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La Corsica Med for HBF Reforest'action

© Yohann Brandt
© Yohann Brandt

Two legs, two atmospheres. The Corsica Med ended this Saturday at the CNTL-Marseille for the forty competitors involved in the second edition. The fleet restarted the race in Macinaggio on Friday at 11am for the second part. The start was tough as expected, with a very wet low-pressure system generating strong north-easterly winds of around 30 knots, pushing the competitors at high speeds to the islands of Hyères, where the compulsory passage point became the finish line for the IRC Solo, Duo and OSIRIS crews. For the Class40s, who made it as far as the harbor of Marseille, they had to deal once again with light airs, and even white calms, in an interminable finish.

After a 25-knot reaching leg between the north of Corsica and Cap d'Armes, Kito de Pavant and Pietro Luciani on HBF Reforest'Action fought their final battle at very low speed for more than 4 hours from the Calanques to the finish line. In the end, they recorded a gap of more than 6 hours over the Class40 Prendre la Mer, Agir sur la Forêt of Mathieu Claveau and Edwin Thibon.

Kito de Pavant, skipper of HBF Reforest'Action, winner in Class40:
"The first leg was long and difficult, with a lot of ups and downs, and we were happy to stop and enjoy Macinaggio, even if the weather wasn't exactly what we would have liked, and to be able to set off again on a real leg with wind to be able to test our boats in the breeze. This is a first year for the Mediterranean Class40 trophy and I'm pretty sure there will be more people next year. I have done both editions of the Corsica Med, and I would like to say that we are very well received, both at the CNTL and in Macinaggio, as usual! The regatta is both very professional in its organization and very friendly on land, which are the two keys to making it work."

General ranking
1 HBF Reforest'Action (#142)
2 Prendre la Mer, Agir pour la Forêt (#89)
3 fullsave (#148)

source : CNTL

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