuffled the cards creating large gaps. The duet Aymeric Chappellier – Rodrigue Cabaz were the best, arriving in Les Sables d’Olonne 1h08 before Catherine Pourre and Pietro Luciani, and 2h47 before William Mathelin – Moreaux and Marc Guillemot. AINA Enfance et Avenir wins also overall. Beijaflore and Eärendil complete the podium while Volvo, winner of the first leg, arrives in fourth position.   The 7th edition of the Sables-Horta kept all of its promises. The first success was the participation of 31 sailors, leaders of the Class or newcomers happy to race offshore for the first time on a very interesting route. The very pleasant conditions, with downwind sailing most of the time during the two legs, allowed Aymeric Chappellier to break the 2017 record for more than 22 hours and to establish a new record at 10 days 11 hours and 58 minutes.   On the vintage side, Mathieu Claveau – Christophe Fialon / Rémi Fermin (Prendre la mer, agir pour la forêt #89) ranked first for their first participation.     Information, quote : Ranking 1st leg: Ranking 2nd leg : Overall ranking: Source : Les Sables Horta[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[RORC Cowes – Dinard Saint-Malo : victory of Lamotte Module Création ]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Annual event of the RORC Championship,  Cowes Dinard Saint-Malo crowned this year Luke Berry and Tanguy de Turquais, who were doubehanded sailing this 151nm race. The start has been given Friday July 12th at 9 :30 french time. 4 Class40 were participating. Results : 1.       Lamotte – Module Création #153 - 18h 23min 35s 2.       Sensation Class40 Extrême #140 - 19h 02min 16s 3.       Manic #137 - 19h 12min 12s 4.       Obportus 3 #60 - 19h 38min 01s Eärendil #145 is still leading the annual RORC championship, followed by and Hydra #149.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Class40 travels around the world in 2021 and 2023]]> Thu, 11 Jul 2019 00:00:00 GMT Two World Tours! The announcements are attractive, and Class 40 is delighted as the Class has been campaigning this for several years to convince the organizers of the opportunity of such a race. It enthusiastically supports both of these projects. The success of the class, the maritime qualities of the boats and the accessibility of a round-the-world race for many sailors from all over the world: This means that two quality events are positioned. These projects, both on schedule and track, open for entries that correspond well to the pro-am mix of our members. It will therefore be an option for a "North Route" in 8 stages in 2021 and another option for a ‘South Route’ in 4 stages (and a prologue race) in 2023. Two different ambitions The Globe 40 in 2021, organized by Sirius Events, carries values of adventure and travel, favouring a very "north" route connecting eight new stage cities like Mauritius, Papeete in French Polynesia via Cape Horn to Ushuaia. Performance stays at the heart of this engagement race. The Race Around, the first edition of which is scheduled for 2023, organized by Manuka SEM and 5 Ocean Sports Marketing, takes over the course through the Southern Ocean around the world in 4 stages (Europe, Cape Town, New Zealand and Brazil) leading the skippers of the Class 40 to compete in the furious fifties to pass the mythical Cape Horn.The organisers propose to equip the winners with price prizes. A world tour, a project in its own right In parallel to these world tours, the Class40, now with almost 160 boats and an ever-increasing number of members, will continue to animate its Championship racing calendar as well as European and American Trophies over the years considered, with the now classic Normandy Channel race, the Les Sables-Horta, the Rolex Fastnet race or the Transat Jacques Vabre. Both of these projects are aimed at public looking for an exceptional event, the adventure of a lifetime, both personally and athletically, on a fast and efficient medium while maintaining the budget of such a commitment at a contained level. For more info  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables – Horta : Leg 1 / leg 2]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The 13 Class40s participating in the 7th edition of Les Sables Horta arrived on Faïal Island last Friday. After more than 3 days at full speed – the 24h record has been approached – the 26 skippers have been stopped by the famous Azores High 50 milles before the finish. And, after 1200nm of race, only 16 hours separated the leader from the last to arrive.   They will leave for Les Sables d’Olonne this Friday for the second leg. To note, five skippers will change. Leg 1 results 1.       Volvo #104 (Jonas Gerckens / Benoit Hantzperg) : 5j 16h 39min 21sec 2.       Aïna Enfance et Avenir #151 (Aymeric Chappellier / Rodrigue Cabaz) : 5j 16h 51m 53s 3.       Beijaflore #154 (William Mathelin-Moreaux / Amaury François) : 5j 17h 13m 54s 4.       Eärendil #145 (Catherine Pourre / Pietro Luciani) : 5j 19h 35m 57s 5.       Cré’actuel #148 (Vincent Leblay / Bertrand De Broc) : 5j 20h 22m 56s 6.       1er Vintage -  Prendre la mer, Agir pour la forêt (Mathieu Claveau / Christophe Fialon) : 5j 20h 36m 28s 7.       2ème Vintage – Grizzly Barber Shop – Cabinet Z (Cédric de Kervenoael / Nicolas Boidevezi) : 5j 21h 43m 36s 8.       Colombre XL (Charles-Louis Mourruau / Estelle Greck) : 6j 00h 26m 28s 9.       SOS Méditerranée (Pascal Fravalo / Guillaume Goumy) : 6j 00h 28m 09s 10.   Chocolats Paries – Coriolis Composites (Jean-Baptiste Daramy / Alexandre Hamlyn) : 6j 00h 34m 20s 11.   3ème Vintage - Bijouteries Lassort – restaurant Tonton Louis (François et Thomas Lassort) : 6j 01h 13m 38s 12.   UP Sailing – Unis pour la planète (Morgane Ursault-Poupon / Rémi Lhotellier) : 6j 04h 42m 05s 13.   Des Voiles et Martin (Martin Louchart / Frédéric Duchemin) : 6j 08h 44m 58s[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[La 40’ malouine : new race only for Class40]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT From next September 20th to 22nd, the first edition of the 40’ malouine will take place. Created by and for Class40 skippers (with the SNBSM !), this first edition will be a success, for sure. Class40s always go to Saint-Malo with great pleasure (Route du Rhum, Québec Saint-Malo, Cowes Dinard) ! Moreover, this race is perfectly scheduled as the last competition before the Transat Jacques Vabre, a first race for new boats or the opportunity, for new projects, to try double-handed sailing. The programm should delight the competitors : a 24h doublehanded race, a crews’ diner for friendliness and fullycrewed coastal races to invite onboard sponsors and journalists. A tracker will be set up as well as a web page and social networks. More information :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Bermuda 1-2 : the second leg and the general ranking for Privateer (#102) !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The race consists of two legs. The first leg is sailed singlehanded from Newport, Rhode Island, to thefinish line off St. George's, Bermuda, by any course. The start has been given on June 8th. The second leg is sailed doublehanded from St. George's to the finish line off Newport, by any course. They left on June 20th. Results Leg 1  1.       Dragon (#54) – Michael Hennessy –  92h 50min 2.       Marauder (#39) – Marcus Cochran - 92h 59min 3.       First Light (#37) – Sam Fitzgerald - 93h 13min 4.       Privateer (#102) – Jonathan Green - 94h 07min DNF – Impulse (#25) – Kyle Hubley Results Leg 2 1.       Privateer (#102) – Jonathan Green & Jeffrey MacFarlane -  76h 07min 2.       Dragon (#54) – Michael Hennessy & Rob Windsor - 82h 46min 3.       Marauder (#39) –  Marcus Cochran & Daniel Ditch - 88h 26min 4.       First Light (#37) – Sam Fitzgerald & Allie Gray -103h 35min DNC – Impulse (#25) – Kyle Hubley & Cole Williams-Brauer General ranking (combined elapsed) 1.       Privateer (#102) – 170h 14min 2.       Dragon (#54) – 175h 36min 3.       Marauder (#39) – 181h 25min 4.       First Light (#37) – 196h 48min DNF – Impulse (#25)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Les Sables-Horta : start on sunday ]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT After a parade this Friday afternoon and the traditionnal briefing Saturday afternoon, the start will be given on Sunday June 30th in Les Sables d’Olonne Baya t 01 :02 pm. The program mis a leg of almost 1200nm from Les Sables d’Olonne to Horta, Azores. Entry list Tracker [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Manic #137, vwinner of the RORC Morgan Cup]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The start of the Morgan Cup was given on Friday June 21st. 3 Class40s were competing in this race between Cowes and Dieppe. Manic, skipped by her new owners won the race after 19h 45mn and 4sec. Partouche #150 is second 18 minutes later and Boogie down #115 third after 21h and 14 minutes. Eärendil #145 is still the RORC annual championship leader.  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Bermuda ont-two - Leg 2]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The second leg of the Bermuda one-two starts today, Thursday June 20th, from St Georges, Bermuda. The 5 duos will head to Newport, Rhode Island, for more than 600nm.    [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Dragon #54, winner of the first leg of the Bermuda 1-2]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT After 3 days 21 hours and 50 minutes and more than 700nm solo-handed, Dragon, skipped by Michael Hennessy, wins the first leg before Marchus Cochran (Marauder # 39) and Sam Fitzgerald (First Light # 37) in Bermuda. Two more boats registered : Pivateer #102 skipped by Jonathan Green arrives in fourth position and Kyle Hubley #25 Impulse did not finish. Rendez-vous on Thursday June 20th for the start of the second leg, in double-handed from Bermuda to Newport.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Bermuda one two - Leg 1]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 5 Class40s will participate in the Bermuda 1-2, counting for the 2019 American trophy. It’s the first leg of a race from Newport, Rhode Island to Saint Georges, Bermuda. It is sailed solo-handed . The second leg, sailed double-handed, will start on June 20th, from Bermuda to Newport  .   More information :  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Emmanuel Le Roch and Basile Bourgnon winners of the 2019 ArMen Race Uship!]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 5 Class40s lined up for the start of the ArMen Race Uship on Thursday May the 30th. After 1 day 22 hours 23 minutes and 4 seconds in fairly moderate conditions, Edenred #100 took the first place before Cédric de Kervenoael and Nicolas Boidevezi on Cabinet Z-Grizzly Barber Shop #61. Marc Dubos and Jean-Luc Schoch on Esprit Scout 81 complete the podium.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Aïna Enfance et Avenir, winner of the Normandy Channel Race !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Just 10 hours was all that separated victory for Aymeric Chappellier and Pierre Brasseur on Aïna Enfance et Avenir from 11th placed Franz Bouvet and Sylvain Michelet on Yoda, who closed the finished line late afternoon yesterday. A scenario that perfectly reflected this 10th edition of the Normandy Channel Race, which was coloured by suspense at every level of the playing field, in a tightly grouped fleet with an action-packed storyline that rounded off with two fabulous sprint finishes: one for victory just 1 minute ahead of second-placed  Eärendil, the other for the final podium place, which ultimately went to Cape Racing Yachts, just two minutes ahead of 5th placed Rêves. This year, the technical nature of this racecourse was much in evidence once again and there was no shortage of superlatives uttered by the skippers on their arrival in Ouistreham yesterday: “A very fine race, super intense. It was great to be in close contact the whole time. […] The format is fantastic with incessant jockeying for position!” stated Emmanuel Le Roch, skipper of Edenred just as he set foot on dry land. Pierre-Louis Attwell, the former Figaro sailor also speaks highly of the race: “Tremendous event! […] There was absolutely everything to play for, there was just a constant stream of boats from last to 3rd place, almost reminiscent of a Solitaire du Figaro format. An incredible experience!” A format renowned for its numerous tricky passages, which enable a regular reshuffling of the cards, this year’s edition was no exception. Indeed, with the help of the light airs, the fleet remained very compact, offering spectators and skippers alike some magnificent duels right to the wire. So why refer to a sprint finish when the latter started on day two and the exit from the Solent? Well, in reality it was a 5-day match race posted by the two leaders of this 10th Normandy Channel Race. Aïna Enfance et Avenir and Eärendil were never more than 2.5 miles apart throughout the course, alternately taking control of the fleet whilst battling it out in a relentless duel. Aymeric Chappellier and Pierre Brasseur ended up crossing the finish line as race champions thanks to a lead of just one mile over the brilliant Italo-Hispanic duo of Pietro Luciani and Pablo Santurde del Arco. And the suspense would last right till the very end of the race. The German-Norman duo of Jörg Riechers and Cédric Château on Cape Racing Yachts made a superb competitive debut on their new steed to secure 3rd place after an incredible match race over the last 30 miles of the race with Beijaflore et Rêves, the latter respectively taking 4th and 5th place, with just over 2 minutes separating the 3 duos. It’s a result that proves that despite a slightly restricted fleet in this transition year, the competitive standard of this international event just gets better and better with every edition. It is no surprise then that the Normandy Channel Race has become a great classic in Normandy and the ocean racing landscape as a whole thanks to all the above ingredients, which make this event such a unmissable part of the Class40 event schedule. A unique course, an international standard, incredible sporting clashes and true Class40 spirit are just some of the elements that lure the sport’s specialists back to the English Channel and the Celtic Sea every year. Source : Sirius Evenements The general ranking [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Normandy Channel Race, start !