Class40 selection
  • 1
    Vogue avec un Crohn (195)
    Vogue avec un Crohn (195)
    PL. Attwell
  • 2
    Legallais (199)
    Legallais (199)
    F. Delahaye
  • 3
    Everial (177)
    Everial (177)
    E. Le Draoulec
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Eärendil winner of the 2019 RORC Championship.


Definitively, 2019 is a great year for Eärendil : After having won the American Trophy, the European Trophy and also the 2019 Class40 Championship, they’ve been crowned by the RORC winning the Concise Trophy for Class40.

A faultless performance for the # 145 Franco-Italian duo, winner of 4 races among the 5 they took part : the RORC Transat, the Caribbean 600, the Cervantes Trophy and De Guingamps bowl.

They also signed a very nice 3rd place on the Rolex Fastnet Race.

This 2019 Grand Slam shows the consistency and commitment of the 2 co-skippers since 2018 !

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