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Rolex Fastnet Race : extraordinary success !

The popularity of this race is not to be demonstrated. 300 registrations available since Tuesday, 9 January 2013, were rounded up in 24 hours.

Class members, do not panic! It's still possible to register and participate in the eighth edition of the Rolex Fastnet Race.

This year the organizers have not set a limit on the number of entries for the Class40 and Class Imoca!

Quick reminder of this promotional race of our calendar:

2013 edition,

-          Organizer : RORC

-          Dates : 11 - 17 August

-          Course : Île de Wight (Cowes) / Fastnet / Plymouth

-          Format : 608 milles (Crewed)

-          Class40 engaged in the previous edition: 20 (Results here)

-          All information & registration: HERE



Back to the 2011 edition: (From the Class40 Guide 2012 P14)




The line-up featured 20 crews, representing 9 nations, and a mixed fl eet of newly designed boats, as well as Class40 classics, sailed by both experienced crews and amateurs. The Rolex Fastnet Race was the most popular competition in 2011. In addition to the French, including female skipper Catherine Pourre, who recently won the Grand Prix Guyader aboard her Tyker 40 Evolution, the ex-Destination Dunkerque, competitors also included Americans Michael Hennessy and Joe Harris, British such as the formidable Ned Collier-Wakefi eld, Italians, Swiss, Germans, Belgians, Norwegians, Dutch, exceptional line-up indeed.




Tanguy de Lamotte and his crew won the race after 86 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds of sailing. It was tense at the finish line, as they crossed only 2 minutes ahead of Peraspera. It was a very competitive race, and Initiatives-Alex Olivier's skipper and crew members, Tanguy Leglatin, David Sineau and Thomas Gavériaux, fought until the end. Tanguy celebrated a double whammy this season after having already won the Normandy Channel Race in May, as well as winning the Rolex Fastnet Race for the second time, his fi rst time being in 2009. The race started to windward, as they sailed along the British coast, then backed, giving them mostly downwind towards Fastnet. During the fi nal leg, the wind gradually eased off and the race ended closely in light airs.


Comment from the winner. Tanguy de Lamotte:


« We were ahead for a very long time, but were overtaken by Peraspera 2 miles from the fi nish line. With 0.5 mile to go, we were 4th. It was a crazy race. We were successful, but we did everything that was needed to win. It was a memorable fi nish. Two years ago, we knew that victory was coming; this time however, the last few minutes were very uncertain. There were 5 boats, within less than 7 minutes from the fi nish line. It was incredible! It's the fi rst time that I've seen that in Class40. It's the second consecutive time this year that there has been such a close fl eet, it's really interesting. The race was also very international. The level was very high. Everyone sailed very well ».



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