3rd race of the European Trophy, the 2018 ArMen race was very intense : only 5 Class40s among 9 crossed the finish line!
The Class40 fleet was indeed mainly made up of newcomers. The experience of Oman team : Guillaume Le Brec, Vincent Riou and their 3 omani crewmen have made the difference on this 320nm course : # 148 won after 1 day 15 hours and 34 minutes.
But only 20 secondes before the second, #101 The Lost Boys (G. Atkins, C-L. Mourruau and P. Luciani) ! G. Le Brec: « It was great, nice race, nice route! Thanks to this regatta we’ve been training 3 omani sailors in our region! Racing against The Lost Boys/Colombre XL was intense but really nice. »
Jean-Baptiste Daramy and his team complete the podium.
The ranking: https://www.class40.com/fr/courses/174-armen-race-uship.htm