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BHB, winner of the RORC Caribbean 600

©Tim Wright / Photoaction
©Tim Wright / Photoaction

For its third participation in this event, BHB #152 wins! After 3 days, 15 hours and 25 minutes of racing, Thibault Hector, Arthur Hubert and Clément Commagnac crossed the line in first place but only 27 short minutes ahead of UP Sailing #30, the 2007 Rogers design, led by Morgane Ursault-Poupon, Rémi Lhotellier and Louis Duc. Iskareen #138, skippered by the Bruhns brothers, completes the podium.

Clément Commagnac's first reaction from Antigua: "We had a really nice race. In light wind, the boat was not to our advantage. We fought like dogs with Thibault Hector and Arthur Hubert, so as not to lose too much ground in these conditions. But when the wind came, we were able to take advantage of this superb n°152. The race was incredibly tactical, with a lot of windless zones but a lot of islands to round. Honestly, we won the race on our perseverance, we're totally exhausted, but super happy. And then we didn't lose the race thanks to Arthur who, after Guadeloupe, dove in at night, with a knife between his teeth, to remove a locker from our keel!"

“Our boat is designed for really strong wind, so it was a bit tricky for us, but we really enjoyed the race - fighting with other boats,” commented Arthur Hubert. “BHB is really powerful reaching but we knew UP Sailing would be faster in the light. So the overall strategy was to keep close to them in the light and attack when the wind was stronger. Up Sailing is also from St. Malo so we are friends but there was no talking between us when we were racing. This race is really good for getting data to develop the boat because we sail at many wind angles and wind speeds. BHB has come second twice, so to win was very satisfying.”

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