Class40 selection
  • 1
    Vogue avec un Crohn (FRA 195)
    Vogue avec un Crohn (FRA 195)
    PL. Attwell
  • 2
    F. Delahaye
  • 3
    Everial (FRA 177)
    Everial (FRA 177)
    E. Le Draoulec
Next races


renewed confidence in the Executive Board

The Annual General Meeting took place Saturday 30th January 2016 in Caen.


At the conclusion of the meeting, the 3 outgoing members (François Angoulvant, Michael Hennessy et Brieuc Maisonneuve) have been reelected.


The 2016 Board of Directors renewed its confidence in the 2015 Board, re-electing Halvard  Mabire as President for a second  year, Catherine Pourre as Treasurer and Jacques Fournier as General Secretary.

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