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Today, the start of the 10th edition of the Normandy Channel Race will be given. The 13 engaged Class40 will cross the start line at 15h30. They will be begin with an inshore course in Ouistreham Bay and then will  go towards England. The successors of Phil Sharp and Julien Pulvé, winners of the 2018 edition on Imerys Clean enerfy #130, should be known next Friday evening.   The tracker (updated every 15 minutes)   Entry List   More information  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Serenis Consulting, winner for the 4th time of the GP Guyader !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 7 Class40s lined up on the starting line but nothing was decided in advance. The level was high on a program that alternated coastal courses and runs from 5 to 20 knots of wind. Definately the Grand Prix Guyader works well for Jean Galfione ! On Serenis Consulting, the skipper, already winner in 2012, 2016 and 2018 won the 2019 edition (the 20th). It’s the 4th time ! A record ! « We shoudn’t have been there, but as the boat was not sold yet, we decided not to miss this event. We’re happy because we had no specific preparation and some boats were very good such as Veedol-AIC  winner of the RDR with Yoann Richomme » says the skipper winner of the last race and overal. The results : The pictures[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The RORC Cervantes Trophy for Eärendil]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Only two Class40s were on the starting line of the race between Cowes and Le Havre. After 16 hours 13 minutes and 32 secondes, Eärendil (#145), skipped by Catherine Pourre and Pietro Luciani, won. Christophe Coatnoan's crew on Partouche (#113) crossed the line 4 hours later.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[ROM arrangé became a new partner of the Class40]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Rom-arrangé, on-board computing, satellite communication and navigation software expert, becomes the new Class40 partner as NKE and Great Circle. Their team will be present in 2019 at the start of the Normandy Channel Race, Les Sables-Horta and the Transat jacques Vabre. They will offer to the second of our championship the Adrena warning light.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Aïna Enfance et Avenir, winner of the Défi Atlantique !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Arrived 2nd of the 2nd leg, between Horta and La Rochelle, Aïna Enfance et Avenir wins the Défi Atlantique tanks to the addition of the race times of the 2 legs of the course, since Pointe-à-Pitre. Aymeric Chappellier wins this race, Eärendil is second and Made in Midi completes the podium. General ranking More information[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique : Eärendil won the 2nd leg !]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Pietro Luciani, Antoine Carpentier and Edouard Marie Alikiagalilei's Eärendil crossed the finish line in La Rochelle on Sunday April 14th at 2h 39 minutes et 34 secondes (Local time).  Earendil completed the 1 280-nautical mile course in a time of 5 days 11 hours 39 minutes and 34 secondes, at the average speed of 9,80 Knots.   Results of the 2nd leg: 2. Aïna Enfance et Avenir en 5j 11h 56min 29s 3. Made in Midi en 5j 12h 36min 10s 4. Campagne de France en 5j 13h 12min 02s 5. Enel Green Power en 5j 15h 02min 14s 6. Colombre XL en 5j 17h 49min 00s 7. Athena Immobilier en 5j 19h 14min 11s 8. Edenred en 5j 19h 39min 44s 9. Tibco en 5j 19h 54min 03s 10. Yoda en 5j 23h 5min 55s 11. Esprit Scout en 6j 04h 38min 26s  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique 2019 : outcome this weekend!]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This result will let us know who is the winner of the race, second event of our 2019 championship. A village takes place « bassin des chalutiers » to welcome the competitors. Come all to the prize-giving ceremony on Monday 15th at 1800 PM.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique : 1st leg results]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique: Aïna Enfance et Avenir, winner of the 1st leg]]> Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Aymeric Chappellier, Eric Quesnel et Rodrigue Cabaz crossed the finish line of the first leg of the Défi Atlantique, from Pointe à Pitre to Horta, Tuesday April 2nd at 5h 46m and 19s (TU). They complete the 2230-nautical mile course in a time of 9 days 15 hours 46 minutes ans 19 secondes, at the average speed of 9,63 knts. They sailed, in reality, 2507 nautical miles at 10,82 knts.    [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Start of the first leg of the Défi Atlantique]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Before starting this 2300 nm race, the boats’ reduced crew (between 2 and 4 crew members) had to sail from the îlet Gosier to Marie-Galante with an Easterly wind and large swell particulary near Marie Galante. Not surprisingly, all of the favourites crossed the starting line side by side as soon as the start was given. Behind Made in Midi (Kito De Pavant and Alex Pella), Catherine Pourre (Eärendil), Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance et Avenir), Loïc Fequet (Tibco) and Luke Berry (Lamotte-Module Création) headed for Trois Rivières at more than 12 knots. Spread over 12 Class40s, the 39 sailors, among them 4 women, will quickly meet the open sea where the weather conditions should allow high speed at least during the 3 first days. One remaining uncertainty concerns the conditions of the arrival in the Azores in 8 or 9 days. Source: GPO / Défi Atlantique  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Défi Atlantique: D - 2]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT To leave in summer to arrive in the spring... this is the originality of the Défi Atlantique Guadeloupe / Horta / La Rochelle, return race of the Route du Rhum. 12 Class40 "go back home" saturday (start at 10:00, local time), leaving the heat of Guadeloupe for the mainland France. The race is fully or double-handed crewed, from west to east, around the Azores high. 39 sailors will take part. More:épart-du-défi-atlantique-guadeloupe-horta-la-rochelle  Entry list More [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Demise of Arnaud Dhallenne]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 learned with much sadness the  disappearance at sea of one of its members, Arnaud Dhallenne, on March 5th, off Argentina. Arnaud joined the class in 2018. He participated in several races onboard Cheekytatoo (#30) and planned to be there on several events this year again. Our thoughts are with his children, Hugo et Camille, and Morgane Ursault-Poupon.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Class40 battle on the RORC Caribbean 600 : Eärendil (#145) came out first]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Catherine Pourre's French Class40 Eärendil won Line Honours for the Class40 Division for the second year in a row, this time defeating two of the rising stars of offshore racing, crossing the finish line on 21 February 01:01:15, in an elapsed time of 2 Days 13 Hours 45 Mins and 50 Seconds. Hammering around the course was not enough; guile and tenacity also played their part. "That was stressful, Eärendil was not the quickest on some of the legs, so all three of us were battling and winning the lead all the time," commented Catherine Pourre. "Eärendil is a little bit older than the others that challenged for the win, but essentially they are similar in design. The key factor was having the right sails for the different legs. If you change, it may take half an hour, but if you don't change you can lose more than that. It was match racing all the way, especially at the end and we were really under pressure all of the time. Last year we were battling against the elements, this year we had really good competitors that we could see all the time. It was an intense battle which never faltered day or night. Aymeric (Chappellier) and Luke (Berry) both sailed with a team of four and we went with five. I did not think I could compete physically with these tough young guys. Although we were a bit heavier, I am glad we made the choice and the crew were just as impressive as last year." Aymeric Chappellier's Aïna Enfance Et Avenir was second by just 3 minutes and 20 seconds. "It was an incredible race, a good fight on the water," commented Aymeric on arrival. "All three boats were close all the time, there was never time for a rest as we had to think about strategy and manoeuvres. Eärendil made less mistakes than us, they played a good game and they are worthy winners. Our next race will be Le Défi Atlantique and the '600 has been a great way to get the crew together and to get everything right on the boat. We have had a few breakages and the race has been a good test of the new equipment installed after the Route du Rhum. Luke Berry's Lamotte - Module Création was less than five minutes from victory: "An amazing race and a great speed test for us. We were trying lots of different sail combinations and as Aymeric and I train together in Lorient it was like a big training session for two and a half days - absolutely amazing. I did get a bit cold at sometimes but the weather is very pleasant. Well done to Eärendil; we all got our bit of glory in the lead, but Eärendil won the last battle and did very well. Personally, in the Route du Rhum I got overtaken rounding Guadeloupe and exactly the same thing happened in the '600! But anyway, this has been great fun and a really good preparation - bring on Le Défi!" Complete results : Source : [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[2019 Championship: day 1 !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 10 Class40 will be at the start of this very tactical route.  Crew lists    To follow the live of the start from 14:50 (UTC)    To follow the race    Which team will succeed Eärendil (#145), winner of the 2018 edition and  record holder (2 days 13 hours and 15 secondes)?[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[12,000 miles for 15 years!]]> Fri, 15 Feb 2019 00:00:00 GMT   Anniversary Fifteen years, 157 boats (soon to be 159), almost 600 members since its creation, a well-deserved place in the international nautical scene that have created some beautiful stories ... but we do not rest on our laurels! Last season ended with a Route du Rhum that saw a record number of 53 Class40’s at the start and a new benchmark for finishing the race, down to 16 days. An accomplished history, setting the stage to make the coming years just as successful. 12,000 miles for 2019, just for the championship The 12,573 nm of racing programmed over the next 6 events and 10 months will determine the 2019 Class40 Champion. To seize the crown, the champion will need to perform again this year, starting next week. The season begins with the very tactical RORC Caribbean 600 in which ten Class40’s will participate. Then it will be time to return to Europe thanks to the first edition of the Atlantic Challenge (Pointe-à-Pitre / La Rochelle via Horta), which will bring together about fifteen boats.  A more "classic" program will follow with the Normandy Channel Race, Les Sables-Horta and the RORC Rolex Fastnet Race. Finally, the Transat Jacques Vabre will culminate he 2019 season and wrap up the 15th anniversary of the Class 40 on the race course. Great years ahead The following seasons are just as exciting!! In 2020, the Atlantic Tour quadrennial returns with The Transat, the Atlantic Cup, Quebec Saint-Malo and the Normandy Channel Race. Then it will be time again to prepare the next edition of the Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe which will host, we hope, about sixty Class40’s. 2019 Championship : -          RORC Caribbean 600 (600nm) – 18 February -          Défi Atlantique (3500nm) – 23 March -          Normandy Channel Race (1000nm) – 19 May -          Les Sables Horta (2500nm) – 30 June -          Rolex Fastnet race (600nm) – 3 August -          Transat Jacques Vabre (4350) – 27 October Full programm : [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Great Circle renews its partnership]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Great news ! The partnership between Great Circle and the Class has been renewed for 2 years (2019 and 2020).  It offers to our members - uptodate with their membership - to have a discount on Squid'ssubscription, with several levels. Great Circle also provides the podium of the annual championship.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A new Record for Concise 8 (#129) !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Ned Collier-Wakefield and Jack Trigger broke the Round Barbados record. Jack explains : « It was the Round Barbados race on Monday (21st of Jan) - we like coming here in the winter because the island is nice and the racing is fun!  We broke the outright record with the MOD 70 so thought it would be fun to try and break some with the Class 40.  