Class40 selection
  • 1
    Vogue avec un Crohn (195)
    Vogue avec un Crohn (195)
    PL. Attwell
  • 2
    Legallais (199)
    Legallais (199)
    F. Delahaye
  • 3
    Everial (177)
    Everial (177)
    E. Le Draoulec
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Les Sables-Horta : start on sunday

They will be 13, this year, to take the start of the 7th edition of Les Sables-Horta, double-handed race in two legs.

Sables Horta 2019 / Breschi
Sables Horta 2019 / Breschi

After a parade this Friday afternoon and the traditionnal briefing Saturday afternoon, the start will be given on Sunday June 30th in Les Sables d’Olonne Baya t 01 :02 pm.

The program mis a leg of almost 1200nm from Les Sables d’Olonne to Horta, Azores.

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