Class40 selection
  • 1
    Vogue avec un Crohn (195)
    Vogue avec un Crohn (195)
    PL. Attwell
  • 2
    Legallais (199)
    Legallais (199)
    F. Delahaye
  • 3
    Everial (177)
    Everial (177)
    E. Le Draoulec
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Victory of Phorty (#137) on the RORC Myth of Malham Race !

6 Class40 participated in this race of 230 nautical milles (Cowes - Eddystone - Cowes), which started on May 27th.

© Paul Wyeth
© Paul Wyeth

The British team (Peter Harding / Pip Hare) of Phorty wins after 1 day 16 hours 15 minutes and 38 secondes.


Light airs and strong current make the finish very difficult for the pursuers.

Finally, Hydra #149, for her first race,crossed the finishing line in second place several hours later (2d 1h 2m 27s).

Campagne de France (Halvard Mabire / Miranda Merron) reached the third step of the podium (2j 1h 8m 6s).


Unfortunately, the 3 others Class40 didn't finished the race.

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