It wasn’t so windy but we still managed to beat the double handed record, and the 40ft record (which has stood since 2011 when the race was first run) and we were also faster than the 50ft record - Class 40s are good! So we won 2 x my body weight in Mount Gay XO rum for the records… It was cool to sail Concise 8 with just me and Ned again - obviously he used to be the skipper and we have sailed lots together on Concise 8 and the MOD 70 so it worked well! It’s nice to be in the Caribbean after the RdR! »   Concise’s record : 06h 05’ 28 Previous 40’ record : 6h 39’ 16 (Katanga, Farr 40 – 2011) 50’ record : 6h 19’ 53 (Pata Negra, Lombard 46 – 2018) Previous double handed Monohull record : 7h 29’ 51 (Hallucine, Pogo 40 – 2015)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Eärendil wins the RORC Transatlantic race !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT After completing the race, Catherine and crew members Pietro Luciana and Gery Atkins received a warm welcome from RORC Race Officer Steve Cole, and Marina Manager Charlotte Bonin greeted the team with ice cold beers. Nikoyan Roberts presented Eärendil with a basket of Grenadian goods, including rum and chocolates, courtesy of the Grenada Tourism Authority. There was also a surprise welcome on the dock from friends Halvard Mabire and Miranda Merron - who was fresh from her Route du Rhum adventures with Class40 Campagne de France. In the 2016 race, Campagne de France had won class ahead of Eärendil, but this year it was Catherine Pourre's turn to celebrate finishing the race in pole position for the Class40 Division in a time that was over three days quicker than 2016. "The conditions this year were much easier than in 2016 because the wind was much more stable and we had very few squalls," commented Pourre. "We had some good wind to test the modifications to Eärendil. Whilst we had problems with the new rudder system and also electronic issues, the boat is faster, which was our main goal. Racing with Gery and Luciana was superb; they are both easy-going characters, but they know how to push a boat hard. We saw 20-25 knots of wind for long periods, so we were really flying, but with our main competition Hydra falling behind after their pit-stop, we could be a little more conservative. It was a real shame that Hydra had to stop for a while in Cape Verde as we were having so much fun."   Henrik Bergesen's Norwegian Class40 Hydra, skippered by Tristan Kinloch, finished the RORC Transatlantic Race at 22:02:23 UTC on Sunday, 09 December in an elapsed time of 15 days 10 hrs 2 mins 23 secs. Hydra was runner-up in the Class40 Division to Catherine Pourre's Eärendil. Early in the race, Hydra was very much in contention for the class win until a rudder problem forced the team to make a pit stop in the Cape Verde Islands. After completing the race, Hydra's team received a warm welcome on the dock from RORC CEO Eddie Warden Owen and Race Officer Steve Cole. Marina Manager Charlotte Bonin greeted the team with ice cold beers and presented the crew with a basket of Grenadian goods, including rum and chocolates, courtesy of the Grenada Tourism Authority. It's been an epic race; absolutely fantastic," commented Henrik Bergesen dockside at Camper & Nicholsons Port Louis Marina. "I have had a great crew and we had perfect conditions. We had an issue with the rudder, but we came back and did a good job; we kept going and got back into second place, so I am very happy about that. After eating freeze dried food and desalinated water, the beer tastes really good. We are looking forward to some real food; barbecue chicken I think! After this race, we're well prepared for the RORC Caribbean 600 in February and it should also be great fun."   Stephane Bry's Sirius completed the podium for the Class40 Division, finishing in an elapsed time of 16 days 08 hrs 33 mins and 26 secs. French Canadian Stephane Bry is no stranger to Grenada and he was delighted to return having finished the race: “Arriving in Grenada just before sunset was really cool and I have great memories of my stay here last time. My family will be joining me here for Christmas,” commented Stephane. “Out in the Atlantic it is another world; home is far away. On board you eat freeze dried food and you make economies with water and energy. This crossing was really simple, but it was still fantastic and amazing. The Sirius crew are really cool, I have raced against them and also with them. We had the Finnish on one watch and the French on the other. We had a competition for the best boat speed and it was really close, but the French team got 20.9 knots of speed!”   Source: RORC website[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Michael Hennessy, winner of the Route du Rhum in the Vintage category !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Dragon (#USA 54) is the first Vintage Class40 in Pointe à Pitre !Her skipper, the American sailor Michael Hennessy fulfilled his long time sporting dream  when he crossed the finish line of the 40th anniversary Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe transatlantic race to take 12th place in the 53-strong Class40 division. A 52-year-old financier from New York, Hennessy sailed his Owen Clarke-designed Dragon across the finish line off Pointe-à-Pitre at 16:18.46hrs UTC to complete the 3,542-nautical mile course from Saint Malo in Brittany in a time of 21 days, three hours and 18 minutes. As a young sailor, Hennessy was inspired by images of French legend Florence Arthaud winning the 1990 Route du Rhum, the first woman to triumph on the classic transatlantic course, and they have remained etched on his memory. “When she finished first that was an iconic moment for me. Then I started to do some distance racing and then the last four years have been all planning. I feel fantastic,” he said. Having served his time becoming an accomplished solo and short-handed sailor in American waters in Class 40s, participation in the Route du Rhum has been Hennessy’s ultimate goal almost since he bought Dragon 10 years ago. Looking tired but happy as he brought his far 40-footer alongside the dock in Pointe à Pitre, Hennessy said: 
“It was a long race, there was a little bit of everything and a lot of a few things. And those few things were pretty brutal. “It is a tough race but very, very rewarding and fantastic to get in. I am absolutely thrilled with 12th. I never thought I would break into the top-20. There is something to be said for a tough boat…and, I suppose, a tough skipper. “We - myself and the boat - have seen a lot of what we had before but not for such an extended period of time. It is such a great race. 

 “When the closest ground is 20,000 feet under your feet and your boat is jumping off huge waves in 50 knots then that is hard going. But I have persistence on my side. I knew I could this,” concluded Hennessy. The American not only demonstrated his tenacity and determination as a racer over the past 21 days, he also proved an excellent reporter from the water as he shared his experiences in regular updates from the nav station on Dragon.   Source: Andi Robertson / Route du Rhum[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Briton Phil Sharp wins the Class40 Championship 2018]]> Thu, 29 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT British sailor and native of Jersey, Phil Sharp (37), finished the Route du Rhum -Destination Guadeloupe with a remarkable 3rd place, earning him the outright Class 40 Champion title for the second consecutive year. Securing a podium spot in each of the four championship races he contested, Phil utterly dominated what is an increasingly selective championship thanks to the arrival this year of new boats and new racers. The talent of the skipper of Imerys Clean Energy is widely recognised, together with his temperament as a tenacious and resolute fighter, which has earned him the amicable nickname of “Bulldog”. The final of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe for the Class40 was a true reflection of the incredibly fiercely contested season of 2018. Indeed, no fewer than fifteen or so solo sailors, aboard latest generation or fully-honed 40-foot monohulls were in contention for victory on 4 November 2018. The physiognomy of the race matched what the Class40 is able to offer today, namely an action-packed battle with daggers drawn where the big prize could end up in anyone’s hands. Yoann Richomme (Veedol AIC) triumphed thanks to his sound sailing knowledge chiselled out by years on the Figaro circuit. In his wake, the race among the main contenders for the outright title testified to a rare degree of intensity and it came as no surprise to see that the top 10 in Pointe à Pitre included the championship’s star players, such as Aymeric Chappellier, Luke Berry, Jack Trigger… and one Phil Sharp!   The Briton, aboard his Mach 40 No.130 Imerys Clean Energy built in 2013, did more than simply stand up to the very latest generation boats. In fact, thanks to his extraordinary tenacity, he was able to keep pace with boats renowned for being more powerful. Securing a fine third place singlehanded in the 1000 Milles des Sables back in the spring, an event that didn’t count towards the championship, Phil gave onlookers a taste of his metal and his ambitions for the year ahead, culminating with the star event, the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe. He asserted himself the following month, dominating his main rivals, Louis Duc (Carac) and Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance et Avenir) during a particularly intense and hotly-disputed Normandy Channel Race, which saw him teamed up with Julien Pulvé. Second in the Drheam Cup-Destination Cotentin, it was during the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland race that he hammered the point home, posting his ambitions for the outright title with real authority. Joined by his ever faithful teammates, Pablo Santurde, Julien Pulvé and Sam Matson, Phil Sharp bagged his second victory of the year here, pulverising the previous event record by some 15 hours.   And yet, the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe remained his primary objective for the season. Winner in 2006, Phil knew that he’d be up against very different opposition. In the shadow of Yoann Richomme’s superiority and his formidable Lift 40, Phil Sharp became embroiled in a fight in which he alone knows the secret to his great energy, desire and perseverance. Like a number of his rivals, he overcame his share of damage to pull off a fabulous podium place, less than two hours behind Aymeric Chappellier.   Following his success in 2017, this victory in the 2018 championship comes as a great source of satisfaction for the skipper of Imerys Clean Energy: “Winning the Championship for a second consecutive year has shown that above all we have been consistent. We have finished every event over the last two years on the podium, with a previous generation boat. Achieving this success is down to a lot of hard work on and off the water, both technically and commercially.   In addition to our race results, our most notable success is that we have developed practical fossil-free energy solutions that we hope can help set an example for the marine industry to follow in order to reduce air pollution on our oceans.  We would not have been able to achieve these performance and environmental results without the invaluable support of our dedicated partners. I hope they recognise the crucial role they have played, and can share in our successes by being proud of what they have helped the Energy Challenge achieve to date. ».   It is Aymeric Chappelier (Aïna-Enfance et Avenir) who logically takes the second step of the podium, followed by the newcomer to the Class40, Luke Berry and his Mach40 No.153 Lamotte-Module Création.   2018 ranking:   1-     Phil Sharp – Imerys Clean Energy    2-     Aymeric Chappellier – Aïna Enfance et Avenir   3-     Luke Berry- Lamotte-Module Création   4-     Jack Trigger – Concise 8   5-     Loic Féquet – Tibco        [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Yoann Richomme, winner of the Route du Rhum !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT In Class40s the victor, who was again the dominant competitor but this time in a field of 53 boats, is Antoine’s fellow French skipper Yoann Richomme on board Veedol-AIC.  Richomme got in today well ahead of Aymeric Chapellier on Aina Enfance et Avenir and Britain’s Phil Sharp on Imerys Clean Energy still locked in their private battle for second place. When Richomme arrived after 16 days, three hours and 22 minutes at sea on board his Class40 yacht, Veedol-AIC, at 16:22.45UTC he had taken more than half a day off the previous best time for these exciting monohulls. The Frenchman who trained as a naval architect in Southampton and is based in Lorient was overjoyed to have won so convincingly in a competitive fleet.  This had been a textbook race for Richomme and indeed a textbook campaign as he built a new boat, put it through its paces – including dealing with a dismasting early on – and then produced it on the racecourse to devastating effect. Veedol-AIC was faster than the others and its skipper sailed an almost perfect race.  Richomme led the Class40 fleet from day two onwards, having initially sailed a conservative line close to the most direct route - the rhumb line. But he then made a move to the west which allowed him to sail a faster angle earlier than his rivals. He demonstrated great confidence in his boat but showed too a Figaro sailor’s feel for high tempo without going into the red. As the race progressed the speed and power of his new boat became apparent; in downwind conditions it was between one and two knots quicker than those of Sharp and Chapellier. “It is incredible,” said Richomme as he looked back on the last 16 days at sea after docking in Pointe-à-Pitre. “First to win the Solitaire (2016) and then this, winning the Route du Rhum, it is great.  “I kind of ask myself how we got here because the project has been difficult. There was so much work to do in such a short time but when I left Saint Malo I was confident in our work. And here, in the end, the scenario is just what I had thought of in my head. It is incredible.” He was asked whether this had been the prefect ocean race. The 35-year-old who hopes to move onto the Vendee Globe in 2020 did not disagree even if he lost part of his bowsprit as Veedol-AIC thundered down a wave. “It was practically perfect,” he said. “I did the weather strategy perfectly; it played out like we planned. I accelerated from the front as we left Brittany and then after that I just sailed safe but hard. I was always safe but the boat was always safe. I lost two metres off the bowsprit but otherwise the boat has been 100% reliable. I went down a big wave and that was it.” And he spoke about the team behind his win. “It has been such a team effort, such as big effort by everyone to get me here,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion. “There are so many people who worked on the project.” And finally Richomme paid tribute to the two sailors locked in a neck-and-neck battle for second place. “I have been amazed for the last 10 days at the match that is going on behind me, two boats so close for so long. Whoever wins second place will certainly have earned it,” added Richomme.   Source : Andy Robertson 6 Route du Rhum[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Route du Rhum : they arrive !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The winner of the 2018 Route du Rhum destination Guaeloupe should be known tomorrow. Without technical issues, Yoann Richomme (Veedol AIC) should win in Pointe à Pitre as he has more than a 120 milles lead on the boat behind him Phil Sharp (Imerys Clean Energy) and 138 milles lead on Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance & Avenir). There remains, however, the final round-the-island  to do because, as shown by the Ultims and the IMOCA, as long as the finfh line is not crossed… As a reminder, the winner of the 2014 edition, Alex Pella took 10h47 to go to the finish line from the Tête à l’Anglais. The fastest was Damien Seguin in 7h49. The arrivals should follow during more than 2 weeks  revealing progressively our 2018 Class40 Championship ranking. [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Route du Rhum, one week after the start…]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT If they left Saint Malo in a pleasant breeze, several low pressure systems were awaited. About the half of the fleet decided to go ahead, laying low and trying to protect the man and the boat while the others decided to seek shelter in French or Spanish ports. On Sunday 11th, It's time to take stock: 6 skippers gave up (Sam Goodchild, Nicolas Troussel, Arthur Gascoin, Sébastien Desquesses, Bertrand Delesne and Sébastien Marsset). 3 are still in technical stop (Jean Galfione, Carl Chipotel and Claire Pruvot). 44 skippers were still in the race before Maxime Sorel’s dismasting. In the lead for several days, Yoann Richomme and his Lift40 Veedol AIC are really impressive but nothing is decided yet! There are only 200nm between the first and the 7th (Yoann Richomme, Phil Sharp, Aymeric Chappellier, Kito de Pavant, Arthur Le Vaillant, Luke Berry and Antoine Carpentier) and, at 2000nm from the finish line, it should lead to a great battle for the victory!   To note also the Michael Hennessy’s performance on Dragon. He is 10th at the moment and first vintage among 9 engaged on this transat!    [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[D-7 before the start of la Route du Rhum !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The skippers have a busy programm : sponsors and race obligations (briefings, public meetings…) and, of course, race preparation. The Club40, private area for skippers and their guests, is also opened.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Phil Sharp (Imerys Clean Energy) wins the European Trophy Award!]]> Wed, 03 Oct 2018 00:00:00 GMT After claiming victory in last year’s European Trophy Award, Phil’s performance objective for 2018 was simple – to defend the title and he successfully did, finishing on the podium of every race he took part!   Phil wins for the second consecutive year despite the growth of the Class40 with four new boats launched just this year, added to the already fiercely competitive fleet. Luke Berry (Lamotte – Module Création), for his first season on his new Mach 40.3, is second and Louis Duc (Carac) completes le podium. “It’s really fantastic to win the European Trophy Award this year especially as there is twice the competition than in 2017. Several new boats have been launched this season which have quite simply been quick out of the starting blocks, and have definitely kept me racing on the edge.” Commented Phil Sharp, skipper of Imerys Clean Energy. The season kicked-off in April with a solo warm-up the 1000 Milles des Sables, a return race from Les Sables d’Olonne to Gijón, won by Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance et Avenir). The first opportunity for the skippers to test both man and boat single-handed and in race mode since the Transat Bakerly in 2016. The Grand Prix Guyader and the Armen race, both fully crewed, took place in May, followed by the Normandy Channel race, the annual Class40 event, won by the Imerys Clean Energy duo. 5 Class40s lined up for the Volvo Round Ireland Race (victory of Nicolas Troussel – Corum) before joining the important fleet of the Drheam Cup destination Cotentin in which Yoann Richomme (Veedol) took the first place. Joined by Pablo Santurde, Julien Pulvé and Sam Matson, Phil Sharp went on to win the last race of the EUropean Trophy, the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland race, organized mid-August, breaking the previous record by 15 hours. “The European races included two single-handed events making it a tough season so far, but so important for Route du Rhum training and preparation. I am really pleased that we have been able to be consistent racing in different configurations from solo, duo to fully crewed, which means that firstly we have a strong team and secondly that our platform, Imerys Clean Energy is versatile and competitive despite her age. To note also Cédric de Kervenoael'sperformance, 19th of the Trophy ad 1st Vintage.     Rendez-vous on November 4th for the Route du Rhum with 53 Class40s on the starting line. The result of this transat will determine the 2018 Class40 champion.     Ranking of the European Trophy   1.     Phil Sharp (Imerys Clean Energy) – 309 points   2.     Luke Berry (Lamotte – Module Création) – 279 points   3.     Louis Duc (Carac) – 277 points   4.     Loïc Féquet (Tibco) – 251 points   5.     Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance et Avenir) – 243 points. The whole ranking :  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Class40 Key Figures on the Route du Rhum]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 39 Rookies (1st participation in the Route du Rhum) 1 winner of the Route du Rhum (P. Sharp in 2006) 3 Guadeloupeans 3 winners of solo  races in 2018 Skippers from 24 to 62 years old 11 Class40 competitors from 2014 back in 2018 Presence of the 2 winners of the 2017 Transat Jacques Vabre 53 skippers 10 nationalities : Germany, United-Kingdom, France, Japan, United-States, Italy, Sweden, Belgium,  Switzerland, South Africa 3 winners of the Class40 championship 9 Vintage boat 1 winner of the Route du Rhum in the Vintage category 17 architects, 25 designs, 21 yards, 15 sailmakers 3 winners of la Solitaire du Figaro 3 women 12,19m long 19m high Draft 3m Max. weight 4500kg[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Nicolas Troussel (Corum #155) wins the Atlantique Télégramme ! ]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT  The start of this 120 nm race from and to Lorient was given on Friday 21st of September in the evening. Maxime Sorel (V and B #144) and Romain Rossi (Fondation DigestScience #131) gave up but for the others, this race with its various weather conditions was a good training for Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe. On arrival, Nicolas Troussel, winner of the race, confirms that it was a demanding race because he was forced to constantly adapt to the very changeable wind. A course around Groix was planned on Sunday but was finally canceled because of the weather but that has not stopped the most challenging  teams from sailing!   Ranking Nicolas Troussel (Corum #155) Louis Duc (Carac #150) Yoann Richomme (Veedol #154) Luke Berry (Lamotte – Module Création #153) Jonas Gerckens (Volvo #104) Pascal Fravalo (One4Sail #141) William Mathelin Moreaux (Beijaflore #113) JB Daramy (Chocolats Paries – Coriolis Composites #109) Arthur Gascoin (Up Sail and Connect #91) ABD Maxime Sorel (VandB) ABD Romain Rossi (Fondation DigestScience)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The RORC Cherbourg race for Phor-ty (#137) !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT  4 Class40 took the start of the race, Friday 7 september. Phor-ty (Sam Goodchild, Peter Harding and James Tomlinson) won this year after 7 hours  46 minutes and 46 secondes de course. Concise 8 (#129), skipped par Jack Trigger, termine en deuxième position finished second, less than 8 minutes after the winner. Campagne de France (#147), Halvard Mabire and Miranda Merron, completed the podium. Jumpa Lagi (#68) unfortunatelly had to abandon the race.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Victory and new world record for Phil Sharp in the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race and ]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Despite several technical problems and with hard weather conditions, Phil Sharp's Class40 Imerys Clean Energy has taken line honours in the 2018 Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race in an elapsed time of 8 days 4 hours 14 minutes 49 seconds. The team - Phil Sharp, Julien Pulvé, Pablo Santurde and Sam Matson - also smashed the previous record in that race for yachts 40ft or under by 15 hours (subject to ratification). Thanks to this result Imerys Clean Energy reach the top of the 2018 Class40 championship. Jack Trigger, Oliver Mellor, James Dodd and Jamie Diamond, the youngest team, arrive second on Concise 8 (#129), less than 6 hours after the winner and after 8 days 10 hours 39 minutes and 8 seconds. Charles-Louis Mourruau, Gérard Atkins and Loïc Coudret, The lost boys - # 101- complete the podium in 9 days 9 hours 45 minutes and 43 seconds. The first vintage, Fuji #38, skipped by  Ari Kansakoski,  Sakari Kalse, Rosemary Nunn, Jan Paukkunen, Jukka Hyytiä, Perttu Monthan and  Stépahne Bry Davies, arrives in 5th position.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Yoann Richomme (Veedol #154) winner of the Drheam Cup !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT General rehearsal before the Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe, the Drheam Cup destination Cotentin kept its promises : 29 Class40 at the start (and 29 on the finish line), more than 730nm of solo-handed race between La Trinité sur Mer and Cherbourg en Cotentin through the Fastnet and various weather conditions. Left from Quiberon Bay on Monday July 23rd in just 5 knots of wind, the Class40 fleet had to do with the freaks of wind : after 24 hours of calms, the wind gradually increased until almost 30 knots around the Fastnet. Yoann Richomme (Veedol #154) is the first to round the famous irish lighthouse, followed by Phil Sharp (Imerys Clean Energy #130), Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance et Avenir #151), Luke Berry (Lamotte Module Création #153) and Sam Goodchild (All in for the Rhum #137) : only for of the 9 IMOCA still in race rounded before them the Fastnet. This is the same top 5 in Cherbourg. Yoann Richomme is thus the first to cross the finish line after 4 days 2 hours and 7 minutes on his Lift40 launched only one month before ! Phil Sharp on his 2013 Mach40 is second, Luke Berry third. To note, 4 Vintage participated in the race. For his first solo-handed race, Cédric de Kervenoael (Grizzly Barber Shop – Cabinet Z #61) wins, followed by François Lassort (Bijouteries Lassort – Tonton Louis #42), Jacques Valente (Destination Evian #31) and Arthur Gascoin (UP Sail & Connect #91).  General ranking  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[29 Class40 on the starting line of Drheam Cup destination Cotentin]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT It will be the general rehearsal before the Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe as it is the last solo-handed race in our programm. Yesterday, there was a prologue, wom by Sam Goodchild (All in for the Rhum #137). Jack Trigger (Concise 8 #129) and Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance et Avenir) complete the podium. The entry list More information [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[RORC Cowes – Dinard : another victory for Concise 8 (GBR129) !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Once again, Jack Trigger’screw on Concise 8 won after, 1 day and 9 hours . Sensation Class40 (FRA140) and Phorty (GRB137) complete the podium. General ranking : 1.       Concise 8 (GBR 129) – Jack Trigger 1j 9h 46’52 2.       Sensation Class40 (FRA 140) – Marc Lepesqueux 3.       Phorty (GBR 137) – Sam Goodchild 4.       Campagne de France (FRA 147) – M. Merron & H. Mabire 5.       Oman Sail (OMA 148) – Guillaume Le Brec 6.       Fortissimo (GBR 97) – James Close 7.       