42 boats are registered including 14 Class40's boats.
As usual, it is a motley fleet, mixing old generation boats (Groupe Setin or Carac Advanced Energies) and new born (V&B and Eärendil).
Among 28 skippers :
- 7 participated in the 2013 Transat Jacques Vabre : Louis Duc, Catherine Pourre, Pierre Brasseur, Sam Manuard, Yannick Bestaven, Victorien Erussard et Thibaut Vauchel-Camus.
- 4 are women : Catherine Pourre (Eärendil), Juliette Pêtrès (Club 103) and Concise 2's team , Phillippa Hutton-Squire et Pip Hare.
- 3 of them participate in their first Class40's race : Corentin Horeau (Bretagne Crédit Mutuel Espoir), Gildas Mahé (Team Concise) and Arthur Hubert (Espoir compétition SNBSM).
- 7 are foreigners : Zetra 's brazilian crew (Eduardo Penido and Renato Araujo), 2 are from Switzerland (Nils Palmieri on TeamWork and Alan Roura on Club 103) and 3 are British (Phillippa and Pip on Concise 2 and Jack Bouttell on Team Concise).
- 3 winners of pre-season offshore races : Le Conservateur (Yannick Bestaven and Pierre Brasseur, winner of the Sables-Horta), Solidaires en Peloton ARSEP (Thibaut Vauchel Camus and Victorien Erussard, winner of the Record SNSM) and Bretagne Crédit Mutuel Elite (Nicolas Troussel, winner of the Normandy Channel Race).
- 4 boats involved in a cause : CRENO Moustache solidaire (Thibaut Hector and Morgan Launay) / fondation Movember , Solidaires en Peloton ARSEP / Multiple Sclerosis, V&B (Maxime Sorel et Sam Manuard) / cystic fibrosis and Teamwork (Bertrand Delesne and Nils Palmieri) / lysosomal diseases).