Class40 selection
  • 1
    Vogue avec un Crohn (195)
    Vogue avec un Crohn (195)
    PL. Attwell
  • 2
    Legallais (199)
    Legallais (199)
    F. Delahaye
  • 3
    Everial (177)
    Everial (177)
    E. Le Draoulec
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If you’ve enjoyed the CIC NORMANDY CHANNEL RACE, you’re going to love the CIC MED CHANNEL RACE! Based on the concept of the famous Norman event, SIRIUS EVENEMENTS is partnering with the Class40 to create its Mediterranean equivalent. The ...

Interview with Fabien Delahaye: Member of the Vendée Globe Race Direction and Class40 skipper

What are the main missions as a member of the Race Directorate (DC) of the Vendée Globe ? We are a team of five people in the Race Management. Hubert Lemonnier, the race director, contacted me to join the team and I quickly gave my agreement....

The season's winners revealed : Pierre-Louis Attwell, Burke-Fink, Mayaud-Bellangé and Mikael Mergui, what the winners have to say!

THE CHAMPIONSHIP  Pierre-Louis Attwell (Vogue avec un Crohn) : "the chance to do a great job" "I was super happy to learn that I had won the championship and I am so very proud. It really rewards my drive and aspirations. I did everyt...

M. Sericano (Lucente), winner of the Rolex Middle Sea Race

This Wednesday, October 23, Matteo Sericano, Luca Rosetti and Kito de Pavant won the 45th edition of the Rolex Middle Sea Race after 4 days 11 hours and 29 minutes.They beat the crew of Centrakor (Mikael Mergui) and Crosscall (Aurélien Ducroz)...

45th Rolex Middle Sea Race

606 miles to cover in the heart of the Mediterranean in the form of a loop around Sicily, via the Strait of Messina, the Stromboli volcano, the Egades islands, Pantelleria and Lampedusa. “The route is magnificent and there should be some great ...

Class40 gets a facelift with a new logo!

A more modern design, vibrant colors and a visual identity that adapts to all situations: Class40 has a new logo to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Jean-Baptiste Épron, designer: “Class40 is constantly evolving, as are its boats, which ...

End of the First Edition of the MedMax Occitanie Saïdia Resorts

Copyright : Robin Christol
The first edition of the MedMax Occitanie Saïdia Resorts came to a close yesterday, having lived up to its promise of offering a thrilling competition in the Mediterranean. This new race, which brought together 16 Class40s, captivated sailing en...

Med Max : Victory for Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé on Amarris

© Med Max Occitanie Saïdia resorts / Robin Christol
On Thursday 4th October, Achille Nebout and Gildas Mahé (Amarris) crossed the finish line of the MED MAX I Saïdia Resorts in the rising sun. After 4 days 19 hours 22'7 , the pair from Montpellier and Brest inaugurated the podium in this f...

Med Max : A cheering start

© Med Max Occitanie Saïdia resorts / Robin Christol
As the boats left the harbor, the atmosphere was reminiscent of the great ocean races, with cheers and applause for each boat that cast off: it was a celebration of sailors and landlubbers on this sunny Sunday in Grau du Roi Port-Camargue, a warm far...

MED MAX village opens : spectacular speed runs take us to Saïdia

Copyright : Robin Christol
The MED MAX village officially opened its doors, welcoming sailing enthusiasts and the curious. This first edition of the MED MAX got off to an energetic start with the speed runs, a real warm-up for the skippers. Yesterday, Mikael Mergui and Coren...

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