Up Sailing (FRA 30) – Morgane Ursault Poupon DNF BHB (FRA 152) et Obportus IV (FRA 124)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Concise 8 (#129) wins the Round the Island Race !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT If it was a sunny day, the wind was very light, which made difficult the first section of the route between Cowes and The Needles. Not easy for the records ! Indeed, the record in the Class40 category on this race set in 2013 (Al Bucq #124, 5 hours 38 minutes 14 secondes) is still the record ! Jack Trigger and his crew needed, this year,  9 hours 57 minutes and 58 secondes to tour the island and win ! In the Vintage category, Fortissimo’s crew is the first. General ranking 1.       Concise 8 (GBR129) – Jack Trigger – 9 :57 :58 2.       Phorty (GBR137) – Sam Goodchild – 10 :23 :52 3.       Sensation Extrême (FRA140) – Marc Lepesqueux – 10 :43 :24 4.       *Fortissimo (GBR97) – James Close – 10 :46 :13 5.       Concise 2 (GBR93) – Simon Costain – 11 :03 :37 6.       *Sensation Class40 (FRA26) – 11 :29 :04[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Victory of Corum (#155) on the Volvo Round Ireland Race ! ]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT For the 20e edition of the Volvo Round Ireland Race started on Saturday June 30th, 56 boats lined up and, among them, 5 Class40s. Unfortunately 2 had to give up : Sensation Class40 (#140) and Jumpa Lagi (#68). Nicolas Troussel, Ian Lipinski and Aymeric Belloir on Corum took the lead from the first hours and passed first the marks of the race. Corum is also the Class40 which cover the least number of miles: 863nm for a 704nm theorical route. Hydra #149, second in Wicklow, covered 915nm and Fuji #38, which finish on the third step of the podium and first vintage, 935nm. 2016 record (Michel Kleinjans on Roaring Forty #107 in 3 days 22 hours and 43 minutes) is not broken. RDV in 2020! Nicolas Troussel: "We are happy because we encountered many weather conditions which permit to valid some points. Registering in this race, we wanted to race under difficult sea and wind conditions and that’s we got especially in the west where we had 35 knots upwind" even under automatic pilot on a long tack with the wind on the beam to the Fastnet.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The Route : victory of St Pierre et Miquelon ]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 3 Class40 participated in this race : -          Philippe Paturel, the event organizer, rented for this occasion Oakliff Sailing’s Kiwi40, USA  118. One of his crew was Sylvain Barrielle, his co-skipper on the second leg of the Atlantic Cup ; another crew was a special well-known guest, the race’s sponsor, Titouan Lamazou. -          The Canadian Eric Tabardel made his come back on the Class40’s circuit onboard Bleu, CAN 35. Among his crews, Damien de Pas, race manager of the last transat Québec Saint-Malo. -          The French of Esprit Scout, FRA 81, did there their last race of the season in the West Atkantic side. Onboard for this race, Marc Dubos, Jacques Arnaud Seyrig, Stéphane Bry and Bettina. Marc Dubos: « The first section of the race was really nice, with a great reaching lega long Nova Scotia. Then, the wing changed a little, increased and we had to gib downwind. We tore our 2 spinnakers and had only our Code 5 left. An extraordinary welcome, it’s  awesome ! In addition, the weather is very nice, we are very happy to be there !un Accueil extraordinaire, on ne sait plus où donner de la tête tellement c’est génial. » Eric Tabardel : « It was a really great edition ! The weather pampered ud. After the start, we had perfect conditions, good winds. After that, a very clear night, with the moon, not too cold, windyWe can’t complain, we had perfect conditions ! The boat worked well, we were with the 2 other Class40. It was really fun to race the 3 together… It was really great. » RDV probably in 2020 for a nice event between The Transat, The Atlantic Cup and The Québec Saint-Malo ! More information To see [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Catherine Pourre (Eärendil) Wins the Class40’s 2018 American Trophy !]]> Tue, 03 Jul 2018 00:00:00 GMT The first edition of the Class 40’s American Trophy, rewarding those teams that participate in the North American races on the Class calendar, has been won in convincing fashion by a European team* organized by the French skipper Catherine Pourre on her Manuard designed Mach40.3 Eärendil.  In taking the victory, she beat two American teams including Dragon, an Owen Clarke design skippered by Michael Hennessy and the winner of the 2018 Miami to Havana race, and the Farr designed Privateer, skippered by its new owner Jonathan Green.  The 16 teams participating in the North American circuit of races included 3 Vintage boats and showcased the international nature of the Class40: 7 American boats, 4 French, 1 English, 1 German, 1 Angolan, 1 South African and 1 Swedish. Eärendil was the Class40 winner of the RORC Caribbean 600, setting the record in a 2018 edition where the eight participating Class40s saw particularly high winds and challenging reaching conditions.  BHB, the Verdier designed and St. Malo built Tizh40 skipperd by Louis Burton finished second, and Iskareen, the German flagged PogoS3 skippered by Arnt Bruhns completed the podium. Catherine Pourre and Pietro Luciani also dominated the two offshore legs of the Atlantic Cup (Charleston - New York and New York – Portland Maine), thereby securing the overall victory for this iconic Class40 competition.  This year’s edition saw eleven Class40s spend 15 days racing up the eastern seaboard of the USA, where 500 miles of the Gulf Stream with its 4 to 6 knots of current and counter currents help make this race a notoriously difficult tactical challenge and extraordinary experience.  The Class40 American Trophy The American Trophy was established in 2017 with a corresponding European Trophy, and it found its legs this year with a growing number of American boats participating alongside Europeans who ended up on this side of the Atlantic following the winter transatlantic races.  Well organized events, favorable offshore courses well suited for Class40s and unfailing hospitality made for an intense level of competition  in both the Caribbean and USA. The events in the American Trophy circuit consist of offshore races ranging from 300 to 1000 miles such as the Miami to Havana Race, the RORC Caribbean 600, the Atlantic Cup and next year’s Pineapple Cup from Miami to Jamaica as well as the Bermuda 1-2 with its solo leg from Newport to Bermuda and double handed return.  The circuit also includes two events with an inshore format, the Voiles de St Barth and Grenada Sailing Week. For the Europeans, there are excellent opportunities for the transatlantic return to Europe, with the Bermuda – Hamburg race running this year, the New York Yacht Club organized 2019 Transatlantic Race from Newport to Cowes starting on June 26 in 2019, and then the Quebec Saint Malo race in july 2020. Michael Hennessy, Vice-President of the Class40 « The 2018 race calendar here in North America has really show cased the strengths of the Class40.  New skippers have joined the Class with boats purchased in the robust second hand market, and Vintage boats are competing effectively against the newest designs.   Most notably is the international nature of the Class where we have seen boats flagged from seven different countries racing with teams representing 12 different nationalities racing at the very highest level of the sport.  Catherine earned her victory against a top quality group of competitors, and I tip my chapeau to her. » Catherine Pourre, winner of the 2018 Trophy « I am thrilled with the American 2018 season that followed our 2017 participation in the Transat Jacques Vabre, in as much as it allowed me to compete at a high and consistent level with the international team of Pietro, Pablo, Puro and Benoit. The racing here includes some beautiful challenges (the RORC Caribbean 600 and the Atlantic Cup) and those races make the competition a well deserved pleasure.  Coming from Europe, one can be fooled into having an idylic vision of the racing conditions in North American but conditions for the RORC Caribbean 600 were very challenging this year, and then the Atlantic Cup leg from New York to Portland saw average winds of 25 to 30 knots and a very difficult sea state.  The field-of-play is also larger, with a corresponding navigation challenge.  We also had the chance to compete against an excellent group of sailors whom we rarely get to meet in Europe and it was a real pleasure to see the Americans and Europeans racing alongside each other on these shores.  I hope that the Class40 in America sees the same growth and strength as we see in Europe, since the race courses are fantastic and the ambiance is magical. I intend to return next year and urge the European skippers who are racing in the Route du Rhum to consider including these American races to their schedule.  Our Class motto of « Friendly Class, Fierce Racing » can be found in every way on this side of Atlantic. » * Eärendil’s RORC CARIBBEAN 600 TEAM: Catherine Pourre, Benoit Hochart (FRA), Pablo Santurde del Arco, Carlos Ruygomez (ESP), Pietro Luciani (ITA) * Eärendil’s ATLANTIC CUP TEAM: 1. Offshore Legs : Catherine Pourre (FRA), Pietro Luciani (ITA) 2. In-port series Portland: Catherine Pourre (FRA), Pietro Luciani (ITA), Allison Gray, Sam Fitzgerald, Chris O’Toole (USA), Andres Guerra (ESP) The 2018 American Trophy Rankings 1.       Catherine Pourre (Eärendil #145) 2.       Michael Hennessy (Dragon #54) 3.       Jonathan Green (Privateer #102) [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[5 Class40 on the starting line of the Volvo Round Ireland Yacht race !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The course is simple : « Starting and finshing at Wicklow, leave Ireland and its islands, excluding Rockfall, to startboard.» That is to say a theorical distance of 704nm. The 5 competitors : -          The Finnish Ari Kansakoski, on Fuji #38, first Vintage of the 2017 Class40 championship -          The British Steve Robinson, happy new owner of Jumpa Lagi #68 -          The French Marc Lepesqueux on his Sabrosa Sensation Class40 #140 -          The Norwegian Henrik Bergesen on his Cape 40 Hydra #149 -          And the French Nicolas Troussel, with his recently launched Mach40.3 Corum #155. This will be their first race. Who will succeed Michel Kleinjans, winner in 2016, in 3 days 22 hours 43min ? Answer next week ![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The RORC Morgan Cup for Concise 8 !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT After a great battle in little winds, Concise 8 #129 won. Jack Trigger : « Great finish to the RORC Morgan cup race coming in 1st Class40 and 3rd line honours in some tricky and fickle conditions.. Thanks to Miranda and Halvard on Campagne de France for a great duel, and in particular to Team Concise and Tony Lawson for the continued support keeping Concise 8 fast! » Compagne de France, skipped by Miranda Merron and Halvard Mabire, finished second (and fourth overall), only 15 minutes after the British Class40. The ranking [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Earendil #145 captures the 2018 Atlantic Cup !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT French/Italian team #145 Eärendil, skippered by Catherine Pourre and Pietro Luciani, captured the 2018 Atlantci Cup as they dominated the two offshore legs and held on to a narrow advantage as #128 Toothface II closed the gap with exceptional racing in the inshore series. The Portland-based #127 Amhas, skippered by Micah Davis and Rob Windsor, placed third after a consistent performance throughout the two-week event. Catherine Pourre is the first female to win the race[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Atlantic Cup : Eärendil confirms in Portland ]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT From the Angola Cables Start Line in New York City, the fleet of Class40s battled upwind to round the virtual mark ‘Point Alpha’ off the Nantucket Shoals. Throughout the race to Portland, competitors fought gusts of up to nearly 40 knots and a steep and choppy sea state that brought physical, mental and mechanical challenges. While two boats, First Light and Espirit Scout, retired to take refuge in Newport, Rhode Island, the remaining nine Class40s have made their way around Cape Cod and into the safe harbor of Casco Bay in Portland, Maine.  After rounding Point Alpha, Eärendil leaped ahead, taking the top spot on the podium early Tuesday morning with an official finish time of 03:41:28. Eärendil was followed by Toothface and then Dragon just a few hours later. The 2nd and 3rd place boats had been in an intense match race, often within hailing distance of one another. Following Dragon was Angola Cables, Amhas, Privateer and then Oakcliff Racing. These teams celebrated a safe leg and successful finish on the dock with a bottle of Shipyard Brewing’s finest beers. Talanta and Power of One are expected to arrive early Wednesday morning, in just enough time to recover for Thursday’s Kid’s Day.  Results More information   Source: The Atlantic Cup[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[NCR : Imerys scored twice !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 27 Class40s crossed the starting line of the 9th edition of Normandy Channel Race. This race, usually windy and very sportive, was very different this year, especially in the Irish Sea. Very little wind during the 24 first hours and the fleet was split in several groups from the 2nd day. And those stopped in the Solent will not be able to come and play again with the rest of the fleet. We lived such an incredible battle in the peloton ! Leaders changing several time a day until the end ! A few hours before the finishing line there are only 3 pretenders to victory: Aïna Enfance et Avenir #151 (Aymeric Chappellier – Fabien Delahaye), Carac #150 (Louis Duc – Gwen Riou) and Imerys #130 (Phil Sharp – Julien Pulvé). Because of a lack of wind the Mach40.3 duet allows Carac and Imerys to hold on for the win. They will finish on third position. But until the end, the suspense is growing and finally Phil Sharp, 2017 Class40 champion and winner of the previous edition, crosses first the finish line, only 6 seconds before Carac ! On the vintage side, only 2 boats took the departure. After Bijouteries Lassort – Tonton Louis (François and Thomas Lassort) gave up for technical reasons, Grizzly Barber Shop – Cabinet Z (Cédric de Kervenoael – Robin Marais) won the vintage ranking and arrived 10th overall. This edition, with very little wind, was a very difficult and stressful race. The first needed 6 days to race the 1000nm…..a record of slowness! The ranking More information, photos and videos  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Eärendil, First in New York !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Ranking in NYC: 1.       Earendil (Catherine Pourre/Pietro Luciani) at 17h02’46 in 77h 02min et 46s 2.       Amhas  (Micah Davis/Rob Windsor) 18h42’52 3.       Talanta (Mikael Ryking/ Karl Jungstedt) 4.       First Light (Sam Fitzgerald/Fred Strammer) 03h33’29 5.       ToothFace (Mike Dreese/Tristan Mouligné) 04h06’01 6.       Angola Cables (José G. Caldas / Leonardo Chicourel) 04h27’16 7.       Power of One (Donald Alexander / Paul Peggs) 07h15’27 8.       Privateer (Jonathan Green / Chris Pitts) 9.       Esprit Scout (Kyle Hubley / Liz Shaw) 10.   Dragon (Michael Hennessy / Ashley Perrin) 11.   Oakliff Ocean Racing (Sean O’Halloran / Ethan Johnson)   To see again the lives of the arrivals More information [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[NCR: Ranking at Tuskar]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Ranking at the mark (according to the tracker): 1.       Imerys Clean Energy (P. Sharp/J. Pulvé) ≈ 7h50 2.       Carac (L. Duc/G. Riou) ≈ 8h45 3.       Aïna Enfance et Avenir (A. Chappellier/F. Delahaye) ≈ 8h45 4.       Volvo (J. Gerckens/ F. Duthil) ≈ 9h15 5.       Lamotte – Module Créatio (L. Berry / A. Le Vaillant) ≈ 9h30 6.       V and B (M. Sorel / A. Carpentier) ≈ 9h30 7.       Campagne de France (M. Merron/ H. Mabire) ≈ 12h10 8.       Tales II (L. Féquet/ B. Champannhac) ≈ 12h45 9.       Région Normandie (O. Cardin/ B. Charon) ≈ 14h15 10.       Grizzly Barber Shop / Cabinet Z (C. De Kervenoael / R. Marais) ≈ 14h15 11.       Fondation Digestscience (R. Rossi/ S. Pontu) ≈14h30 12.       Colombre XL (C.L. Mourruau/ G. Atkins) ≈ 17h15 13.       All in for the Rhum (P. Harding / S. Goodchild) ≈ 19h00 14.       Manorga (N. Jossier/ A. Hardy) ≈ 19h15 15.       Oman Sail (G. Le Brec / V. Riou) ≈ 20h00 16.       Concise 8 (J. Trigger / Y. Richomme) ≈ 20h20 17.       Azeo (M. Cauwe / J. Bonnier)  ≈ 20h30 18.       Beijaflore (W. Mathelin-Moreaux / A. François) ≈ 21h20   19.       Gras Savoye Obportus (O. Roussey / P. Burger) ≈ 21h45   20.       Eleclerc Drive (C. Pruvot / A. Kerduel) ≈ 21h55   21.       Bijouteries Lassort Tonton Louis (F. Lassort / T. Lassort) ≈ 22h20   22.       Up Sailing (M. Ursault-Poupon / A. Dhallenne) ≈ 23h30          [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[2 continents, 2 races, 38 Class40 !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Big Weekend for the Class40 : this Saturday, 11 Class40 will line up for the start of the Atlantic Cup, the only race in the United States exclusively for Class40. Tomorrow, 27 other boats will take the start of the 9th edition of the Normandy Channel race. Thus, 38 Clas will race all the week, all double-handed. Registration lists   More information [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[The ArMen race Uship for Oman Sail !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40 fleet was indeed mainly made up of newcomers. The experience of Oman team : Guillaume Le Brec, Vincent Riou and their 3 omani crewmen have made the difference on this 320nm course : # 148 won after 1 day 15 hours and 34 minutes. But only 20 secondes before the second, #101 The Lost Boys (G. Atkins, C-L. Mourruau and P. Luciani) ! G. Le Brec: « It was great, nice race, nice route! Thanks to this regatta we’ve been training 3 omani sailors in our region! Racing against The Lost Boys/Colombre XL was intense but really nice. » Jean-Baptiste Daramy and his team complete the podium. The ranking:[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Serenis Consulting won the Grand Prix Guyader!]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The 15 Class40s engaged were very lucky: 3 days of speed tests and inshore races under the sun. Saturday was a good day for the newcomers in Class40. Lost Boys (#101), recently bought by Charles-Louis Mourruau won the the first coastal course and Volvo (#104) skipped by Jonas Gerckens won the second. Concerning the runs, the lift40 Carac (#150) skipped par Louis Duc was the faster. On Sunday (after really consistent results on Saturday: (2-2-4) Serenis Consulting crossed first the finish line of the inshore race and Luke Berry (Lamotte-Module Création #153) won the speed tests. New coastal on Monday won by Région Normandie (B. Charon / O. Cardin) but finally cancelled after several claims The overall ranking : More information :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Aymeric Chappellier, winner of Les 1000nm des Sables !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT After several changes of route because of a capricious weather, Aymeric Chappellier (Aïna Enfance et Avenir #151) won the race and became the leader of our European Trophy. Sam Goodchild (All in for the Rhum #137) made a great come back in Class40 by finishing second. Phil Sharp (Imerys Clean Energy #130), 2017 Class40 champion, confirms by taking third place. General ranking : More information : [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Class 40 Championship 2018, a massive crowd!]]> Mon, 14 May 2018 00:00:00 GMT Decidedly, 2018 will be the year of superlatives for Class40:a dynamic pre-season with the RORC Caribbean 600 and 1000 milles des Sables, the largest fleets of Class40, making it more difficult to win ... but this year the class has reached its climax in terms of diversity.               Remember 6 races championship Program Massive investments Other ness and Diversity The 2018 Championships There will be something for everyone this season and the best sailor shine on all races that this year offers as it is a tricky format! The Grand Prix Guyader in Douarnenez will open the season in early May by offering great coastal courses sailing the boats fully crewed. Meanwhile, in late May, there will be a contest of two races in dual of the 1,000-mile Normandy Channel Race from Caen and the Atlantic Cup on the east coast of the United States. After a few weeks of rest, in late July the Drheam Cup destination Cotentin a Solo race will take place. Then back to the fully crewed racing in August 1800 nm with the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland race(RBI). Finally, the Route du Rhum Guadeloupe as the destination, solo transatlantic, will close this crazy and very busy season. Class40 fleet Class40 will be massively represented this year: 15 Class40 will participate in the Grand Prix Guyader, 31 will line up for the Normandy Channel Race and on the same weekend, 11 more boats will start in the Atlantic Cup. At 3 months from the start of the Drheam Cup already 26 boats have registered! For the RORC RBI also expected fifteen Class 40s, a first for this summer a difficult test for all. The eventual winner of the Route du Rhum Class 40 will he be proud of his achievement and proud as they will have had to face more than 50 competitors (57 boats are enrolled, including 7 on the waiting list) ... A heterogeneous fleet An incredible mix is found this year in Class 40: more women will be skippering, 12 foreigners are entered in the Route du Rhum (2 Italians, 1 German, four British, one Belgian, three Americans and one Japanese). After more than 10 years of existence, the class has also preserved its DNA because fleet presents the different races this season with the combination of an almost equal combination of professionals and amateurs. As for Vintage, we can also be happy because there will be ten boats on the start line in Saint-Malo, which promises a good battle! Note the return on the Class 40 circuit after many years of absence! It will be a beautiful sight to see the line up alongside the latest 4 that where launched in 2018. See you Friday, May 4 in Douarnenez to launch this summer![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[D – 2 for the 1000 milles des Sables]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Monday April 23rd, th start of the first race of the Class40 European Trophy, the 1000 milles des Sables, will be given.  14 competitors will take the start. The course of the race is qualifying for the Route du Rhum.     The registration list    More information  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Melbourne-Osaka : the start!]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 3 Australian Class40s  lined up yesterday , 26 of March, for the 5000nm double-handed race Melbourne-Osaka. Do not hesitate to follow : - #5 Matrix - #119 Lord Jiminy - #121 Nexba  We hope that next time there will be a Class40 ranking! Rendez-vous mid-April for the arrivals.  More information  Cartography[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A training day for embarked videos]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Sea events is in charge of the video for many races like the Transat Jacques Vabre or the Route du Rhum and is also working for many teams Day programme: -          Explanation of the audiovisual appendices: official document which regulates the production of images , signed by competitors and the race organizer . To note that the videos made by a skipper belong to him but he must allow the organizer to use them for a period of time written in the contract, usually 10 years.  In return, the videos made by the race organization are free of rights for the teams and medias.  -          Technical basis:material (cameras and software), format and sending of videos.  -          Editorial point of view: the 5W(Who, What, Where, When, Why), the importance of a good sound quality,… Detailed minutes of this session are available for the Class’members.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[A Class40 category created on The Route !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT To welcome the Class40, by registering with the race, the organization offers the team: ⇨  media coverage thanks to a video team and broadcasts on France Television's channels ⇨ a special category dedicated to Class40 crewed ⇨ An endowment of 3,000 Euros for the winner, 2,000 Euros for the second and 1,000 Euros for the third plus many other gifts from the inhabitants of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. ⇨ An allocation of 6.000 Euros for the Class40 which will be able to improve the record of the ROUTE HALIFAX SAINT-PIERRE, race of 360 miles. Record owned by the Canadian Derek Hatfield in 2010 with a time of 29h-43mn-56s. ⇨ Since the race usually takes place downwind and reaching, this record seems within the reach of a Class40. ⇨ Free all-inclusive welcome to the Halifax Waterfront Marina in the city center from June 15, 2018 until the start of the race on June 26. ⇨ Free all-inclusive welcome to the marina of Saint-Pierre during the stopover. ⇨ The “parrainage” of your boat by a local family. ⇨ The organization of a transatlantic “reference race” ROUTE SAINT-PIERRE / SAINT-MALO in continuity of the ROUTE HALIFAX SAINT-PIERRE with the retention of each Class40 YB Tracking positioning beacons, a regular media monitoring, a start and a finish line. The aim of this reference transatlantic ROUTE SAINT-PIERRE / SAINT-MALO dedicated to Class40 is to establish a reference time between these two ports. This Class40 reference time will be used as the basis of the record to be beaten by a Class40 at the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2020. Record Class40 which, if it is beaten in 2020, will be endowed with a consequent price by our organization to this occasion.   If the 2018 edition is a success, the organization will propose different races in 2020 to link The Transat, The Atlantic Cup and the Transat Quebec Saint-Malo.   The website Contact [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Eärendil, winner of the RORC Caribbean 600 !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT On the podium, stand by Eärendil (#145), the friends from Saint-Malo on BHB (#152), skipped by Louis Burton, arrived about 3 hours later. The German Arnt Bruhns, new owner of #138 now called Iskareen, finished 3rd for his first race.   Results and Crew lists    Catherine Pourre : " The team did a fantastic job. I didn't know we were going to break the record, but we have two crew from Tales who had the record and said we could do it with the forecast conditions. We had 25 knots almost all the time, with 30 knot gusts. It was very, very wet on deck and inside the boat it was very rough as we were bumping on the waves. When we were upwind I got seasick and it was difficult for me to recover because we had no respite; even reaching was really rough. The RORC Caribbean 600 is part of the American Trophy for the Class40s. It is one of the fiercest and most challenging races for Class40 because of the number of manoeuvres, and this year because of the weather conditions. I hope we will have many more boats next year. There are 58 potential candidates for next year's Route du Rhum."[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[8 Class40 will lined up for the RORC Caribbean 600 !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Registration list Catherine Pourre "We have 8 Class40s competiting. Several of them are new designs. It's going to be very competitive! During 3 days, we're not gonna be sleeping or anything, everybody will be onboard and would be on each and every leg as fast as we can. And I think the other are going to do the same." Mathias Blumencron 'Pure adrenaline! It is one of the reasons to be in this class to go downwind. When you pull up the spinnaker...!" To follow the race  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Miami to Havana, start is today !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Michael Hennessy (#54 Dragon) is returning this year to defend his title. However, i twill be the first time of Jonathan Green in Class40 catégory, as he just bought #102 Privateer. To follow the race More information[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[50 Class40 at the start of the RdR !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT When the registration opened in October 2017, the Notice of race specified a maximum of 40 Class40. After many discussions and a massive rush into the race in our category, Oc Sport, the organizer of the famous transat, announced last week the opening of 10 additionnal places. So, it won't be 40 but 50 Class40 which will line up for the start in St Malo! And we hope more again as about 10 projects are still on the waiting list... More information[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Election of the 2018 Board.]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Class40’s 2017 AGM took place in Rennes on Saturday January 27, 2018. After the meeting the new board was elected. Phillippa Cavanough, Halvard Mabire and Maxime Sorel were re-elected. Bertrand Delesne is joining the executive committee for the first time. The 2018 Board of Directors renewed its confidence in the 2017 Board, re-electing Halvard  Mabire as President for the fourth consecutive year, Catherine Pourre as Treasurer and Jacques Fournier as General Secretary. More information about the committees :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[2018: An eventful season ahead]]> Mon, 15 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT Key points: -          6 races to count for the 2018 Class40 Championship -          New boats in build -          Races all over the world 2018 Championship The class is proud of its Pro-Am mix and the highly eclectic aspirations of its sailors, and the diversity of the races which count towards this year’s Championship aims to provide satisfaction to as many of our sailors as possible, as well as to crown a campaign which will have proven itself all-round at the end of the year after the Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe. The 6 main events which will therefore count are the Grand Prix Guyader, the Atlantic Cup, the Normandy Channel Race, the Drheam Cup destination Cotentin, the Sevenstar Round Britain & Ireland race and the Route du Rhum*. It would seem that the 2018 Championship is going to be hotly contested as the 40 places allocated to Class40s in the legendary solo transatlantic race have been filled, there are already numerous boats on the waiting list, and the race is still 10 months away! Given the keen interest, it is likely that the early season races will also be well-subscribed. 4 boats in build The last new boat in 2017 was the third Tizh40, boat number 152, launched late summer, and skippered by Tom Laperche and Christophe Bachmann. This year, the number of Class40s is set to increase with 4 new boats currently in build: a Cape40 5G for South African Andrew Thomson, an optimised Lift40 for Yoann Richomme, and a Mach40.3 for Luke Berry. As for the second Mach in build, it’s still confidential… Class40s all over the world Even if much of the fleet is based in Europe, busy with the Championship and the European Trophy**, 2018 is an Atlantic Cup year, as is the case in even years. This American race between Charleston, New York and Portland, exclusively open to Class40s, is the main event for the American Trophy*** and follows on from the Miami to Havana Race and the traditional winter races in the Caribbean.   There are also active Class40s in the Pacific region! A number of them are entered in the Melbourne-Osaka race. The second-hand market in 2017 proved to be as dynamic as in previous years (15 boats sold), and there are now 7 Class40s based on the other side of the world! As of today, there are no boats in the Indian Ocean region, but the future Round the World race will provide the opportunity to go and sail there too! *2018 Championship -  Grand Prix Guyader (France –crewed – coeff 1) -  The Atlantic Cup (USA – double-handed – coeff 2) -  Normandy Channel Race (France – double-handed -  coeff 2) -  Drheam Cup destination Cotentin (France – solo -  coeff 2) -  Round Britain & Ireland (Great Britain – crewed -  coeff 2) -  Route du Rhum (France – solo – coeff 4) **European Trophy -          1000 milles des Sables -          Grand Prix Guyader -          Armen race -          Normandy Channel Race -          Round Ireland Race -          Drheam Cup destination Cotentin -          Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race *** American Trophy -          Grenada Sailing Week -          Miami to Havana -          RORC Caribbean 600 -          Les Voiles de St Barth -          The Atlantic Cup -          Newport to Bermuda[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Message in a bottle, a nice story at Christmas season! ]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT While she was having a walk on the beach,  Robbie Dickerson finds a message in a bottle. She starts her research even if the message is not clearly readable. She understands the bottle was thrown into the sea by Gilbert Chollet, in December 2010, during the Route du Rhum race. Thinking first that Gilbert passed away, Robbie contacts the Class to get the address of Mr Chollet’s family. But Gilbert is alive and remembers  that he threw the bottle, at about  600 miles south-west of the Azores, almost halfway of the race. He relates : « I was participating in the 2010 Route du Rhum when I threw that bottle. On the letter, I wrote my address, the name of the race and I asked to be advised, with a postcard,  if the bottle was  found. That happened  7 years ago, and I had forgotten all about this anecdote, even if this Route du Rhum is one of the best adventures of my life. A the end of the summer, many tropical storms brought beach litter in Florida. Robbie Starnes Dickerson found the bottle while she was looking for sea turtles trapped in the debris. I have always lived in Saint Malo and always sailed. Many friends of mine participated in the Route du Rhum and encouraged me to register. At 60 years old, I  was ready to take up this challenge. I chose the Class40 and it is probably the best idea I had. I found in this Class anextraordinary welcome. Everybody, board, skippers, agreed to make time for me. Thank to them, I raced in very good conditions. And the Class40 is still involved as an intermediary between Robbie Starnes Dickerson and myself. It seems that the loop is closed ! I wish a long life to the Class40 and thank you all ! » Robbie, from USA, and Gilbert, from France, are now friends on social networks  and in regular contact. What a nice story at Christmas-time ![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Red (#59), winner of the RORC Transatlantic Race !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Red completed the race in an elapsed time of 15 days 17 hours 25 mins 25 secs to take a hard-earned victory from Berthold and Tobias Brinkmann's MarieJo, which was just under nine hours behind. The Class40 lead had changed hands at least three times during the race, but it was Red with a young but very experienced crew that has been together for many years and raced thousands of miles, that took the Class win. "For three of us this is our second transatlantic race in this boat. It is a great team and we have fun together," commented von Blumencron. "This was a very tactical race. Right from the start we were upwind for almost 500 miles. We did make a big tactical mistake mid-Atlantic when we went south too early to try to cross 'Death Valley' as we called it. MarieJo got 70 miles ahead of us so we had to catch them. Eventually the easterly breeze arrived and the downwind slide began. 48 hours from the finish we had a really squally night with tough racing in 35 knots of wind. In contrast, the last night was so peaceful - a wonderful way to end a great race." Mariejo (#138) skipped by Brthold and Tobias Brinkmann crossed the line about 8 hours later. information source:  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Follow the Class40 in the RORC Transatlantic race !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 2 Class40 are participating in this transat: Red (GER 59) skipped by Mathias Muller von Blumencron and Mariejo (GER 138) co-skipped by Berthold and Tobias Brinkmann. Having set off on November 25, 2017, the 2 boats are only separated by 16nm, at half-way from Grenada!   The tracking[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[2017 Championship : the general ranking is online !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Composed of 5 races, Phil Sharp (Imerys, GBR 130) is the winner of the championship this year, followed by Massimo Juris (Colombre XL, ITA 101) and Maxime Sorel (V and B, FRA 144). To note, Ari Kansakoski’s performance : 10th of the Championship and the skipper of the first Vintage Class40 classified (Fuji, FIN 38). Congratulations to the 43 classified teams and RDV in 2018 ! The Championship ranking 2018 Championship -          Grand Prix Guyader -          The Atlantic Cup -          Normandy Channel Race -          Drheam Cup destination Cotentin -          Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race -          Route du Rhum destination Guadeloupe[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[M. Sorel & A. Carpentier (V and B) winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT After many lead changes and 3 abandonments, the Class40s offered an amazing final ! One hour before the end of the race, it was impossibe to produce a clear picture of who will be the winner because a single mile separated V and B (Maxime Sorel and Antoine Carpentier) and Aïna Enfance & Avenir (Aymeric Chappellier and Arthur Le Vaillant) Finally, the green boat crossed the line first, after 17 days and 10 hours, only 17 minutes before the second, breaking the previous record on this race by 5days ! Fierce racing also between the other boats proving that the « smallest » Class of the Transat Jacques Vabre is really interesting  !   Overall ranking   More information  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[2017 Class40 Championship: Phil Sharp crowned champion]]> Wed, 29 Nov 2017 00:00:00 GMT This well-deserved title is the prize for consistently impressive results, and rewards a true champion who has been on the circuit for many years. Massimo Juris’ Colombre XL and Maxime Sorel’s V and B complete this decidedly international podium. A spectacular end to the season. The races that counted in this year’s Class40 Championship were Trophée Guyader, Normandy Channel Race, Les Sables Horta, Rolex Fastnet Race and the Transat Jacques Vabre.  With a mix of fully-crewed and double-handed events, ranging from short course to long-distance racing, being consistent and versatile were essential for success. From this perspective, the coefficient 4-scoring Transat Jacques Vabre was the highlight of the season. The compact, evenly-matched fleet, the low number of retirements, and the exceptional level of competition, are signs of the maturity of the class.    At the front of the fleet, the battle was fierce and the outcome uncertain to the very end, with no less than 15 changes of leader over the 4350 miles of race track covered in 17 days between Le Havre and Salvador de Bahia. Even though Phil Sharp, racing with Pablo Santurde, were unable to match the pure speed of their immediate competition after the Doldrums, they were unquestionably the main players of this double-handed transatlantic race. The winners V and B (Maxime Sorel, Antoine Carpentier) and runners-up Aïna Enfance et Avenir (Aymeric Chappellier, Arthur Le Vaillant) openly acknowledged the fact at the finish: known for his radical approach to competition and his appetite for windy conditions, Phil Sharp once again set an incredible pace all the way down the North Atlantic and was hard to keep up with. The average speed of the winners (10.4 knots) is close to that of the older generation Imoca boats. Proof of the advances in design in Class40, and proof that these boats can be pushed hard in difficult conditions. From there to aspiring to a major round-the-world race for Class40s is but a small step. Expect 2018 to feature much debate and announcements on this subject.  Phil Sharp : “It really is fantastic to lift the 2017 Class 40 Championship trophy after such an exciting season of diverse and challenging races. We have had some tough competition and it was been far from straightforward! From the inshore racing at Grand Prix Guyader to the ocean marathons of the Les Sables – Horta and Transat Jacques Vabre, we have had some memorable battles for the lead in all five championship events. Such close racing demonstrates the strength of the Class 40 currently as well as the level and quality of the teams.  The Energy Challenge has importantly shown that we can deliver consistent results with top 3 finishes in every championship event. It has also prototyped some cutting edge solar technology to help fulfil our zero emissions objectives, in its aim to accelerate a shift to renewables in marine.  Our success this year is testimony to the dedicated support and technical collaboration of all of our Energy Challenge partners to whom we are very grateful, together with a tireless effort from our shore, technical, and performance team. Everyone involved can be proud of this result! » Phil Sharp - an exceptional season: -          Winner of the  Trophée Guyader (coef 1) -          Winner of the Normandy Channel Race (coef 2) -          2nd place in Les Sables-Horta (coef 3) -          2nd place in the Rolex Fastnet Race (coef1) -          3rd in the Transat Jacques Vabre (coef 4) Class40 Championship 1.      Phil Sharp (Imerys) – 871 pts 2.      Massimo Juris (Colombre XL) – 624 pts 3.      Maxime Sorel (V and B) – 620 pts[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[V and B : New Record for the distance sailed in 24 hours in Class40 !]]> Fri, 10 Nov 2017 00:00:00 GMT   Maxime Sorel  and  Antoine Carpentier are really impressive on the Transat Jacques Vabre ! Following the repair of a 1 meter crack on a watertight bulkhead,  the V and B duet  decided to  fight to come-back at the head of the fleet. And they are successful ! They are now second, 26nm behind the leader  Imerys (Phil Sharp and Pablo Santurde) and they also broke the record of the distance sailed in 24 hours in Class40 ! They indeed  covered the distance of 377,7  nm between Tuesday November 9th at 8h30 (french time) and Friday November 10th (8h30) at the average speed of  15,7 knots. The previous record had been held  by Tales 2, skipped par Gonzalo Botin (and Pablo Santurde !) since July 2016 the 16th. They covered  373.3 nm at the average speed of 15.56 knots during the Quebec Saint Malo Race. This Mach40.3 launched in 2015 proves, with this new record, that the new generation Class40s are very close to the old generation Imocas (2007) regarding the perfomances ![Read more]]]> <![CDATA[V and B : New Record for the distance sailed in 24 hours in Class40 !]]> Fri, 10 Nov 2017 00:00:00 GMT [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Workshop : project Route du Rhum]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT You want to participate in the Route du Rhum but you need advice :Pierre-Yves Lautrou,who used to be a Class40'skipper offers a one-day training session to launch a Route du Rhum project in Class40. Based on his own experience from 2014 (budget, plannind, sponsors,...) this session will take place in Paris on December the 1st.   More information :  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Transat Jacques Vabre, they’re off !]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The start of the TJV has been given this Sunday at 01:30pm in about 20 knots of wind and a heavy sea. Imerys, skipped by Phil Sharp and Pablo Santurde, current leader of the 2017 Class40 championship, crossed the start line in 1st position. The tandem on Teamwork, Bertrand Delesne and Justine Mettraux, was the first at Etretat’s buoy (about 15 nm after the start), the last mark before Salvador ! Carac (Louis Duc and Alexis Loison) and Aïna Enfance et Avenir (Aymeric Chappellier and Arthur Le Vaillant) were there 2nd and 3rd. To follow the race : (Tracker upadted every hour)[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Transat Jacques Vabre : day - 5]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Teams are busy with the myriad final adjustments, briefings, security checks and media interview in a relaxed atmosphere and under the sun.    [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Campagne de France is the 2017 winner of the RORC Championship!]]> Fri, 27 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMT Winner of the RORC Transatlantic Race, the first of the 10 races included in the championship, as well as the Morgan Cup, second in the RORC Caribbean 600, third in the Myth of Malham and also racing in the famous Rolex Fastnet Race in their striking green and blue 40, they have been rewarded for their dedication on the circuit and the number of races they have competed in since the boat was launched in 2016. Alongside them on the podium, are two British Class40s. Phor-ty, skippered by Peter Harding, finished second. The vintage Class40 number 23 Arwen, skippered by Austen Clark completes the podium for 2017. There are 26 boats classified this year on this championship. "I am naturally delighted with the title," said Miranda, an associate RORC member. "The RORC races are incredibly organized, both on land and on sea, and always for a very affordable cost. It's always a great pleasure to participate. These events attract a lot of runners, including our Class40s, and the French are not wrong to be participating in more and more of these event, both in the Channel or the Atlantic. We sailed tremendously this year, with more than 20 000 miles on the clock, most of which was in competition. We are proud to offer this success to our partner, Campagne de France.’’[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[TJV : boats are arriving in Le Havre.]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The boats have to be in  Le Havre on friday at 12pm but 6 Class40s are already in the Paul Vatine basin : VandB #144 (M. Sorel/A. Carprentier), Teamwork #115 (B. Delesne/J. Mettraux), Enel Green Power #55 (A. Fantini/A. Bona), Imerys #130 (P. Sharp/P. Santurde), Aïna Enfance & Avenir #151 (A. Chappellier/A. Le Vaillant) and Esprit Scout #81 (M. DUbos/JA. Seyrig). Gras Savoye Simon Berger Obportus #124 (O. Roussey/P. Burger) is also in Le Havre but in the marina. The 9 others are on their way or just living  their home ports to Le Havre, start port for this famous and classical double handed race between France and Brazil.      [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[2018 Route du Rhum]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Find all details about registration, qualification...   The Notice of Race   More information  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Atlantic Cup 2018]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Notice of Race of the 2018 Atlantic Cup came out. You can find it and a competitors information packet, here: The start of the 6th edition of the only race only for Class40 in the USA will be given on May 26th from Charleston, South Carlina. The first leg will go to New York, the second one to Portland, Maine.   More information  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Region Normandie launches a request for proposals to rent a boat for the 2018 season]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT For the 2018 season the Region Normandie is looking for a boat to rent. Olivier Cardin will be the skipper and the main objective will be the Route du Rhum.   All infomation in the document attached.[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[17 Class40 will line up for the 2017 TJV!]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT This double handed race from Le Havre to Salvador de Bahia has only one buoy at 15nm from the starting line. 17 Class40 already registered and, as usual, the teams will be very international (France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Angola, Sultanate of Oman, Swiss) and mixed as 3 women will participate : Catherine Pourre, Miranda Merron et Justine Mettraux. The press conference was held in Paris on wenesday...The countdown is on! The teams: For more :[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Phil Sharp (Imerys) wins the 2017 European Trophy !]]> Thu, 07 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT With 5 races to count for the Trophy this year, the Mach40 #130 won the first two (Grand Prix Guyader and Normandy Channel Race), did not compete in the Armen Race, and finished second in two other races (second on both legs of the Les Sables-Horta Race and the Rolex Fastnet Race). Having competed in numerous events this season and delivered consistent performances with podium finishes, Phil Sharp amply deserves this victory, which he has won hands down with more than 100 points of margin over the runners-up. Franco-British pair Halvard Mabire and Miranda Merron (Campagne de France) take second place in the ranking for this trophy. Jean Galfione (Serenis Consulting) completes the podium. Also of note is the fine performance by the Finnish team on Fuji (a 2007 Owen Clarke design), finishing 6th and first Vintage boat overall! This trophy truly underscores the international aspect of Class40 – won by a British sailor, German sailor Burkhard Keese in 4th place, the Italian team on Colombre XL in 6th, Oman Sail in 7th and Japanese sailor Horoshi Kitada in 8th place!  Phil Sharp, winner of the 2017 European Trophy "It is really pleasing for the whole team, including our partners, to be rewarded with the European Coastal Trophy. It demonstrates that we have not only achieved some great race results but have also shown real consistency as a result of the dedication and enthusiasm everyone has shown. It is a great boost prior to this year's grand slam, the Transat Jacques Vabre, but there is no underestimating the strong competition we have for this marathon event, and the amount of preparation we still have to do in order to maximise our performance and reliability in our quest for a top result.” Halvard Mabire, Class40 president “The European Trophy highlights the vitality and diversity on offer within the Class40 race programme. While primarily designed for transoceanic racing, Class40s also make for appealing boats for any offshore racing, and are therefore able to attract a wide range of skippers and teams who may not be able to include transatlantic racing in their programme due to other commitments, budget or simply out of choice.  Over the years, we have noted an increase in the number of Class40s competing in relatively short events dedicated exclusively to Class40s in European waters, (NCR, GP Guyader, Les Sables Horta...), as well as in offshore multi-class events, such as RORC races. With the ever-increasing level of competition in Class40, it was time for a trophy for the season’s non-transatlantic races, to reward both performance in and attendance at these European events.  Congratulations to the team on Imerys for their victory in this first edition of the Trophy!”   European Trophy final results Further information *Grand Prix Guyader: Phil Sharp (GBR), Pablo Santurde del Arco (ESP), Robin Marais, Arthur Le Vaillant, Corentin Douguet (FRA) Normandy Channel Race: Phil Sharp (GBR), Pablo Santurde del Arco (ESP) Les Sables-Horta Race: Phil Sharp (GBR), Corentin Douguet, Adrien Hardy (FRA) Rolex Fastnet Race: Phil Sharp (GBR), Pablo Santurde del Arco (ESP), Pietro Luciani (ITA), Robin Marais (FRA)  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[V&B winner of the Rolex Fastnet Race]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT Even if Campagne de France (#147) was the first to round the famous Fastnet Rock on Tuesday August 8th, V and B (#144) is finally the first to cross the finish line in Plymouth after 3 days 3 hours 22 minutes and 27 secondes. Maxime Sorel, Antoine Carpentier, Sam Manuard and Jonas Gerckens gave to this Mach40.3, launched in 2015, her first victory on the Class40 circuit after several podiums. Imerys (#130) is second but still leads the 2017 Class40 Championship. Campagne de France completes le podium. On the Vintage side, only  3 boats participated. Palanad II (#43) is the winner followed by the Finish boat  Fuji (#38) and the British Arwen (#23). General ranking : Order at  Fastnet Rock:  [Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Rolex Fastnet Race: order at Fastnet Rock]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT 1 Campagne de France - Miranda Merron - 19h15 2 Imerys - Phil Sharp - 19h30 3 V and B - Maxime SOREL - 20h00... 4 LMax Région Normandie - Benoit Charon - 20h05 5 Hydra  - Henrik Bergesen - 20h50 6 Oman Sail - Sidney Gavignet - 21h30 7 Roaring Forty 2 - Michel Kleinjans - 22h40 8 Le Cap des Palmes Evernex - Brieuc Maisonneuve - 22h50 9 Carac  - Louis Duc - 23h30 10 Terranga - Emmanuel Hamez - 00h40 11 Talanta- Mikael Ryking - 00h42 12 貴帆 / Kiho - 北田浩 - 01h00 13 Stella Nova - Burkhard Keese - 01h05 14 Eärendil - Catherine Pourre - 01h10 15 Palanad 2 - Antoine Magré - 01h11 16 Partouche - Christophe Coatnoan - 02h00 17 Obportus IV - Olivier Roussey - 02h10 18 Gustave Roussy - Sylvain Pontu - 04h05 19 Fortissimo - James Close - 04h35 20 AZEO - Max Cauwe - 04h40 21 Fuji- Ari Känsäkoski - 05h35 22 Sensation Class 40 - Marc Lepesqueux - 06h50 23 Arwen - Austen Clark - 07h20 24 Esprit scout - Marc Dubos - 7h25[Read more]]]> <![CDATA[Imerys (Phil Sharp), leading the 2017 Class40 championship at mid-season!]]> Tue, 08 Aug 2017 00:00:00 GMT Headlines : -            Highly-international participation -            6 coefficients out of 11 already allocated -            A successful pre-season -            The most represented class in the Rolex Fastnet Race and the Transat Jacques Vabre -            A round-the-world tour in 2019? The Class40 slogan Friendly Class-Fierce racing has been highly appropriate so far this year: an increasing sporting level; strong competition between each generation of boats and most notably in the Vintage class; new Class40 launched; and everything in a friendly atmosphere to the delight of new entrants. At mid-season, the Class40 championship so far The Grand Prix Guyader wa